Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 44 Word-of-mouth counterattack, Gu Chenfeng is about to become popular

Chapter 44 Word-of-mouth counterattack, Gu Chenfeng is on fire
"By the way, the filming rate of "Buried Alive" is a bit low. I just watched it. There are only three shows in such a long day, which is a bit too much."

"Among the five films released, "Buried Alive" has the lowest screening rate, so it is normal to have only three during the day, because the others are allocated to other films."

"Fuck, are these movie theaters blind? Such a good movie has such a low production volume. It's really too much."

"This "Buried Alive" is so good, but it has such a low production rate, and some garbage movies have such a high screening rate. Are the brains of the movie theaters caught by the door?"

"Yes, yes, I went to see "The Movie of Love Apartment" with my mind full of hope, but after watching it, I felt like I was being fed directly, which is simply unforgivable."

"I watched "Buried Alive" directly. I heard from my friends that "Buried Alive" was not bad, so I went to watch "Buried Alive". Not to mention, this movie is really powerful and exciting, but this open-ended I can accept the ending, at least in my opinion, Paul was saved."


Netizens seemed very lively.

With the release of director Zhu Bing and Huang Xiaochu's Weibo, the movie "Buried Alive" has been pushed to another level.

At three o'clock in the morning, the Department of Culture's professional film review website refreshed the ratings of five movies released in the early morning.

The much-watched "Love Apartment Movie" scored 4.2 points.

"Youth" scored 4.5 points.

As for the other two films, neither scored more than six points.

The rating of the movie "Buried Alive" shocked everyone, because it got a score of 9.5 on the professional film review website of the Department of Culture.

9.5 points.

On the professional film review website of the Department of Culture, there is no such thing as a high score, and domestic films with a score of 9 or more can be said to be rare.

However, "Buried Alive", a movie that was not favored at all before its release, got a terrifying 9.5 points.

This simply stunned everyone.

This is a dark horse!

Well-known film critic Hu Chan, after returning home from the cinema, the first thing he did was to turn on his computer and start writing a film review of the movie "Buried Alive" he watched tonight.

She is notoriously demanding and has a poisonous tongue.

After the ratings were refreshed on the Film Critic Network, her film review was finished and posted directly online.

"Tonight, I abandoned "Love Apartment Movie" and "Youth", and chose to watch "Buried Alive", a movie that was not watched by everyone before it was released."

"Originally, I just wanted to hunt for novelties. After all, this is my hobby. In the end, I really discovered this "Buried Alive" movie. It is really good-looking."

"Although the director is a newcomer, he is absolutely proficient in the use of shooting techniques, which has the feeling of a Hollywood blockbuster. The editing in the later stage is also very sophisticated, and it is accompanied by the music that fits the scene."

"The most important thing is that Gu Chenfeng, a newcomer actor, is simply amazing. His acting skills are really explosive. Paul, who plays the role, really came alive. Watching this "Buried Alive", the mood really follows the plot one after another. It’s like being there.”

"This "Buried Alive" is definitely the best literary suspense film I have ever seen, none of them..."

Hu Chan eloquently wrote more than 1000 words to comment on "Buried Alive". Although there are a lot of words, he did not reveal the plot at all, and there were no spoilers.

Among them, Hu Chan focused on commenting on Gu Chenfeng, a newcomer actor, and his words were full of praise.

After all, Hu Chan is also well-known in the film critic circle. When her film review came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Oh, why has Hu Chan changed her gender? Isn't she a poisonous tongue? How come the whole story is full of praise for "Buried Alive" and that new actor Gu Chenfeng?"

"Hu Chan, you have changed, you are no longer the poisonous tongue I love, and you even shouted that "Buried Alive" is the best literary suspense film you have ever seen, Hu Chan, be honest, do you want to give it to me? Tangtang has become a stepmother."

"Oh my god, is "Buried Alive" really that good-looking? Even a poisonous tongue like Hu Chan posted more than 1000 words of praise, especially half of the whole article is praising the newcomer actor Gu Chenfeng. It's too much!"

"Since this movie is so good, I will try the water tomorrow."


When Hu Chan's film review came out, netizens were stunned, and even had some doubts, whether the account had been stolen.

Hu Chan, who is notoriously demanding and has a poisonous tongue, actually sent more than 1000 words of praise this time.

This is so abnormal.

For a while, the curiosity of many people was also aroused, and they really wanted to know whether this "Buried Alive" was really so good.

Tianmang Entertainment Headquarters.

Gu Chenfeng returned to his dormitory. After taking a shower, he lay on the bed and looked at his mobile phone. At this time, he really didn't feel sleepy at all.

After reading the movie reviews and the feedback from netizens, Gu Chenfeng is in a state of extreme excitement at the moment.

This was the first movie he came to this world, and it was also the first movie he brought over.

Now, fire.

The rating of the professional film critic network has reached 9.5 points, and it has entered the list of classics. This is definitely the greatest recognition for him.

However, Gu Chenfeng also knew that this was just the beginning, and that "Buried Alive" would definitely get worse.

He clearly remembered that "Buried Alive" was a big hit when he was on Earth, so he believed that in this world, this movie would also explode.

November [-], early morning.

When people just wake up from their sleep and naturally lie in bed to read the news.

Everyone was stunned.

[The word-of-mouth of "Love Apartment Movie" plummeted. 】

["The Movie of Love Apartment" is just a money grabber, so don't watch it. 】

["Buried Alive"'s word-of-mouth counterattack, it's good to see an explosion. 】

["Buried Alive" is the best literary suspense film I have ever seen, bar none. 】

[Gu Chenfeng's acting skills exploded, instantly killing many little fresh meats. 】

[A newcomer with explosive acting skills is slowly rising. 】

[Who is the director Zhuo Le? 】

At this time, the Internet is basically full of news about the five movies that will be released.

Among them, apart from "Love Apartment Movie", the most topical one is "Buried Alive", which was not watched at all at first.

But one night passed, and the reputation of "Buried Alive" was a successful counterattack, all of which were unanimously praised.

As for the "Love Apartment Movie", which has attracted much attention, it has become the target of crusade by netizens, and it was directly scolded to pieces.

"Oh my god, what's going on here? Is "Buried Alive" really so good?"

"I don't know if it's good or not, but I know that "Love Apartment Movie" is actually a tomb robbery movie, and it has nothing to do with "Love Apartment"."

"Fuck, I bought a movie ticket for it, and I'm about to wake up to watch it, it's embarrassing."

"By the way, such a low score, could it be that someone deliberately brushed it out? How could it be just 4 o'clock?"

(End of this chapter)

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