Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 22 Buried Alive, Can the Director Retake Part 1?

Chapter 22 Buried Alive, Can the Director Remake One?

Soon Zhuo Le realized that this Gu Chenfeng was the person Tianmang Entertainment wanted to appoint by default.

It's just that he didn't expect that a guy who had been playing tricks for five years would be so good at acting.

But that's fine.

This can at least avoid some unnecessary troubles.

The assistant next to him was a little dumbfounded when he heard the chat between the two uncles, and asked weakly: "Well, Director Zhuo, Mr. Liu, do you want to continue the next audition?"

"Of course, call the next one!" Zhuo Le said happily with a smile on his face.

The assistant nodded and walked out of the audition room to call for the next one.

Gu Chenfeng on the other side walked out of the audition room, and his assistant Wu Xiaoxiao immediately surrounded him and asked, "Mr. Gu, how was the audition? Did you pass?"

Gu Chenfeng showed a mysterious smile and did not speak.

This made the young Wu Xiaoxiao very depressed.

Did it pass or not?
What does give me a smile mean?
As Zhang Qingqing, the trump manager, when she saw the smile on Gu Chenfeng's face, she knew that the matter was almost settled.

After the group got into the car, Wu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it anymore, so she asked again: "Mr. Gu, have you passed the audition result?"

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Director Zhuo asked me to go back and wait for the notification, but judging by his expression, I think I should have won this role."

What a joke, I have memorized the script by heart, and with the blessing of A-level acting skills, if I can't pass it, I might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill me.

When Wu Xiaoxiao heard this, a bright smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Hehe, I knew Teacher Gu would definitely pass."

Gu Chenfeng smiled, but did not speak.

At this time, Zhang Qingqing said, "It still depends on Director Zhuo's notice, and even if you pass Director Zhuo's audition, Chenfeng, you can't be proud, because getting the role is just the beginning."

"If you let someone down during filming, there's a good chance you'll be replaced."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Sister Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely not be proud."

Zhang Qingqing nodded, choosing to believe Gu Chenfeng's words.

After all, if you can be a person who has been a role model for five years and still does not forget your original intention, you will naturally not be proud.

At the same time, Zhang Qingqing also believes that Gu Chenfeng understands what this opportunity means to Gu Chenfeng.


That night, Zhang Qingqing received a message from Director Zhuo, saying that Gu Chenfeng had taken the number one male lead.

However, Zhuo Le did not complain that Zhang Qingqing asked Gu Chenfeng to participate in the interview without his knowledge.

Although Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are good, the nature of successfully auditioning based on his ability is different from getting a role through the back door.

Gu Chenfeng was not surprised when he heard the result.

Zhang Qingqing was not surprised either. She reported to Liu Kuang and found that Liu Kuang was not surprised either.

After all, this script was produced by Gu Chenfeng.

The next step is to go through the normal signing process of artists and crews, all of which are done by Zhang Qingqing.

Therefore, while waiting for the official start of filming, Gu Chenfeng has been living in seclusion.

Apart from taking Tangtang to enroll in a nearby kindergarten when Tangtang starts school, and occasionally going back to her small restaurant, she basically stays at the company, studies scripts from time to time, and occasionally takes physical classes.

Soon, half a month passed.

September tenth.

Today is a very special day for Gu Chenfeng.

Because "Buried Alive" is officially launched today, it means that Gu Chenfeng has been in this world for more than five years, and it is the first work in the true sense.

Gu Chenfeng attaches great importance to this and absolutely does not allow himself to mess up.

Perhaps because of the influence of the overseas film market, Zhuo Le did not hold a launch conference for "Buried Alive", and started filming directly in a low-key manner.

The movie "Buried Alive" is mainly about how the protagonist Paul escaped from birth in the coffin, so most of the scenes are on Gu Chenfeng.

Therefore, it is very simple to prepare, just a coffin and some costume props.

Of course, due to the particularity of this film, Gu Chenfeng's makeup was dirty and embarrassing, but he didn't feel disgusted, because when he was a member of the group, he had put on even more disgusting outfits than this.

And, that's what an actor should do.

Soon, everything will be ready.

The first scene is about to start shooting.

This shot is mainly to shoot the hero who wakes up and finds himself in a coffin, full of fear, bewilderment, and despair.

It is a test of the actor's control of breath and expression of facial expressions and emotions.

is it hard?

Quite difficult!
As the chief director of this film, Zhuo Le, was already prepared to NG more than a dozen times in the first scene.

However, when the camera started to shoot, Gu Chenfeng's performance shocked him.

The moment "Action!" sounded, Gu Chenfeng's aura changed, and he became a little weak, as if he hadn't eaten for many days, and he felt a little detached.

This is exactly the kind of effect that Zhuo Le wanted.

As a director who returned from studying abroad, he has participated in the shooting of many blockbuster films, and has also seen the acting skills of those international superstars in Hollywood.

Because of this, he was even more shocked when he saw Gu Chenfeng's performance.

Play in a second!
This is something only a very small number of top movie kings can achieve, but the group performer in front of him who has been a secondary performer for five years has actually done it.

Simply incredible.

Gu Chenfeng's performance, whether it is the control of emotions, the details of breathing, or even the control of expressions, is quite perfect, as if he has experienced this incident himself.


After Zhuo Le glanced at the picture on the monitor, he picked up the loudspeaker and shouted.

Then he said excitedly: "This is over, Gu Chenfeng, your acting skills are really amazing, the scene just now was perfect."

"You are simply a born actor!"

From Zhuo Le's saliva-filled words, it can be seen that he is really happy at the moment.

Gu Chenfeng got up from the coffin when he heard the sound, then walked to the monitor and watched his performance just now.

However, just looking at it for the first time, he frowned slightly.

There is a problem with this set of lenses.

So he said to Zhuo Le: "Director Zhuo, can you retake this one just now? Because I think some details have not been handled well!"

Zhuo Le looked at the monitor, and said with astonishment: "The details are not handled well? But I feel pretty good, there is no problem!"

The assistant director on the side also leaned in front of the monitor to check, but found no problems, and stared at the new actor in front of him with wide eyes.

I'll go, this guy can't be a stunned young man!

The director said that there is no problem, so do you want to make another one?
Is it true that the film does not cost money?

The surrounding staff also complained quite a bit, after all, if they retake it again, they have to remake up, adjust the camera position and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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