Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 21 The audition begins, the director's shock

Chapter 21 The audition begins, the director's shock
The assistant nodded upon hearing the sound, hurriedly ran to invite him out, and called Gu Chenfeng in.

Gu Chenfeng walked in and greeted the auditioners, "Hello teachers, I'm Gu Chenfeng, and I'm auditioning for the role of Paul."

Liu Feng looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "It says in the documents that you have been a secondary player in Hengdian for five years?"

"Yes!" Gu Chenfeng nodded.

This is his experience after coming to this world, and there is nothing shameful about it.

Zhuo Le asked, "You also composed that song "The Hill"?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded again.

This made the great director Zhuo Le a little interested, and said: "Next, I will give you a scene, and you will act out this part. You only have 5 minutes to prepare. Is there any problem?"

"No problem!" Gu Chenfeng said confidently.

Zhuo Le nodded to his assistant, and the latter understood, and quickly handed a card to Gu Chenfeng.

It says the content of the audition.

It is the part where Paul wakes up and finds himself trapped in a coffin.

Although there is nothing fancy in this scene, it is definitely not an easy task to perform well.

When a person just wakes up and suddenly appears in a small and dark place, everyone will have fear and fear. How to interpret this fear and fear is a test of the actor's skills.

Moreover, there is exploration after overcoming fear, and fear again after understanding the truth. It can be said that the difficulty of this section can be called hell level.

Soon, 5 minutes passed.

Zhuo Le looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Okay!" Gu Chenfeng nodded.

Zhuo Le raised his hand, made an inviting gesture, and said, "Please start your performance."

Hearing the sound, Gu Chenfeng lay directly on the ground, closed his eyes, and the aura of his body changed immediately, giving people a feeling of extreme weakness.

Seeing this, Zhuo Le nodded slightly, affirming Gu Chenfeng's acting skills.

Soon, he was shocked by Gu Chenfeng's performance.

Because when Gu Chenfeng opened his eyes again, he completely changed. He was no longer the original Gu Chenfeng, but Paul in the script.

Gu Chenfeng seemed to be really trapped in a narrow and dark coffin, every breath was different, every detail was controlled very well, his pupils dilated, and he groped for something with fear on his face.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng's whole body was full of drama.

Every movement is smooth and flowing, and every expression expresses true feelings, which makes people look very contagious.

This shows that Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are not rigid, nor does he act for the sake of acting.

Zhuo Le was shocked.

Liu Feng was shocked.

Although he is only a producer, he has also invested in a lot of movies, so his vision is naturally not bad.

Gu Chenfeng's performance is enough to prove that his acting skills are terrific, even his eyes are a joke.

Zhang Qingqing, who watched through the transparent glass, was also shocked by Gu Chenfeng's performance at this time.

It turned out that what Director Zhu Bing said was true. Gu Chenfeng was born to be an actor, but he was overwhelmed before.

To say that the person who shocked the most and touched the deepest is naturally the great director Zhuo Le.

Watching Gu Chenfeng's performance, his heart was burning, and he really wanted to shout: "This is the Paul I'm looking for." '

Because, Gu Chenfeng's performance is so good, it is almost the same as Paul in Zhuo Le's mind.

Gu Chenfeng, who was performing at this time, had finished groping, and when he realized that he was in a coffin, he showed his second fear, despair.

At this time, Zhuo Le and Liu Feng almost couldn't help shouting.


It was so wonderful.

Although they finally restrained their inner excitement, the trembling of their limbs still betrayed their hearts.

This scene is actually not long, only 5 minutes.

But now, the time has come, director Zhuo Le didn't stop, neither did producer Liu Feng.

It's not that they didn't shout on purpose, but they were completely immersed in Gu Chenfeng's performance and forgot about it.

Seeing this, Gu Chenfeng was speechless for a while, but he didn't stop his interpretation, but continued to act out the trend in the script.

Fortunately, I have memorized the script by heart, so I can continue acting no matter which part it is.

When Zhuo Le realized it, he found that Gu Chenfeng had actually continued to act according to the script, and he was even more shocked.

This person is already familiar with the script!
Being so well prepared is enough to explain his attitude towards acting.

Such Gu Chenfeng, no matter which director would like it very much, Zhuo Le is no exception.

"Ka, Gu Chenfeng, it's done." Zhuo Le shouted to Gu Chenfeng with a satisfied smile on his face.

Hearing 'click', Gu Chenfeng played in a second, and his temperament changed again.

One second into the play, one second out of the play, this operation is simply amazing!
Zhuo Le was shocked by Gu Chenfeng again, looked at him with burning eyes, and asked, "Gu Chenfeng, have you really been playing tricks for the past five years?"

"No!" Gu Chenfeng shook his head, and continued: "My daughter fell ill and was hospitalized halfway through, and I went to the hospital to take care of her, so I didn't go to Hengdian during that time."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhuo Le asked again: "Then have you ever studied acting professionally?"

"No!" Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said, "But because I love acting, whenever I have time, I will practice in front of the mirror at home. Although it is a bit silly, the stupid bird flies first!"

Zhuo Le was shocked again.

A person who is talented and willing to work hard has not been discovered before?

Shocked, Zhuo Le asked again: "Just now you obviously finished the audition content we gave you, why didn't you stop?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "The director didn't even call to stop, how can I stop?"

Zhuo Le trembled all over.

Obviously he was touched by Gu Chenfeng's words.

This is real cast!
How can it be like other stars, especially those traffic stars, who need digital lines to shoot a scene, and they will yell to go to the hospital if they scratch their skin, how hypocritical it is to mention it individually.

It's simply that people are more popular than others, and they have to throw away when they compare goods!
Zhuo Le took a deep breath and said, "Okay, your audition is over. As for the result, we will notify your agent when the time comes."

Gu Chenfeng nodded, then bowed slightly to the audition teacher, and left.

After hearing the sound of closing the door, Zhuo Le couldn't help looking at Liu Feng next to him, and said excitedly: "Mr. Liu, I think Paul is the one to choose. Do you have any objection?"

At this time, Liu Feng also had a smile on his face, and said: "Of course I have no objection, this Gu Chenfeng is really a rare talent!"

"Acting online, what's even more rare is his phrase 'the director didn't even call to stop, how can I stop?' I don't know how many celebrities have been slapped in the face by his words?"

Zhuo Le nodded heavily, for Gu Chenfeng, he was satisfied and couldn't be more satisfied.

Fortunately, I didn't agree with Tianmang Entertainment to choose the leading role, otherwise, how could I meet such a good actor...

Zhang Qingqing seems to be entertaining in Tianmang, could it be...
(End of this chapter)

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