Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 442 Gu Chenfeng Appears, Scaring the Female Lead

There was an unbelievable expression in Matt Damon's eyes. He had already guessed that Gu Chenfeng would definitely be able to play the role of the clown well.

But he never thought that Gu Chenfeng would be able to play the clown to this extent.

It's so bullshit.

Gu Chenfeng looked around and said softly, "I only have one question."

"Harvey Dent, where are you?"

When he said this line, there was a smile on his face, and it was this smile that made people feel even more terrifying and gloomy.

Seeing that no one answered him, Gu Chenfeng's smile subsided, replaced by a crazy expression.

"I'll ask again."

"Harvey Dent, where are you?"

"Where is he?"

"Where is he?"


Gu Chenfeng's voice became more urgent every time, and he was still waving a dagger in his hand. He looked like a lunatic, and an extremely dangerous lunatic.

"Do you know where he is?"

Gu Chenfeng grabbed the group performer in front of him, and stared at him fiercely with red eyes.

The extras were trembling. To be able to play a small role in Nolan's movie, to him, it was tantamount to pie in the sky. Originally, he wanted to perform well.

But there is no need for it now, Gu Chenfeng has already scared him enough, so he directly acted in his true colors.

Before he could react, Gu Chenfeng pushed the little group actor aside and grabbed a noble lady.

"do you know?"

"I have something to talk to him about..."

"I'm looking for him for a little thing..."

Gu Chenfeng screamed like a nervous person, staring at the noble lady with a pair of pure and terrifying eyes, like a plate of delicious beef on ice, as if he might swallow it in one bite at any time.

The group performer who played the role of the noble lady was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she couldn't help but let out a scream.

"We won't be intimidated by you."

"We will not give in to criminals."

At this time, Mel, the old actor who played the butler, saw that the female ensemble was in danger of collapsing, so he quickly said his lines.

Lao Xi Gu is Lao Xi Gu, and his voice is full of anger and panic.

Gu Chenfeng's movements stopped.

He tilted his head, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and then a monstrous anger, a cold and deathly breath permeated the audience.


Many people secretly swallowed their saliva, and their hearts couldn't help beating wildly.

"Clap clap clap!"

While applauding, Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Yes, yes, old sir, you remind me of my father..."

"But what I hate the most is my father..."

When he said the previous sentence, Gu Chenfeng's aura relaxed a lot, and his eyes were a little empty, as if he was remembering something.

But when he said the last sentence, he grabbed the old housekeeper by the neck, his eyes were red, like a wild beast, and his mighty momentum rushed like a flood breaking a bank.

The tense atmosphere soared to the extreme.

Matt Damon on the side was dumbfounded, Gu Chenfeng's performance was really amazing.

A person completely HOLD lived the audience.

Let alone an actor in the play, even he, who was standing outside the circle, was terrified by Gu Chenfeng's expression and movements.

I'm afraid that he will suddenly go berserk, and then give himself a blow.

As an Oscar winner, Matt Damon is arrogant, but facing the clown performed by Gu Chenfeng, he can only be convinced.

Nolan on the other side was ecstatic.

Gu Chenfeng's clown is completely beyond his imagination. If the full score is 120 points, then Gu Chenfeng's performance can get [-] points, or even higher.


With Nolan's 'click', the scene came to an end for the time being.

"Oh my God."

"It just scared me to death."

"Is this the clown? It's just too scary."

"I feel that the other party may kill us all at any time."

"Unscrupulous, the clown is full of uncertainty, and Mr. Gu fully interprets this uncertainty."

"Convinced, I am really convinced, this is the real actor."


There was a lot of discussion.

After Nolan yelled, Gu Chenfeng stepped out of the role of 'clown'.

Walking to the monitor, he asked, "Director, how are you doing?"

Director Nolan replied: "It is much more perfect than I imagined."

Gu Chenfeng said: "Can I watch the replay?"

"Of course." Gu Chenfeng smiled.

Gu Chenfeng watched his performance from beginning to end, frowned, and said, "There seems to be something wrong."

Nolan was taken aback, and asked, "What's the problem? This is already perfect."

Gu Chenfeng explained: "The problem I'm talking about is that the terrified expressions of the group performers seem to have gone too far."

"No, no, no." Nolan said quickly, "It's absolutely not too much, Mr. Gu, your clown is too scary. If it was me, I would have fled the banquet hall long ago."

Matt Damon came over and echoed: "That's right, Gu, it's right to entrust you with the role of the clown. Judging from this scene, I'm afraid my Batman will be suppressed by you and I can't find anyone." .”

Nolan said with a smile: "Matt, you don't need to belittle yourself, you have already acted very well."

Gu Chenfeng said: "Then according to what you said, the match just ended?"

Nolan nodded and said, "It has to happen, Mr. Gu, you have to keep yourself in good shape, we will continue shooting after 5 minutes."

Gu Chenfeng said: "No problem."

The main actors in the second scene are Gu Chenfeng and the heroine Lena.

The two went through the play once, and Gu Chenfeng found that although Lena was young, she had a very strong line skills.

Sure enough, actors who can make a name for themselves in Hollywood still have two talents.


Gu Chenfeng licked his tongue and extended the knife to the housekeeper's eyes.

Lena took a deep breath and shouted, "Enough."

Gu Chenfeng froze and looked back at Lena, his originally angry eyes became full of playfulness.


"Hello, little beauty..."

Gu Chenfeng let go of the butler, combed his hair with a knife, and tried his best to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor.

Coming in front of Lena, Gu Chenfeng smelled her body and said, "It's really everyone."

Although the two had already played against each other, after the filming actually started, Lena still just received a strong sense of oppression from Gu Chenfeng.

Especially his unscrupulous eyes made her take a step back in fright.

"You look nervous."

"Is it because of these scars on my face?"

"Do you know where they come from?"


Gu Chenfeng asked a few words softly, then suddenly grabbed Lena's hair, brought her face close to his own, and said, "Come here and take a closer look..."

Lena was completely taken aback.

Gu Chenfeng's performance gave her a feeling from the bottom of her heart, and her strong acting ethics made Lena persevere and did not leave, but she never dared to look at Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng chattered and said: "I once had a girlfriend, she was very beautiful, very similar to you, she told me, I should smile more."

"She was very fond of gambling and owed a bunch of loan sharks that we couldn't repay."

"One time, a loan shark found her and took her face..."


Gu Chenfeng's pupils dilated, and the explosive power of his lines made everyone's hearts tremble.

In order to enhance the effect, Gu Chenfeng also used the dagger to slash the corners of his mouth twice before continuing: "They slashed her face like this."

"We don't have money for surgery, she can't stand herself like this."

"Hehehe... I said it's okay, I will accompany her!"

"I just want her to laugh again, I just want her to know that I don't care about those scars."

"So, one morning, I stuck the razor in my mouth..."


Another explosive voice made everyone shudder.

One loose and one tight, one weak and one strong, Gu Chenfeng's lines made the whole scene full of tension, and it also further demonstrated the frightening and freewheeling character of the clown.

Gu Chenfeng originally wanted to say the following lines, but Lena's emotions suddenly collapsed.


She screamed, as if she had encountered a ghost, and ran out directly.

Nolan scolded angrily: "Lena, what's the matter with you?"

Just now Gu Chenfeng's performance was perfect, but if Lena did this, the scene would be over.

Matt Damon touched Nolan and said, "Director, looking at Lena's expression, something seems to be wrong."

Nolan was taken aback, and looked at Lena. Sure enough, seeing the panic on her face, she immediately realized that something had happened.

So he quickly ran to Lena and said, "Lena, this is all fake, we are filming."

Lena panted heavily, and it took a while to calm down, crying: "Director, I don't want it anymore, this clown is too scary, I trembled when I saw his eyes."

"I don't want to have nightmares every day."

Nolan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard that, he didn't know whether he should scold Lena or praise Gu Chenfeng.

It turned out to be a nightmare for other actors, which is too speechless.

Nolan said: "Child, this is acting. There is no such thing as a clown in the world."

"Well, I'll ask Mr. Gu to talk to you. If you are familiar with his makeup, there will be no problem."

Lena grabbed Nolan, shook her head desperately, and said, "I...I'm afraid."

Nolan smiled and said, "It's okay, Mr. Gu is a very gentle person."

After speaking, he waved to Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng came over and said with some embarrassment: "Lena, I'm very sorry for scaring you."

"Let me first declare that I am not a clown, and there is no handsome clown like me in the world. You have absolutely no need to be afraid."

Lena said: "But your aura is really terrifying."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "It's just acting, how about this, when you shoot later, look at my neck, not my eyes."

Lena shook her head and said, "No, in that case, the scene would not be perfect."

"Director, Mr. Gu, I'm really sorry, I ruined the scene, can you let me rest for 5 minutes?"

"I want to do some mental building."

Nolan and Gu Chenfeng looked at each other and said at the same time, "Of course."

"My gosh, that's awesome."

"Mr. Gu scared the heroine too much to act."

"This is acting skills. It can instantly draw the opponent into the plot."

"From today onwards, I will only obey Mr. Gu for my acting skills."


After 5 minutes, the filming resumed.

It may be that Lena has already prepared her mind well, the filming of this scene went very smoothly, and she soon reached the place where she was stuck last time.

"I used a razor to cut my face like this, and it became the same as my girlfriend."

"That day, I went home and told her the news."

"Hehe, do you know what happened next?"

Gu Chenfeng showed a bitter smile and said, "She's gone!"

"she left···"

"she left···"

At the first sound, Gu Chenfeng's voice contained puzzlement and grievance.

The second sentence contains grief and anger.

The third sentence contains bitterness and hatred.

The layers are progressive from bottom to top, Gu Chenfeng's eyes are ferocious, as if the eyes are about to burst into flames.

At this moment, he has arrived at an explosive performance.

"She called me a pervert, called me a freak."

"Damn bitch, she left me."

"I have done so much for her, even at the expense of destroying my own body, but she did this to me."

"So, up until now, I've been laughing."


"Ha ha ha ha···"


Gu Chenfeng's laughter can be called the devil's laughter, not to mention the general group performances, even Director Nolan felt shuddering when he heard it.

Look at my arms, my good guy, the hairs are already standing on my head, and my arms have goose bumps when I get up.

Lena was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she didn't even dare to breathe. She knew that she had to hold on, otherwise, Gu Chenfeng's wonderful performance just now would come to naught.


Nolan's voice was like a life-saving talisman to Lena, dragging her out of the eighteenth hell.

Lena pushed Gu Chenfeng away and fled quickly.

None of the other group performers dared to go up and talk to Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng returned to his original appearance, spread his hands, and said, "Everyone, there's no need to do this, right?"

Matt Damon laughed and said, "No way, who made you act so scary?"

"But, very helpful."

After speaking, Matt Damon applauded first.

"Clap clap clap clap!"

The others also came to their senses and gave Gu Chenfeng warm applause.

To put it bluntly, the crew is a world, and after this performance, Gu Chenfeng successfully ascended to the top of the world.

After Nolan watched the whole scene in front of the monitor, he stood up excitedly and hugged Gu Chenfeng.

"Mr. Gu, you said before that you would pass tonight's scene at once. I still didn't believe it, but now I believe it."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "This is the credit of everyone's hard work, not just mine!"

Nolan said: "I know, you Chinese people are just modest."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Let's make persistent efforts and strive to finish filming all the scenes in the restaurant tonight, how about it?"

Nolan said: "If that's the case, that's the best."

With Gu Chenfeng's lead, the filming of the next scene went very smoothly.

Director Nolan originally thought that it would take at least two or three nights to complete such a big drama, but he didn't expect that with Gu Chenfeng's drive, it only took one night to complete this part of the gas.

Throughout the night, the smile on his face never stopped.

Matt Damon, Lena and other crew members all admired Gu Chenfeng's acting skills.

When encountering a scene that they can't handle, everyone will come to ask Gu Chenfeng for advice, and Gu Chenfeng is also responsive, imparting his understanding of the role and some acting skills to them without reservation.

In the end, even Matt Damon felt that he had benefited a lot as the Oscar winner, let alone other people.

The crew took almost a month and a half to shoot, and most of the scenes have been completed, and the remaining scenes need to be filmed in a high-tech studio.

Therefore, under Gu Chenfeng's strong suggestion, the crew of "Batman: The Dark Knight" came to Qingchen High-tech Film and Television City.

Gu Chenfeng led everyone around the film and television city, and said with a smile, "Director Nolan, how do you feel?"

Nolan said: "Great, Mr. Gu, is this the film and television city you funded to build?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said: "Yes, this is only the first time, and the second and third phases will be built successively."

Nolan said: "This is too remarkable."

Matt Damon said: "Gu, if the third phase of the project is completed, will this be the largest high-tech green screen cinema in the world?"

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Once the Qingchen High-Tech Film and Television City is completed, it will have hundreds of green screen studios, which must be the largest in the world."

Nolan said: "Many people are saying that the future of film lies in Asia. In China, it seems that the center of film in China is tilting eastward much faster than I expected."

Gu Chenfeng said: "The population of Asia accounts for 60% of the world, and the number of middle class is increasing at a rate of 2 million to 000 million every year. In a few years, these countries in Asia will be It will be the box office of the movie.”

"Where the market is, there is the center. Just look at it. In the future, those who win Asia will win the world."

Nolan and Matt Damon nodded at the same time.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "My wife's best friend is filming a movie here, why don't we go and watch it together, how about it?"

Nolan's eyes lit up, and he said, "Okay!"

Gu Chenfeng took out his mobile phone and called Wang Yao to tell you hi.

It was Wang Yao standing still who answered the phone.

"Ms. Gu, Sister Yao is filming. I'll ask her to call you back later."

"Where are you?"

"Qingchen High-tech Film and Television City!"

"I'm asking about the studio number."

"On the 38th, Mr. Gu, are you coming to visit the class?"

"In a while, director Nolan, Matt Damon and others will go to visit the set."

"Okay, I'll notify the crew right away."


This work was also invested by Qingchen Entertainment Company, and now Gu Chenfeng took everyone to visit the set, which can be regarded as a promotion for this film.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Chenfeng brought Lorraine, Matt Damon and others to the crew of "Assassination of Novelists".

Director Lu Yang, who had already received the news, immediately came up to greet him and said, "Mr. Gu, why didn't you let me know in advance when you came, so that I can welcome you..."

Gu Chenfeng said: "We came here on a temporary basis. Director Lu will introduce to you, this is Lorraine, the director of our "The Dark Knight of Batman", and Matt Damon, the actor who plays Batman."

Lu Yang immediately shook hands with the two.

Gu Chenfeng scanned around and asked, "Where's Yaoyao?"

Lu Yang said: "Her role today is over, she may be going to change clothes."

Gu Chenfeng curled his lips and said, "Girls just have a lot of things to do."

Lu Yang smiled and didn't say anything. Gu Chenfeng could say something about Wang Yao, a person with a big background, but he certainly couldn't.

After a while, Wang Yao came over in casual attire.

"Yo yo, Director Gu, are you here to surprise me?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Then are you surprised?"

"Not at all." Wang Yao pouted and said.

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