Chapter 43 Outshine others, word-of-mouth explodes
At the end of the movie, Zhuo Le turned his head and whispered to Gu Chenfeng, "That... let's go!"

Gu Chenfeng nodded.

So the three of them left the theater first.

When Gu Chenfeng passed by the well-known film critic Hu Chan, Hu Chan's eyes were flushed, and he gave Gu Chenfeng a thumbs up.

Gu Chenfeng was taken aback, did he find me?
However, he quickly came back to his senses, put his hands together to Hu Chan, and expressed his gratitude for her approval.

Neither of them spoke, just passing by.

It was very noisy outside the theater, but Gu Chenfeng didn't have the time to pay attention. After watching the premiere, not only the audience felt empty, but so did he.

Even, this feeling, he is stronger than anyone else.

In the nanny's car, Zhang Qingqing didn't speak for a long time, Gu Chenfeng also kept silent, and the whole car fell into an eerie silence.

The driver, Wu Jun, was originally a man of few words, and he couldn't even open his mouth.

In the end, it was Zhang Qingqing who broke the tranquility first, looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Chenfeng, you are really talented, you can write a script like "Buried Alive"."

"And after watching this film, I realized that it can fully display your acting skills. I know that you are going to be popular, and you will be popular."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qingqing seemed a little excited, and said word by word: "Chenfeng, you are going to be famous."

Gu Chenfeng smiled, looked at Zhang Qingqing and replied: "Sister Zhang, thank you very much, without you, even if I have acting skills and a good script, I would not be able to be on the big screen so soon."

"Although I don't know what the effect of "Buried Alive" will be when it is released, I am already very satisfied that this movie can be filmed."

Zhang Qingqing nodded, and said: "You must have seen the reaction of the audience just now. Just wait, tomorrow at the latest, the reputation of "Buried Alive" will definitely burst and become the focus of everyone's heated discussions."

"And you will naturally become the object of people's attention."

Gu Chenfeng turned his head and looked out the window. Although it was pitch black, he seemed to see a light, and said quietly, "Maybe!"

On the Internet, it has already boiled at this time.

Although it is early morning, it does not seem to hinder the enthusiasm of night owls.

"I really didn't expect that "Love Apartment Movie" would be like this. It's too much. The movie ticket I bought for 50 yuan actually let me watch Tomb Raider."

"It's too much. It's definitely for money. It's disgusting. I usually leave this movie after watching it. It's just too ugly. I think it's too much to give three points."

"I haven't watched "Love Apartment Movie", but "Youth" is such a piece of rubbish, the protagonist is too embarrassing, do you know what acting is? It's disgusting, and the plot is about abortion, breakup, The car accident was simply too disgusting."

"Have the current movies become a tool for traffic stars to make money? There is no one to watch."

"Holy shit, I can't say that. The movie "Buried Alive" is really good to watch. It's so good to see the explosion. Who is the lead actor? His acting skills are so explosive!"

"I also just finished watching "Buried Alive". This movie is really invincible. I was planning to go to sleep in the movie theater, but who knows, I was substituted into the emotion of "Buried Alive" after watching it. It's too depressing, but it's really pretty."

"Is the lead actor of "Buried Alive" really just a newcomer? But his acting skills are too terrifying, his acting skills are too substituting and real, especially the part where he cuts his fingers, it makes my hair stand on end. "

"Fuck, "Buried Alive" is good? Are you sure it's not a troll? Isn't it a movie for self-entertainment? You trolls are too obvious!"

"That's right, those fans of traffic stars only kneel and lick the stars themselves, but they never kneel and lick the stars' movies, okay?"


For a while, netizens burst into flames.

In particular, netizens who have seen the premieres of the five films tonight expressed their views on the films on the Internet.

Among them, "Love Apartment Movie" has attracted much attention, but it was scolded directly.

It was only when they entered the movie theater that they realized that this was actually a tomb robbery movie, and even the leading actor was not as advertised, but someone else.

This wave of operations is simply disgusting to everyone.

Not only "Love Apartment Movie" has a bad reputation, but "Youth", which has an equally astonishing pre-sale box office, also has a bad reputation. Netizens even criticized that the three views are not correct.

As for the other three movies, apart from "Buried Alive" which was well received, the reputation of the other two movies is not very good.

This result exceeded everyone's expectations.

After all, for the movie "Buried Alive", the director is a newcomer, the lead actor is also a newcomer, and there is even only one lead actor. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for such a movie to be good-looking.

However, after the premiere, the word-of-mouth of "Buried Alive" immediately exploded, and everyone who watched it said it was good.

Just when everyone was discussing, the famous director Zhu Bing's Weibo was updated again.

"I took the time to watch the movie "Buried Alive" this evening. I just want to say that "Buried Alive" is definitely a very good movie. Whether it is from the narrative technique or the editing of the movie, it is well-produced."

"The thing that shocked me the most was the acting skills of the leading actor Gu Chenfeng. His performance in "Buried Alive" really shocked me. His acting skills exploded. Because he is suspected of being a spoiler, so I won't say more, I just want to tell everyone , "Buried Alive" is definitely a movie worth watching."

Following the release of this microblog by director Zhu Bing, netizens were stunned.

If the netizens were touting "Buried Alive" and thought it was the troupe hired by the crew, then when Zhu Bing's Weibo was posted, they were all stunned.

"Is "Buried Alive" really good to watch?"

Almost everyone had such a question in their hearts.

Coincidentally, Huang Xiaochu's Weibo was also updated at this time.

"As for the movie "Buried Alive", I said in the program that this is a rare literary and artistic suspense film. This movie will definitely not disappoint you. Compared with watching "Buried Alive" tonight The audience has already truly felt the shock brought by this movie."

"Here, I recommend again."

After Huang Xiaochu's Weibo post came out, everyone was even more astonished.

You know, Huang Xiaochu is currently recording the program "Longing for Life", logically speaking, he should have gone to bed at this time.

However, not only did he not sleep, he actually paid attention to the movie "Buried Alive", and then made another wave of promotion.

This is too shocking!

"Is the movie "Buried Alive" really amazing? Anyone who has seen it can tell me."

"I just finished watching and came home, and I'm telling you that this "Buried Alive" is absolutely awesome. When I came back, I already bought tickets for tomorrow, and I'm going to go back for a second time. That newcomer Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are really explosive. Look This movie has a feeling of being on the scene, and as the plot continues to advance, the mood is also one after another, which is too exciting."

"Director Zhu recommended "Buried Alive", and Xiaochu Huang recommended "Buried Alive" again. It seems that this movie is really good. In this case, I will buy a ticket now to see this two great movies. Everyone recommends the movie, is it good or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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