Chapter 453 Zhou Tongyu Wants to Join Qingchen
Lunch time is over, and the Chinese restaurant has received four tables of guests throughout the noon time.

Since it was raining outside and it was a new store, not many people came, but there were a lot of tableware.

When Zhou Tongyu and Jin Mengjia finished washing, Jin Mengjia complained, "I wonder if the two of us have washed all the dishes in our lives."

They usually don't go into the kitchen at all at home, let alone washing dishes hurts their hands.

Coming here to participate in a show and doing all these tasks is simply too tiring.

Zhou Tongyu is slightly better, her mentality is seldom optimistic, and she seldom does it at home before, but as a woman, she still has to learn to do housework.

"Mr. Gu, do you usually do these things at home?" Zhou Tongyu asked, looking at Gu Chenfeng who was tidying up the kitchen.

Gu Chenfeng put down the rag in his hand, and said: "It's rare, my aunt usually makes it at home, and it's pretty good if I can go home."

The actor industry is actually quite tiring. Although it looks glamorous in the eyes of others, only people in this industry know the sadness behind it.

Especially a workaholic like Gu Chenfeng. A few years ago, he had to release two to three film and television works a year, and he didn't have time to take care of his family. Fortunately, Luo Qingcheng has been silently supporting him.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Gu Chenfeng to get to where he is today.

Thinking of this, Gu Chenfeng couldn't help sighing: "If it weren't for my wife at home, allowing me to venture into my career without any scruples, how could I be where I am today."

After hearing Gu Chenfeng's exclamation, the netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their agreement.

"It's true that every industry has difficulties!"

"Who said it wasn't? Before, we always thought that Mr. Gu's film and television works had a high production capacity. Now that we think about it, it takes too much time and energy for a film and television work to be released."

"Indeed, without the support from Ms. Luo, Teacher Gu might have reached her current height, but definitely not so fast!"

"Although they are big stars, they are actually ordinary people, and they also need mutual support between husband and wife."

"A family with a good wife can only be successful."

"Teacher Gu and Miss Luo have been married for several years, and their relationship is still so good."

"The relationship between their husband and wife has always been very good."


At this time Huang Xiaoming said: "Indeed, there is very little time to eat at home, let alone do these things."

He just finished paying the bill for the last table of guests, and he was still a little happy after hearing the praise from the guests, but when he just came in, he heard Gu Chenfeng's sigh, and he felt the same way.

However, everyone is very happy to have received so many good reviews today. Although it is very tiring, seeing the smiling faces of the guests when they leave, this sense of accomplishment is still very comfortable.

Finally, when it was time for them to eat by themselves, Gu Chenfeng thoughtfully prepared it for everyone, just waiting for everyone to serve.

Looking at the steaming food, even if you no longer have an appetite, your tired body still wants to eat Dale.

I don't know how Gu Chenfeng made these meals, just looking at them is very appetizing.

Huang Xiaoming, who didn't want to eat at first, said to Gu Chenfeng: "Mr. Gu, I admire you more and more now. Your cooking skills are really amazing."

"I obviously don't want to eat anything, but after seeing the meal you made, I feel hungry in an instant, and I can eat several bowls."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Then you should eat more, everyone should eat more, who knows if our business will be better at night?"

"Yes, yes, everyone, eat something." Zhao Wei also said.

For Gu Chenfeng's encouragement, everyone was very happy. It was really tiring for half a day. Although they were very happy to get the praise from the guests, they were really tired.

The more tired you are, the more you need someone to stand up and encourage you, so that everyone will feel better.

After lunch, it was already 03:30 in the afternoon. Seeing that everyone was a little tired, Zhao Wei said, "It's still a while before dinner time, everyone should take a rest first."

"it is good!"

Everyone responded and began to rest.

Today is a busy day, so they can take this opportunity to reflect.

At the beginning, everyone was worried that there would be no guests coming in, but after some guests came in, they worried about whether the food would be served quickly enough, and whether the guests would feel happy after eating.

However, Gu Chenfeng is quick to see these things, as long as you do your best and do your best, other things cannot be forced.

Besides, this is a relaxed variety show, it's too depressing, after all, it's not very good.

They still have a rest time for news, Gu Chenfeng wants to go outside to see the sea, and he has stayed in the kitchen for so long today, so it's good to come out and enjoy some fresh air.

Zhou Tongyu quietly followed behind him.

However, when Gu Chenfeng went out to blow some air, he didn't let the camera follow him. He wanted to be alone and quiet for a while.

When he was busy before, he was already very clear about his future plans.

After participating in this program, I will go to the Lighthouse Country to have a look. If there is a financial crisis, then I will return my assets for a while.

If there is no sign of financial crisis, then continue to invest in some better industries, so as to ensure the growth of your wealth.

Although he is now worth more than 1000 billion US dollars, it is not enough.

You know, the major film giants in Hollywood all have a capital value of 1000 billion US dollars.

Although I have a theater chain, if I want to completely get rid of the shackles of those companies, I still need to continuously improve my wealth.

In the Beacon Country, capital dominates. If you have money, you can do anything, but if you don't have money, you can only be suppressed.

As for making movies, he definitely will.

Generally, directors are at least 70 years old when they shoot, and they choose to retire when they can't make it anymore. However, Gu Chenfeng is not yet 40 years old, and there is still plenty of time.

Moreover, the domestic classic films have been filmed, but there are still many classic films in Hollywood that have not been produced yet.

"Teacher Gu, are you in a bad mood?" Zhou Tongyu suddenly made a voice behind Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng looked back one day and found that Zhou Tongyu had come with him, so he shook his head and said, "No, I just want to come here to have some wind. I've been in the kitchen all day today, and I'm a little bored."

Hearing this explanation, Zhou Tongyu opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but swallowed it back.

Gu Chenfeng asked: "What's the matter? Do you have something to do with me?"

Zhou Tongyu suddenly didn't know what to say, although Gu Chenfeng usually looked very approachable, but his identity was there.

His identity is like a mountain, when anyone in the entertainment industry faces him, there is an invisible pressure.

"No... ah, there is something wrong, I just want to ask Qingchen Entertainment what are the requirements for recruiting people now?"

"Do you think I can join?"

That's right, the contract that Zhou Tongyu signed before is about to expire, and he wants to enter Gu Chenfeng's Qingchen Entertainment.

In the entire domestic entertainment circle, except for Qingchen Entertainment, she didn't want to enter any other agency companies.

Of course, it doesn't mean that she has any thoughts about Gu Chenfeng. Although she thinks she looks good, compared with Luo Qingcheng, there is still a gap.

It's just that she wants to join Qingchen Entertainment Company to obtain more and better resources so that she can go further in her acting career.

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "The affairs of Qingchen Entertainment Company have always been handled by Sister Zhang and the others."

"However, with your acting skills and popularity, if you want to join, I can tell Sister Zhang for you, but I can't guarantee you whether you can join."

Regarding Zhou Tongyu's acting skills, it can barely meet the company's requirements. In addition, she is very popular now, so it is no problem to join Qingchen Entertainment.

Now Duqingchen Entertainment invests a lot of film and television productions every year, which is completely a situation where there are more meat and fewer wolves.

"Really, thank you, it would be great to have an interview." Zhou Tongyu said happily.

From her point of view, as long as Gu Chenfeng accosts, the chances of her successfully joining are high.

At the same time, she also knows that Qingchen Entertainment relies on strength to speak for itself. As long as you have strength, there will definitely be plenty of resources.

Gu Chenfeng said: "You're welcome, I treat any artist in the company equally, as long as they have the ability, there will be no shortage of resources."

"By the way, given your current situation, the company's contract for you will not be very good. You have to be prepared for this."

"Ah? You won't give me a rookie contract, will you?" Zhou Tongyu asked a bit embarrassed.

She is now a second-tier star anyway, if she is given a contract for a rookie, it would be too...

"That's not true." Gu Chenfeng shook his head, and said: "Our company's contract has a strict promotion system, and the contract at the beginning was given by feeling my acting skills and popularity."

"Besides, we sign the contract once a year. I believe everyone knows this."

"I know, I know." Zhou Tongyu nodded excitedly, and said, "As long as it's not a rookie contract, it doesn't matter. I'll contact Sister Zhang when this episode is over."

"Yeah!" Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "I'll tell Sister Zhang when the time comes."

After the two chatted on the beach for a while, Zhou Tongyu went back happily.

Gu Chenfeng was blown by the sea for almost an hour, and after calmly thinking about his future, he returned to the Chinese restaurant.

At this time, Huang Xiaoming and Zhao Wei went to the supermarket to buy things for dinner. After a hard day, they also knew that it was not easy to make money, so when shopping, they saved a lot compared to yesterday.

Although it was a very hard day, they did not give up on you big. No matter how hard or tired they are, they will continue to persevere.

Taking advantage of the hot break, Gu Chenfeng took out his mobile phone and sent some messages to Luo Qingcheng, asking her to take a look at the financial statements of Qingchen Investment Company, and he will go back soon.

The rest time is always very short, and the preparations for dinner are about to start again.

Even before the night fell, guests came in. They were a group of women from Huaguo, and today was his daughter's birthday.

Zhao Wei thought about whether to become a chef himself or not, but...
"Mr. Gu, this sweet and sour pork ribs, please come and help me."

"Let me teach you how to do it, it's very simple."

Zhao Wei often cooks at home, so she is very confident. Gu Chenfeng is on the side to guide. With the guidance of this chef, she is even more confident.

So he began to sit up step by step according to Gu Chenfeng's instructions.

But the final taste was a bit embarrassing, even Gu Chenfeng didn't know how to evaluate it, it was probably hard to describe it in words.

"This sweet and sour pork ribs is a bit different from the ones I've eaten before."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhao Wei picked up a piece, tasted it, and said, "This is too unpalatable..."

Immediately, the scene became a little awkward, and Zhao Wei felt very embarrassed, not only wasting the ingredients, but also delaying serving the guests.

So he asked: "Is there any remedy? How about adding some water and see if it will be better?"

"No." Gu Chenfeng said decisively: "These are already useless, and it's useless to put some water."

"Then... Teacher Gu, I'd better trouble you to do it." Zhao Wei said.

She also knew that it was so unpalatable to eat by herself. I am afraid that if you put some water, the taste would not be much better. How could you have the nerve to serve it to guests?
Gu Chenfeng nodded, and began to make sweet and sour pork ribs.

Zhao Wei, who was standing next to him, sighed, "Fortunately, you are here, Teacher Gu, otherwise there would be no one to save the scene, and it would be too embarrassing."

Gu Chenfeng smiled, but did not speak.

Looking at his actions, Zhao Wei immediately felt ashamed.

Look at what other people do, then look at what you do, in the future...

just forget it.

It's better not to continue to challenge dark cooking, it can only be said to be a waste of ingredients.

There were not many guests at night, only this table outside, so Zhao Wei asked Huang Xiaoming to go out to attract guests.

Huang Xiaoming was very happy with this job, and after agreeing to it, he went out.

At this time, the sky outside is already pink, and it perfectly matches the blue sea water, which looks very beautiful.

Huang Xiaoming and Zhao Wei were a little embarrassed when they saw so many customers in other restaurants, and then saw that there were only one table in their own restaurant.

Looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the road, I wanted to call them to the restaurant for dinner, but everyone passing by refused.

You must know that they are all public figures, so it's quite embarrassing to solicit customers in public, but for the restaurant's business, they still solicit customers everywhere.

However, it was not very useful, and none of the guests came.

When they returned to the restaurant, the guests had finished eating and left, Zhao Wei said: "If everyone speaks, everyone can prepare our own dinner."

As soon as the words were finished, a few guests came in outside, they seemed to be from the Mao country, and the family of six was rarely lively.

Huang Xiaoming entertained them very warmly.

After the arrival of Mao Guo's family, the number of guests in the restaurant gradually increased, and the whole Chinese restaurant became busy all of a sudden.

Because it was the first day to do such a thing, Zhao Wei and the others were not used to it, and they were a little flustered when ordering food.

However, Zhao Wei is also a smart person. After Zhou Tongyu, Huang Xiaoming and others finished ordering food for the guests, they would serve tea to the guests so that they would not have to wait.

"Two glasses of cold beer, two glasses of ice cola, and two glasses of soda water." Huang Xiaoming shouted at the top of his voice.

It's just that Zhao Wei took the guest to the toilet at this time, and didn't hear him at all.

When she came back, she happened to see Huang Xiaoming and asked, "Xiaoming, what did the guests at the first table order?"

Huang Xiaoming was taken aback, and said, "The first table?"

"Externally, it is the guest at table three."

"Did I just tell them?"

"Who is preparing?" Zhao Wei asked.

Gu Chenfeng heard the conversation between the two in the kitchen, so he said at the top of his voice, "Just now Xiao Ming told the kitchen that Jiajia and I are preparing."

Before noticing what was being said outside, Jin Mengjia replied, "No, I'm still preparing that lemon slice."

But sleep better, Gu Chenfeng has already prepared the order for the guest at table three and brought it out.

It's just that Zhao Wei thought about it, he asked so many times just now, but no one answered, he felt a little angry, and said: "I will tell you as soon as I finish ordering, don't talk about it."

When Huang Xiaoming heard this, she knew that she was talking about herself, so she retorted: "Everyone has heard it except you."

Zhao Wei was silent now, but he realized right away, this is a Chinese restaurant, they are the owners of this restaurant, if they yelled in the restaurant, what would the customers think?

So, she, Ma Shan, didn't say anything. Although she felt very uncomfortable, let's wait until the work is over before talking about these things.

The more this time, the more you need to calm down.

Zhou Tongyu in front didn't know what happened, so he stood there and shouted: "Brother Xiaoming, the marshmallows outside, have you finished?"

Zhao Wei immediately reminded her, saying: "We are in the restaurant, don't shout, it will give those guests a bad impression of our restaurant."

Hearing her words, everyone realized the problem at this time. Immediately, Zhao Wei calmed down, walked out with a smile, and greeted the guests.

This time it was a native of Taiguo, and she also knew Zhao Wei.

After Zhao Wei went up to meet her, the guest smiled and said to her, "It's really you. When I saw you outside just now, I felt as if I've seen you somewhere."

"Do you know me?" Zhao Wei asked in surprise.

"Of course, you are known to everyone here."

Zhao Wei was very happy to hear the guest's words. She knew that it was because of her TV series 20 years ago that people in many places recognized her.

Huang Xiaoming began to introduce the menu to the guests outside, and he didn't know what they were going to eat, but he really introduced it to the guests seriously.

Under his introduction, the guests happily finished ordering.

Gu Chenfeng took the menu from the transmission and started to cook. It is now in order and the speed has become much faster. It seems that he said he is familiar with the cooking process, and he is not flustered at all.

Netizens watching the live broadcast were already deeply attracted by this busy figure.

"Wow, Mr. Gu is so handsome when he is busy cooking. I really want to eat his cooking."

"Stop dreaming, it's too late for you now."

"It is said that men who do things seriously are the most handsome, and Mr. Gu who is serious about cooking is the most handsome now."

"I don't know why, but I suddenly envy Miss Luo."

"Upstairs, look in the mirror and see if you have the looks of Miss Luo?"

"I'm just envious, but not jealous. Miss Luo and Teacher Gu are very affectionate."


Although everyone followed the camera, they could also see that the food cooked by Gu Chenfeng was full of color, fragrance, and taste, and it was very appetizing just by looking at it.

This means that it is abroad. If it is in China, many people will rush over to eat even if they are flying.

Not for anything else, just to see Mr. Gu and taste the meals he cooked.

Of course, the program team also took this issue into consideration, so they specifically placed the location overseas.

(End of this chapter)

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