Chapter 475 Maoxuewang can change his name
At the same time, the netizens in the webcast room started a heated discussion.

"Is this beauty named Mary leaving?"

"She's so beautiful, blonde and blue-eyed, I really can't bear her to go?"

"It turns out that she is not a guest invited by the program group!"

"Upstairs, are you stupid? She is the daughter of the Leopold Consortium!"

"That's right, I've checked everything, and I'm afraid her worth is no less than that of any rich second generation in China."

"So rich? I wonder if their family still wants a son-in-law?"

"Just you? Take a pee and look in the mirror, are you worthy of others?"


When Gu Chenfeng was thinking, Huang Xiaoming and others didn't make a sound, but they guessed that since it was spicy, they must be thinking about Sichuan cuisine.

There are eight major cuisines in China, Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Wei cuisine,

As long as you have something you want to eat, then these eight major cuisines can be prepared for you. Why is it difficult to agree?That's all right.

After a while, Gu Chenfeng suddenly opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said, "Mary, I thought of a dish, maybe your father will like it."

"But this dish still needs to be packaged. In this way, I will tell you to remember."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, even Huang Xiaoming and the others perked up their ears.

Zhou Tongyu smiled and said, "Packaging is still needed? Mr. Gu, do you have any 'good ideas'?"

Gu Chenfeng laughed and said, "How can it be called a 'good idea'? Since Mary's father likes spicy food, people who like spicy food generally have a stronger taste."

"If that's the case, then I'll carry out the heavy flavor to the end."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve hurriedly found out the paper and pen, and like a middle school student, she sat down and said, "Teacher, please tell me."

Gu Chenfeng organized the words, and said seriously: "Listen, I will make you a dish next time, and let you take it back. When your father's birthday party asks you what dish you are, you can directly Repeat what I said next to him verbatim."

The Mary Twelve store nodded, then put on a note-taking posture, and said, "Teacher, please tell me!"

Gu Chenfeng said slowly: "The name of this dish is Bloody Taste, don't you. The ingredients used in it are broken internal organs, frozen blood donations, entangled hands, and twisted plants."

"Boil these in the weight of the scarlet."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhou Tongyu and the other girls couldn't help vomiting, even Mary Twelve almost didn't vomit, but she was well educated since she was a child, and after the baptism of husband and wife lung slices, She knew that this was just packaging the name of the dish.

Zhou Yutong asked: "Mr. Gu, what are you talking about? Ugh, it sounds disgusting!"

"Are you still talking about Chinese cuisine?"

"Is there such a thing in Chinese cuisine?"

Hearing what everyone said, Gu Chenfeng said in Mandarin: "It's actually Maoxuewang!"

Huang Xiaoming and the others were all stunned.

Netizens in the webcast room were all blown away.

"???? Fuck, Maoxuewang can still introduce it like this?"

"Ms. Gu spoke English just now. I read the translation of the subtitles and thought it was a wrong translation!"

"The name is really important. After being told by Teacher Gu, I want to eat a piece."

"Hahaha, Maoxuewang can be renamed Bloody Horror in the future."

"Teacher Gu is worthy of being Teacher Gu, there is no one else with this talent."


In fact, after hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, the staff responsible for the simultaneous translation of Orange TV really thought they had heard it wrong.

Of course Mao Xuewang and the others have heard of it, but what the hell is bloody horror?

And the broken internal organs, some blood coagulated...
After knowing the answer, everyone was happy. It seems that Gu Chenfeng's translation in the future will have to be considerable and cannot be subjective.

After hearing Gu Chenfeng's introduction, Mary Twelve said excitedly, "This dish is so curious. It's called Bloody Taste. It's so graphic."

"I really want to try it, by the way, is this dish spicy?"

Gu Chenfeng gave a thumbs up, and said to himself: "It's absolutely spicy, even people with tricky tastes can conquer it. I believe that if your father tastes this dish, he will definitely pay attention to you."

Mary XII is also full of yearning for this.

In the morning of the next day, several people went to the pier to get noodles and prawns, and then went to the supermarket to buy all the ingredients for making Maoxuewang.

Also bought several stainless steel lunch boxes.

When he returned to the Chinese restaurant, he made Roujiamo as soon as he found it. After it was sold out, Gu Chenfeng started to prepare lunch for his own people.

This time Gu Chenfeng fried eight dishes, including Maoxuewang.

"Mary, you will be leaving here in a while. This meal is for you as a teacher."

Mary Twelve bowed slightly and said, "Thank you teacher."

Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be so polite, this is bloody and terrifying. You can try it and give an evaluation from your father's point of view."

Mary Twelve nodded, looking at Maoxuewang in a bowl in front of her, she couldn't help frowning.

This bowl looks so scary, and I think of Gu Chenfeng's introduction: broken internal organs, coagulated blood, entangled tentacles, twisted plants...
Everything is worthy of the name, although when I went to buy it, I knew that the ingredients in it were actually very ordinary things.

But thinking of Gu Chenfeng's second speed, it still makes people feel a little disgusted and curious at the same time...

What does this bowl of bloody horror taste like?

Mary Twelve picked up a piece of tripe and tasted it, and immediately...
"Wow, it's so spicy, and the tongue is still a little numb."

"But, it smells so good~~"

Mary Twelve said while eating Maoxuewang with a satisfied expression on her face.

"I believe that my father will definitely fall in love with this taste."

Seeing Mary Twelve's appearance, Gu Chenfeng frowned and said, "Mary, that... can you usually eat spicy food?"

Mary Twelve shook her head and said, "I can only eat a little bit, but not too spicy."

"Like this level of spiciness, if it is a little bit heavier, it should be in line with my father's taste."

Gu Chenfeng held his forehead, hesitated to speak, and said: "A little more emphasis on the taste, this is easy to handle, I will pack a little seasoning for you and take it home, and then you can put a little more yourself."

"Actually, what I want to say is that the onion is spicy, the nose is spicy, the garlic is spicy, and the heart is spicy, and the chili pepper is spicy in the front and back doors. If you eat so much, it will be inconvenient when the time comes!"

Mary Twelve looked at Gu Chenfeng with a puzzled expression.

That's all Gu Chenfeng said, and he didn't explain too much. After all, he is eating now, and the other party is a girl, so it's not good to be too revealing.

Afterwards, he took out a stainless steel lunch box and said, "This is a semi-finished Maoxuewang. After you go back, put it in the refrigerator to freeze."

"When you need to eat it, just put it in the pot and cook it, and then pour it into a bowl. If you want a stronger taste, add some chili."

Mary Twelve took the lunch box and put it away like a treasure, then bowed deeply to Gu Chenfeng and said, "Thank you, teacher."

After eating, Azhuo took Gu Chenfeng and others to the pier in a pickup truck, followed by Mary Twelve's luxury car, but she was indeed squeezed into the pickup truck.

After arriving at the pier, Mary Twelve bowed to Gu Chenfeng again and said, "Teacher, thank you for this time!"

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "I should be the one who said this. If it weren't for you and Xiaoman's help, we would definitely be exhausted in the past few days."

"So, it's us who should say thank you."

Mary Twelve nodded and said, "Teacher, I hope to see you again next time."

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, then said with a smile: "Since you call me teacher, I will teach you a Chinese proverb now, first let me think about how to say it in English."

After thinking for a while, Gu Chenfeng clasped his fists and said in English: "The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will meet later!"

Mary Twelve was stunned for a moment, and said, "Is this what Hua people often say when they say goodbye?"

"Of course!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said, "It's too low to say goodbye. This sentence is a farewell sentence that has been passed down in our country for thousands of years. It is much taller than the two words goodbye."

"By the way, when you say this, you must put your fists in your hands, like me."

Mary Twelve nodded, cupped her fists imitatively, and said very reluctantly to Gu Chenfeng and Huang Xiaoming, "Teacher, everyone!"

"I'm going to West Asia. The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will meet again later."

Gu Chenfeng, Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Tongyu, Zhao Wei, and Jin Mengjia all clasped their fists in return, shouting in unison: "There will be a time later!"

Although the netizens in the barrage had only watched the live broadcast for a few days, everyone already fell in love with this blonde girl.

On the one hand, it is because the parents are really beautiful, and on the other hand, they are rich.

What the hell, she's the daughter of a big consortium!
There are also some people who simply like the character of Mary XII.

Seeing Mary Twelve boarding the ship through the camera, they all sent barrage.

"The green hills do not change, the green waters will continue to flow, we will have a period in the future!"

The live broadcast room was directly buzzed by this sentence.

The ship let out a long cry, and left the shore with Mary Twelve and others.

Her luxury car has also been packed into the cargo box of the ship by bodyguards.

Ordinary people would not fly a luxury car here, but Mary Twelve is a serious rich second generation, and it is easy to spend a little money to transport the things you like.

Mary Twelve stood in the penetration, and waved to Gu Chenfeng and the others: "Teacher, goodbye!"

"The green hills will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will meet in the future."

Gu Chenfeng also waved and shouted: "There will be a period later!"

Looking at the passenger ship gradually going away, Gu Chenfeng took a deep breath.

He just saw off Xiao Man here yesterday, and today he saw off Mary Twelve at the same place. Although these two little girls usually bluff, it's a headache when they are around.

But leaving so suddenly, it really makes people feel a little bit reluctant.

"Teacher Gu, how about a drink to relax?"

Huang Xiaoming took out a bottle of mineral water and walked over, and joked in front of Gu Chenfeng: "Don't let your sister-in-law watch this show, or you will have to kneel down on the remote control when you go home."

Gu Chenfeng sneered, and said, "What about bullshit? Am I as shallow as Leiquan?"

"Besides, those two girls are just apprentices. What are you thinking about all day?"

"Let's go, we will go to the Chinese restaurant. The Roujiamo ordered by the guests is not ready yet."

"Now that I have been delayed for so long, it seems that I have been busy for a while."


The driver A Zhuo drove Gu Chenfeng and others back to the Chinese restaurant in a pickup truck.

The five people continued to process the Roujiamo. Although Mary Twelve and her two bodyguards were missing as right-hand assistants, Huang Xiaoming and the others had already completed the process while Xiaoman and Mary Twelve were around. From novice to proficient process.

Whether it's boiling eggs, peeling eggs, or cutting the dough, and putting meat sauce, eggs, and bean curds in it, they are already very familiar with it.

After all, the Chinese restaurant has been open for almost a week. In the past period of time, they have made nearly 1 Roujiamo one after another.

Practice makes perfect.

The five people who are already familiar with it, even without Mary Twelve, still quickly completed the processing of the Roujiamo.

Looking at the time, it was only five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still an hour before the opening time for dinner. The five of them were all dazed and ready to take a rest.

At this time, the director Zhang Han came over: "Teacher Gu, come here, I want to tell you something during this gap."

After seeing Zhang Han passing by, Gu Chenfeng was overjoyed, and said: "You have lived forever, the invisible man has appeared!"

The corner of Zhang Han's mouth twitched, and then he gave a flattering smile and said, "Let's pause the filming for a while, and give us invisible people a chance to speak!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Okay, okay, it's hard work for you to be invisible."

"By the way, what business do you want with us?"

Zhang Han looked at the cameras around him and said, "Let's go to the meeting room in the building behind and talk about some things that are not convenient for live broadcasting."

Zhao Wei smiled and said, "What is it? It's so mysterious. The boss of your TV station is still here."

"Go and have a look and you'll know." Gu Chenfeng said, and the others naturally didn't say anything.

Afterwards, everyone came to the building behind the Chinese restaurant. Both here and the Chinese restaurant have been contracted by the program team.

The images captured by the cameras in the Chinese restaurant will be sent here, and the director Zhang Han sits here and directs.

There are several rooms in the building, one of which is dedicated to meetings.

Gu Chenfeng and others followed Zhang Han in, and each found a seat and sat down.

Huang Xiaoming asked with a smile: "It's so mysterious, are you plotting to rebel?"

Where did the second idiot come from?
Why do I want to rebel and bring the boss over?
Zhang Han said a little speechlessly: "Have you watched too many costume dramas?"

"Rebel, who do we rebel against? Teacher Gu or Juzitai?"

"Let Teacher Gu turn against himself?"

Zhou Tongyu asked without answering: "If you don't rebel, why did you call us here?"

Forehead! !

What the hell, you guys really open your mind to love!
I can't continue talking like this, otherwise I don't know where it will get involved.

So Zhang Han coughed lightly, and said: "Let's talk about something serious, after the filming is finished tomorrow, our "Chinese Restaurant" will be closed for a day."

Gu Chenfeng and others were taken aback when they heard this.

Looking at each other, they both saw shock and bewilderment in each other's eyes.



"I think the recording is pretty good now, who said it will be closed?" Gu Chenfeng asked.

Zhang Han quickly explained: "Teacher Gu, don't get excited. It's like this. After our live broadcast room was approved, it has been loved by the majority of netizens. The number of online viewers has exceeded 500 million at the peak."

Hearing this data, Gu Chenfeng and others applauded cooperatively.

Then he became even more confused, Gu Chenfeng said: "Since the traffic is so good, why did it stop?"

Zhang Han continued to explain: "It is precisely because of the popularity that many sponsors have contacted us, wanting to sponsor this show."

"Those sponsors are almost blowing up the phone number of Orange TV's advertising department, and the program team plans to select ten of them."

Having said that, Zhang Han's expression became proud.

When "Chinese Restaurant" was in the preparatory work, Zhang Han sought many sponsors. However, due to the mediocre performance of the previous two seasons, those sponsors all rejected them. In the end, only one sponsored by a dishwasher That's all.

But now, the planning departments of dozens of companies have called the advertising department of Orange TV, hoping to sponsor this program, and some directly called Zhang Han.

He doesn't mean enough to say anything, and he doesn't say hello to them when recording a program. Their brand just has a budget for publicity...

Some even asked Zhang Han directly for a title.

When Zhang Han heard what those people said, he naturally smiled, and felt MMP in his heart.

What the hell, I didn't say hello?
Back then I almost knelt down and begged you to come, but what happened?
Just gave me a closed door to eat.

Now Feng Shui turns, and it's Lao Tzu's turn to be the uncle.

Moreover, Zhang Han is still a thief, he told the advertising department of Orange TV that the space of "Chinese Restaurant" is limited, and can only accept ten sponsors at most.

There is already a dishwasher, so there are nine places left.

In fact, for a program, the more sponsors the better, but Zhang Han just wanted to vent his anger.

After all, he now has such confidence, because Gu Chenfeng is there, so the ratings of this show are guaranteed.

As long as there is ratings and popularity, advertisers will flock to it.

So he limited the number of sponsors.

In the past, you always ignored me, but now I want to make you unable to climb high. Anyway, the number of nine sponsors depends on who pays more.

Seeing the heads of the planning departments of those companies vying for quotations made Zhang Han feel relieved.

At the same time, he also understands that such a result is all due to the existence of the big boss Gu Chenfeng.

If Director Ma hadn't invited this giant Buddha over this time, it is estimated that "Chinese Restaurant" will be completely hit the street this season.

So he stood up, walked in front of Gu Chenfeng, bowed deeply to him, and said, "Mr. Gu, thank you."

Seeing this scene, Gu Chenfeng was stunned while sitting, stood up and said, "Director Zhang, what are you doing? I'm a cook in the show, don't think too much about it."

Others thought it was normal, Zhang Han really should thank Gu Chenfeng both in public and in private.

Huang Xiaoming said: "Mr. Gu, I understand why Zhang Han wants to thank you. To be honest, most of the credit for "Chinese Restaurant" to achieve the current results this season is due to you."

Zhao Wei also nodded, and said, "I completely agree. To be honest, after I saw Teacher Gu participating in this program, I knew that this program was stable."

"Looking at it now, my original feeling was indeed correct. Mr. Gu is not only the best in the three fields of film and television songs, but also very historical in variety shows."

"Especially when people like Mary Twelve, Xiaoman, Mr. Wang, the Chief of Bangkok, and the Chief of Elephant Island came to the Chinese restaurant, if Mr. Gu hadn't been in charge, the Chinese restaurant would have been a mess."

Of course, everyone knows that those big figures are directly or indirectly welcomed by Gu Chenfeng's personal charm.

Jin Mengjia also said with a smile: "Before I came to "Chinese Restaurant", I always thought it was a play show. Letting five artists run a restaurant is simply an international joke!"

"In a few days, there will definitely be a mess. However, it has been proven that I was completely wrong."

"I didn't expect that the Chinese restaurant would run in an orderly manner, and there are still many customers coming here because of the name. Every day, the Roujiamo for lunch is sold out, and there are still a lot of queues behind."

"During dinner, before the business started, there were already customers queuing up to ask for a number plate. All this was something I had never thought of before."

"However, the biggest contributor to all this is Teacher Gu."

It was the first time for Jin Mengjia to say so many compliments to Gu Chenfeng. In less than a week, she was completely conquered by Gu Chenfeng's personal charm.

Zhou Tongyu didn't speak, but gave Gu Chenfeng a thumbs up during the summer vacation.

Zhang Han also nodded, and said: "What they just said is what I want to say, Mr. Gu, although you are the boss of our TV station, you are the soul core of "Chinese Restaurant"."

(End of this chapter)

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