Chapter 456 Rich Second Generation, Mary Twelve
She chose the simplest and rude method, took out the binoculars from her suitcase and began to search.

Originally, this telescope was used by her to look at the stars at night, but now in order to find delicious food, she decided to use the telescope to look for it.

She adjusted the binoculars to the direction the wind was blowing from.

Since the smell of meat is blown by the wind, it should be no problem to look for it against the direction of the wind.

Soon she discovered that from her, she could just see a long queue at the door of a restaurant.

I thought to myself, "Could it be that restaurant?"

"It doesn't matter, let's go and have a look first."

If you want to ask what is the most precious in the world, only love and food can not be let down.

So, she changed her clothes and rushed out the door. There were two tall bodyguards at the door. After seeing Mary Twelve, they all bowed.


Mary Twelve waved her hand and said, "Come with me, let's find something to eat."

(⊙o⊙) What?
The two bodyguards followed in confusion.

In the Chinese restaurant at this time, Gu Chenfeng and the others were constantly busy. Zhou Tongyu came out of the kitchen with a basket of steamed buns and placed it next to Gu Chenfeng.

"This is the last basket, and all the pancakes have been baked." Zhou Tongyu said.

When Gu Chenfeng heard this, he raised his head, looked at the long queue, and thought in his mind that there must be not enough steamed buns in this box, and the remaining pork and eggs in the pot were almost bottomed out.

So Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "It seems that I still muttered about the lethality of Roujiamo to these foreigners."

Zhao Wei said with a smile: "That's not because Mr. Gu, you cook delicious food. If it were any of us, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to sell it."

Looking at the money in the bag, although I haven't counted it yet, it must be at least [-] baht, which is much higher than their turnover yesterday.

As for the cost of [-] baht, it must have paid off.

It is the first time selling Roujiamo to have such income, the biggest credit is definitely Gu Chenfeng.

Huang Xiaoming looked at the foreigners who were patted on their shoulders, and said, "Mr. Gu, I never thought that these foreigners would like to eat our Huaguo's Roujiamo."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "That's right, we Hua people have never lost in cooking."

"The country is just dominated by foreign fast food like KFC, and now it's our turn to make the Roujiamo popular among foreigners."

"Tong Yu, count and see how many buns are left, so those who can't be ranked can come back tomorrow."

Zhou Tongyu nodded, lowered his head and started counting.

At this time, a person who was queuing suddenly exclaimed: "My God, are you Teacher Gu?"

Gu Chenfeng raised his head and found that it was a girl from Huaguo who was speaking, so he smiled and nodded, "Hello."

Although he was talking, the movements of his hands never stopped.

The Huaguo girl took a closer look, and after confirming that it was Gu Chenfeng, she said excitedly, "It's great, it's the first time I travel to Taiguo with my friends, and I can meet Teacher Gu."

"Oh my God, I feel so happy, and I can still eat the meat sandwiches made by Mr. Gu. I have no regrets in this life."

Hearing the girl's words, Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "It's just that I've eaten Roujiamo, so I have no regrets in this life. Can you pursue something in your life?"

It was obviously a joke, but when the girl heard this, she cheered excitedly and quickly took out her mobile phone to record a video.

"That's great, I was stunned by Teacher Gu. I'm so happy, so happy."

"Teacher Gu, please encourage me to your heart's content."

The corner of Gu Chenfeng's mouth twitched, feeling several black lines across his forehead.

This girl, I really want to put you on the chopping board and chop it up, then add it to the buns and sell it.

This is really a shaking M physique.

While talking, suddenly a figure stepped in.

This person is the rich second generation of West Asia, Mary Twelve. At this time, she stretched her head out, and she almost got into the pressure cooker like that.

Jin Mengjia hurried over and asked in standard English: "Hello, guest, do you want to buy Roujiamo?"

"If it is, please go to the back and queue."

Mary Twelve didn't answer her words, but sniffed the smell inside the pressure cooker very hard, making sure that it was after the smell she had just smelled.

Excitedly said to Jin Mengjia: "@¥#¥@#¥#@%!"

Jin Mengjia: "..."

The girl from Huaguo next to her: "...",

Jin Mengjia asked suspiciously: "Is there something wrong with my ears, or did she forget the sound card at home?"

"Why can't I understand a word she said?"

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "No, it's just that she just spoke West Asian, which belongs to a small language. It's normal for you not to understand."

"What she just meant was that the delicious smell she smelled by the window was this."

When Zhao Wei and others heard what Gu Chenfeng said, they were surprised and said, "It's true, Mr. Gu, can you understand West Asian?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said modestly: "Well, I can only understand a little bit."

Then he introduced it to Mary Twelve in West Asian language: "This is a Chinese delicacy called Roujiamo. It's delicious. Would you like to have a taste?"

Hearing what Gu Chenfeng said, Mary Twelve was stunned.

After reacting, he said in English: "Sorry, I was too excited just now, and I actually spoke West Asian."

Then he looked at Gu Chenfeng with a face full of surprise, and said, "Wow, boss, it's really surprising that you can speak West Asian."

Hearing these words, Huang Xiaoming and the others were already extremely shocked.

Oh my god, I originally thought that Gu Chenfeng could only speak English, Thai, and Russian, but I didn't expect that he can also speak West Asian languages ​​when he comes to you.

Although they didn't know whether Gu Chenfeng spoke West Asian fluently, but seeing the surprised expression of the blond beauty, it was obvious that Gu Chenfeng's West Asian could be used to communicate normally without any problem.

Mary Twelve said excitedly: "Boss, please bring me a piece of food called Roujiamo."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "No problem, but please go to the back and line up first."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve was speechless as she looked at the long line behind her.

If you go to queue for this, you have to wait until the year of the monkey to eat it.

"Boss, I was attracted by the aroma of your food. Can you please accommodate me for the sake of my sincerity and make me a portion first?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said, "No, if I make an exception to make it for you, it will be very unfair to those guests who have waited in line for so long and haven't eaten yet."

Mary Twelve thought about it, and it seemed that this was the case, so she asked, "How do you sell your Roujiamo?"

Gu Chenfeng handed Zhao Wei a few finished Roujiamo, and Zhao Wei handed the Roujiamo to the Huaguo girl.

After paying the money, the Huaguo girl withdrew from the queue, but still held up her mobile phone, facing Gu Chenfeng and Mary Twelve.

Teacher Gu is really handsome, but that girl with blonde hair and blue eyes is also very beautiful, and that girl is wearing a princess dress, her skin is very fair, so there is no need to turn on whitening.

She is relatively thin and looks like she is only in her 20s. Standing in front of Gu Chenfeng, she looks like a little sister.

Being able to photograph a handsome guy and a beautiful woman, this girl from Huaguo didn't even have time to eat roujiamo.

Gu Chenfeng looked at Mary Twelve and replied: "Simple Roujiamo costs [-] baht a piece, and eggs and bean curd can be added to it. If you add the same thing, you need to pay an extra [-] baht. If you add both, you need to pay more." Pay fifty baht."

Mary Twelve nodded, and then asked, "How much do you have left here?"

Gu Chenfeng looked at Zhou Tongyu and told her to count just now.

Sensing Gu Chenfeng's gaze, Zhou Tongyu replied tacitly: "There are 108 left."

Mary Twelve nodded, took out her wallet, took out a wad of money, and said proudly, "I've taken care of everything."

Zhao Wei stared at the wad of money with straight eyes.

Good guy, it turned out to be Euros, and it was worth five hundred.

You know, the maximum face value of the euro is 1 euros, and there must be at least 8 or [-] bills in that pile of money, which is almost more than [-] euros. If it is converted into soft sister coins, it will be more than [-] yuan.

More than 8 yuan to buy a hundred Roujiamo, is the brain squeezed by the door, or is it showing off wealth?
Mary Twelve is the rich second generation of the aristocrats. Her heartbeat in life is that as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem at all.

However, she was wrong this time.

Gu Chenfeng glanced at the pile of money, curled his lips, and said, "Sorry, I can't let these customers who have queued for a long time not be able to eat food just because of you."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve was stunned.

Good guy.

There are still small bosses in this world who are not moved by money?

It must be pretending.

So, she took out another wad of money, this time there was more money, at least a hundred bills.

Almost 40 euros, [-] soft sister coins.

"These should be enough." Mary Twelve looked smug, calling back and forth with the money in her hand.

I thought to myself: I don't believe that there are really people in this world who can't handle money.

But she was obviously wrong, this time she kicked the iron board.

Is Gu Chenfeng rich?

I am very sure of that.

His wealth has exceeded 1000 billion US dollars, and it is impossible to use money to break his principles.

Gu Chenfeng approached Mary Twelve with lightning speed.

At this time, the distance between the two was less than [-] centimeters, and Mary Twelve could even feel Gu Chenfeng's heartbeat and breathing.

The two bodyguards behind her saw this and came over.

Huang Xiaoming and the others also saw the two bodyguards and became nervous again.

However, Gu Chenfeng did not panic at all.

This little girl was dressed luxuriously and spent a lot of money, as if she was afraid that others would not know that she was rich.

It is not surprising that such a person has two bodyguards by his side, but in Gu Chenfeng's eyes, these two bodyguards are nothing to fear.

Gu Chenfeng stared into Mary Twelve's eyes, and said in a very stern voice: "I didn't want to get angry, but no one can break my rules."

"If you want to eat here, you have to abide by my rules. If you want to eat, go to the back and line up."


Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words and seeing his face so close, Mary Twelve didn't know why, but her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

There was an inexplicable flush on her fair face.

He hesitated and said, "I...I know."

"I'm going to line up now."

Only then did Gu Chenfeng return to his original position, showing a harmless smile to humans and animals, and said, "That's right, it's convenient for others, and it's convenient for you to build a harmonious and famous society together."

"Okay, let's line up at the back."

Mary Twelve nodded and walked towards the end of the team.

The Hua country girl who was recording the video, for some reason, seemed to smell something different, but this feeling was only fleeting.

Who in the entertainment industry doesn't know that the relationship between Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng is very good.

After recording the video, she found a place and began to taste the Roujiamo made by Gu Chenfeng.

After one sip, an expression of enjoyment appeared on his face.

too delicious.

The two bodyguards of Mary Twelve glared at Gu Chenfeng, and quickly chased after him.

"Miss, do you want us to teach that boss a lesson?"

When Mary Twelve heard this, she became angry for no reason, and said, "Are you pig-brained? Hurry up and bring me a chair, I have to line up."

The two bodyguards couldn't figure out what Mary Twelve was thinking, so they could only agree, and hurried to the back of the car, and took out a folding chair.

Then, a strange scene appeared at the queuing scene. Everyone was standing in line, only Mary XII was sitting.

Seeing that Mary Twelve obediently went to line up, Zhao Wei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was scared to death. I thought there was going to be a fight just now."

Zhou Tongyu also nodded, and said: "Yes, look at those two bodyguards, they are five big and three thick, wearing sunglasses, they look like the Matrix."

Huang Xiaoming smiled and said: "This time, I admire Teacher Gu from the bottom of my heart. She is really brave. Faced with such a situation, she didn't panic at all."

"And that young girl just took out more than 5 euros and 40 soft sister coins. Teacher Gu didn't even blink her eyes. She really didn't bow to money or give in to powerlessness."

Hearing Huang Xiaoming's words, Zhao Wei and the others nodded in agreement, and looked at Gu Chenfeng with burning eyes.

What a courageous and courageous man, such a man is the most attractive.

Of course, they also knew that only Gu Chenfeng had such confidence.

Whether in wealth or force, fear no one.

After all, he is worth hundreds of billions of dollars and is the world's number one Kung Fu master. Who can he be afraid of?
Not to mention that Mary Twelve took out 500 euros, even if it took [-] million euros, Gu Chenfeng would not be moved, because for him.

Money is just a string of numbers, but one's own principles must not be destroyed.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also witnessed the scene just arrived, and immediately heated up their discussions.

"What the hell is that little beauty thinking, to show off her wealth in front of Teacher Gu?"

"That's right, Mr. Gu earned more than one billion dollars from a single movie, and you're throwing money at Mr. Gu? I'm afraid you don't know how to write dead words."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Gu's scene just now was really handsome, and immediately stunned that girl and her bodyguard."

"When did Teacher Gu not be handsome?"


on site.

Those who lined up also appreciated Gu Chenfeng's approach. If it were anyone else, they would certainly not stick to the principles like Gu Chenfeng.

But Gu Chenfeng was able to refuse so much money in order to let everyone eat Roujiamo. Such a boss will definitely have a good business.

Regarding this little episode, Gu Chenfeng didn't care about it, and said while chopping the meat: "Tong Yu, Meng Jia, we still have [-] Roujiamo, you two go to count, let those who can't wait People, come back tomorrow."

Hearing this, Zhou Tongyu was taken aback, and said, "107? No, it should be 108. I just counted them twice, so I shouldn't be mistaken."

Gu Chenfeng glanced at Mary Twelve, who was sitting on the beach chair, and said with a smile: "Leave one for the rich second generation, open the door for business, and make money through harmony."

This Mary Twelve is indeed a bit rich and powerful. Gu Chenfeng doesn't know what she is, but just talking about the clothes, it is worth a lot of money. There are some watches on her wrists, which are studded with diamonds.

Gu Chenfeng is not interested in such things as watches, and has never known about them, but it is obvious that they are a luxury item. From this, it can be seen that this little girl has some background.

If this little girl gets messed up and uses some dirty tricks, it will definitely not be good for the program "Chinese Restaurant".

If this program was from another TV station, Gu Chenfeng might not care so much. At most, he should do his job well with his own ability, but this is a program from his own TV station, so of course he needs to think more about it.

However, what Gu Chenfeng didn't know was that his decision today had a powerful butterfly effect, making this Chinese restaurant the best place in Taiguo. Many international superstars and rich people came to eat in this small restaurant.

Of course, all this is for later.

Soon Zhou Tongyu and Jin Mengjia calculated which customers could buy the last 107 Roujiamo.

For those that could not be bought, Zhou Tongyu and Jin Mengjia could only bow and apologize, and said that at the same time tomorrow, there would be Roujiamo for sale.

The customers who were able to buy it were very happy, because seeing that those who bought it enjoyed the food so much, they also wanted to taste it, while those who did not buy it today had to leave.

Mary Twelve was at the end of the line. She was wearing sunglasses and basking lazily in the sun. Before she noticed, the people in front of her had dispersed.

When she saw it, there was only one guest at the door.

Mary Twelve hurried over, and the guest in front had already left contentedly with the rougamo.

So Mary Twelve asked excitedly, "Boss, is it my turn?"

Gu Chenfeng shrugged and said, "Sorry, the Roujiamo has been sold out."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve immediately became angry, pointed at Gu Chenfeng and said angrily: "Boss, you are too unreasonable. I said that I will spend my wallet, but you don't agree. You said let me go to the queue." , OK, I'm going to line up."

"But as a result, I waited for so long, and my share was gone."

Gu Chenfeng frowned and said suspiciously: "But, I see you have been basking in the sun."

Mary Twelve was speechless for a moment, then put her hands on her hips and shouted, "Whether it's my freedom to bask in the sun, how can you keep your word?"

Seeing Mary Twelve's angry look, Gu Chenfeng was happy, and said: "Okay, calm down, the Roujiamo that needs to be sold for money has indeed been sold out."

"But I still have a Roujiamo here for my friends."

As he said that, Gu Chenfeng took out the steamed meat bun and handed it to Mary Twelve.

Mary Twelve, who was originally angry, snorted proudly when she saw the Roujiamo, and then took it.

He said: "Don't think that just one of these things can buy me off. If it doesn't taste good, I'll blow up your restaurant."


This little Nier's temper is really explosive.

Dare to blow up my restaurant?I beat you until you didn't even know your mother.

Mary Twelve played the game all night last night, and she hasn't eaten squatting until now. It's the time when she's hungry.

Although she still looked very confident when she yelled at Gu Chenfeng just now, but when she smelled the scent of meat buns so close at hand, her internal organs had already started to rebel.

As soon as you take a bite, your taste buds explode.

God, what a delicacy this is.

Is there such a food in the world?

Why have I never eaten it before!

And such delicious food is only [-] baht!

It was even better than the 50 euro meals I had eaten before.

Well, next time you have a chance, you must bring your father and younger brother to try it.

Soon, a Roujiamo was wiped out by Mary Twelve.

Gu Chenfeng asked with a smile: "How is the taste, don't you need to open my restaurant?"

Mary Twelve looked like she couldn't finish it, and even licked the sauce on her thumb, saying, "Hey, what I said just now was just angry words, boss, don't take it to heart."

"I don't have any other hobbies, I just like games and food."

"But this one is not enjoyable, is there any more?"

(End of this chapter)

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