Chapter 24 is finished, my daughter Nu Gu teacher

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "That's a good relationship, thank you Director Zhuo!"

"Why are you polite?" Zhuo Le waved his hand to Gu Chenfeng, and continued: "I will definitely find you if I have a new play in the future. Don't refuse me. It's really a pleasure to cooperate with you."

"I believe that in the near future, your name will be resounding all over the world!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Director Zhuo, you think highly of me too much, I'm afraid I'll be proud!"

"Hehe!" Zhuo Le smiled slightly, and said, "If it was someone else, I believe he might be proud, but you, I wouldn't believe it even if I killed you."

"Although we haven't known each other for a long time, after more than a month of getting to know you, I still know you better."

"To be honest, Mr. Gu, I am very optimistic about you, really, remember to keep in touch in the future!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and nodded, "Definitely, definitely!"

"Okay, then you go and clean up first, I'll go to work first." Zhuo Le said and left.

Gu Chenfeng looked at the back of Zhuo Le leaving, smiled, then walked into the temporary lounge and went to wash up.

In the "Buried Alive" crew for more than a month, no one in the entire crew except Gu Chenfeng himself knew that Gu Chenfeng was the author of the "Buried Alive" script.

It can only be said that Tianmang Entertainment Company has done a good job in protecting Gu Chenfeng.

15 minutes later.

After Gu Chenfeng washed up, he just walked to the door when he found Zhang Qingqing was already waiting for him outside.

"I've just arrived, and "Buried Alive" has finished. Do you want to go back first or go directly to the hotel?" Before Gu Chenfeng could speak, Zhang Qingqing said first.

Gu Chenfeng took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and he said, "Go to the hotel directly. The celebration banquet starts at six o'clock. If you go there by then, it will be about the same."

Zhang Qingqing nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go there now!"

Then, Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing went to the hotel in a nanny car. As for the rest of the crew, they were in buses arranged by the crew.

In the car.

Zhang Qingqing looked at Gu Chenfeng and said: "Chenfeng, "Buried Alive" has finished, you have worked hard during this period, and in the next period, you should rest for a while."

"When the post-production of "Buried Alive" is completed, you have to cooperate with Director Zhuo to promote it, and then you will have to fly around."

"Yeah!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said, "It's been a month or so, and I'm really tired. The most important thing is that I don't have much time to spend with Tangtang. During this time, I want to spend time with Tangtang."

In the past, Yang Jiao paid too much attention to her career and rarely accompanied Tangtang, which made Tangtang not close to her at all.

Although Gu Chenfeng has also embarked on the road of being a celebrity now, he will definitely not treat his daughter like Yang Jiao, who hasn't seen each other for several months and doesn't even think about it.

Therefore, in the past month or so, he spent too little time with Tangtang, and Gu Chenfeng felt very guilty.

Although he tried his best to go home as soon as work was over every day, he still had a lot of time. When he returned, Tangtang had already fallen asleep.

The next day, before Tangtang got up, Gu Chenfeng left again.

As a result, Wu Xiaoxiao was almost always with Tangtang during this period of time.

Zhang Qingqing naturally knew this, and knew that Gu Chenfeng was a daughter slave, so she nodded and said, "Okay, you can stay with Tangtang during this time, although she really wants you to finish with her, but she is very sensible and didn't say anything. come out."

"This little girl is really sensible, and being sensible makes people feel distressed."

Gu Chenfeng naturally knew what Zhang Qingqing said.

His own daughter, he understands too well.

The celebration banquet of "Buried Alive" was actually not a big battle, it was just everyone getting together for a breakup meal.

As the chief director, Zhuo Le was drunk after thanking him at the wine table.

But he is really happy. As soon as he returned to China, he met Gu Chenfeng, a talented and talented actor. Now he can't wait to finish the later stage of "Buried Alive" and release it as soon as possible.

He wants to use this work to tell everyone that his Zhuo Le's strength cannot be underestimated no matter where he is.

Leading actor Gu Chenfeng was also toasted by the rest of the crew, but he took drinks instead of wine and took them one by one.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the celebration banquet of "Buried Alive" finally ended, and Gu Chenfeng left as soon as it was over.

Go straight to the company's 701 dormitory.

Gu Chenfeng, who was sitting in the nanny's car, looked very tired, this kind of entertainment is not what he is good at.

Zhang Qingqing who was next to him could also see that Gu Chenfeng didn't like to socialize. In his eyes, other than his daughter, he was acting.

Even if he is acting, it is just to give his daughter a better life.

So he said to Gu Chenfeng: "Chenfeng, I will try my best to push this kind of banquet for you in the future. If you really can't push it away, you will only be allowed to participate in very important banquets."

Gu Chenfeng said gratefully, "Thank you, Sister Zhang!"

"It's okay, it should be!" Zhang Qingqing replied.

When Gu Chenfeng returned home, it was already half an hour later.

At first he thought Tangtang had fallen asleep again, but the moment he opened the door, a petite figure flew over.

This is exactly his little baby girl, Tangtang.

Tangtang, like a gecko, climbed onto Gu Chenfeng's body in twos or twos, hugged his neck, and said with a smile, "Dad, you're back!"

Gu Chenfeng held Tangtang in his arms, raised his hand and scratched her high nose bridge, and said, "Yeah, Dad is back, why hasn't Tangtang slept yet?"

Tang Tangnuan said in a childish voice: "Tangtang is not sleepy now. Elder sister Xiaoxiao said that Dad's play is finished today and she will come back early, so Tangtang has to wait for Dad to come back."

Hearing Tangtang's words, Gu Chenfeng's heart warmed up, and he said with doting eyes: "It's dad who is sorry for not being able to be by your side all the time."

"But for the next period of time, Dad won't go anywhere, just stay at home with Tangtang, okay?"

Tangtang immediately excitedly said: "Wow, really? Dad, don't you have to go to film?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded heavily, and said, "Yeah, the show is over, so I can play with Tangtang during this time."

With a bright smile on Tangtang's face, he kissed Gu Chenfeng on the face, and said, "Okay, okay, I know dad is the best for Tangtang."

After speaking, she saw Wu Xiaoxiao at the side, and Tangtang quickly added: "Well, Sister Xiaoxiao is also very good to Tangtang, hehe!"

Gu Chenfeng hugged Tangtang, looked at Wu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, you have worked hard during this time."

Wu Xiaoxiao quickly waved her hand and said, "Mr. Gu, you're being polite, you don't work hard, you don't work hard at all, Tangtang is so good, playing with her is like giving me a holiday! Hehe!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled, didn't say anything, looked at the time, and said to Wu Xiaoxiao: "It's too late now, I'll ask Brother Jun to take you back."

"Okay!" Wu Xiaoxiao nodded in thanks with a smile: "Thank you, Teacher Gu."

After finishing speaking, he waved to Tangtang again: "Tangtang, sister Xiaoxiao is going back first, bye!"

Tangtang waved her hand and said, "Sister Xiaoxiao, please be careful when you go home at night. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow!"

After speaking, Wu Xiaoxiao picked up her bag and left.

(End of this chapter)

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