Chapter 278 Redeeming Songs, New Movie Press Conference (Full Order)

Gu Chenfeng searched the system, and finally decided to choose the song "The Lonely Brave".

Because this song is very suitable for the Spring Festival Gala in terms of depth and genre.

"System, I want to redeem the song "The Lonely Brave"!"

[3000 million reputation points. 】


Although a song is equivalent to the price of a script, for Gu Chenfeng, who is now well-off in reputation, 3000 million is nothing, and this song is indeed worth the price.

After redeeming the songs, Gu Chenfeng spent another 1000 million reputation points to exchange for SS-level singing skills, and 1000 million reputation points to exchange for perfect singing voice. Since it is going to be aimed at the national audience, Gu Chenfeng naturally wants to do his best.

It took two days before Gu Chenfeng sent the song to Director Zhang Yimou.

After receiving the song from Gu Chenfeng, Zhang Yimou was very satisfied and asked Gu Chenfeng to take some time to sing in the capital, or record a singing video.

Because Gu Chenfeng didn't want to go there, he simply recorded a singing video. After Zhang Yimou listened to it, he only replied with one sentence: "Looking forward to your performance on the Spring Festival Gala."

the next day.

Apart from picking up his wife and children every day, Gu Chenfeng just went for a walk around the company and practiced the song "The Lonely Brave" when he was free.

I have to say, it was a pretty pleasant day.

The post-production of "Operation Blade Red Sea" was all handed over to Zhuo Le to watch over. Gu Chenfeng would not intervene except occasionally to check on the progress.

As for the production of the two animated films "Zootopia" and "Kung Fu Panda", because Li Mu's team had previously produced "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", they have experience, mature technology and steady pace, and know what to do and what not to do. What to do, so the speed is very fast, and the effect they produced is very good, which makes Gu Chenfeng very satisfied.

As for the newcomer team led by Liu Haiquan, although the production speed of "Kung Fu Panda" is very slow, they are still walking steadily step by step. Moreover, Liu Haiquan is not ashamed to ask his subordinates. When encountering problems that cannot be solved, he will take the initiative to ask Li Mu for advice.

This is in line with Gu Chenfeng's expectations. They compete with each other and help each other at the same time.

Soon, the time came to January [-]st, and the movies released during the Spring Festival almost all started promoting at the same time.

Because the Spring Festival of the coming year will be on February 2th, although there is still more than a month to go, they have already kicked off the prelude to publicity.

Whether it's Xu Zheng's "Hong Kong囧" or Huang Dao's "Peerless City", or "Macho Hero" starring the mother-in-law, or Deng Cao's self-directed and self-acted "Bad Ball Angel", they have all started to go crazy Propaganda up.

However, what is surprising is that there is no news about Chen Gang's new play and Gu Chenfeng's "Operation Blade Red Sea".

However, on January [-]th, Chen Gang finally held a press conference.

Through the press conference, everyone finally knew the name of this new play directed by Chen Gang, "Little Cannon". The name is very weird, but the starring lineup is very scary.

In addition to the two popular little fresh meats, Chen Gang himself participated in the performance.

Netizens were surprised by the news and started discussing it online.

"I finally saw the name of Director Chen's new movie. Although the name is a bit weird, I think it will be a good movie!"

"It's rare for Director Chen to lead the leading role in person, so I'm really looking forward to this "Little Paoer" now!"

"Director Chen said before that the box office target of his new film is 54 billion. Presumably this "Little Cannon" will not disappoint us!"

"Director Chen's participation in the role is to prepare for the rhythm of the two awards of Best Director and Best Actor. So far, no one in China has achieved this achievement. I wonder if Director Chen will succeed? "

"It's really possible. Director Chen almost achieved it last time. He was shortlisted for these two awards at the same time, but in the end he only won Best Actor, but not Best Director. It must be a comeback this time!"

"By the way, didn't Director Chen Gang always look down on Xiao Xianrou, why did he use two Xiao Xianrou this time? It's really surprising!"

"Hahaha, it seems that Director Chen has also bowed his head to the market in order to achieve his goal. He also knows that if he doesn't use Xiaoxianrou, there is no way to improve the box office."

"By the way, Director Chen Gang's new play has come out, but why hasn't there been any movement on Teacher Gu's "Operation Blade Red Sea"? Could it be that the post-production hasn't been finished yet?"

"It's really possible. After all, they have only finished filming for more than a month and less than two months. They probably haven't finished the post-production in such a short period of time, but now there are only one month and seven days left before the Spring Festival. I don't know. Can you catch up?"


Netizens were very excited when they learned that Chen Gang's new play was titled "Little Paoer", especially Director Chen's fans were even more excited, and they couldn't wait to go to the cinema to support it.

They believed that if Director Chen personally participated in the movie, it would definitely not be bad.

Three more days passed.

Qingchen Entertainment Company.

Everyone is very excited today because "Operation Blade Red Sea" is finally finished.

These days, Zhuo Le has been following this movie, devoting almost all his time and energy to this movie, which also made Zhuo Le lose weight again, but the finished product of this movie is still very satisfying.

Zhuo Le looked at Gu Chenfeng and said excitedly: "Mr. Gu, should we also hold a press conference now? After all, the only movies released during the Spring Festival are that we haven't held a press conference yet."

To put it bluntly, he hasn't acted aggressively for a long time, and now that he has such a good opportunity, he can't wait to act aggressive.

"Don't worry!" Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said, "Anyway, we don't plan to publicize on a large scale. The most important thing now is to submit "Operation Blade Red Sea" to trial. Only passing the trial is the most important thing at present. As for Publicity, didn’t you make two versions of the trailer, and after the review, you will release one version of the trailer.”

Zhuo Le was very depressed when he heard that he couldn't pretend to be aggressive right now, but he continued to struggle and said, "Then Mr. Gu, can we announce that the post-production has been completed?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head again and said: "Don't talk about it for now, let the netizens continue to discuss, we are not in a hurry."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, although Zhuo Le was very depressed, he could only obey.

However, Zhuo Le was very happy soon, because he sent "Operation Blade Red Sea" two days ago, and the review was completed, and the movie passed the review.

After hearing the news, how could Zhuo Le sit still?I found Gu Chenfeng directly and asked, "Mr. Gu, now that the movie has passed the review, can it be released? Can a press conference be held?"

Knowing that "Operation Blade's Red Sea" passed the review in just two days, Gu Chenfeng was a little surprised, but he soon understood that this movie was a collaboration with the higher-ups, and the higher-ups must have given the green light all the way, so will be so fast.

After thinking about it, Gu Chenfeng also figured out the meaning of the above, obviously he wanted them to announce the news earlier, and then make a big publicity.

After all, this movie is destined to be extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Gu Chenfeng said to Zhuo Le: "Director Zhuo, go and prepare for the press conference. The sooner the better, besides, this time we have a budget of [-] million for advertising. You can communicate with Minister Liu to make arrangements."

Zhuo Le was overjoyed at first when he heard the words, and then he was dumbfounded.

Didn't you say that you don't plan to hype it?

Why do you suddenly have to spend another [-] million on advertising?

This is one billion!
Not only Zhuo Le, but even Zhang Qingqing and Liu Kuang didn't understand why Gu Chenfeng wanted to publicize again.

In the end, it was Zhuo Le who asked: "Mr. Gu, didn't you say that you don't need to make a lot of publicity, why are you spending another [-] million to promote it now?"

Gu Chenfeng didn't reply him directly, but asked instead: "Why do you think the superiors gave us the trial so quickly?"

Zhuo Le replied: "It must be because we cooperated with the higher authorities, so they gave us the green light!"

"Yes, not right!" Gu Chenfeng said something ambiguous with a deep expression.

Zhuo Le frowned, suspiciously said: "Isn't it?"

At this moment, Zhang Qingqing thought of something, and said, "Mr. Gu, you guessed that the higher-ups passed the trial so quickly and wanted us to publicize this movie?"

"Yes!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "I really guessed that, because our movie has its particularity, it is to promote our nation/ethnic/spirit and military/championship, obviously , the higher-ups value it very much, which is why I have to temporarily change my decision."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, the others suddenly realized.

Zhuo Le immediately said: "Mr. Gu, I understand, I will do it right away, and I promise it will be done properly."

After speaking, he turned and left, and went to work.

Liu Kuang also followed suit to prepare for the promotion of "Operation Blade Red Sea".

At this time, only Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing were left in the office. Zhang Qingqing looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Mr. Gu, the higher ups value our movie so much, do you think they will help promote it?"

"No!" Gu Chenfeng shook his head decisively: "Although they value this movie very much, they will not easily break the market rules. However, I think that as long as this movie is a big hit, they will There should be publicity, because at that time their publicity will not have much impact on other movies."

Zhang Qingqing heard the words, thought about it carefully, and thought it was very possible, so he asked again: "Then do you think the box office of "Operation Blade Red Sea" will break the record of "Wandering Planet"? Do you have any idea about its box office goal?" how many?"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "Whether it will break the record, I can't say, but the box office will definitely not be less, after all, the nature of "Blade Red Sea Operation" and "Wandering Planet" are completely different, but the appeal at the box office In terms of performance, but not losing to "Wandering Planet", so, the minimum guarantee is estimated to be 50 billion!"

Zhang Qingqing: "~~~"

She originally asked casually, but she didn't expect Gu Chenfeng to say such an astonishing goal.

Guaranteed 50 billion?
This is too crazy, right?
Although "The Wandering Planet" and "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" both exceeded 50 billion, "Blade Red Sea Operation" is a military-themed movie. It is hard to say whether it can exceed 50 billion. Gu Chenfeng actually came Guaranteed 50 billion.

is it possible?

Zhang Qingqing asked in disbelief: "Mr. Gu, do you think it's really possible? Guaranteed 50 billion? Isn't that going to create a miracle again?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Sister Zhang, don't you always expect all kinds of impossibilities? Why don't you feel confident this time?"

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing felt a little embarrassed, and said, "Forget it, since Mr. Gu said it's all right, then it must be all right. With a box office of 50 billion, let's shake up the Huaguo film industry again."

"Don't worry, "Operation Blade Red Sea" will definitely be fine." Gu Chenfeng laughed.

Zhang Qingqing nodded, and said: "Well, I believe, after all, this movie is the best military action movie I have ever seen, and I believe fans will like it."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered something again, and said, "By the way, Mr. Gu, what did Director Zhang say about the song you sang at the Spring Festival Gala?"

"I'm going out, it must be possible!" Gu Chenfeng said confidently.

Recently, Zhang Qingqing has been busy with Liu Kuang's company affairs, and has never heard Gu Chenfeng sing "The Lonely Brave".

Seeing Gu Chenfeng's self-confidence, Zhang Qingqing felt relieved. After all, going to the Spring Festival Gala is not a small matter. Now that she has decided to go, she must go all out.

So she continued to ask: "Mr. Gu, you didn't just prepare a song, did you?"

"Yes!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and asked curiously: "Director Zhang gave me time for a song, so I prepared a song!"

Zhang Qingqing shook her head helplessly, and said: "Then if you find time, you'd better prepare another song. After all, it's always good to prepare a backup song for such an important stage."

"Okay~" Gu Chenfeng nodded.

He really didn't expect it before, and Director Zhang didn't ask him to prepare two songs, so he prepared one.


When netizens were arguing about smashing advertisements for the Spring Festival movie, Zhuo Le updated a Weibo.

I saw him write on Weibo: "Dear friends, let me tell you a piece of good news, that is, our "Operation Blade Red Sea" will hold a press conference at 09:30 tomorrow morning, and the whole process will be broadcast live at that time, so stay tuned .”

When the netizens saw the news from Zhuo Le, they immediately became overwhelmed.

"Fuck, I've finally waited for this day, King Bi, do you know how long I've been waiting? I thought you were going to miss the Spring Festival stall!"

"There will be a press conference tomorrow. It's a pity that I'm too far away, otherwise I will go to the scene to support it, but I'm looking forward to tomorrow's press conference. I don't know what news will come out?"

"Ms. Gu never likes to advertise her new movies, so it must be the same this time?"

"Ms. Gu has always been adhering to the principle of 'the smell of wine is not afraid of the deep alley, and the good food is not afraid of being late'. Presumably this "Operation Blade Red Sea" will not be on a national tour, right?"

"It's already January [-]th now, and the Spring Festival is less than a month away. Teacher Gu will definitely not promote it on a large scale, and must rely on word of mouth to counterattack again."

"No way, does Mr. Gu really believe that each of his films can counterattack with word of mouth?"

"Look, anyway, after tomorrow's press conference, we will know."

"By the way, I don't know if Brother Hua will come. I'm a fan of Brother Hua. I like Brother Hua very much."

"Brother Hua is one of the leading actors. He should be on stage. After all, if the leading actor does not appear at the press conference, it will be unreasonable."

"Who knows if Brother Hua has time? He's been busy all the time. He's a well-known model worker in the industry."

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's press conference. Will the media reporters continue to focus on Mr. Gu this time? Hahaha!"


When netizens saw the news that "Operation Blade Red Sea" will hold a press conference tomorrow, they were all very excited.

Because Gu Chenfeng's "Operation Blade Red Sea" is the only movie confirmed to be released during the Spring Festival, the press conference has not yet been held. Now that it is finally going to be held, everyone is naturally extremely excited.

Many netizens even went to the comment section of Gu Chenfeng's Weibo to leave a message, asking him if he didn't plan to put in an advertisement for this movie, and didn't plan to tour the country.

Gu Chenfeng replied two words to a netizen's message: "Guess!"

09:30 the next morning.

The press conference of "Operation Blade Red Sea" was held as scheduled, and the live broadcast was also launched as scheduled.

When the audience saw that Brother Hua was also among the starring actors, everyone was pleasantly surprised. Everyone thought that Brother Hua would not come to the scene, but they did not expect Brother Hua to come, which surprised everyone.

At the same time, everyone is looking forward to it and wants to know what kind of news will be revealed in this press conference.

At the beginning, Zhuo Le started his long speech, describing the process of filming "Operation Blade Red Sea" as if Tang Monk went to the west to learn scriptures, going through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

Of course, he also revealed a lot of things, such as Gu Chenfeng's NG times, which still did not exceed an even number this time, and Wang Yao still insisted on filming with an ankle injury, etc.

ten o'clock.

The press conference finally reached the question and answer period.

All the media reporters were waiting eagerly, preparing for this interview to ask questions.

But this time, Gu Chenfeng has learned a lot, and said that the media reporters can ask three questions to each of the leading actors who participated in the press conference. In this way, the embarrassment of the last time can be avoided.

Regarding this, the media reporters did not expect that this completely caught them off guard. They had prepared many questions to ask Gu Chenfeng, but now they only had three chances to ask him.

Zhuo Le continued to act as the host, looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Presumably everyone wants to ask Teacher Gu the first time, right?"

The media reporters nodded.

Zhuo Le said cheerfully: "In this case, let's save the question to Mr. Gu for the last, and start asking questions now."

The media reporters were a little dumbfounded when they heard the words.

This Zhuo Le is still so annoying, last time he only chose beautiful female reporters, but now he has learned how to whet people's appetites.

But they couldn't help it, so they all set their sights on Brother Hua. After all, Brother Hua is the real big star among these leading actors.

Soon Zhuo Le clicked on a very beautiful female reporter. The female reporter was taken aback for a moment, then became ecstatic, looked at Brother Hua and asked: "Brother Hua, may I ask why you want to cooperate with Mr. Gu to shoot so much?" A military blockbuster? Such an action movie must be very tiring and hard, can your body handle it? Of course, I mean that Brother Hua actually has a better choice, and it is not necessary to continue to fight like this, because those of us Fans and fans of the movie love you very much."

Brother Hua said with a smile: "My friend, you are a little wrong. "Operation Blade Red Sea" is my best choice. The first is because this movie is really meaningful. The second is that I can talk to Teacher Gu. It is an absolute honor for me to work with such a natural actor."

"Although it was a bit hard when I was filming this movie, after seeing the finished product, I feel that everything is worth it. Here I can give you a guarantee that this movie will never let you down."

"Operation Blade Red Sea" is Hua Ge's best choice?

Brother Hua actually gave this movie such a high rating?
For a while, the audience was looking forward to it, wanting to see how the movie "Operation Blade Red Sea" is going to be.

Next, Zhuo Le continued to select the lucky ones from the media reporters to ask questions. However, what made people laugh and cry was that this time he selected all the beautiful female reporters, exactly the same as the previous press conference.

Even many media reporters were thinking that in the future, whenever Zhuo Le held a press conference, he would send a beautiful woman directly, otherwise there would be no chance to ask questions.

There is no way that Zhuo Le is a S embryo!
After the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, everyone burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, the King of Kings is indeed the King of Kings. Sure enough, his nature has not changed, and he still likes beauty and beauty!"

"It was because of this at the last press conference that it caused public outrage. I didn't expect it to happen again this time. It's simply too much. Not to mention the reporters, I can't stand it anymore."

"It seems that in the future, if Zhuo Le hosts Teacher Gu's press conference, he really needs to send a beautiful female reporter to it."

"By the way, Brother Hua's evaluation of the movie "Operation Blade Red Sea" is a bit high. He actually said that this is his best choice, and he also promised that this movie will never disappoint everyone."

"That's true. Brother Hua seldom makes guarantees, but any movie he guarantees will not be bad."

"Haha, Guan Gu is so funny, he just said that he will be with Mr. Ding Gu in the future, and the key point is that he said it so seriously, which makes us look a little serious, hahaha!"

"However, Guan Gu's acting skills are really not bad. He has cooperated with Mr. Gu three times. The first two times he brought us wonderful performances. I wonder what kind of excitement he will bring us this time?"


When the netizens were discussing hotly, at the press conference, there was finally another male reporter who was dissatisfied. Seeing Zhuo Le staring at the female reporter to patrol back and forth, he immediately interrupted: "Director Zhuo, are you talking to our male reporter? Do you have an opinion? I just selected eight female reporters to ask questions, and all eight of them are all beauties, isn't that a little too much?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Le said with a smile: "My friend, how could you misunderstand me so much? I'm advocating the virtue of giving priority to women. I give priority to women. Is there a problem?"

"Yes!" The male reporters present replied in unison.

However, the male reporters responded in unison, and it was useless in front of Zhuo Le, who was as cheeky as a sissy, and he said, "Very well, I know that you are all advocates of 'ladies first', so, Continue to ask questions, this time it is Mr. Gu who asks the question, so who will be the next lucky one?"

"He's just...he's just..."

Zhuo Le pointed directly at the male reporter who questioned him just now, and said, "Congratulations, buddy. You have become one of the three lucky ones. Are you very happy and grateful to me?"

The male reporter who was named said in his heart: "I thank your grandma, Zhuo Le, you are such a freak, I even came out to question you, and you still chose me." '

However, there was not much expression on his face, he stood up excitedly, looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Mr. Gu, for this type of movie that you have never set foot in, what is the box office target you set for yourself? 20 billion, or 30 billion?"

Although the other male reporters were thinking in their minds that they must be the first to stand up and question Zhuo Le next time, so as to get the chance to ask questions, they all pricked up their ears when they heard this question.

When Gu Chenfeng heard this question, he smiled and replied: "My friend, you are very bad. It's a bit too much to ask such a question again."

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

The reporter replied: "Mr. Gu, not only I want to know this question, but almost everyone on the Internet wants to know, so I hope that Mr. Gu can answer one or two questions and let us know what Mr. Gu's opinion of this "Blade Red Sea" is. Action" goal, so that we will have more confidence!"

(End of this chapter)

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