Chapter 504 The Coming Guest (Sorry for the late chapter today)

Huaguo netizens on the Internet also sent bullet screens one after another.

"Although this blessing came a bit late, I still want to wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

"It's never too late for a good meal, and it's never too late for blessings. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

"A round of bright moon, endless longing, a piece of moon cakes for family reunion, a sound of care, and a heart-to-heart bond!"

"I am on the moon, looking at the crooked moon, smiling at the moonlit night of spring river flowers, I really want to say to you, happy holidays."


Full of blessings, those who didn't know thought it was the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In a warm and romantic atmosphere, the one-day recording in the Chinese restaurant is over.

The two sisters, Mary 13 and Mary [-], had already arranged their accommodation and left by car under the escort of bodyguards.

Gu Chenfeng and others also followed A Zhuo's pickup truck back to the homestay.

The next day, Gu Chenfeng and others fetched the bread and prepared for the new day's business.

In the director's room, under Zhang Han's command, the staff opened the live broadcast room.

After the baptism of [-] eggs yesterday, today's Mary Thirteen is more proficient at peeling eggs, and there is no such thing as yesterday's rush.

Sure enough, people can grow, and the seven people easily completed the preparatory work for making Roujiamo.

Gu Chenfeng and the others took their places, Mary Twelve still helped to get the eggs from the kitchen, and Mary Thirteen helped Jin Mengjia to order together.

Zhao Wei is still responsible for the checkout.

Zhou Tongyu helped Gu Chenfeng. Thanks to the tacit cooperation of the seven people, the management of the lunch and the preparation of the afternoon Roujiamo all came to an end.

Gu Chenfeng glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and said, "Luzhu's coming-of-age ceremony should begin!"

Today is the day when the royal family broadcast live to the whole country. On this day, the little princess of the royal family has come of age.

People all over the country can watch this coming-of-age ceremony on TV. However, there is no TV in the Chinese restaurant. Gu Chenfeng looked at the camera and said with a smile, "Director Zhang, isn't the monitor ready for us?"

As the saying goes, the mouth is soft to eat people by means of others. Last night, when several people celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, Gu Chenfeng made a lot of mooncakes, and the extra ones were given to the director team.

Colleagues also negotiated with Zhang Han and the others to borrow their monitors for a day, and they all wanted to see Luzhu's coming-of-age ceremony.

There are more supermarkets here in Koh Chang, and I am worried that some monitors will break down, so the program team will have many spare monitors, connected to the antenna, and can be used as a TV after the power is turned on.

After everything was ready, I pressed the switch button on the TV.

Soon, the video appeared, because this is a major event in Taiguo, so many TV stations will broadcast it.

In the picture, Luzhu is dressed gracefully and luxuriously, which is completely different from her previous attire in the Chinese restaurant. She used to be a beautiful woman, but now she is a real princess.

Facing the microphone, she announced to the world in English that she has come of age. As the youngest princess in the royal family, she has won the doubly favor from the royal family.

Facing her speech, many people in the audience were excited.

Gu Chenfeng was overjoyed after watching this. This little girl usually looked sloppy when she was in the Chinese restaurant, but she never expected that when she stood in front of the camera, she would be so dignified, noble and elegant.

On the TV, as Luzhu's speech came to an end, she actually changed the subject and asked, "Everyone, do you know how to cook?",

After she said these words, the nobles in the audience, as well as many people in front of the TV, were all dumbfounded.

Only Gu Chenfeng and the others were smiling.

In reality, Luzhu continued: "Somewhere in Taiguo, there is a Chinese restaurant with high voltage decoration, where I learned to cook."

"I never thought that one day I would be able to cook and stir-fry. I learned a lot during the few days I was there."

"Stir-frying and cooking may seem simple, but in fact, it is very particular about the mixing and matching of various ingredients, the coordination of each link, and the integration and innovation of various techniques."

"Only by handling every link well can we make a delicious meal, otherwise it will be an unpalatable dark dish."

"The same is true for the country. It needs the cooperation of all aspects. If every link is handled well, Taiguo will be prosperous and strong. This is the biggest insight I learned in the Chinese restaurant."


Contrary to this, Gu Chenfeng and the others looked at each other.

At first, everyone thought that Luzhu was here to help out for a few days, but they didn't expect her to have such a deep understanding.

Under the stage of the coming-of-age ceremony, various princes, Li Liang and other princes and ministers stood under the stage. After hearing Luzhu's words, they all praised her.

Our princess has grown up.

Luzhu looked at the camera as if she had made some decision, and said, "I don't know if my teacher is watching the live broadcast, and if he heard my speech. Regardless of whether you heard it or not, please accept my thanks."

After finishing speaking, Luzhu bowed deeply.

The five of Gu Chenfeng looked at each other and smiled, and they all applauded.

After Luzhu continued to say a few impassioned and inspiring words, her coming-of-age ceremony speech was over, and the royal family had to arrange other matters.

Looking at the dew surrounded by people, the corners of Gu Chenfeng's mouth rose slightly, very proud and very proud.

Mary Twelve asked with some doubts: "Teacher, this is too princess, the Chinese restaurant mentioned is not our place?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, she is yours, right? Let's live together peacefully!"

(⊙o⊙) What?
Mary Twelve was taken aback.

is not it?

Mary Thirteen was also very surprised and said: "Teacher, you don't know, the princess who is too much is actually your student?"

Gu Chenfeng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Is this strange, you two, the daughter of the Leopold family, aren't my apprentices?"

"Not only that, isn't Wang Xiaoman, the granddaughter of the new Wang Group, my apprentice?"

If at the beginning, Gu Chenfeng still felt a little awkward, but now he has calmed down completely, my apprentice should be a little more awesome.

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Mary Twelve and Mary Thirteen looked at each other, and said in unison, "It makes sense."

Zhou Tongyu said with a smile: "By the way, why didn't your apprentice invite you to her coming-of-age ceremony? As a teacher, you should have a chance to go, right?"

Hearing her words made Gu Chenfeng a little awkward, took a deep look at her, and said, "She invited her, and I led her to the room on the second floor. During the 15 minutes of being alone, in that kind of whispering Without Mo, she invited me."

"It's just that I still have a recording of a Chinese restaurant here. I really can't leave. It's a pity to think about it now."

It was fine if Gu Chenfeng didn't say this, but when he said this, Luo Qingcheng, who was watching the live broadcast, became angry with Ruo Ruo.

Although she knew that Gu Chenfeng was in the bedroom and gave other things to Luzhu, even when chatting on WeChat, Gu Chenfeng would try to trick her, Luo Qingcheng felt a little depressed when this matter was mentioned.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Okay, let's continue preparing dinner!"

Luo Qingcheng received a call from Wang Yao.

At this time, Wang Yao had finished filming the TV series, and was planning to go to Elephant Island with Luo Qingcheng for two days.

"Qingcheng, have you arranged everything over there?"

"Okay, let's gather at Taiguo Airport tomorrow!"

"Okay, Big Star Gu is having a good time outside this time, my sister will accompany you to catch the adulterer."

"Go away, what are you talking about, my husband is not that kind of person."

"Hehe, men are big pigs, don't you know?"

"Okay, I won't tell you so much. My husband said before that the financial crisis is coming. Is your company okay now?"

"Speaking of this, I really want to ask, who is your husband? Could it be that Zhuge Liang was reincarnated, and his prediction was so accurate. Fortunately, I withdrew quickly, otherwise it would be over."

It turned out that when Gu Chenfeng arranged for his Qingchen Investment Company to withdraw his shares, Luo Qingcheng also told Wang Yao about it.

So Wang Yao also withdrew a lot of stocks. Unexpectedly, not long after the withdrawal, the financial crisis broke out in the lighthouse country.

Therefore, Wang Yao was very curious about Gu Chenfeng's business acumen.

You know, under the financial crisis, it is impossible for even the most powerful investors to withdraw completely, but Gu Chenfeng was able to withdraw all his assets before the financial crisis broke out.

Wang Yao had to wonder whether Gu Chenfeng was the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang, otherwise how could he be so accurate?
Hearing Wang Yao's words, Luo Qingcheng said with a smile: "How is it possible? My husband just has a better sense of business. I'm afraid you read too many online novels!"

"Yes, yes, yes, this time he helped me a lot again, and I have to thank him very much." Wang Yao was also very grateful in her heart. If Luo Qingcheng hadn't told her the news, she would have lost a lot little.

After chatting for a while, the two girlfriends hung up the phone.

The two agreed to meet at Taiguo Airport tomorrow.

As for Luo Qingcheng, neither of her parents is working in the company now, and the two children are being taken care of by her parents, so she can go out to find Gu Chenfeng after making arrangements for Qingchen High-tech Film and Television City.

The busy Gu Chenfeng naturally didn't know that Luo Qingcheng and Wang Yao were on their way to the Chinese restaurant.

At this time, he was preparing dinner with everyone in the Chinese restaurant.

By the way, I also taught the two sisters Mary 13 and Mary [-] a few dishes.

"By the way, your father, are you coming tomorrow?"

Mary Twelve nodded and said, "That's right, we will arrive around four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow Thirteen and I will pick up the airport, so we may not be able to help."

Gu Chenfeng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "No problem, the five of us can handle it completely. I don't know your father, what kind of food does he like to eat?"

Mary Twelve thought for a while and said, "Actually, my father's taste is not easy to figure out. Otherwise, those chefs would not rack their brains to think about how to please my father's stomach."

"I only know that my father prefers spicy dishes, such as the bloody horror you asked me to bring last time, teacher, he likes it very much."

After understanding it, Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "It seems that your father prefers Sichuan food, so I probably know what to do."

"When I go shopping tomorrow, I'm going to get ready."

the next day.

Mary Twelve and Mary Thirteen did not come to the restaurant and went directly to the airport.

The sale of Roujiamo was left to Gu Chenfeng and the five of them. They were already used to this kind of intensive work. They lost two helpers. Although the speed was affected, they still successfully completed the lunch and guests. part of our reservation.

After everything was dealt with, the few people began to prepare dinner.

The driver A Zhuo drove the pickup truck and took Gu Chenfeng and others to the supermarket. Huang Xiaoming in the car was a little excited.

"I checked last night. Twelve's father is a man with a trillion-dollar industry. It's really exciting that such a person will come to our Chinese restaurant for dinner."

Zhou Tongyu and the others, including chief director Zhang Han, went to check the information, and they were all very excited, only Gu Chenfeng didn't check.

Because in his opinion, it doesn't matter who Mary Twelve is or how much she is worth.

The worth of trillions of dollars is indeed impressive, but Gu Chenfeng himself is a rich man worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and after the financial crisis, his worth will increase significantly.

So these things are not so important to him.

After all, it is a family with a scale of trillions, but Gu Chenfeng personally has hundreds of billions. If there is a family, it will not be less than others.

This is probably the confidence that money gave him.

But Zhao Wei and the others are all looking forward to meeting this powerful rich man.

Jin Mengjia asked curiously: "Mr. Gu, what kind of dinner are you going to entertain Father Twelve?"

Before Gu Chenfeng could answer, Zhao Wei said, "Let's think about it, if I were a billionaire, what food would attract me?"

Zhou Tongyu also began to fantasize, saying: "With so many assets, I am afraid that I have tasted all the delicacies in the world. Maybe it is possible to have a full banquet!"

Huang Xiaoming said with a smile: "Full banquet? I will do this!"

Zhao Wei and the others were taken aback, and said, "Brother Xiaoming, will you fill the banquet?"

Huang Xiaoming nodded and said, "You're fine."

"Steamed lamb, steamed bear's paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chick, roasted goose, braised pig, braised duck, sauced chicken, bacon, pine flower belly, dried meat, sausage..."

Huang Xiaoming started talking, but was interrupted by Zhao Wei, who gave him a blank look, and said, "The Manchu banquet you mentioned is Guankou in cross talk."

"Come on, I really thought you would do it?"

Huang Xiaoming smiled obsequiously, and said, "You play like I am Teacher Gu. When I come to the Chinese restaurant this time, I obviously came here because of Teacher Gu's cooking skills."

"Let the rest of us help."

Gu Chenfeng waved his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaoming, don't be modest, I really have to count on you to cook for Shi Shishi's father this time!"

(⊙o⊙) What?
Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming blinked, looked at Gu Chenfeng, and said, "Ask me? Don't, don't count on me. I don't have that ability."

Gu Chenfeng looked at him and said very seriously: "Really, if you can greet Twelve Father well this time, I will ask you."

"What do you mean, Teacher Gu, are you serious?"

"Hey, Brother Xiaoming, do you still remember what you brought with you when you came to the Chinese restaurant?"

"What? When I came to the Chinese restaurant, did I bring anything?"

"Think about it?"

"Huh? Hot pot base?"

Gu Chenfeng gave a thumbs up and said, "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

Zhou Tongyu asked in disbelief, "Mr. Gu, are you planning to invite Twelve's father to eat hot pot?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "Yes, this is the conclusion I came to after thinking about it. His father likes spicy food, so he must consider Sichuan cuisine."

"But the problem is that there are many types of spicy food. Before you figure it out, hot pot is the best choice."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming was overjoyed, he tossed his hair, put on a pose he thought was very handsome, laughed and said: "Hahahaha, brother may have the foresight, let me tell you, the hot pot I brought There are many base materials.”

"There is no problem in getting twenty or thirty tables."

 This book has come to an end, I have filled in the holes of the Chinese restaurant a little bit, and I am about to finish it.

  And everyone knows that I have been writing a new book recently. As for the old book, the update is a little late today.

  There are many places in this book that have been scolded by everyone, but I accept them all.

  After all, I'm still a newcomer, and I can't write well in many places, so please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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