Chapter 476 A total income of 370 million a week
Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "I still say the same thing, everyone in the Chinese restaurant is very important, it's just that everyone's job is different."

"If you hand over all the tasks of the Chinese restaurant to me alone, it may exhaust me to death. Of course, I definitely can't do so much work by myself."

"So everyone is doing their best. There is no saying who is important and who is not. Don't talk about these things in the future."

"Also, Director Zhang, I already said before I came here that I'm just an entertainer in this show, not a boss, so don't say that again in the future."

"Also, did you call us here just to say all these things?"

"I'm curious as to why the Chinese restaurant closed down!"

After listening to Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Han nodded and thanked Gu Chenfeng with fists in his hands.

Then after adjusting his state, he said: "Because those sponsors want to deliver all their products, we need a day, come and re-arrange the interior of the Chinese restaurant."

"It just so happens that you have worked hard for a while, so you can take a good rest."

Hearing Zhang Han's words, everyone understood.

In fact, to put it bluntly, "Chinese Restaurant" needs to be slightly upgraded.

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and said, "Since we have decided to rearrange, can the kitchen be adjusted a little?"

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, director Zhang Han was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Mr. Gu, how do you want to adjust?"

Gu Chenfeng said while thinking: "There are two stoves now. It is okay when there are few guests, but it is not enough when there are many guests. It is best to add two more stoves. The stove in the kitchen Keep the four best."

"In addition, it is best to get a freezer. We are running a restaurant, and the refrigerator is obviously not enough. The volume of the freezer is too small."

"I looked at the space in the kitchen and there is no problem putting these things down."

After hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Han said with a smile: "That's such a coincidence, what you said happened to have relevant sponsors. The purpose of our closure is to replace the stove and range hood."

"As for the ice coffin, I'll tell the sponsors and ask them to send one over urgently."

"Is there anything else you want to change?"

Although Gu Chenfeng told Zhang Han not to treat him as the boss in the show, he dared not really dare to do so.

Zhang Han naturally had to find ways to satisfy his boss's requirements.

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and said, "Let's have two more juicers. Although there is one in the restaurant, it's still too small. If there are sponsors, that would be the best."

"If it doesn't arrive, then we can use the profit of the restaurant to buy it. As for other things, we don't need it for the time being."

Zhang Han nodded and said, "Of course the juicer has a sponsor, and it's a well-known brand. By the way, the sponsor hopes that you can broadcast advertisements!"

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng immediately shook his head and said, "Don't look for me about the oral advertisement, let Zhou Yutong and Jin Mengjia come."

Zhang Han froze for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"Mr. Gu, do you know that you mentioned a dishwasher to the camera that day, and the dishwasher was sold out immediately."

"And there are still a large number of reservations, and the whole process only takes 10 minutes. You have brought a sales performance to a company that could only be completed in the past three years."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming and others gasped.

"I'm going, is it so scary?"

"As expected of Mr. Gu, when he endorsed the mobile phone, he broke the sales record."

"Teacher Gu is really a god!"

"Three years in 10 minutes?"

Zhang Han nodded and said, "So, many sponsors, especially those related to the kitchen, are eager for Teacher Gu to broadcast their advertisements, and the price they offer is also very high."

"Say it once, 100 million!"

"That is to say, Mr. Gu earns 100 million yuan by oral broadcasting once a day, and by the end of our program recording, he can earn 500 million yuan."

"If there are ten sponsors, that's [-] million in revenue. At the same time, the sponsors also said that as long as Teacher Gu is willing, the price can be negotiated."

Hearing this, Zhao Wei and the others ate again, their eyes widened. They have only just come out, and the sponsors will definitely give priority to Teacher Gu.

After all, there is no endorsement for Mr. Gu, and the only endorsement at present is Huawei mobile phone.

As for other advertisements, Mr. Gu has never played before, plus Mr. Gu's influence and popularity.

One of his advertisements is equivalent to the annual advertising benefits of several first-line stars.

And in less than a month, you can earn more than [-] million yuan by just using your mouth every day. This money is too easy!

However, Gu Chenfeng shrugged his shoulders and said: "Although [-] million is very tempting even for me, it is impossible for me to change my principles for the sake of [-] million."

"I have only endorsed Huawei mobile phones for so many years, and I have not accepted any other endorsements, so I will not insert any advertisements."

"This principle, at least now no one can force me to change."

This is the rejection?
But think about it!

Gu Chenfeng's identity is there, if he is not willing, who can force him?

For others, [-] million is indeed a Tianwu number, but for Gu Chenfeng, a millionaire worth hundreds of billions of dollars, it is really nothing.

And basically everyone in the circle knows that sometimes it is very risky to endorse something.

If the quality of this product is maintained all the time, it will help the artist’s positive image to some extent. However, if the sales volume of the product is increased due to the artist’s endorsement, and the company fills up the good with bad, then the artist’s image will be affected. There are devastating blows.

So since his debut, Gu Chenfeng has only endorsed one Huawei mobile phone.

Zhang Han looked at Gu Chenfeng unwilling to give up, but he didn't say anything.

As the director of Orange TV, he still has some understanding of the strength of his boss.

Originally, he thought that Gu Chenfeng would take this matter casually for Juzitai's sake. After all, it was just a matter of lip service, and he could earn so much money.

Looking at it now, it is obvious that he underestimated Gu Chenfeng's determination to stick to his principles.

That's all Gu Chenfeng said, felt Zhang Han's gaze, and said, "Director Zhang, this is my bottom line."

The meaning is obvious, not to mention you as a director, even if the director comes over, he is still not qualified to let me break through my bottom line.

In the end, Zhang Han had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

At the same time, he also understands that aside from Gu Chenfeng's own social status, as the world's most famous star, the reason why Gu Chenfeng has not accepted those endorsements is that he is worried that the quality of the products will not be guaranteed, which will ruin his character.

Now in the whole world, Gu Chenfeng's fans can be said to be all over the world, and they are very large.

You must know that these fans are accumulated by Gu Chenfeng's classic works one after another.

If the fans I have worked so hard to accumulate are destroyed by a certain rat shit, it will not be worth the loss.

Not to mention that Gu Chenfeng is not short of money, even a celebrity who is short of money may not necessarily do this kind of thing.

In the end, Zhang Han could only nod his head and said, "Okay, then listen to Mr. Gu, and I will discuss with the sponsors about the oral advertisement."

Gu Chenfeng hummed and said, "Thank you for your understanding."

Zhang Han said with a smile: "No, no, it should be me thanking Mr. Gu for his strong support. If it weren't for you, the program "Chinese Restaurant" would not have been so successful."

"Then we will open for another day tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow everyone will have a day off, and have fun in Taiguo and relax."

"After the day after tomorrow, until the end of the recording of the program, I am afraid that everyone will not have a rest time."

Gu Chenfeng and others responded, then left the conference room and returned to the Chinese restaurant.

When I came to the Chinese restaurant, facing the camera, countless netizens watched their live broadcast through the camera.

On the way back from the building to the Chinese restaurant, Gu Chenfeng felt that it was necessary to tell the netizens about this matter, and Huang Xiaoming and others naturally had no opinion on this.

However, Gu Chenfeng felt that he had been stealing the limelight from others, so he handed over this matter to the store manager Zhao Wei.

So after Zhao Wei returned to the Chinese restaurant, he smiled at the camera and said, "Everyone who is watching the live broadcast, I want to tell you a piece of news."

""Chinese Restaurant" will have a day off after its opening day tomorrow. We have been recording continuously for almost a week, and to be honest, I am a little tired."

"So when we are resting, the live broadcast will be suspended. After a day's rest, "Chinese Restaurant" will continue to operate. I hope everyone can understand and thank you for your support."

Hearing her words, many netizens expressed their understanding.

"Okay, I support the program group's decision!"

"Yeah, they are all stars after all, and they seldom do these jobs at home. It's really tiring after a week of continuous high-intensity work."

"Two thousand roujiamo, one thousand catties of drunken shrimp, and making dinner every day, even those who actually do catering will feel tired, let alone Teacher Gu and the others."

"I'm in the catering business. To be honest, Teacher Gu's work is much harder than ordinary catering."

"Just take a good rest for a day, and continue when you come back."


After explaining to netizens, Gu Chenfeng and the others sat down at a dining table.

Huang Xiaoming said: "Then let's discuss now how to relax the day after tomorrow."

Jin Mengjia immediately raised her hand and said, "I suggest that we all go out to play. I have heard that there are many interesting things in Taiguo, but I haven't been there yet."

"Now it's hard to have one day to rest, and I want to go out and have fun."

Zhao Wei and the others didn't have any objections to her proposal. Since they want to play, then everyone should have fun.

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "In this case, I will send three thousand noodles over tomorrow, and make all the ones to buy tomorrow, the ones that the guests ordered, and the ones that the guests may order the day after tomorrow."

"Tomorrow night, if there are more reservations, then give them directly."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming was overjoyed, and said: "As expected of Mr. Gu, he is still thinking about the business of the restaurant, unlike the rest of them, who have already started thinking about where to go."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Wei and the others felt a little embarrassed.

Indeed, when they learned that they could rest the day after tomorrow, their first thought was where to go to play, and they even forgot their work.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "What, I'm just thinking about these things habitually. It's almost six o'clock in the afternoon. Let's pack up and get ready to pick up the guests!"

Then Gu Chenfeng called the eldest son of the durian owner and asked him to send [-] noodles tomorrow, and then called the supermarket to send a corresponding amount of pork belly, eggs and bean curd.

The fish seller also called and asked them to send two thousand catties of prawns tomorrow, which is one ton.

Finally, there is the boss who sells dishes. Gu Chenfeng also asked him to send two hundred pieces of fiberglass tomorrow. After purchasing these few days, Gu Chenfeng is already familiar with these bosses.

So all these things can be done with just one phone call, and the Chinese restaurant needs a lot of it, which seems to have become a big customer of these businesses, and they are also very happy to serve Gu Chenfeng.

During dinner, when Jin Mengjia and others were ordering food for the guests, they specifically emphasized that the Chinese restaurant needs to take a day off after opening tomorrow, so they can only accept today's reservations.

At the same time, all pre-orders can be picked up after [-]:[-] pm tomorrow.

In the same way, everyone emphasized it again when selling Roujiamo at noon the next day.

The customers who lined up and bought the Roujiamo were all overjoyed. The Roujiamo in the Chinese restaurant is really delicious, especially for foreigners who just came here and tasted it for the first time.

That lethality is simply fatal.

It is also because different tourists come here to travel every day, so the supply of Roujiamo is in short supply every day. If you want to buy it every day, you need to queue up a long line, and sometimes you can’t buy it even if you come late.

This made many tourists feel a little depressed. Seeing that other guests were feasting on the meat sandwiches in their hands, those who didn't buy them could only smell the aroma and drool.

That's it, today, apart from being able to buy Roujiamo, there are two thousand places that can be reserved. Each person can only reserve one at most, which means that it can be sold to at least two hundred people.

In addition, the drunken shrimp in the Chinese restaurant is also famous for its deliciousness. Many customers will buy a drunken shrimp and take it to other restaurants when they are not in line for dinner.

These [-] rougamos and [-] catties of drunken shrimp were quickly booked out.

Before the sale of Roujiamo started at noon, the fiberglass, prawns, and white wine that Gu Chenfeng ordered yesterday were all in place.

Before the Roujiamo was sold, these two hundred five-kilogram glass fiber reinforced plastics had already been filled with drunken shrimps that were being marinated. There couldn’t be so many glass bars in a Chinese restaurant, so they were all placed outside.

When two hundred glass jars were placed at the entrance of the Chinese restaurant, the scene was quite spectacular.

Don't look at so many, but there are more guests, and the two hundred tanks of drunken shrimp are quickly booked to play.

Whoever makes a reservation can move out directly.

Therefore, the two hundred cylinders were quickly moved by the guests.

Roujiamo is also sold out.

Then Gu Chenfeng started to make lunch for everyone.

After lunch, the five of them started busy making [-] pre-ordered Roujiamo.

Since three o'clock in the afternoon, customers have come to pick up the ordered Roujiamo one after another.

Fortunately, the five of them are already very proficient, so they can supply them.

I was busy until 05:30 in the afternoon, and the [-] scheduled Roujiamo were all made and taken away by the guests.

At dinner time, under the expectant eyes of five people, the last table of guests finished eating, walked to the cashier and paid, and then left.

Looking at the backs of the guests in the distance, Zhao Wei and the others felt a little excited: "I can finally rest."

After the five people cleaned up the table, they sat down around a dining table.

Huang Xiaoming said with a smile: "The expenses for our visits will be deducted from the turnover of our restaurant, so our task now is to calculate the total profit of the Chinese restaurant from its opening to the present."

Regarding this matter, no one has any objection. After all, Zhang Han has already emphasized it to them before he came to participate in the filming of "Chinese Restaurant".

During the filming period, they are not allowed to use their own money, and all consumption here should come from their labor income.

That is, the turnover of Chinese restaurants.

For this rule, Gu Chenfeng thinks it is not bad, so they all agree with it.

Zhao Wei took out all the money, and at the same time took out a bank card, which was specially made to save money.

Because the daily turnover of Chinese restaurants is too high, it is impossible to carry so much cash with you, so it is more convenient to store it in the card.

Zhao Wei pointed to the money on the table and said, "This money is today's turnover. Let's count together first, how much is it in total?"

Thai baht of various colors and sizes covered the entire table. Five people began to divide the work and count the money on the table.

The counted accounts were all summarized to Zhao Wei. When everyone saw the final figures, their faces were full of surprise and excitement.

"The cash here is a total of [-] million baht. Today is the first time our turnover has exceeded one million baht."

"And our bank card has 260 million baht, the two together..."

"That is to say, our Chinese restaurant has made a total profit of 370 million baht in the past week since it opened."

After hearing the result, Huang Xiaoming rubbed his hands excitedly, his efforts were not in vain!
In fact, before Zhao Wei announced the results, Gu Chenfeng and others already had a rough figure in their hearts, because they basically remembered the daily turnover of the Chinese restaurant.

On the first day of official business, their turnover was more than 12 baht, and there were also a group of customers who ordered the Roujiamo and Drunken Shrimp for the next day.

On the second day, Xiaoman and Mary Twelve both joined the operation of the Chinese restaurant, and they endured a lot. Whether it was the making of Roujiamo or the cooking of dinner, they seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

This also allowed the next day's reservation payment and dinner turnover to exceed 50.

That is to say, from the next day, the Chinese restaurant fixed the model, and the sales and reservations of Roujiamo totaled [-] every day.

Ordinary ones are [-] baht each, and eggs and bean curd are [-] baht. Usually, guests either don’t add them, or they go home with both.

There are roujiamo for fifty baht and one for one hundred baht, which is basically [-]-[-].

Therefore, the turnover of 15 Roujiamo per day is about [-] baht.

For Drunken Shrimp, the daily reservation is 40 catties, and each catty is [-] baht. This item alone can reach a daily profit of [-] baht.

Seeing that the amount of Drunken Shrimp is huge, Gu Chenfeng stipulates that each person can only book a maximum of ten catties, and this reservation has also been carefully considered by him.

It costs 800 baht to order ten catties of drunken shrimp, which is equivalent to 800 yuan in soft sister coins. [-] yuan is a lot to buy one thing, but don’t forget, this is Taiguo, Koh Chang, and international tourism. sights.

Most of the consumers here are foreign tourists. They come here to buy a rubber pillow for 5000 yuan, a mattress for 2 yuan, ivory products for 5 yuan, and jade and emeralds are even priceless.

Such a comparison, 800 yuan to buy ten catties of delicious drunken shrimp is not only not expensive for tourists, but also worth the money. After all, many tourists buy it after tasting it first.

It is also impossible for Gu Chenfeng and the others to buy and sell by force. Besides, many tourists exchange US dollars directly into Thai baht. For those people, a tank of drunk shrimp worth [-] baht is only about [-] U.S. dollars .

It's so fucking worth it.

Therefore, one hundred servings of ten catties of drunken shrimp will be sold out of stock every day, and the daily income of drunken shrimp alone will be 40 baht. Therefore, the daily sales of Roujiamo and drunken shrimp will be 55 Income in baht.

In addition to dinner, although there are only [-] tables, the consumption of each table is basically [-] to [-] baht, which means that the business of dinner is more than [-].

All of them add up to a daily turnover of more than 60 baht.

In addition to the sale of 20 Roujiamo today, the income is at least 80 baht, 100 catties of drunken shrimp, [-] baht, and dinner, so the turnover has exceeded [-] million baht.

The total income of the Chinese restaurant this week has reached 370 million baht.

Hearing this result, everyone in the Chinese restaurant, including the director team, opened their mouths in surprise.

Originally, I just wanted to record a business variety show, but who knew that these five people actually made the recording of the show so profitable.

What a group of talents!

(End of this chapter)

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