Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 214 The Langya list is finalized, watch the movie in advance

Chapter 214 The Langya List is finalized, watch the movie in advance (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
Gu Chenfeng was a little surprised when he heard the news.

He didn't expect that "Langya Bang" would be finished so soon.

But he was really happy in his heart, it happened that he didn't have any works recently, if "Langya Bang" came out now, it would definitely be a very good time.

So Gu Chenfeng asked: "Director Kong, which TV station is it broadcasting this time, and what time period?"

Kong Sheng on the other end of the phone replied: "The first round of broadcasting rights has been taken by Mango Channel. It will be broadcast on January 1st in the evening prime time. Although the time is relatively short, I don't think it's a big problem!"

January [-]st?
Isn't there still ten days left?

This is really fast!

However, Gu Chenfeng felt that it would definitely be a good thing if "Langya Bang" was broadcast a year ago, because "The Wandering Planet" should also be released during the Spring Festival.

More importantly, it allows those who once looked down on this TV series to take a good look at what this TV series is like.

Although there may be a lack of publicity due to time constraints, the ratings of Mango Channel are quite scary, so "Langya Bang" can also get good ratings when it is broadcast in their prime time.

Moreover, Gu Chenfeng absolutely believes in the quality of "Langya Bang". Maybe the ratings will not be too high at the beginning, but he firmly believes that as more and more people know about this TV series, the ratings will definitely increase. will skyrocket.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Gu Chenfeng said, "Director Kong, although the time is short, I don't think it's a big problem. After all, "Langya Bang" was already very popular before it started broadcasting. As long as this news is released, it is bound to happen. It will attract the attention of many netizens, and the ratings should not be bad by then."

"Yes!" Kong Sheng agreed with Gu Chenfeng's words, and said: "My thoughts are the same as yours. This TV series has always been looked down upon by others. To be honest, I am also very angry. I hope that after the broadcast of "Langya Bang" Quality can make those people shut up."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Director Kong, don't worry, it's absolutely fine, "Langya Bang" is definitely a very good TV series, those people are destined to be slapped in the face."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Kong Sheng was also full of confidence, and said: "Mr. Gu, I organized the leading actors of the crew to come over to watch the finished product today. Do you have time? Why don't you come and watch together? If you think there is something wrong , can still be remedied now.”

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and said, "If you have time, when will it start?"

"Two in the afternoon!"

"Well, I'll be there on time!"

"Okay, then don't bother Mr. Gu, goodbye."


After hanging up the phone, Gu Chenfeng also looked forward to it.

"Langya Bang" is finally about to start broadcasting!

However, as the lead actor, he hasn't seen the finished film yet, and he doesn't know how the editing is, so he decided to go and watch it in the afternoon.

At noon, Gu Chenfeng prepared the meals as usual and sent them to Luo Qingcheng, and casually told her that he would watch the finished film of "Langya Bang" in the afternoon.

This seems to have become Gu Chenfeng's habit, probably after the fight with Wang Yao last time, Gu Chenfeng was afraid that Luo Qingcheng would be worried, so he would tell Luo Qingcheng every time he went.

Two in the afternoon.

Gu Chenfeng came to Kong Sheng's company on time, but when he arrived, only Liu Yijun, Gao Shuqun, Liu Tao, and three people came over.

As for the others, they have announcements and no time.

When the three of them saw Gu Chenfeng's arrival, they seemed very enthusiastic and polite. Gao Shuqun asked first: "Mr. Gu, when will your new movie be released? I, an old guy, can't wait for it. With his acting skills, this new movie will definitely successfully create a new chapter for our Huaguo science fiction movies."

Ever since the 24-minute super long shot with Gu Chenfeng last time, Gao Shuqun, an old actor, has always liked Gu Chenfeng, the young actor with two horses.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said modestly: "Mr. Gao, you can just call me Chenfeng. As for the movie, it has come to an end now. I believe it will be finished in a short time. If there are no accidents, it will be released in the Spring Festival." file show."

"Really?" Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, not only Gao Shuqun, Liu Yijun and Liu Tao also widened their eyes with surprise.

No matter what they thought, Gu Chenfeng and Zhuo Le would come up with a sci-fi movie so soon.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and nodded.

At this time, Liu Tao said with a smile: "Mr. Gu, it's really amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie sooner. I believe that the sci-fi movie starring Mr. Gu and Brother Fa will definitely not be bad."

"I hope it won't hit the street!" Gu Chenfeng said with a wry smile, "If it hits the street, it will really be the biggest joke in the entertainment industry."

"Chenfeng, you have to have confidence in yourself, your acting skills will definitely be fine."

"Yes, Mr. Gu, if you believe in yourself, you will be able to do it."

All three of them cheered Gu Chenfeng up.

If it had been before, they might have felt like everyone else that Gu Chenfeng was just trying to kill himself by making sci-fi films.

But after cooperating with Gu Chenfeng in "Langya Bang" and seeing his amazing acting skills, they all believed in Gu Chenfeng, maybe he could really create miracles.

Afterwards, Liu Tao said again: "By the way, Mr. Gu, do you think there will be any problems with our "Langya Bang" broadcasting so soon? After all, we haven't had time to promote it yet. I really don't know what Mango TV thinks Yes, it will be scheduled to start broadcasting on January [-]st."

When she said this, Gao Shuqun and Liu Yijun, the two veteran actors, all set their eyes on Gu Chenfeng.

Sensing the eyes of the three, Gu Chenfeng said: "I personally think the time is just right. Although this TV series has not been promoted much, I believe that the quality of "Langya Bang" can be broadcast on a TV station with strong traffic like Mango TV. Come out, there will be absolutely no problem."

"As for Mango Channel, they are so eager to broadcast "Langya Bang", obviously because the ratings of the TV series they broadcast before were not good, they urgently need to increase the ratings, and they are very optimistic about "Langya Bang" This TV series, I think it can help Mango TV regain the throne of viewership champion."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Liu Tao and the others immediately understood.

That's true, if Mango TV didn't like "Langya Bang", they definitely wouldn't take such a risk based on their nature.

At this time, Liu Tao said again: "Mr. Gu said there is no problem, so there must be no problem."

Although Liu Yijun and Gao Shuqun didn't speak, they both nodded at the same time, agreeing with Liu Tao's words.

Not long after, Kong Sheng walked in with a computer.

Cast the first episode of "Langya Bang" in front of everyone.

When Gu Chenfeng saw the picture on the screen, his hanging heart finally let go.

"Langya Bang" is stable.

This post-production is absolutely no problem, it is definitely a conscientious production.

Especially after Gu Chenfeng watched the first episode, he was even more sure of this.

The first episode of any TV series is very important, which is related to whether the audience will have the desire to continue watching.

Obviously, the first episode of "Nirvana in Fire" was done perfectly, whether it was the acting skills of the actors or the post-editing, it was very good, and it successfully aroused the audience's desire to continue watching.

As long as the subsequent episodes can have such quality, then this TV series will definitely be a hit.

After watching the first episode, Gao Shuqun, Liu Yijun, Liu Tao and others also showed surprise on their faces.

This first episode was so well done!
The picture is exquisite, the plot is tight, the acting skills of the actors are also online, and the editing in the later period is quite in place, plus the wonderful performance of Gu Chenfeng, the most beautiful man in ancient costume.

They are almost certain that as long as this TV series is broadcast, it will definitely become popular in the whole of China.

It is estimated that there will be many female audiences, and their hearts will beat faster after seeing Gu Chenfeng's ancient costume.

Don't ask why, because after wearing ancient costumes, Gu Chenfeng's every move is refined, personable, and handsome.

Soon, everyone started watching the second, third, and fourth episodes again...
Everyone present was completely engrossed in the plot, unable to extricate themselves.

This kind of movie-watching feeling is really enjoyable. No one expected that domestic TV dramas can do so well.

Even Liu Tao, Gao Shuqun and others who personally participated were shocked by the finished product of "Langya Bang".

The effect is really good.

As for Zhang Qingqing who came with Gu Chenfeng, looking at the picture on the screen, she couldn't help but recall the scene when Gu Chenfeng was going to accept the TV series.

Gu Chenfeng didn't even read the script at the time, and just relying on the name "Langya Bang", he thought the script was good, and then moved on.

Originally, Zhang Qingqing was still a little worried that Gu Chenfeng's first TV series hit the street, which would have a bad impact on his acting career.

Although Zhang Qingqing saw Gu Chenfeng's amazing acting skills again during the filming process, she was still a little worried.

After all, there are too many factors to make a TV series good or bad. In addition to the acting skills of the actors, the post-editing, production pictures, plot and so on.

Until now, after Zhang Qingqing watched the first four episodes of "Langya Bang", she really felt at ease.

Because she knew that "Langya Bang" was stable.

Not only is it stable, but it will also explode.

After the four episodes were finished, Kong Sheng looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, how do you feel after watching it? Is there any problem? If you find a problem, you must tell it. It hasn't been broadcast yet, so we can fix it." .”

Gao Shuqun was the oldest and an old-timer in the entertainment industry, so he was the first to speak and said, "Old Kong, I'm not flattering you. The production of "Langya Bang" is really good. It's much better than the previous TV series. not bad."

Liu Yijun also echoed: "I agree with Lao Gao's opinion, but the post-production of "Langya Bang" is very good, it looks very enjoyable, I didn't expect that I would be cut so badly by you, and the special effects are also done. good."

(End of this chapter)

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