Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 279 The trailer is too hot, smashing the advertisements like crazy

Chapter 279 The trailer is too hot, smashing the advertisements like crazy

Facing the reporter's question, Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Forget it, since you all want to know so much, then let me tell you about it. After all, in everyone's eyes, my persona who speaks wild words is already quite stable, so , this time, my box office goal for "Operation Blade Red Sea" is to not be worse than the movie that competed with us, and it must be a little more than the other party, right!"

When everyone heard Gu Chenfeng's words, they immediately understood.

Isn't the movie that I competed with him the same as "Little Paoer" directed by Chen Gang?

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast room had a lively discussion.

"I don't care, Mr. Gu can do it this time, he is so confident, and his expectations are higher than Chen Gang's "Little Cannon". This is very impressive!"

"Hey, the Spring Festival stalls haven't officially started yet, and the war is already starting now. I'm really looking forward to the arrival of the Spring Festival stalls!"

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that Mr. Gu would actually set such a goal, as long as the box office of Chen Gang's movie is higher than that."

"Chen Gang set a box office target of 54 billion for the movie "Little Paoer". According to the teacher, the box office target he set for "Operation Blade Red Sea" is more than 54 billion. Let me ask you Are you scared?"

"Damn it, if Mr. Gu succeeds, then he will have three movies with a box office of over 50 billion. Thinking about it, it's scary."

"It seems that Mr. Gu is still very confident about this "Operation Blade Red Sea". If the box office target of more than 54 billion is more than 50 billion, many people must have come out to laugh at him before, saying that he uttered wild words, but now Mr. Gu has one. There are two movies with a box office of [-] billion, and now there is no one to talk about."


At the scene of the question, the reporter continued to ask in surprise: "Mr. Gu, did you say that the expected target is more than 54 billion, because the box office target set by Director Chen Gang for "Little Cannon" was 54 billion."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "This is a question for the benevolent to see the benevolent and the wise to see wisdom. I won't answer it, let's move on to the next question."

Although he didn't answer directly and clearly, everyone can still understand the meaning of his words, and not denying is tantamount to acquiescing.

Even Zhuo Le was extremely excited. He didn't expect Gu Chenfeng to say such a goal, a box office of more than 54 billion. My God, if this is really successful, then Zhuo Le also has three 50 billion box office. The movie is in hand.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Le couldn't wait to realize it quickly, and then he could pretend to be aggressive.

Next, Zhuo Le called another reporter to ask questions, and the one who was called was still a beautiful female reporter.

The female reporter who was selected was a little confused, because she didn't raise her hand. After all, many female reporters had been selected before. In her opinion, Zhuo Le would definitely not choose another female reporter, so she didn't raise her hand.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Le actually chose him.

However, a person who can be a reporter has a very fast reaction ability, so she quickly came to her senses, stood up and looked at Gu Chenfeng, and asked: "Mr. Gu, everyone now thinks that "Operation Blade Red Sea" Movies, like your previous movies, will not invest in a lot of advertisements to promote, is this true?"

"After all, you once said that advertising is not very effective. As long as the quality of the movie is good, it can completely rely on word of mouth to counterattack. Now we can also see that you are very fond of the movie "Operation Blade Red Sea". Confident, and said that the box office of this movie will not be less than 54 billion, so would you still invest in advertising for this movie?"

When the others heard this question, they all rolled their eyes at the female reporter in unison.

This is a complete waste of opportunity, who doesn't know that Gu Chenfeng is notoriously incapable of placing advertisements?

Gu Chenfeng laughed and said, "Oh, my friend, your question is very interesting. You actually asked me what I said before. If I said that I put a lot of advertisements for publicity, then you would definitely say I slapped myself in the face, but if I say no ads, then you feel like a wasted opportunity, right?"

The female reporter was a little embarrassed when she heard Gu Chenfeng's words. In fact, she was excited and didn't think of any questions. She asked this question out of desperation.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng continued: "As for this question, everyone probably thinks that I will not advertise for the movie "Operation Blade Red Sea", but what I want to tell you is that this time I really want to give this movie an advertisement. Movies are advertised, and the advertising budget is [-] million."

Gu Chenfeng's words made everyone's eyes widen, some couldn't believe their ears.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were even more dumbfounded.

"Fuck me, is this really true? Gu Chenfeng actually wants to spend [-] million on advertising for his new play?"

"Hasn't he always adhered to the principle that the smell of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley? Why did it suddenly change now?"

"Mr. Gu, is this going to heaven? It's too crazy to actually place an advertisement worth [-] million yuan!"

"Hey, Mr. Gu is slapping himself in the face? He didn't know how to advertise before, and he relied on word of mouth."

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Gu actually started to advertise his own movie. Could it be that he is not confident in this new movie? Is that why he wants to spend so much money on advertising?"

"That's right, it seems that Mr. Gu is really not confident about his new movie, otherwise he would never do it."

"Actually, it's understandable. This Spring Festival is full of blockbuster movies, and there are so many. If there is no advertising at all, no matter how good the word of mouth is, the box office will be taken away by others."

"Yeah, word of mouth is very important, but it also needs to be read by someone!"


When the netizens in the live broadcast room were discussing, Gu Chenfeng smiled and continued: "It seems that everyone thinks that I am slapping myself in the face, but you must have forgotten that when I was in "Wandering Planet" , The reason why we didn’t advertise was because we were poor at the time, not because I didn’t want to advertise, but because I didn’t have money, and even the money for the press conference was borrowed from others.”

"At that time, I also said that if I had money, I would definitely still advertise, because no one can guarantee that every movie of my own will be favored by the audience, even I can't."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, the female reporter asked again: "Mr. Gu, does it mean that you have no confidence in this "Operation Blade Red Sea"? Or are you not sure whether it will Liked by the audience?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "It's not that I'm sure, it's that when people reach a certain age, they like to pursue stability. Now that we have some money, why not make a big splash, maybe we can really deceive a few viewers How about going in to see?"

After finishing speaking, before the others laughed, Gu Chenfeng laughed first.

Then everyone else laughed too.

Do people like to pursue stability when they reach a certain age?
Brother, how old are you now, and you actually say that you have reached a certain age, how does this make those who are older than you live?

Also, are you really trying to trick some people into seeing your premiere?

At this time, Zhuo Le began to select the lucky one who asked the last question. This time, Zhuo Le was fair and chose a male reporter.

The selected male reporter stood up in surprise, looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked: "Mr. Gu, the outside world has been rumoring that your Qingchen Entertainment Company is producing a new animation film. Is this true? Probably When will it be released, after passing the animated film "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World", many viewers are now waiting for your new animated film!"

Regarding this question, not only netizens and media reporters, but even people from other entertainment companies wanted to know Gu Chenfeng's answer.

Because these entertainment companies have already organized a wave of technical personnel to conquer the animation film, but they found that it is too difficult to conquer this area, and they want to make the same animation as "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World". Quality is almost impossible.

This is the case even for the seven major domestic entertainment company giants, so they want to know whether Gu Chenfeng's Qingchen Entertainment Company produced "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" by virtue of its own strength or there is a certain element of luck inside.

Upon hearing this question, Gu Chenfeng replied with a smile: "My friend, it's the press conference of "Operation Blade Red Sea" now, so you ask other questions, it's not very good!"

Speaking of this, Gu Chenfeng paused for a while, and continued: "But since this is the last question, let me say it. Right now, Qingchen Entertainment is indeed making a new animation film, but the progress is a bit slow. After all, this For our domestic market, it is a brand new field.”

"Even if our Qingchen Entertainment has the success of "Nezha", we are still crossing the river by feeling the stones. As for when it will be released, it is really hard to say, and there is no way to give a definite answer."

Everyone immediately understood that Qingchen Entertainment was really starting to produce a brand new animated film, but from Gu Chenfeng's words, it could be heard that the process of making the new animated film was not so smooth, and there were also encounters. At the bottleneck.

The relevant executives of the seven major entertainment companies who had been watching the live broadcast were relieved when they heard Gu Chenfeng's words. It seems that Gu Chenfeng did not fully master the animation film technology. The success of "Nezha" There's still a lot of luck involved.

After Gu Chenfeng answered the last question, the press conference of "Operation Blade Red Sea" officially came to an end.

Just when the media reporters were ready to leave with satisfaction, Zhuo Le took the microphone and said: "My friends, the first version of the trailer of our "Operation Blade Red Sea" will be released later, everyone remember to watch it!"

Hearing Zhuo Le's words, everyone became excited again.

"Operation Blade Red Sea" is about to release a trailer?
Not only the media reporters at the scene, but the netizens in the live broadcast room also exploded when they heard the news about Zhuo Le.

"At first, I thought that the news that Mr. Gu released was shocking enough, but I didn't expect Zhuo Le to even make a trailer this time! I really look forward to seeing the trailer!"

"Teacher Gu's words are also amazing. His target box office for "Operation Blade Red Sea" is actually more than 54 billion. This is too scary!"

"But Mr. Gu doesn't seem to be so confident about this movie this time. It will cost [-] million yuan to advertise."

"How can it be so easy to achieve a box office of 54 billion? Teacher Gu's investment in advertising does not mean that he has no confidence in his film. It may be that he wants better results. After all, spending money on advertising is a matter of every film. Movies will do it, but I didn't expect that there would be a trailer for this "Blade Red Sea" operation."

"Yeah, I'll be able to see the trailer soon. I'm really looking forward to it. Once the trailer comes out, at least I can get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of the movie!"

"Teacher Gu has never let us down, and I believe the same is true for "Operation Blade Red Sea" this time, and it will definitely not let us down."

"By the way, Mr. Gu's company is starting to produce new animated films now, and it seems to have encountered a bottleneck. Is it really so difficult to produce animated films?"

"For sure, animation film production, film post-production special effects, these are very difficult, if it is simple, do you think there was no successful animation film in our country before "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World"? "

"Indeed, before this animated film, we didn't have a good animated film, but as Mr. Gu said, even though they have made a successful animated film, they didn't make it well. So easy."

"I'm not interested in animated movies, so I'm looking forward to this "Operation Blade Red Sea" and its trailer."


Just when many netizens were looking forward to the release of the trailer of "Operation Blade Red Sea", Wang Zhuole didn't make everyone wait too long.

After the press conference, the crew's official blog updated a Weibo, which read: "Huaguo's first modern H-army commando, a hot-blooded tough guy movie, let's ignite it!"

Below is a 20-second trailer.

Then Zhuo Le was the first to repost this Weibo, and wrote: "My friends, if you don't feel excited after watching this trailer, you can hit me. (Proud jgp)"

Not only Zhuo Le, but also the leading actors of "Operation Blade Red Sea", Gu Chenfeng, Hua Ge, Huang Jing, Guan Gu, Reba and others have also reposted this trailer.

For a while, the entire Internet was flooded with the trailer of "Operation Blade Red Sea".

Netizens became even more excited after watching it.

"Fuck, if I didn't see Mr. Gu in this trailer, I would have thought it was some Hollywood blockbuster. This scene is too big!"

"I was so excited to see it, the explosion scene inside is simply amazing."

"Now I finally know why King Bi dared to say that. It turns out that watching this trailer really made my blood boil. The equipment in it is too awesome!"

"It's not just the equipment. When I saw the sandstorm that was about to fill the entire screen, I was almost scared to death. The special effects are too good!"

"Through this trailer, I can probably guess what kind of story this is. When I saw the J ship appearing in the port, I thought of what happened a few years ago. I immediately felt the strength of the motherland and felt The blood in my body is boiling."

"I also thought about it. If this movie really tells such a story, then I'm sure that the results of "Operation Blade Red Sea" will definitely be very popular."

"That's right, that's right, after seeing this trailer, I can't wait to buy tickets."

"Wait, the pre-sale channel is about to open, you have to hurry up then, I can guarantee that anyone who sees this trailer will rush to buy tickets for the premiere."

"After watching this trailer, I suddenly discovered that Mr. Gu's goal of 54 billion box office seems to be really possible to achieve!"


On the other side, Chen Gang, who has not had time to read the news on the Internet, is participating in a road show of "Little Cannon". The goal of OPERATION RED SEA at the box office is as long as it surpasses your "Little Cannon", what do you think about this?"

When Chen Gang heard this question, his face darkened, and he replied: "This is the biggest joke I have ever heard. Many people have said that they want to defeat me, but how many of them have succeeded? I can only say that these people are really Is it too self-righteous, thinking that I have achieved some achievements, and I am so awesome? That is because they have not met people like us. This time, I will let those people know what real strength is."

At this time, the reporter asked again: "Director Chen, have you watched the trailer of "Operation Blade Red Sea"? After watching the trailer, would you still say such things?"

"Trailer? What trailer? They released the trailer?" Chen Gang was confused.

At this time, his assistant came over and whispered something in his ear, Chen Gang's complexion became even darker, and he angrily shouted at the reporter: "Which reporter are you from, do you have any professional ethics?"

After scolding, he left angrily.

However, this scene was directly photographed by other media reporters and posted online.

When netizens saw Chen Gang's distraught look, they immediately became happy.

Obviously that reporter was digging holes for Chen Gang. As far as the quality of the trailer of "Operation Blade Red Sea" is concerned, there are really few directors in China who dare to guarantee that their movie will be better than it.

As long as all the movies are of this quality, word-of-mouth and box office will definitely explode when the movie is released.

However, the reaction to the trailer of "Operation Blade Red Sea" is not limited to these. Now, almost all the hot searches on Weibo and the headlines on the front pages of major entertainment websites in China are dominated by this super-burning trailer.

Even the WeChat circle of friends can be seen by just flipping through it.

It can be said that "Operation Blade Red Sea" has become popular before it is broadcast.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Chenfeng spent [-] million publicity expenses in the next period of time, now the entire country's streets and alleys, airports, railway stations, subway stations, outdoor billboards, etc., are all covered by this "Operation Blade Red Sea" " promotional poster.

The movie's trailer was already very popular, and coupled with such a vigorous publicity, many people were shocked.

Especially for those movies that will also be released during the Spring Festival, after seeing the popularity of "Operation Blade Red Sea", they have stepped up their promotion efforts.

As for the popularity on the Internet, except for the sissy "Macho Hero", which can barely compete with Gu Chenfeng's "Operation Red Sea", the other crews are not rivals at all.

So other crews can only focus on the offline promotion.

Xu Zheng, the director of "囧囧 in Hong Kong", originally thought that it would be enough for him to invest 3000 million yuan in advertising, but when he saw that Gu Chenfeng was so popular online and invested so wildly offline, he gritted his teeth and increased the promotion again strength.

A full 5000 million publicity fee has been added, and now the publicity fee for "囧囧 in Hong Kong" has reached 8000 million.

It's not just Xu Zheng, Huang Jing, Deng Cao and others who have increased their offline propaganda efforts.

For a while, the streets and alleys across the country were full of promotional posters about movies released during the Spring Festival, and such scenes even appeared on the bodies of some buses.

On the left is the promotional poster of "Operation Blade Red Sea", and on the right is the promotional poster of "Lost in Hong Kong".

It is conceivable how crazy it is for a bus to carry the promotion of two movies at the same time.

However, when everyone else was madly promoting his movie, Chen Gang didn't promote it vigorously. He was asked this question during a road show.

Director Chen replied directly: "I think your question is very stupid. It is a way to invest in advertising, but in my opinion this is a very stupid way. It is thankless. Why bother?"

"I don't think the film needs such promotion at all, because I am very confident in my film. What's more, I am an appeal, so I still need publicity? Wait, whether it's the pre-sale box office or the first-day box office or It's the ratings, "Little Cannon" absolutely dominates the rankings, this is my confidence."

In order to show his self-confidence, Director Chen did not hesitate to offend many people. After all, almost every movie will be advertised before it is released, and he killed everyone with this shot.

Of course, he didn't care, because he was the kind of person who never cared what others thought, only cared about how comfortable he was.

Netizens were taken aback by Director Chen Gang's response, after all, he spoke too much.

"Director Chen is still so confident. If you say something, you are not afraid that others will hate him for it."

"Hehe, he also offended a lot of directors at the same time, but he doesn't care who he offends because of his position."

"That's right, his position is big enough, even Xu Zheng will give him face when he sees Director Chen. This is the status that Director Chen has used for decades."

"However, Director Chen is too confident. Didn't he watch the trailer of "Operation Blade Red Sea"? Or does he think his "Little Cannon" is really that good and appealing?"

"I think Chen Gang will definitely be slapped in the face at that time. Anyway, in this Spring Festival file, I am optimistic about "Operation Blade Red Sea". Just a trailer successfully aroused my desire to watch the movie."

"Hey, I'm really looking forward to the opening of the pre-sale channel, and then we will know who can win the top spot at the pre-sale box office."


Regarding the interview video of Chen Gang, the directors all chose to ignore it, and could only force Wang Zhuole to stand up.

I saw him write on his Weibo: "Hey, I am really not afraid of being swollen in the face. To be honest, I am looking forward to the day when someone is slapped in the face. At that time, I can provide some medical treatment for free." medicine."

"Still wanting to be number one at the pre-sale box office? Don't say that I disagree with "Operation Blade Red Sea", even the idiot fans who are motherfuckers will not agree. After all, their combat effectiveness is not a joke."

"Okay, let's get down to business: friends, after watching our first version of the trailer, do you feel very excited? Do you feel very excited? Do you want to see the whole movie right away? If you think about it, get ready to book tickets Bar!"

Seeing Zhuo Le's Weibo post, netizens burst out laughing.

It's a little surprising that this guy even took out his sissy and talked about it.

Of course, everyone likes to see him fighting with Chen Gang, after all, only the people who eat melons can eat melons.

"Ouch, you've come out to hate Director Chen again. You don't pretend to be aggressive now. Are you going to become a god from a king?"

"Actually, what Bi Wang said is correct. Those sissy fans are not joking. If the filming rate is high, then "Macho Hero" will definitely win the first box office in the pre-sale."

"Hey, the king is indeed the king. His main business is to pretend to be aggressive, but the trailer is really exciting, and I'm ready to buy tickets."

"I'm really looking forward to the arrival of February 2st. Who will hit whose face?"

"Hahaha, I think Chen Gang has a high chance of being slapped in the face. After all, his movie feels a bit weird. "Little Cannon" and "Operation Blade Red Sea" all use aircraft and cannons. How can you, a little cannon? People fight?"

"Brother upstairs, I give you full marks for this reason."


Zhuo Le's post on Weibo has aroused extensive discussions among netizens, among which Director Chen's "Little Paoer" has become the object of everyone's hot discussion.

However, Chen Gang's wild words did not cause any waves. After all, everyone knows his character better, and he always likes to be arrogant, and his new movie does not put in advertising, so the focus of netizens is naturally not on him. .

(End of this chapter)

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