Chapter 215 Gu Chenfeng Still Knows About Directors? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
After the two old actors finished speaking, Liu Tao also said: "Well, the post-production is really good, the picture is very strong, and it looks very enjoyable. The most important thing is that the actors' acting skills are very good."

"Especially the scene between Mr. Gu and Wu Lei is very exciting. Now I am looking forward to what kind of shock this TV series will cause after it is broadcast."

Speaking of this, Liu Tao couldn't help sighing: "After this TV series is broadcast, I'm afraid the most beautiful man in costume will change hands!"

The reason for saying this is because the finished film of "Langya Bang" was better than she expected, especially when she saw Mei Changsu played by Gu Chenfeng appearing on the screen, her eyes lit up .

Although she had seen Gu Chenfeng in ancient costume countless times on the set, it was a different feeling seeing the finished product now.

Kong Sheng also smiled when he heard what the three of them said, but he set his sights on Gu Chenfeng, wanting to hear his thoughts.

Gu Chenfeng was silent for a moment, and said: "Director Kong, after watching these four episodes, I saw the expression form of montage, such as the retreat style, which happened to be used in the plot of saving the couple on the river. good."

Having said that, Gu Chenfeng paused for a while, and continued: "I think the whole TV series uses montage expressions!"

After listening to Gu Chenfeng's words, Kong Sheng was completely shocked.

He never thought that Gu Chenfeng could actually see the form of expression he used.

That's right, the whole drama of "Langya Bang" does use a lot of montage expressions to highlight some plots and make the plots more full.

(Montage expression: it is a theory of lens combination in movies. When different lenses are spliced ​​together, they often produce specific meanings that each lens does not have when it exists alone. The explanation comes from Du Niang)
Kong Sheng looked at Gu Chenfeng with a face full of shock, and exclaimed: "Mr. Gu, I didn't expect you to be able to see this. It's really amazing."

"I have been researching this form of expression all the time, and this time I also used it in the filming of "Langya Bang". I didn't expect Teacher Gu to spot it at a glance."

"Mr. Gu, can you see anything else?"

After Kong Sheng asked in a respectful tone, he looked at Gu Chenfeng expectantly.

The others were also shocked by Gu Chenfeng's hand at this moment.

Unless it's a professional director, it's hard to see this kind of expression, even if it's an old drama, but Gu Chenfeng can see it at a glance.

Could it be that he still knows how to direct?

Under the shocked and expectant eyes of everyone, Gu Chenfeng pondered for a moment, and then talked eloquently: "In addition to the ubiquitous montage technique, a lot of visual effects are also used in the play. Let's take the scene on the river as an example, where ink painting is used. The general ancient rhyme is beautiful, the rendering is very good, giving people a kind of ultimate visual enjoyment, which is very good, almost every frame can be used as a screensaver.”

"In addition, the composition in the play is also extremely exquisite, which is obviously well thought out. In the play, even more clever use of symmetrical composition, V-shaped symmetry, diagonal composition, the principle of thirds, and even the golden section method."

"Obviously, during the filming process, Director Kong, you consciously shot such shots, coupled with the conscious editing in the later stage, this made this a conscientious production, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the pinnacle work. "Langya List"!"

Listening to Gu Chenfeng's words, Kong Sheng's whole body was trembling with excitement. He never thought that Gu Chenfeng knew so much about the director industry, and he could even see such detailed things.

You know, Gu Chenfeng has only watched the first four episodes of "Langya Bang", and he can see so many things. Such a person is definitely a big connoisseur!
There is only one thought in Kong Sheng's mind: Gu Chenfeng is an expert director!

As for Gao Shuqun, Liu Yijun, and Liu Tao, they were all too shocked to speak at this moment.

After they saw the finished product of "Langya Bang", they just thought, wow, it's so beautiful, what's good about it, what's a good idea?But they couldn't tell why.

However, Gu Chenfeng mentioned very professional terms such as montage expression, visual effects, exquisite composition, symmetrical composition, V-shaped symmetry, etc.

They have not even heard of some vocabulary, but Gu Chenfeng not only understands it, but can even recognize it at a glance, which means that he is very proficient.

This also made them understand that it is not unreasonable for Gu Chenfeng to achieve his current achievements in just over a year since his debut.

Talented, handsome, and acting, it's hard for such an actor not to be popular!

As for the manager Zhang Qingqing, he has petrified at this moment.

She has been in contact with Gu Chenfeng for such a long time, and she has no idea that Gu Chenfeng even knows the knowledge of directors.

This is too unexpected!
Acting, screenwriting, cooking, singing, writing lyrics, animation production, plus the current knowledge of directing...
This is simply an all-around talent!
At the same time, it also made her feel that Gu Chenfeng is so mysterious that no one will ever know how much he knows.

Originally, Zhang Qingqing thought that she knew Gu Chenfeng well enough, but now she suddenly realized that what she knew about Gu Chenfeng was only the tip of the iceberg.

Kong Sheng cupped his hands excitedly at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Teacher Gu, I admire, admire, I am amazed and admired by your insight and knowledge. I was put in the late stage of "Langya Bang" after only watching the first four episodes." All the techniques used in the production have been mentioned, it is really amazing, and I admire it from the bottom of my heart!"

Gu Chenfeng said modestly: "Director Kong won the award, and I just happen to know a little about these things, so I can see it, but it's just that I can see it. If I were asked to do it, I would definitely not be able to do it. Director Kong, you are the master in this regard."

Kong Sheng could naturally hear that this was Gu Chenfeng's humble words, but he didn't bother, but changed the topic and said: "Now that I have listened to everyone's words, I have a bottom line in my heart. I believe that "Langya Bang" should be You will not be disappointed.”

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Director Kong, this time we are safe."

Liu Tao finally couldn't bear it and said, "Director Kong, Mr. Gu, I really didn't expect our TV series "Langya Bang" to use so many tricks. Now hearing what you said, it directly opened up a new world for me." The gate. Our drama must be stable."

Gao Shuqun said dumbfoundedly: "It seems that I am really old, and I don't understand many things. From now on, this will be the world of young people."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Actually, it's not as amazing as everyone said. You may have never been in contact with these things. Once you do, you can actually see it."

Liu Tao lowered his head and did not speak, he slandered in his heart: "Brother, are you talking like a human?"As for what you just said, even if I get in touch with it, I still can’t understand it!Didn't you see Director Kong trembling in shock? '

Next, after a few people chatted for a while, everyone left contentedly.

Everyone is very optimistic about the TV series "Langya Bang", and can't wait to see it broadcast on Mango Channel.

Soon, "Langya Bang" was scheduled to be released on January [-]st, and the news of Mango TV's prime time was exposed on the Internet.

When netizens saw the news, they were a little stunned.

"This is too crazy, I can't believe it, "Langya Bang" has only been finished for a short time, and now it's finishing the post-production, and it's going to be broadcast on Mango Channel!"

"Who says it's not, and it's aired on January [-]st, so it's only a few days away!"

"Don't all the TV dramas on Mango TV need to be queued up. Why did "Langya Bang" jump in the queue this time? I don't understand."

"Isn't this TV series called a garbage TV series by someone? Mango Channel actually likes this TV series, and even arranged to broadcast it in prime time at night in order to make it broadcast as soon as possible. That's too surprising, right? !"

"I can't believe it, but Mango TV still likes "Langya Bang", which Lu Tianyu rated as a trash TV series!"

"Mango Taiwan is notoriously venomous in reviewing films. They are all optimistic about "Langya Bang". Doesn't that mean that this TV series may really be worth watching?"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it now, and I really want to know how Mr. Gu's first TV series, "Langya Bang" will be."

"Kirin talent Jiangzuo Meilang, if you get it, you can win the world. I always remember this sentence. Hehe, I am looking forward to this TV series."


However, there are still some netizens who do not believe the news is true. It was not until the official Weibo of Mango Channel that night that everyone believed the news.

Mango Channel’s official blog wrote: “Dear friends, due to some irresistible factors, the TV series originally scheduled to air on January [-]st will be postponed, and the next one will be starring Gu Chenfeng and Liu Tao. "Langya Bang" is taking over, this is an 'addictive' TV series, please watch carefully!"

The blog post is accompanied by stills of Gu Chenfeng, Liu Tao and others.

When netizens saw the official announcement, they became excited again.

"Wow, Kaka, Mr. Gu's ancient costume photos are so handsome, he is simply the most beautiful man in ancient costumes!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be so handsome in ancient costumes. It's really fascinating."

"Teacher Gu is not a little fresh meat at all. How could I be fascinated by him? He is so damn handsome and charming!"

"The number one handsome man in ancient costume is finally going to change hands, Mr. Jiao can retire with honor."

"I'm so excited, Mr. Gu's first TV series is finally going to meet everyone."

"By the way, the copywriting of Mango TV's official announcement this time is very interesting. It's an addictive TV series. Hahaha, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Yeah, what kind of TV series will it be? I'm really looking forward to it."

"Hey, I really want to see Lu Tianyu's face being slapped right now, he previously rated "Langya Bang" as a trash TV series, but now this TV series is taken over by Mango TV and broadcast in prime time Well, that speaks for itself.”

"That's right, this is Mango Channel. Their screening process is quite vicious. There are very few TV dramas that go wrong. I believe this "Langya Bang" will be very good."

"Hey, I just don't know what Lu Tianyu's mood is now. This is Mango TV. Even the TV series that they all like, shouldn't be bad, hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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