Chapter 23 Extreme Dedication, Horror Acting Skills

Gu Chenfeng didn't care about the comments of the people around him. This is his first work in this world, and he must not have any regrets.

So he raised his finger and pointed to the screen shot just now on the monitor and said, "Director Zhuo, look into my eyes."

"Eyes?" Zhuo Le was taken aback for a moment, then said subconsciously: "Your eyes are big, bright, and piercing..."

"Wait... I seem to understand."

"Chenfeng, are you saying that the state of your eyes does not match the character?"

"That's right, after all, after going through the flames of war and being in a dark coffin, it's impossible for the eyes to be in such a good state."

"Yes!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said, "So I want to retake the shot just now, okay?"

"Okay! Then shoot again!" Zhuo Le nodded in agreement.

Now that everyone has understood the key point, as a director, how can he disagree with the reshoot?
After Zhuo Le agreed to retake the shot, Gu Chenfeng brought over a bottle of mineral water, poured it directly on the eyeballs, and rinsed them with his eyes open.

Immediately, Gu Chenfeng's eyes turned red due to the excessive water intake, and many bloodshots appeared on the white eyeballs, which looked a little scary.

After doing all this, Gu Chenfeng said to Zhuo Le who was full of shock and kept his mouth open: "Director Zhuo, I'm ready and I can start filming."

After finishing speaking, he returned to the coffin and began to prepare.

His series of actions shocked the staff who were still complaining.

No one expected that the new actor Gu Chenfeng would be so dedicated.

You must know that getting water in your eyes is a very painful thing, but Gu Chenfeng poured mineral water into his eyes without hesitation in order to get better results.

Such a dedicated actor is definitely worthy of respect.

The first scene, the second will soon resume filming.

Of course, Zhuo Le was very pleasantly surprised after seeing the effect of the reshoot.

The second time the effect was much better.

Gu Chenfeng also watched the replay himself, and felt that he had done what he could do, so he continued to shoot the next set of shots.

Originally, Zhuo Le thought that the progress of filming would be very slow. After all, the male lead is a rookie actor, no matter how good his acting skills are, it cannot be too smooth.

But as the shooting progressed, Zhuo Le deeply realized his mistake.

Gu Chenfeng passed almost every one at one time, and only a few needed to be retaken.

This not only shocked Zhuo Le, even the other cast members of the crew were also shocked by Gu Chenfeng's terrifying acting skills.

Especially those actors who were very dissatisfied with Gu Chenfeng, a newcomer actor, as the leading actor, after seeing Gu Chenfeng's terrifying acting skills, they put away their contempt and turned to respect.

In just one morning, Gu Chenfeng used his acting skills to conquer the entire crew and director Zhuo Le.

Now, everyone calls him Mr. Gu.

As Zhang Qingqing's agent, seeing Gu Chenfeng's amazing performance on the set, she was also shocked, and of course she felt more joy in her heart.

She had an awkward relationship with her previous company and left, but she was ridiculed by many of her peers, especially since the previous company secretly spread a lot of negative news about her, causing many people to think that her ace agent was no longer viable.

Zhang Qingqing didn't bother to clarify, but she held her breath in her heart. After seeing Gu Chenfeng's performance in the crew, she knew that the day when she would vent her heart and soul was coming.

As soon as this "Buried Alive" is released, everyone's jaws will definitely drop!
What about newcomers?
How about starting all over again?
The same can hang you.

With his own script, his own starring role, and with such acting skills, Gu Chenfeng is simply his lucky star!
As for Gu Chenfeng's assistant, Wu Xiaoxiao, after a whole morning, he has long been conquered by his acting skills, and his eyes are full of fluff.

It was a look of admiration.

In the days that followed, Gu Chenfeng spent every day on the set, filming like crazy.

As for Tangtang, almost all assistant Wu Xiaoxiao helped pick them up and take care of them, and occasionally sent them back to grandparents to play for two days.

The only time Gu Chenfeng asked for leave was because Tangtang School was going to hold a parent meeting, and he had to go.

It is precisely because of Gu Chenfeng's dedicated male protagonist that the filming progress of the crew is very fast.

Director Zhuo Le originally booked a two-month shooting period for this film, but driven by Gu Chenfeng's terrifying acting skills and extreme dedication, it only took half a month to complete the entire " Buried Alive" filming task.

October NO.12.


With Zhuo Le's cry, it was announced that "Buried Alive" had finished.

Holding a loudspeaker, Zhuo Le shouted loudly to the crowd: "Brothers and sisters, after more than a month of hard work, "Buried Alive" is now finished."

At this moment, he is extremely excited. This is the first work he has personally directed since returning to China.

Although this script is not favored by outsiders, he firmly believes that as long as this film is released, it will definitely cause shock.

If Zhuo Le was only 60.00% sure when accepting the film, then he would be 100% sure when he saw Gu Chenfeng's acting skills.

"Buried Alive" is sure to cause shock and sensation.

Everyone in the crew heard Zhuo Le's words, and they felt mixed feelings, both happy and disappointed.

Although we haven't been together for a long time, we have already had a certain relationship for more than a month, but we will be separated again soon.

However, this is the case in this line of work. After the play of a crew is over, they go back to their respective homes, and then invest in the next crew.

Soon, everyone calmed down and began to enjoy the joy of the finale.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng was also a little driven out, this was his first work in the true sense after coming to this world.

It took just over a month to complete.

In the past month or so, only Gu Chenfeng knew what he had experienced.

He experienced Paul's life in the film. The despair, fear of death, and suffocation echoed in Gu Chenfeng's mind like a movie.

"Mr. Gu, it's my honor to cooperate with you. Tonight's celebration banquet, you can't miss it!" Just when Gu Chenfeng was in a daze, Zhuo Le came to him at some time and took a picture. Patted his shoulder and said.

Gu Chenfeng turned around, looked at Zhuo Le and said, "Thank you Director Zhuo for your care and guidance for more than a month. I am also very happy to cooperate with you."

Then, he said: "As for tonight's celebration banquet... I will attend, but I still have Tangtang at home waiting for me to go home, so I can't stay too long, please invite Zhuo Dao Haihan."

In the past one month or so, if it wasn't for the night show, Gu Chenfeng would basically go home directly after finishing work, and he never participated in any gatherings of the crew.

Therefore, Zhuo Le had already gotten used to it, and it was precisely because of this that he came here to tell Gu Chenfeng that he must attend.

After all, if the protagonist didn't even attend the celebration banquet, then the celebration banquet would be a bit embarrassing.

Hearing that Gu Chenfeng was going to attend the celebration banquet, Zhuo Le said with a smile: "Mr. Gu, you just need to agree to participate. In order to cater to your time, the celebration banquet starts at six o'clock and ends as soon as possible."

"In this way, it won't affect you, a model dad, going home to bring your baby!"

(End of this chapter)

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