Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 467 The Controversy Between Saltyness and Sweetness

She just took out this photo to ease the embarrassing situation for both Mary Twelve and Xiao Man. Now that she thinks about it, she really didn't think well.

If people think about it too much, then it's not a frying pan.

So Huang Xiaoming suddenly asked, Zhou Tongyu didn't know how to answer for a while.

But, after all, she is also a battle-tested person, and she quickly realized that she took the phone naturally, put it away, nodded calmly, and said, "Yes, the official Weibo of that program was released later. I just found this picture on the Internet."

This explanation is very smooth, without the slightest doubt.

Huang Xiaoming naturally didn't think too much.

Gu Chenfeng changed the subject and said, "Do you know what I want to say?"

"What I want to say is that in fact, I can not only carve things like phoenixes, but also use ingredients to make various organs, such as brains, spines, fingers, eyeballs, etc. Wait."

"As long as it's made by me, it's absolutely lifelike, and sprinkled with a little bright red tomato juice, tsk tsk tsk... That feels awesome."

Following Gu Chenfeng's words, bloody scenes appeared in front of Zhao Wei and others, and no one thought about Zhou Tongyu's cell phone anymore.

"Don't talk, don't talk."

"Eat quickly~~~"

For this meal, Xiaoman ate two big bowls of rice for the first time. After all, she finished all the scrambled eggs with tomatoes that she made.

Mary Twelve didn't give in too much, after eating all the fried food.

Gu Chenfeng is going to teach the two to make tofu nao.

However, at this time, he suddenly discovered that the soybeans hadn't been soaked yet, so he muttered, "Is this how all soybeans in Taiguo are made? They have been soaked for so long, but they haven't been soaked yet." .”

"It seems that I can only teach you tomorrow."

Xiaoman shook her head, and said very understandingly: "It's okay, I can learn the dance of tomatoes and golden eggs today, I am already very satisfied."

"Grandpa likes tofu nao, I will learn it tomorrow."

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "Okay, if that's the case, then I'll soak a little more, and I'll sell this as a vegetable tomorrow night."

As soon as everyone finished their work, eggs and pork belly were delivered from the supermarket. It happened that Mary Twelve and others were also here, so Gu Chenfeng simply boiled the eggs this time.

Then the two bodyguards were also called, and nine people peeled the eggs together.

That speed was so fast.

In less than half an hour, all [-] eggs have been finished. Put them in a bucket pot, add some marinade, set the time, and then process the pork belly and put them in the pressure cooker.

After everything was prepared, Azhuo drove the pickup truck and led the crowd to the five-star hotel with the luxury cars.

Because Xiaoman is going to stay overnight in Elephant Island tonight, she has already talked with Ivy on the phone just now, Gu Chenfeng is even less likely to use the reputation of an artist to ensure Xiaoman's safety, so they are going to escort Xiaoman to the five-star hotel to go.

After she entered her room, Gu Chenfeng and others left.

On the way, Huang Xiaoming patted Gu Chenfeng on the shoulder and said, "Teacher Gu, congratulations!"

Gu Chenfeng was taken aback, and said, "Congratulations to me?"

Huang Xiaoming said with a smile: "Congratulations on accepting Mary Twelve as a good apprentice, and Xiaoman as a little girl."

Gu Chenfeng smiled obsequiously, and said, "Um, I think this is the case. Actually, there is nothing to congratulate. We are recording a program, and they got involved inexplicably. I feel a little messy."

"I'm so worried."

Zhao Wei said with a smile: "Mr. Gu, you are deliberately hurting us. That Mary is so obedient, and Xiaoman is also very well-behaved. If I had such an apprentice, I would wake up laughing from my dreams."

Jin Mengjia also said enviously: "I never thought that Mr. Gu's fans could spread so widely, and even the Chinese in Xinguo could be captured."

Zhou Tongyu sighed, and said, "Teacher Gu's charm is too great, even when he reaches 99, he won't let him go."

After returning to the homestay where they stayed, the few of them chatted briefly, and then went to rest.

The next day, when Gu Chenfeng and others were having breakfast, Mary Twelve called and asked them to meet at the pier.

So, after they had breakfast, A Zhuo led them to the pier.

After getting the Roujiamo noodles, the group went to the aquatic product market and bought prawns and other aquatic products.

At this time, the businessman who sells dishes called. Because Gu Chenfeng ordered one hundred glass jars with a capacity of five kilograms at once, he has become a major customer of the boss.

The boss said very politely, one hundred glass jars have arrived, do you want to send them over now.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "That's a coincidence, please help the boss to deliver it to the Chinese restaurant!"

After returning to the restaurant, Gu Chenfeng began to prepare to make drunken shrimp. The production of drunken shrimp is actually relatively simple and can be mass-produced. Gu Chenfeng can handle a thousand jars, let alone a hundred jars.

It's just that the space in the Chinese restaurant is limited, and it's just that we can't fit so many at once.

These one hundred jars of drunken shrimp have to be placed in the warehouse.

Drunken prawns have to be soaked in white wine for a day and a night before they can taste. Although the guests have not soaked enough drunk prawns at night, Gu Chenfeng will also explain to them the precautions, which will not affect the subsequent consumption .

Since the eggs were prepared last night, everyone is a little more relaxed today.

Xiaoman asked curiously: "Mr. Gu, why don't we sell breakfast here?"

Mary Twelve is rarely curious about this question. This Chinese restaurant seems to only serve lunch and dinner.

During breakfast, Gu Chenfeng and others were in the hotel, and did not come to the Chinese restaurant.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Actually, I gave up breakfast. If you do business, you have to adapt to local conditions. What kind of place is this? A tourist attraction!"

"The main source of customers we face is not the office workers who get up early and stay late, but the tourists who come here for vacation. They usually sleep until they wake up naturally before they get out of the hotel."

"The place where our Chinese restaurant is located is close to the sea, facing the sea, and 50 meters ahead is the sea. There are not many people in such a place before ten o'clock."

"Instead of spending energy making breakfast, you should spend more time and energy on lunch and breakfast."

After listening to Gu Chenfeng's explanation, even Huang Xiaoming and others were taken aback. In fact, they also wanted to ask why they only serve lunch and dinner these two days.

Do you want to make breakfast together, but I didn't expect that Gu Chenfeng had already considered this issue.

Just strategically forego breakfast.

Therefore, Huang Xiaoming gave Gu Chenfeng a thumbs up, and said, "Mr. Gu, I have rarely seen someone as thoughtful as you."

Zhao Wei and the others also nodded.

They found that in this program, they have become more and more dependent on Gu Chenfeng.

In fact, there is another more important reason that Gu Chenfeng did not mention.

That is, he didn't think it was so early, which breakfast shop to see, didn't he get up before dawn to prepare?
If breakfast starts at [-] o'clock, then you have to get up at least [-] o'clock in the morning, and then start from the hotel to the Chinese restaurant to prepare various breakfasts.

It's four o'clock in the morning. It is estimated that Huang Xiaoming and the others will be wiped out in a few days.

Even if Gu Chenfeng has a good physique, it doesn't mean that he has strong limbs and a simple mind. He is not stupid. There are so few people buying breakfast in the scenic spot in the morning. Even if there are many people, Gu Chenfeng will give up without hesitation.

Again, they are actually recording the program, not really working in a restaurant, so everyone is working at ease, and promoting Huaguo cuisine with ease, how fragrant it is!

After a while, it was time for lunch. The group of five in the Chinese restaurant, plus Xiaoman, Mary Twelve and two bodyguards, nine people started to act at the same time.

The efficiency just took off on the spot, and after a while, the booths were already set up on the beach in front of the Chinese restaurant.

Xiaoman and Mary still bear the heavy responsibility of opening the lid of the pressure cooker. With their concerted efforts, around 01:30 in the afternoon, today's thousand roujiamo were all sold out.

The rest is the one thousand Roujiamo ordered by the guests.

Gu Chenfeng stewed all the pork belly that had been prepared in advance, and then started to prepare everyone's lunch.

At this time, the soybeans and Xianggu had been soaked.

Gu Chenfeng is going to teach Xiaoman and Mary 12 to make tofu nao.

Zhou Tongyu and others also surrounded him.

Director Zhang Han directs the camera, all pointing at Gu Chenfeng.

This picture is really a person cooking, and a group of people watching.

It doesn't matter to Gu Chenfeng, it's okay to let Huang Xiaoming and the others learn. After all, he just participated in this show together, but he will definitely continue playing after this show.

Gu Chenfeng first made a demonstration. He took out a portion of soybeans, which was almost enough for a bowl, and poured them into the soymilk machine.

All the soy milk flows into the small pot, and the bean dregs remain on the gauze.

Gu Chenfeng said to Xiaoman: "It's best not to throw away the filtered bean dregs. It's very delicious when made into pancakes. Your grandfather said he ate them decades ago."

"At that time, Huaguo was very poor. People would definitely not throw away things like this. So if you want your grandfather to eat the tofu nao in his memory, then he should also like the taste of this bean dregs cake."

Xiaoman took the paper and pen and recorded it very carefully.

Gu Chenfeng put the small pot containing the soybean milk store on the gas stove, cooked it on a low heat, then took out a paper box, and asked with a smile: "Do you know what this is?"

Xiaoman shook his head.

Zhou Tongyu thought for a while and asked, "Is it brine? Tofu in brine, one thing drops one thing, that's what you're talking about!"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said with a smile: "This is called gluconolactone, but its function is similar to that of brine. In the past, everyone used brine or gypsum to make tofu or tofu brain."

"Now that technology is on the rise, I prefer to use gluconolactone. As long as the ratio is controlled, tofu and tofu nao can be easily made."

Gu Chenfeng opened the paper box in his hand, which contained more than a dozen small paper packages. He opened one of the packages, poured fingernail powder into a small iron basin, then poured hot water into it, and stirred it for a while.

Then pour the cooked soy milk into it, stir for a while, and then stop.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng said: "After these processes are completed, just wait for more than ten minutes, and this bowl of soy milk will solidify into tofu nao."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I really thought it was the kind of brain eaten by zombies!"

"It turned out to be soy milk!"

Gu Chenfeng looked at Mary Twelve with a little distaste, wouldn't this child have been thinking about this matter?
Of course, he wouldn't argue with a little girl on this matter, otherwise, he would really make tofu brains according to the pattern of the human brain, and then sprinkle a little tomato sauce on it.

tsk tsk tsk~~~
Disgusting them.

Gu Chenfeng thought about the evil in his heart, and said: "Now we have come to the most critical step. Tofu nao is divided into salty tofu nao and sweet tofu nao. Everyone has different tastes, and it is difficult to adjust to everyone."

"In China, because salty tofu is delicious, or sweet tofu is delicious, you can argue for three days and three nights."

"So, I will leave these two methods to you now, and you can do it according to your hobbies in a while."

With that said, Gu Chenfeng began to prepare salty tofu nao brine, but this brine and tofu nao brine are not the same thing.

At the beginning, the brine of tofu shops was natural water rich in minerals, but now the brine of salty tofu is prepared with chicken broth, fragrant solitary, etc. The viscosity of this brine is better.

However, the production process at this point is more troublesome, so Gu Chenfeng simply produced them in batches at night.

Soon, the brine of salty tofu brain is ready.

At this time, the soy milk in the iron basin had also solidified into tofu nao, and then Gu Chenfeng divided it into two and put them into two bowls.

One bowl is used to make salty tofu nao, and the other bowl is used to make sweet tofu nao.

He took a spoon, filled out some cooked marinade, poured it on the tofu brain, sprinkled with coriander, some chili, and sesame oil.

A bowl of delicious salty tofu nao is ready.

The production of sweet tofu nao is relatively simple. Add sugar water and spread a layer of fruit particles on top, just like ice powder.

"Okay, you guys have a try and see which one suits your taste better."

Xiaoman and the others picked up small spoons and began to taste the two servings of bean curd.

Soon, Mary Twelve was the first to express her opinion: "Wow, this salty tofu nao is really delicious. It has a rich aroma. I like it very much."

Xiaoman immediately objected: "Who said that, I think the sweet tofu nao is really delicious. It's sweet, tender and smooth, and it tastes sweet and delicious."

Xiaoman looked at Huang Xiaoming, Zhao Wei and the others. They also ate two different flavors of tofu nao, salty and sweet.

So he looked at everyone with big watery eyes and asked, "Brother, sister, which one do you think is more delicious?"

Zhou Tongyu smiled sweetly and said, "I prefer to eat sweet ones, but I can't enjoy salty tofu nao."

Hearing this, Xiaoman was very happy, took Zhou Tongyu's hand, and made a face at Mary Twelve.

Zhao Wei expressed his opinion, saying: "Actually, I personally prefer salty tofu nao, after all, I grew up as a snack."

Someone stood on his side, and Mary Twelve also straightened her back.

Jin Mengjia walked to Xiaoman's side and said, "I have eaten both salty and sweet ones, but from my personal preference, I prefer sweet ones."

Xiaoman said happily: "Yeah, it's three to two now."

Huang Xiaoming smiled obsequiously, and said, "I have the same opinion as Zhao Wei this time. I also grew up eating salty tofu nao. It was the first time I ate sweet tofu nao."

"To be honest, my taste buds couldn't react to the overwhelming sweetness. It seems that I prefer salty taste."

Now it was Mary Twelve's turn to be proud, and said, "It's three to three now. Hmph."

Finally, he snorted proudly.


Now the eyes of the six people were all focused on Gu Chenfeng, obviously, everyone was waiting for him to cast the decisive vote.

Seeing this, Gu Chenfeng's mouth twitched.

What's the situation now?

Why do you have to stand in line all of a sudden?
Is it divided into sweet party and savory party so quickly?

Nima, why do you suddenly feel like you have dug a hole for yourself?

If you choose one side, you have to find a way to appease the other side, so...

You can't jump into this pit by yourself.

So Gu Chenfeng reprimanded him with a straight face, "What's salty and sweet? I'm teaching you how to make tofu nao. Who asked you to choose sides?"

"Have you learned how to make tofu nao? Can you make it?"

"I really want to know which one is delicious. Let the customers evaluate it tonight."

Being reprimanded by Gu Chenfeng, Mary Twelve and Xiaoman were a little caught off guard, and hurried to the pot where the soybeans were soaked in, and started making according to the method Gucheng told.

Seeing this scene, Huang Xiaoming and others laughed, and secretly gave Gu Chenfeng a thumbs up.

Solved such a difficult problem so easily.

On the other side, Xiaoman's grandfather asked Ivy to call the director in Bangkok.

After the phone was answered, the old man smiled and said, "Hello, Director Li."

Because this director is also a Chinese, named Li Liang, his grandfather migrated here from Huaguo, and later entered the royal family of Taiguo by accident, and then slowly grew up to be the current director .

Coincidentally, Li Liang's grandfather and the old man's father were still sworn brothers, and they both went to Xinguo together at that time. Later, Li Liang's grandfather dragged his family to Taiguo.

This time the old man came to Taiguo to travel, just for fun, Li Liang should have done his best to arrange it.

Colleague, Li Liang also hopes that the old man can conduct investment cooperation in Bangkok.

Although the old man has long passed on his family property to his son to take care of it, his weight is still very important.

Li Liang on the other end of the phone hurriedly said, "Uncle Wang, please don't call me that. If my father finds out about it, he will scold me to death."

"You'd better call me Xiao Liang, or Xiao Li, so I'll sound more comfortable."

Even Chinese descendants would not dare to disobey the matter of seniority and inferiority.

Mr. Wang smiled and said: "Then I'll call you Xiaoliang, alas, your father has thought about Qingfu, but you are less upright, and you can reach the position of director at a young age."

Li Liang sighed and said: "This is a very heavy responsibility. I'm afraid I won't be able to afford it, so I ask you for a favor."

"I've already prepared a dinner at the state-level hotel, Uncle Wang, how about you come here tonight and have a light meal?"

Mr. Wang swallowed, and said with a smile: "I definitely have to eat, but I want to go to another place to eat. I wonder if you are free to accompany me?"

How dare Li Liang refuse, he nodded quickly and said, "I'm free, I'm free, of course I'm free, I don't know where you want to eat?"

Mr. Wang looked at the note in front of him. It was the address sent by Xiaoman yesterday. Ivy just copied it and handed it to Mr. Wang.

"Elephant Island, there is a Chinese restaurant there. As you know, your father and I were born and raised in the past. Because of the background of the great era, we went to other places."

"Actually, in our hearts, we all want to have a bite of Huaguo's food. If you want to come, I will wait for you at the pier."

Li Liang nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, don't worry, Uncle Wang, I will definitely arrive on time."

After hanging up the phone, Lili immediately called the relevant departments of Koh Chang. Koh Chang is the second largest island in Taiguo, and Bangkok is the only city-level unit in Taiguo. , district, village.

The leader of the government is called Fu Yin, which everyone should be very familiar with.

That's right, the excessive administrative division used the administrative units of Huaguo in ancient times, and the first king who unified Taiguo was Zheng Xin of Huaguo.

In terms of rank, as the director of Bangkok, he is much higher in rank than the county town of Koh Chang.

The call was connected quickly, and the official of Elephant Island, referred to as the island chief, heard his voice immediately.

"Hello, Director Li."

Li Liang didn't exchange greetings with him, but asked directly: "I heard that there is a Chinese restaurant over there?"

The island leader was taken aback for a moment, then thought for a while, and said, "As for Chinese restaurants, we have eight here. Which one are you talking about?"

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