Chapter 503 A New Milestone in Life

Hearing this, the corners of Zhao Wei and the others twitched.

The gods just grabbed a handful, do you think this is a jelly bean?
That's a gem, a gem!
Mary Thirteen handed the plastic bag containing the gems to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei shrank back in fright and said, "No, no, it's too expensive, we can't accept it."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Since this is the wish of the two sisters, I am right for a gift of 800 million US dollars. Sister Zhao, you are welcome."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhao Wei took the clinker bag, looked at the bag containing the gems in his hand, and smiled helplessly: "Well, Teacher Gu said so, then we will accept it too."

"Twelve, Thirteen, thank you."

After receiving the presents, Gu Chenfeng took the two local tyrants to the supermarket to do some shopping.

When it was time for dinner, the Chinese restaurant came as usual, and many people lined up. After the issuance of the [-] number plates was over.

Those who got the qualification to eat were waiting with full of anticipation. Those who didn't get it had to go to other restaurants to find food.

In the kitchen of the Chinese restaurant, there are now four Zhao Tais. Gu Chenfeng felt that he was too conscious of asking the program team to add two stoves.

Now the two sisters, Mary Twelve and Mary Thirteen, each have a hearth.

While Gu Chenfeng instructed them to cook, his colleagues also cooked for the guests outside.

Mary Twelve is in charge of tofu nao and scrambled eggs with tomatoes, these two dishes she is very good at. In addition, Gu Chenfeng taught her how to cook Kung Pao Chicken.

Kung Pao is a series, Kung Pao Chicken, Kung Pao Shrimp Balls, and Kung Pao Potatoes.

Like the Yuxiang series, there are many refined dishes, as long as you learn how to cook the taste of Kung Pao cuisine, you can get Kung Pao from everything.

Kung Pao Chicken is considered a medium-difficult dish, which is more suitable for Mary Twelve, who comes to Xu Xi for someone with basic knowledge.

As for Mary Thirteen, she is a proper novice cook, Gu Chenfeng has seen it, and she doesn't know any oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar. She has heard the names of these things, but they just don't match the names.

Point to peanut oil and say it's soy sauce, point to salt and say it's sugar.

It seems that even the most basic understanding of objects can't be done, this is really a giant baby!

No, Mary Thirteen is not a willful giant baby, she just really doesn't know these things, so don't blame those who don't know.

It seems that many young people nowadays do not know that walnuts actually grow on trees and are the product of green fruit after shelling.

Peanuts actually grow in the soil.

These are common sense things for many people, but there are also many people who don't know, but they can't be blamed, because they really haven't seen it.

I have never seen it, I have never experienced it, how can I know it?
This is the case with Mary Thirteen. She knows such things as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, but as a daughter, she has never seen these things, so it is not surprising.

She can't recognize what oil, salt, sauce and vinegar look like, but she can recognize the texture of the gemstone and the price. If you weigh the diamond with your hands, you can estimate how many carats it has.

These abilities are also common sense to her, but to most people, it is indeed a field that has never been touched.

Faced with this person who is completely ignorant about the kitchen, Gu Chenfeng also patiently taught him.

After all, they gave it as a gift.

Under Gu Chenfeng's patient teaching, Mary Shisan finally learned the first dish in her life, stir-fried vegetables.

Put oil, seasoning, vegetables, stir-fry, add salt the size of a fingernail, and take it out of the pot.

When the first dish was served, Mary Thirteen was filled with pride.

I can't wait to broadcast it a hundred times immediately to let everyone know.

She got to know oil and salt, and also fried vegetables!

"This is a new milestone in my life. I never thought that cooking would give me such a sense of accomplishment and art."

"Such a few things that you don't want to do, put them together and stir them, and they become a delicacy!"

Gu Chenfeng said with a speechless smile: "This stirring uses the soul, let me hear it and your feeling, hurry up and serve the dishes to the guests!"

Mary Thirteen nodded, and brought out the dishes with a joyful expression.

Although she only got an evaluation of [-] points and just passed, she was already very happy.

"Thank you, teacher, can I learn other dishes now?"

Hearing her words, Gu Chenfeng was immediately happy, and said, "You are so typical, you want to fly before you can walk!"

"I'll tell you a Chinese proverb, if you don't accumulate small steps, you can't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't form a river."

"It means, don't aim too high, and do the things in front of you first."

"Tonight, you just stir-fry green vegetables, and do nothing else. Get proficient in this, and then do other things!"

Mary Twelve pursed her lips in displeasure when she heard the words, and said, "Alright then!"

Foreign netizens on the Internet, especially Europeans and Americans, went crazy when they saw this scene.

"My goddess is actually learning Chinese national cuisine?"

"She also gave the fire mage a very expensive gift."

"This magician must have used magical spells to confuse the goddess."

"Oh, my goddess, the way you cook vegetables is also so beautiful."


Netizens from Hua who can understand English were overjoyed after seeing these bullet screens.

Well, it turns out that dog licking is all over the world!
Each table of guests in the restaurant will order two to three kinds of green vegetables. Gu Chenfeng helped to fry some of them, and Mary Shisan fried more than 50 vegetables.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, after frying more than 50 servings of green vegetables, her cooking skills became more and more proficient, and she even became addicted.

Mary Twelve's Kung Pao Chicken is also becoming more and more skillful.

"Teacher, I think if I don't do business in the future, it would be good to open a restaurant with you."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Don't, don't, I can't afford you. In the future, when the teacher is free, I will go to your West Asia. Just be my tour guide when the time comes."

Hearing this, Mary Thirteen smiled and said: "Okay, okay, teacher, when you want to come, just tell us directly, just make a phone call, and I will take a private jet to pick you up right away."

When Gu Chenfeng heard this, he thought to himself, is it great to have a private jet?
It seems to be really amazing.

Do you want to have a game yourself?
But considering that this thing is too high-profile, let's forget it.

At this time, all the dishes for the last table of guests had already been served. Looking at the ten tables outside, they were all full of people.

After they finish eating, the few people in the Chinese restaurant can have dinner. According to past experience, they have to wait at least half an hour.

Taking advantage of this time, Gu Chenfeng took out a lot of various things from the freezer, and spread a clean thick plastic sheet on the class.

Then get busy.

Zhou Tongyu also finished her work and came in to wash her hands. Seeing Gu Chenfeng kneading dough, she asked curiously, "Teacher Gu, what are you doing?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Make mooncakes!"

Zhou Tongyu was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Making moon cakes? Isn't the Mid-Autumn Festival already over?"

Zhao Wei, who was standing at the bar, also heard the conversation between the two, and now no one is paying the bill, and no one is ordering the meat clips, so she came to the kitchen door and asked Du curiously: "Mr. Gu, do you want to make mooncakes?" ?”

Gu Chenfeng nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is very special. It just happened to be on October 19st. This is a gathering that happens once in [-] years."

"October [-] happened to be the day when our restaurant opened. Actually, I also wanted to make mooncakes at that time, but because the conditions were not allowed at that time, I had no choice but to give up."

"I suddenly had a sudden whim today and wanted to make up for the missed Mid-Autumn Festival, otherwise I always feel that this August of the lunar calendar is very awkward."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhao Wei became interested and said, "Okay, okay, actually I really wanted to eat mooncakes that day, but they didn't sell them here. I didn't expect you, Mr. Gu, to make them."

"Hahaha, Teacher Gu, with you here, I really can eat whatever I want!"

"What are you going to make stuffing with?"

Gu Chenfeng pointed to the materials placed on the table, and said, "No, they're all here. I have prepared three types of skins, Cantonese-style soft skin, Beijing-style puff pastry, and ice skin made from glutinous rice. .”

"As for the stuffing, I chose five kinds, five kernels, egg yolks, purple sweet potatoes, all sprinkled, and mango mooncakes."

Hearing this, both Zhao Wei and Zhou Tongyu's eyes lit up, and they said, "Wow, there are so many flavors, all of which I like to eat."

Gu Chenfeng smiled, and wanted to say, these are what my wife Luo Qingcheng likes to eat, so I just wanted to make them, but at this moment, it's not easy for him to hit Zhou Tongyu and the others.

Said: "The making of moon cakes is more troublesome to write, so we won't take them out and sell them. Let's keep them for ourselves."

At this time, Mary Twelve asked with some doubts: "Teacher, what are you talking about... mooncakes?"

"What kind of festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

While busy with the work at hand, Gu Chenfeng explained with a smile: "Our Hua Country has a long history, and in our long history, many commemorative festivals have been born."

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is very representative. Now the whole world is using the same era method, called the Gregorian calendar, and our Hua country has a unique era algorithm called the lunar calendar."

"On the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, it is our traditional festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Gu Chenfeng thought he had explained everything thoroughly, but Mary Twelve and Mary Thirteen looked at a loss.

Such a statement makes them somewhat difficult to understand.

lunar calendar?

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and said with a smile: "Actually, there is a very romantic story about the Mid-Autumn Festival."

As soon as they heard the story, the twelve sisters of Mary immediately became energetic.

Gu Chenfeng began to talk while kneading the dough.

"First of all, this is a fairy tale. A long time ago, there were ten Tianyangs in the sky, which scorched the earth. The extremely high temperature made the world like an oven, and the people were in dire straits."

"The human race gave birth to a man with extraordinary talent, his name was Hou Yi. Hou Yi practiced archery hard and finally became a good archer. Then he took the Gongjian and shot down nine suns. From then on, the world has been There is only one sun left."

Hearing the first half of Gu Chenfeng's speech, Mary and the Twelve Sisters were already obsessed. As Westerners, they have been listening to the myths of the Western universe.

This is the first time I have heard of such an oriental series of myths. They know that this is a myth company, so they will not ask idiots why there are ten Tianyangs in the sky, and why some people want to shoot down the sun with a bow and arrow. kind of nonsense.

In Western mythology, Medusa can turn a person into a stone statue with just one glance, and the dawn is because a god opened the gate of heaven and released the sun.

It was dark because the gods shut the sun back again.

Since it is a myth, any fantasy is allowed.

It was not only the twelve sisters of Mary who were surprised, but also the foreign netizens in the live broadcast room.

"My God, ten suns, is this the imagination of the ancient Chinese people?"

"This is the first time I've heard the mythology of the Hua Kingdom, it's completely different from ours!"

"Soso, I shot down nine suns with a bow and arrow. This Hou Yi is simply too powerful."

"This Hou Yi is really handsome. I can imagine how handsome he was when I closed my eyes."


No matter what Gu Chenfeng said, he is also a person with god-level acting skills and god-level script skills.

The language skills when speaking are mastered very well, slow, fast, pause, and inch.

Every place has a very golden needle, and the stories he tells are very catchy.

So those foreign netizens in the live broadcast room were all attracted by this story.

Even Zhao Wei, Zhou Tongyu, and Jin Mengjia who just walked in, the three of them have been familiar with this story for a long time, but after hearing Gu Chenfeng tell it, they are still very interested.

Mary Twelve asked Du, "What about the rest, does this have anything to do with mooncakes?"

Gu Chenfeng continued: "Houyi shot down nine suns and turned the earth into a livable place for all creatures. This is a matter of great merit."

"The gods, that is, the gods in your Western mythology system, thought that Houyi was very good, so he gave him an elixir. As long as he eats this elixir, he can become a god."

Mary Shisan guessed: "So, Hou Yi finally became a god?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head, and continued: "No, because Hou Yi has a chess piece named Chang'e. After becoming a god, he will have an endless lifespan, but his chess piece does not have it."

"Hou Yi couldn't let go of Chang'e, so he didn't make up his mind immediately. He told Chang'e all these things, and his colleagues taught Chang'e the elixir for safekeeping."

"However, what Hou Yi said to Chang'e was overheard by a wicked apprentice of his. While Hou Yi was out hunting, this apprentice sneaked in, trying to force Chang'e to hand over the elixir."

"In desperation, Chang'e swallowed the elixir, and then Chang'e's body became lighter and she flew into a fairy."

Mary Thirteen couldn't wait to ask: "Then what happened afterwards? Chang'e flew away, what about Hou Yi?"

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "After Hou Yi came back and learned about this, he was angry and killed the traitor. That day happened to be the [-]th day of the eighth lunar month, when the moon was at its fullest. Hou Yi seemed to have seen it. chess pieces dance on the moon."

"So Hou Yi referred to the round shape of the moon to make pastries, and put Chang'e's favorite fruits into the moon cakes."

"Later, this incident spread, and other people followed suit. From then on, every year on August [-]th, people will commemorate Houyi and Chang'e by eating mooncakes."

"In addition to this day, it has entered the middle of autumn in northern China, so it was renamed Mid-Autumn Festival."

After Gu Chenfeng finished speaking, the two sisters, Mary 12, fell into silence.

Especially Mary Shi'an, who is even less involved in the show, her eyes are red and she is about to shed tears.

"It's so touching, it's so touching."

"It turns out that the Mid-Autumn Festival is actually to commemorate love. I also want to eat moon cakes. I want to share the love story of Houyi and Chang'e."

There are already several mooncakes that have been made on the table. Looking at these beautifully shaped mooncakes, Mary Twelve also sighed, "I didn't expect the mooncakes to be so beautiful."

"I never thought that such a beautiful story is contained in this small pastry."

The foreign netizens in the live broadcast room, after listening to the story told by Gu Chenfeng, were all moved.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a touching story behind this festival."

"The country of Hua is the country with the longest lifespan of civilization in the world."

"In this long history, it is not surprising that such a story will happen."

"The next time I see the full moon again, I will definitely pay my respects with longing spirit."

"I ordered a pizza, and I will eat it together while looking at the moon."


Seeing the reactions of these foreigners, netizens in Huaguo were also very moved.

"Mr. Gu is still amazing. A story that is familiar to Chinese people has made many foreigners sink."

"Actually, in China, there are many traditional festivals, but many people have forgotten them now."

"I really want to try the mooncakes made by Mr. Gu very much."


Seeing the reactions of Mary Twelve and Mary Thirteen, Gu Chenfeng smiled.

really interesting.

The meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival itself, after hearing it, I didn't feel much. After adding a story, it immediately moved the two of them.

In fact, the story of Houyi and Chang'e appeared after the Tang Dynasty, and the Mid-Autumn Festival appeared in the ancient times thousands of years ago, at least before the Zhou Dynasty.

However, this festival was almost forgotten by many people at the beginning. After the Tang Dynasty people made up the story of Houyi and Chang'e, this festival took on a different color.

Then slowly it spread.

When telling stories to Mary Twelve and the others, Gu Chenfeng had already made a lot of mooncakes, and after preheating the oven, they started baking.

By the time the last table of guests left, it was basically fine.

Zhou Tongyu and the others collected some leftovers, Gu Chenfeng made some new dishes, and then the dinner at the Chinese restaurant began.

Usually they eat in the lobby of the restaurant, but this time they moved to the beach outside.

In the night sky, a crescent moon hangs in the sky, surrounded by stars and mist, covering the night sky, looking beautiful.

Looking at the crescent moon, Zhao Wei couldn't help sighing, "What a pity, it's not a full moon anymore.":
Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng, who came out with moon cakes, said with a smile: "August [-]th has already passed, and it is good to have the moon now, don't worry about whether it is round or not.":
"Come, come, eat mooncakes, freshly baked."

Gu Chenfeng put the mooncakes in front of everyone, and said: "I want to explain, I put a coin in these mooncakes, and those who can be late for that coin will be lucky."

Then everyone picked up their favorite mooncakes and started eating them.

Both Mary Twelve and Mary Thirteen were late for this thing for the first time, and their eyes lit up.

"Wow, this is delicious, with peanuts and fruit pieces."

"My mooncake is not bad, it's made of mango."

There is no autumn here in Elephant Island, only the four seasons are like spring. Now in the north of Huaguo, many places have to wear long sleeves, but here, it is still the season to wear short sleeves.

The four seasons are like spring.

There is no sound of sea water with spray in front of you, which completely echoes with the moonlight in the distance.

Huang Xiaoming couldn't help reading aloud: "The tide of the spring river connects with the sea level, and the bright moon on the sea rises together with the tide;"

"Where are the five bright moons in the spring river;"

"The river flows around Fangdian, and the moon shines on the flowers and trees like sleet (xian);"

"Frost is flowing in the air, you can't feel it flying, and you can't see the white sand on Tingshang."

Huang Xiaoming read aloud with cadence and affection, and several people were listening quietly.

After he finished reading, Jin Mengjia said with a smile: "Brother Xiaoming, yes, you can actually recite "Moonlight Night on the Spring River" completely."

"When I was in school, I memorized it several times before I remembered it. It's a pity that more than half of it has been returned to the teacher now."

Huang Xiaoming raised his head, seemed very handsome, and said: "Of course, do you think I've been an idiot for all these years?"

Gu Chenfeng couldn't help sighing: "The ancients were really amazing, they could use simple hundred crosses to describe a beautiful scene."

"When I read this verse before, I couldn't fully understand the meaning of it. Until now, sitting by the sea and looking at the scenery in front of me, I finally understood it."

"The tide of the spring river connects with the sea level, and the bright moon on the sea rises together with the tide. It turns out to be such an artistic conception."

After Huang Xiaoming finished reading "Moonlight Night on the Spring River", Gu Chenfeng and others also became poetic.

"Being a stranger alone in a foreign land, thinking about family every holiday season."

"There is a bright moon on the sea, and the world is at this moment together. Lovers complain about the night, but they love each other at night."

"I wish you a long life, and you will share the joys and joys of thousands of miles~~"


Several people ate moon cakes, looked at the moon, and read aloud the poems they remembered from their school days.

(End of this chapter)

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