It has to be said that Nolan has been able to make a name for himself in Hollywood, and his emotional intelligence is indeed very high.

He is very clear that although Gu Chenfeng has given him full autonomy, he can't do too much, and many things need to be decided by Gu Chenfeng.

Long-term cooperation can only take place if two people respect each other.

Gu Chenfeng watched the videos of the actors' deeds carefully at that time, and gave his opinions bluntly.

Nuo Lan was not pretentious either, and had a detailed discussion with Gu Chenfeng, and finally decided on the list of leading actors.

Unlike Earth, the actor who played Batman did not choose Christian Bale, but Matt Damon.

The acting skills of the two are almost the same, the only difference lies in the salary and treatment.

Bell's agent proposed more than a dozen conditions and a salary of 2 million US dollars, while Matt Damon, who is equivalent to a bachelor, did not propose any conditions, and his salary was only 500 million US dollars, and he could even into the investment.

Comparing the two, whether it is Gu Chenfeng or Ruolan, both of them chose Matt Damon without hesitation.

Nolan said: "When we were at DC Comics, our crew had already set up locations and found them all. Later, when DC Comics went bankrupt, most of the crew joined Marvel Studios."

"So I went to Marvel Movies and told them that they would release people soon."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Then according to what you said, I have to treat the president of Marvel to a meal."

Nolan said: "Compared to Marvel, we still hope that the movie "Batman" can be made well. After all, this is the first movie in the entire series. As long as we succeed, then the movies after him will also be able to do well. get more benefits."

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and suddenly asked: "By the way, what's going on with Matt Damon? Why did he lower the price to play the role of Batman?"

Nolan explained: "Because Matt Damon's contract with Paramount expires in three months, I heard that he is very likely to join Marvel Studios."

Gu Chenfeng's eyes lit up, and he said, "Oh, I understand, so he wants to be the long-term actor of Batman."

"That's right!" Nolan said: "As long as our "The Dark Knight of Batman" can be successful, then Matt Damon's Batman will be remembered by fans, and Marvel Studios, if the follow-up wants to If there is a sequel, there will definitely not be a change in Batman."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "People in the entertainment industry are all fucking smart, and they are all too smart. With 1 million US dollars in exchange for several follow-up Batman performances, Matt Damon is considered to be Big bucks."

Nolan nodded, and said, "Who says no?"

Gu Chenfeng asked: "Then when will this movie start?"

"Three days later!" Nolan stretched out three fingers and replied.

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Three days passed quickly.

Director Nolan led the main creators of "The Dark Knight of Batman" to hold a grand opening ceremony, which attracted the strong attention of more than 100 media reporters around the world.

"Mr. Gu, "Traveling in the Stars" broke the global box office record. Why didn't you continue to be the director, but came to play the role of the clown because you couldn't write a good script?"

Hearing the reporter's words, Gu Chenfeng said helplessly: "This beautiful reporter friend, can you remove the last question? This will make me feel that you hate me very much.":
"Hahahaha!" The other media reporters at the scene burst into laughter when they heard what he said.

Gu Chenfeng continued: "I have always positioned myself as an actor, director, musician and businessman. The script of "The Dark Knight of Batman" is very good, and the role of the clown has a lot of room to play, so I don't want to pass up this opportunity."

"As for why you don't continue to be a director, you can ask director Nolan, if he is willing to let me direct Batman's Dark Knight, then I can accept it reluctantly."

"Dream!" Nolan said immediately.

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed again.

Nolan continued: "The reason why Mr. Gu took the role of the clown is not because he can't write a good script. I can tell everyone that Mr. Gu has written two very good scripts."

"It's not that we've had the chance to do The Dark Knight again, I'm afraid we're gearing up for one of those films right now."

Hearing Director Lorraine's words, the media reporters at the scene were in an uproar.

"Mr. Gu, why don't you be the director of your new film?"

Gu Chenfeng replied: "Because being a director is too time-consuming in the post-production process, and if I were to be an actor, I only need to perform the play well. I don't have to think about so many people, I don't have to be so tired, and I don't have to worry about it." So troublesome."

"To put it bluntly, director Nolan became famous with only one movie, but how do you know he will be able to make the movie "The Dark Knight of Batman"?" A reporter asked.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "After the movie "The Dark Knight of Batman" is released, you will find that director Nolan has become one of the best directors in Hollywood."

"Mr. Gu, what is the cost of this movie? How much do you expect for its future box office?"

Gu Chenfeng replied: "As for the investment, as long as the film needs it, it doesn't matter how much it is. As for the box office, let's set it at 32 billion US dollars."

"Why is it $32 billion?"

Gu Chenfeng replied: "Because Director Nolan wants to get the shooting rights of the other two scripts from me, and the condition I gave is that the profit of the movie "The Dark Knight of Batman" must reach 10 billion U.S. dollars. , and the box office share of 32 billion US dollars is basically enough for this figure.”

"Director Nolan, is what Mr. Gu said true?"

"This is indeed true." Nolan said: "If you want to make the next movie, the profit of the previous movie must be 10 billion US dollars, but I am very confident that I can do it because I have the best The best crew, the best script and the best actors."

Gu Chenfeng interjected: "There is also the best director."

"Hahahaha" Nolan laughed and said, "That's right, I will definitely be the best director."

After the opening press conference, "Batman: The Dark Knight" entered the intensive shooting.

The first day was Matt Damon's part.

Gu Chenfeng really wanted to see how good he was, the actor who won the Oscar for Best Actor three years ago, so he stayed on the set all the time.

I don’t know if it’s because of the nervousness, but Matt Damon’s performance in front of the airport laundry was not particularly good, especially the first scene, which took eight times to pass.

This made Matt Damon very frustrated.

During lunch, Gu Chenfeng bumped into Director Nolan and said softly, "I feel that there seems to be something wrong with Damon's mentality."

Nolan nodded, and said: "Isn't there an idiom in China called too much is too late? Damon is in this state now, he wants to play the role of Batman so much, so he is a little worried about gains and losses, and has committed too much force." Serious trouble."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Then you, the director, aren't you going to train it?"

Nolan said: "An excellent actor should know how to adjust his state. If I teach him, it will put more pressure on him."

Although Gu Chenfeng didn't quite agree with Nolan's words, he didn't refute. He just said: "Let's adjust the role of Damon and I later, and when he is in the best condition, we will act opposite each other. "

Nolan was taken aback, and asked, "Why?"

Gu Chenfeng explained: "The character of the clown is full of aggressiveness. Damon is in this state now. I'm afraid I can't even handle a scene."

Nolan remembered Gu Chenfeng's performance during the audition, nodded, and said, "You're right, you really should adjust it, so let me adjust the scene between you and other actors to the front, what do you think? "

Gu Chenfeng shrugged and said, "Of course I don't have any problems."

Nolan patted his thigh and said, "Okay, then do this."

Shooting continued in the afternoon.

Matt Damon's condition is slightly better than in the morning, but he still can't show the level of an Oscar winner, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

The staff and group members of the crew began to have some opinions.

"What the hell is going on with Damon?"

"Is this the level of an Oscar winner?"

"I don't think there's much difference between Mr. Damon and ordinary actors!"

"I think I've played better than Damon on set."


Although these people did not mock Matt Damon in person, how could Matt Damon, who has been in the circle for so many years, not feel it?
It's just that he seems to have entered a strange circle. The more he wants to pick up his tricks and prove his acting skills and strength to everyone, the more prone to problems will arise.

Back at the hotel at night, Matt Damon didn't even eat dinner, so he went back to his room and began to study the script, but after only 10 minutes, he was so irritated that he wanted to tear up the script.

Matt Damon knew that he was not calm, so he walked out of the room, wanting to take a stroll outside, when he just stepped into the elevator, he ran into Gu Chenfeng who was about to go out for dinner.

"Mr. Damon, have you eaten yet?" Gu Chenfeng asked.

Matt Damon shook his head and said, "I can't eat it. Mr. Gu, you can just call me Matt. My friends call me that."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Then you can call me Gu, Matt, if my guess is right, you should be upset about your daytime shooting."

Matt Damon smiled bitterly: "I think my performance is a stinking piece of shit."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "How about we go have a drink, maybe I can help you."

Matt Damon immediately said excitedly: "Okay, I treat you."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Then I will give you this opportunity reluctantly."

When Matt Damon heard it, he smiled for the first time on his face.

Afterwards, the two found a restaurant not far from the hotel, ordered a bottle of red wine, and drank.

Matt Damon took a bite of the beef and said, "Gu, can you tell me?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "If my guess is correct, you have been studying the role of Batman since the audition, right?"

Matt Damon nodded and said: "Yes, the role of Batman is very important to me, I must play it to make you feel amazing, otherwise the next Batman will not I'm the lead actor."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Matt, do you know what the most important quality of an actor is?"

Matt Damon said: "It's persistence. Only actors who are extremely persistent in their roles can become great actors."

Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said: "Wrong, acting skills have reached your level, and being too obsessed with the role will cause you troubles. Just like today, the more you want to be good at it, the worse it will be."

Matt Damon was silent for a moment, and said, "What's the answer?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "It's concentration."

Matt Damon asked a little puzzled: "Is there any difference between concentration and persistence?"

Gu Chenfeng explained: "Concentration is a commendatory word, which means that you put all your energy into the character and don't care about everything in the outside world, and persistence is a neutral word. If you are too obsessed with a certain thing, It’s actually not a good thing.”

"For example, you played the role of Batman. We all know that you have put a lot of effort into this role, so you especially hope to be recognized by everyone. Since your performance today was not very satisfactory, you are very concerned about your acting skills. Suspicion arose."

"To put it bluntly, this behavior is very stupid."

"Matt, it doesn't matter what other people think of you, you can't let them affect you, so what you need to do now is to eliminate all distractions and find your best state, so that you can play the role of Batman. "

"That's what you should be doing most now."

Matt Damon was silent for a while, and then said: "Gu, I seem to know what I should do, thank you."

Gu Chenfeng smiled slightly: "It is my honor to be able to help you."

The next day, the crew started filming.

Maybe because of Gu Chengfeng's instruction, Matt Damon's performance is more than a hundred times better than yesterday. Whether it is expression, movement, or eyes, it gives people a very comfortable feeling, just like him and the character of Batman. It is one in itself.

When Director Nolan saw Matt Damon in such a state, he was very happy and said: "Matt, your two scenes were so beautifully filmed, completely performing the Batman I imagined."

Matt Damon looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "It's thanks to Gu's guidance."

Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "I just said a few words, even without me, you can quickly adjust your mentality."

Matt Damon laughed: "Not necessarily."

Nolan said: "No matter what, you are already on the right track, Matt, for the next three days, I will do my best to shoot your scenes, and you must keep me in good shape."

Matt Damon, said: "No problem."

"Mr. Gu, do you agree?" Nolan looked at Gu Chenfeng again and asked.

Gu Chenfeng said: "I've said it before, I'm just an actor on the set, not an investor, and you have the final say on some shooting matters of the crew."

A crew can only be decided by one person, what Gu Chenfeng has to do is to maintain the authority of director Nolan.

Otherwise, as a new director in the film industry, Nolan did not have the prestige to control the entire crew.

Nolan was very grateful for this, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Gu."

For three days in a row, all the crew filmed were Matt Damon's scenes.

And Matt Damon did not live up to Nolan's trust, and his shots are getting better and better, and he is getting more and more comfortable.

It can be said that it is an Oscar-winning actor-level performance.

Finally, it was Gu Chenfeng's turn.

Nolan said: "Mr. Gu, we are going to shoot the big scene during your audition tonight, are you ready?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Of course, I will try my best to pass it once."

Since this scene was the highlight of the night, Nolan stopped filming at four o'clock in the afternoon and asked all the actors to go back to rest.

At seven o'clock in the evening, as night fell, everyone came to a hotel lobby.

This place has long been booked by the crew, and it has been arranged as a studio.

"I heard from the director that Gu has to pass once." Matt Damon said softly to the old drama bone Mel who played the butler.

Mel was taken aback, and said, "This is impossible."

Matt Damon asked, "Why?"

Mel said: "Because there are too many extras."

Everyone knows that group performances are the most difficult to control, the more people there are, the greater the chance of mistakes.

Gu Chenfeng's big play required forty or fifty group performers, even if the assistant director had told them about the play three or four times before the filming officially started, it was difficult to guarantee that they would not make mistakes.

Matt Damon nodded and said, "You're right."

Regarding Gu Chenfeng's first scene, the actors in the crew were also whispering.

"Do you think Mr. Gu is okay?"

"Enough, this scene is really too difficult."

"Who says it's not? Anyway, if I were to act, I would definitely not be able to act."

"I feel that it is very good to be able to complete half of the shooting today."

"My God, I hope Mr. Gu can pass once, and I want to go to the bar for a drink."


Nolan suffocated and checked the set several times. After confirming that there were no problems, he shouted with a loudspeaker: "Attention all actors, get ready to start."


The first scene was a banquet scene, everyone talked and laughed politely, as if they were really attending a banquet.

Nolan was very satisfied with this, and after capturing enough material, he shouted: "Crack!"

Everyone looked at Lai Nolan in unison.

A bright smile appeared on Nolan's face, and he said, "Very good, it's over."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Nolan said, "Mika, is Mr. Gu's makeup ready?"

Assistant director Mika said: "It's already melted, and it's waiting at the door to play."

Nolan nodded and said, "Then let's begin."


Gu Chenfeng pushed open the door and rushed in with a few of his subordinates.

"Good evening, gentlemen and ladies."

A playful voice came to everyone's ears.

The group of performers all looked at Gu Chenfeng, and they were all taken aback.

Pale face, crazy eyes, terrifying aura, and the terrifying scar at the corner of the mouth.

Not to mention their ensemble performers, even Director Nolan, who had already watched Gu Chenfeng's performance, shuddered after seeing Gu Chenfeng's current costume.

It's too scary.

However, this is exactly the clown I need.

Before that, Gu Chenfeng had already put on his makeup.

It was just to create the best performance effect, so he didn't let the group performers see it in advance.

Now when he came out suddenly, everyone was shocked.

Many of the group performers even screamed, looking extremely terrified.

Gu Chenfeng casually picked up a rose from the table and put it in his mouth, the two scars looked particularly shocking as he chewed vigorously.

The entire banquet hall was as quiet as a cemetery, and everyone looked at Gu Chenfeng with fear.


It's a neurosis.

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