Chapter 474 Parting, Mary's Thoughts
Mary Twelve also smiled and nodded in the store, saying, "Me too."

After talking, the two of them started making tofu nao.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Wang nodded in satisfaction. He never thought that his unruly and willful little princess could become so gentle and virtuous.

This trip to Taiguo was really rewarding.

Ivy is also a little envious, she still doesn't know how to cook yet, but her younger sister has already learned two things.

In particular, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes she made are still my grandfather's favorite. The key is that they are still so delicious. If I had known that I would have stayed in the Chinese restaurant as an apprentice that morning.

Li Liang on the other side has already asked the hotel to reserve a large box.

Soon, the fried fried dough sticks, prepared soy milk and tofu nao were served on the table.

Looking at the deep-fried fried dough sticks on both sides, Mr. Wang said with a smile: "When I was young, I liked to eat fried dough sticks with soy milk or fried dough sticks with tofu."

"Rub slender hands to find the jade, fry it in green oil to make a tender yellow, and sleep in the spring at night without weight, and stir-fry the gold wrapped around the arms of a beautiful woman."

After finishing speaking, he took a bite. The skin of the deep-fried dough sticks was crispy and the taste was particularly good. Then he took another sip of soy milk and swallowed it down.

Immediately, he showed a satisfied expression, and sighed: "Ah, it's more comfortable to eat this for breakfast."

Hearing this, Xiaoman and the others also began to eat soy milk and fried dough sticks in a similar manner.

"Oh, the taste is crunchy and tough, crispy, crunchy, so delicious."

"Suddenly discovered that the breakfast of Chinese people is delicious!"

"This food is simply delicious."

While eating, several people were full of praise.

Mr. Wang quickly finished the soy milk in the bowl and said, "Give me half a bowl of salty tofu nao."

Mary Twelve quickly took the bowl, filled half a bowl of salty tofu nao for Mr. Wang, and handed it to Mr. Wang, not forgetting to make a face at Xiaoman.

Look, even your grandpa likes my salty tofu nao.

Although the two of them said that they would not compare anymore, they still couldn't help but secretly rubbed each other.

Mr. Wang served with deep-fried dough sticks, and quickly finished eating the salty tofu nao, then took another empty bowl, and said to Xiaoman, "Have a bowl of sweet tofu nao."

Hearing this, Xiao Man, who was still pouting her cheeks, immediately regained her spirits, filled half a bowl for her grandpa, and then did not forget to make a face for Mary Twelve.

Look, my grandpa also likes to eat the sweet tofu nao I make.

However, Ivy was the most surprised. It was the first time she saw Grandpa eat so much for breakfast.

This man named Gu Chenfeng really has two brushes.

Mr. Wang put down the empty bowl again and burped lightly. This time he was really full.

Over the years, he has also eaten deep-fried dough sticks a few times, so he will not be as impulsive as yesterday, crying at every turn, replaced by a face full of relief.

Then he sighed: "I have been in Taiguo for so long, only these two days are the happiest. After eating for so many years, only these two meals are the most suitable for my appetite."

The people present understood what he said, and these words were obviously a compliment to Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng quickly waved his hand and said, "The old man is overwhelmed."

When Mr. Wang saw the cameraman standing in the corner, he didn't have much dislike for this. He looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Is that a live broadcast?"

Gu Chenfeng glanced at it, and replied with a smile: "No, the live broadcast is only available in Chinese restaurants, and it has not been turned on yet. His video will be used as material and submitted to the program team."

"When the program is officially broadcast, it can be edited into the main part of the program. If you have any concerns, I will tell the program team and not edit you into it."

Mr. Wang waved his hand and said, "It's okay, portrait rights or something, it's not a big problem, just make me look younger then."

Gu Chenfeng laughed and said, "Then don't worry, I will definitely explain this matter to the program team."

Mr. Wang looked at the other people who were eating, and asked, "How long are you going to record in Taiguo?"

"It ends at the end of the month."

"Then, are you planning to sell Roujiamo during this time?"

Hearing this question, Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and replied: "This place is not suitable for selling breakfast, so we only sell lunch and dinner."

"Actually, I also want to sell buns, fried dough sticks and pancakes, which are common snacks in China."

"But these things are too time-consuming to make compared to Roujiamo. Now our Chinese restaurant has not enough staff, so other things are not suitable."

"And I also count Guolin. We make [-] Roujiamo every day. It's only for a period of time, and it's not too much. Even if everyone buys only one Roujiamo, it will only be sold to tens of thousands of people."

"The purpose of our program is to promote the food of Huaguo, so that more foreigners can understand the food of our country. Compared with selling it in different ways, it's better to just sell the same food!"

"Besides, we also have dinner, which allows foreigners to taste a variety of Chinese cuisine."

After all, "Chinese Restaurant" is a program of his Orange TV station. As the owner and resident guest, he is also the chef here, so when talking about these plans, he talked endlessly.

After hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Mr. Wang nodded repeatedly, and praised: "You have thought clearly, you have such a brain, you deserve to be such a successful person in business."

Although the old man drank too much last night, after seeing Gu Chenfeng's character, he still couldn't hold back and went to investigate.

I don't know if I don't check it, I'm shocked when I check it.

This young man is already a rich man worth more than 1000 billion US dollars, even compared to the Wang Group.

However, what is even more commendable is that even though he is already so rich, he does not have any airs of a rich man in his treatment of others. Instead, he is polite and well-educated.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "I am a person who advocates freedom and doesn't like too much restraint, so I am always the shopkeeper of domestic entertainment companies."

As for my Qingchen Entertainment Company in China, at least after a little research, everyone is clear, so there is no need to hide it.

Mr. Wang smiled, and didn't get too entangled in this topic, but looked at the few fried dough sticks left on the table, and said with a smile: "After eating the food you cooked, I really don't want to go back to Xinguolin , but there are some things, I have to go back."

"You guys end at the end of this month, right? Before you end, I must come back and eat again."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "It's no problem at all, you are welcome at any time, if you have other dishes you want to eat, you can also tell me, and I will prepare them for you in advance."

Mr. Wang smiled and said, "That's settled!"


Gu Chenfeng nodded.

Then, Mr. Wang looked at Li Liang who had just finished eating the fritters, and said, "Xiao Liang, how do you feel about these soy milk fritters?"

Li Liang said with a slightly aftertaste expression: "It's delicious, this is the first time I have eaten this food, but I have already been attracted by its taste."

Mr. Wang smiled and said, "Although your father and I didn't know each other when we were young, I believe that before he left Huaguo, he must have eaten deep-fried dough sticks and drank soya-bean milk."

"I am even more convinced that your grandfather also grew up eating fried dough sticks and soy milk. Your current nationality is Taiguo, but don't forget where your ancestral home is."

Li Liang nodded seriously.

"Don't worry, Uncle Wang. When my father was alive, he often taught me that it is absolutely impossible to forget the ancestors."

Hearing this, Mr. Wang looked at Li Liang carefully, and then said: "Don't forget these, and about the Wang Group's investment in Taiguo, when I come next time, bring Shaohua over, Time to talk about the protocol."

Hearing this, Li Liang stood up excitedly, looked at Mr. Wang gratefully, and said, "Uncle Wang, what do you mean..."

Mr. Wang nodded and smiled, "I agree."

Hearing this, Li Liang was extremely excited. What he had been looking forward to for so long had finally come true.

Being able to attract investment from the Wang Group, even if his position as the director of Bangkok is completely secured, he also understands that it is entirely because of Gu Chenfeng that Mr. Wang can agree this time.

Because in the past few days, Li Liang has tried his best to get closer to Mr. Wang, but Mr. Wang is an old man. He is a young man, what he wants to do, Mr. Wang has a clear mind.

Until yesterday afternoon, Mr. Wang didn't show any sign of letting go. If it weren't for Gu Chenfeng's two meals and the song he sang with Mr. Wang last night, he would be in a better mood and talk a lot.

Then this cooperation is definitely out of the question.

Li Liang is also a person who knows how to repay Gu Chenfeng's kindness. He has written down Gu Chenfeng's kindness, and he will definitely repay Gu Chenfeng when he has the opportunity in the future.

After breakfast, it's time for Mr. Wang and his party to leave. They are going to the pier to take a boat back to Bangkok, and then take a plane to leave Taiguo.

Gu Chenfeng followed everyone to the pier in Mary's luxury car.

Xiaoman was reluctant to part with her idol, and squeezed into Mary's luxury car.

After arriving at the pier, Mr. Wang said to Gu Chenfeng, "Mr. Gu, I will come back, Mr. Wang."

Before calling Gu Chenfeng Xiao Gu, that was when he didn't know Gu Chenfeng's true identity, but now that he knows, naturally he won't put on airs.

Apart from being a little older than Gu Chenfeng, the old man really doesn't have any advantages in other aspects.

Gu Chenfeng naturally also knew that Mr. Wang must have investigated him, but he was not angry, and said with a smile: "You are always welcome to visit, if there are other dishes you want to eat, just ask Xiaoman to tell me in advance."

Mr. Wang nodded, all: "I must, I will go back and think about it, what other dishes have I haven't eaten for a long time."

Xiao Man pursed her lips and said, "Teacher Gu, we won't meet until some time later, you have to remember me!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Of course, you are very talented in cooking. After you go back, you can buy a recipe and learn Chinese cuisine."

"When you come next time, the task of cooking in the Chinese restaurant will be handed over to you."

Hearing this, Xiaoman smiled sweetly, the sea breeze was blowing, plucking her ink-like hair, coupled with that beautiful face, this picture is really beautiful.

"Okay, it's a deal. After I go back, I will definitely learn more than a dozen dishes. Leave me a position as the chef of the Chinese restaurant."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "No problem."

After everyone chatted for a while, Mr. Wang and others boarded the boat.

Li Liang and the island chief also followed.

Well! !

The passenger ship made a long beep, reminding people that it was time to sail.

Xiaoman stood in Penetration, waving her light white hands vigorously: "Mr. Gu, wait for me, we will definitely come back again."

Gu Chenfeng also waved in response: "I'm waiting for you at the Chinese restaurant."

Along with the whistle, the passenger ship gradually left the coast and sailed into the distance.

Only Gu Chenfeng, Mary Twelve, and the luxury car parked behind them were left on the coast.

Looking at the ship going away, Gu Chenfeng had mixed feelings in his heart: "This Xiaoman, who usually makes a fuss, left suddenly, and I really feel a little bit reluctant."

At this time, Mary Twelve who was beside her nodded, then bowed slightly to Gu Chenfeng, and said, "Teacher, I'm saying goodbye to you too."

Gu Chenfeng was stunned for a moment, and said, "Are you leaving too?"

Mary Twelve nodded and said, "Yes, my father's birthday will be in a while, and I have to go back."

Gu Chenfeng heard the words and looked towards the boundless sea, the ship that Xiaoman and others were on had turned into a white spot.

So he sighed and said, "Then when do you plan to leave?"

Mary Twelve replied respectfully: "Tomorrow afternoon, but after my father's birthday is over, I can come back again."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "It's okay, you and Xiaoman are here to travel, and we are only here to do a show."

"There is an old saying in China, which is: There is no permanent banquet in the world, and life is a constant meeting and parting."

There was another whistle of a ship, and a cargo ship docked.

There are noodle cakes that Gu Chenfeng needs to make Roujiamo on it.

Mary Twelve smiled and said, "At least I can stay in the Chinese restaurant to help at noon today and tomorrow."

Gu Chenfeng also smiled, and said: "Yes, let's go and get some bread, and make you something delicious tonight."

Gu Chenfeng has already contacted the boss to make the prawns used for drunken shrimps, and then let A Zhuo go to pull them by himself.

So after the two got the noodles, they took Mary Twelve's luxury car back to the Chinese restaurant.

Huang Xiaoming and others have already started to get busy in the Chinese restaurant. Their task is to boil and peel eggs. They squatted in the kitchen and saw Gu Chenfeng through the window.

Zhao Wei stood up and asked, "Xiaoman and the others left?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Yes, not only are they gone, but Mary will also leave tomorrow."

Huang Xiaoming and the others were stunned for a moment, and said, "Mary, do you want to go too?"

Mary Twelve nodded and said, "Yes!"

Zhao Wei thought for a while, and said, "That's right, you are here to travel, so I'm sorry to ask you to help me for so long."

Mary Twelve said with a smile: "I'm quite happy. This time in the Chinese restaurant, I experienced a lot and did a lot of things, which were things I had never touched at home before."

"I don't go to the airport until tomorrow afternoon, so I can help you peel your eggs twice!"

After speaking, Mary Twelve sat down and began to help.

Roujiamo at noon was sold out as always, and the Roujiamo and Drunken Shrimp ordered by the guests were also quickly made as usual.

For dinner, the recommended menu still has scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

What Mary Twelve fried was so happy, she seems to have fallen in love with cooking.

The business hours for dinner passed quickly, and it was time for a few people to eat in the Chinese restaurant.

While eating, Mary Twelve looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Teacher, can I ask you something?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Speak up if you have something to say, don't be so polite."

Mary Twelve thought for a while and said, "Can I ask the teacher to cook a dish for me and let me take it back to West Asia!"

"What dish?"

"I don't know what dishes are better. I want to take them home and give them to my father to try."

"For your father?"

"Yes, it will be his birthday in a few days. I want him to eat something different for this birthday."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "It's rare that you have such filial piety, no problem, and you have helped the boss so much in the Chinese restaurant, we should give something back because of emotion and reason."

"Tell me, what does your father like to eat, I can recommend it."

Mary Twelve thought for a while and said, "He prefers spicy food."


"Yes, every time the chef cooks for him, he will be very busy."

"Is that an exaggeration? If you like spicy food, put chili peppers for him!"

Mary Twelve shook her head and said: "The main reason is that my father's taste is too tricky. He is very picky when it comes to eating. Pure spicy food is definitely not enough. Not only must it be spicy, but it must also be spicy."

Gu Chenfeng held his chin, thinking: "Spicy, but also tasty?"

Mary Twelve nodded, and said: "Yes, in order to please his stomach, we children have worked very hard. With the support of the family, the brothers have already started their own businesses. My sister and I are now also It was not taken seriously.”

"So I hope that through certain things, my father will notice me."

As a big family in West Asia, the Leopold Consortium can be ranked first in the world, so competition for internal interests is inevitable.

Gu Chenfeng asked suspiciously: "How many children are there in your family? I remember you said that you have a younger sister named Mary Shisan, right?"

Mary XII replied: "Thirteen, six sons, seven daughters."

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng's eyes widened, wishing he could go back and discuss it with Luo Qingcheng, and learn from others.

"Thirteen children, hehe, your father's health is really good enough."

Mary Twelve continued: "Thirteen and I are the youngest two, only she and I are sisters, the rest are half brothers and sisters, but my sister and I are still too young, my father has always been Don't notice us."

"The family's resources can no longer be tilted towards me, and I don't have much ambition, but I want to be able to protect my mother and sister."

Gu Chenfeng drank some water, and asked thoughtfully, "So, you are trying to attract your father's attention by delivering food?"

Mary Twelve nodded, and said: "The other brothers and sisters, their parents are from famous families, so they first use the strength of their families to make some outstanding achievements, so that their father will notice them."

"But my mother was born in an ordinary family and had no background to rely on, so she couldn't get my father's attention through grades."

"Although the rights I have and the funds I have mobilized are impressive in the eyes of others, they are insignificant in the eyes of our entire family."

"Although it's a bit whimsical to hope that one dish can win my father's attention, but I still want to try it."

"I believe that with your cooking skills, teacher, you will be able to conquer my father's stomach."

After listening to Mary Twelve's words, Gu Chenfeng laughed.

Where did this guy get his hat-wearing skills?
But conquer the stomach of a tycoon with one dish?It is indeed a challenge.

"Let me think about it, what kind of spicy food is more suitable."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and began to think.

(End of this chapter)

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