Chapter 515 Birthday Party, Global Attention
Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said, "I can do the restaurant service myself. I asked the island chief to call in a dozen or so helpers from the restaurant of the five-star hotel."

"You are the shining stars in the hearts of countless Chinese people. On tomorrow's special occasion, there is no reason to bow your head to serve European and American stars. Today, everyone has a good rest, and tomorrow you can show your best state."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Wang Yao and others couldn't help admiring them. They originally thought that Louis' birthday tomorrow was just a simple birthday party, and then they would see Schwarzenegger and his lover get back together.

Unexpectedly, Gu Chenfeng actually regarded tomorrow's birthday party as an opportunity to go international.

Indeed, these present are all Chinese stars, whether it is Wang Yao, Jin Mengjia, Zhao Wei, Zhou Tongyu, all well-known female artists in China.

But aside from the international level, there is still a lot of lack of popularity, not because they are not good enough, but because they lack a platform for people from all over the world to understand them.

Why do European and American stars, once they become famous, are called international events? That is because they are first popular in 52 countries in the English-speaking area of ​​Europe and America. That is to say, as soon as they become famous, they are already known by people in 52 countries. .

Coupled with the fact that English is a universal language in the world, this gives people in the English-speaking area a unique advantage once they become famous.

Therefore, the stars of Huaguo need a platform that can be known by foreigners, and the current "Chinese Restaurant" live broadcast room is a very good choice.

I feel sorry for myself if I don't take advantage of this opportunity to expand my popularity.

Of course, Gu Chenfeng himself doesn't have to worry about this, because he has already let people all over the world know about him when he was in the film and television industry.

Luo Qingcheng asked with some concern: "But, can you greet me alone? There are quite a few guests."

Gu Chenfeng shrugged and said: "It's quite easy, I have four stoves, as long as someone helps me, I can easily handle thirty tables of meals, not to mention you only have thirty people."

"The biggest difference from the usual business is that tomorrow is a birthday party, and we have to prepare more sumptuously, but the cooking is left to me, there is no problem."

"Tomorrow you guys will be in charge of Meimeida, and I can just leave the other things to me."

Then Gu Chenfeng explained some other matters, and today's business came to an end.

Too late at night, the news that Schwarzenegger's daughter was going to hold a birthday party in a Chinese restaurant, and a large number of Chinese and foreign stars would participate, immediately became popular all over the Internet.

Every major social platform in every place was screened by this news. Many entertainment media, news media, entertainment reporters, paparazzi, and free media people were all shocked by this news.

They didn't know such explosive news until now, and then, these media organizations held an emergency meeting, selected a large number of reporters, and rushed to Elephant Island overnight.

Be sure to show up at the door of the Chinese restaurant before the birthday party starts.

All major international news media published this news, and by the way reported on "Chinese Restaurant" and Gu Chenfeng, a star or magician.

When Gu Chenfeng used the method of hooking up the fire and the picture of cooking appeared in the news, it immediately aroused the interest of many people.

Many social platforms pinned this post to teach locals how to see the live broadcast room of "Chinese Restaurant".

In Huaguo, many news media also couldn't sleep. They urgently tagged the reporters and rushed to Elephant Island immediately. Huaguo itself is too far away, and it only takes two or three hours to reach it.

Many domestic and foreign anchors who are engaged in live broadcasting are of course unwilling to miss this grand event. The anchors, big and small, have already rushed to Elephant Island overnight.

Li Liang, the director of Mangu, did not take a break either. This is a rare and important event in Taiguo. Occasionally one or two international events are held, and it is very common to come to Taiguo for vacation, but this time more than 20 stars gathered together. This kind of thing is rare.

What's more, Schwarzenegger is the governor of the lighthouse country. With this status alone, Li Liang has to be Chinese.

After arranging the bodyguards, he made preparations according to what Chenfeng told him.

The mayor of Elephant Island has never said hello and asked him to fully cooperate with Gu Chenfeng's work. This is not only a major event for Taiguo, but also a major event for Elephant Island. After all, tomorrow's birthday party will take place on Elephant Island of.

Faced with this kind of thing, the island chief didn't know how to deal with it, so he was very willing to follow Gu Chenfeng's command.

In the palace of Taiguo, Princess Luzhu finally picked out her clothes. In the afternoon, the teacher called her, explained the situation, and wanted her to go to Zhenge's place.

His Majesty also readily agreed. It is not easy for His Majesty to come forward in this kind of matter, but it is also a very good choice for Luzhu to come forward as a princess.

The background technicians of Orange TV are all busy at this time, and tomorrow there will be traffic from all over the world to the live broadcast room of Orange TV.

There are already a lot of foreign IPs coming in through various means. Tomorrow, the server in Taiwan does not know how big a challenge it will face.

The leader of the station has already issued instructions, and all technical staff are in place to ensure that there will be no problems in tomorrow's live broadcast.

This time is the time to show Huaguo's technology to the world, and no one can stay calm.

And no one thought that a variety show would become the most grand program since the launch of Orange Channel, not only because of the sudden incident, but also because of this birthday party, which attracted attention from all over the world.

The person in charge of the backstage sighed, and said: "Tomorrow will be a test for everyone in the Chinese restaurant, as well as everyone in our Orange TV, if tomorrow's live broadcast is successfully completed."

"Then Zhang Handao, the director of the Chinese restaurant, has a pivotal position on Juzitai. Those who rejected his application for funding for the Chinese restaurant this time, probably have to line up to apologize to him."

"And the artists represented by the boss, Mr. Gu, will also go to the international stage because of this. This is a rare and great opportunity."

Of course, the person in charge is also very clear that the Chinese restaurant can get to where it is today, mainly relying on the ability of the boss Gu Chenfeng.

His communication skills, handling people and things, dealing with people, and connections all provided a guarantee for the third season of "Chinese Restaurant".

It is no exaggeration to say that whether everything will go smoothly tomorrow is also related to Gu Chenfeng alone.

The sun in Taiguo has not yet risen, and the dawn has not yet arrived, but the eyes of all over the world have already gathered towards this side.

When the sun rose, all kinds of reporters, anchors, and anchors had already started to gather near the Chinese restaurant, and all their guns and short guns were set up.

Around the Chinese restaurant, a cordon has been pulled up, and two hundred well-trained babies stand inside the cordon to prevent the masses from crossing the cordon.

Inside the cordon, the staff of the "Chinese Restaurant" program group, under Zhang Han's command, began to set up.

After Gu Chenfeng had communicated with them last night about how to arrange it and the general process, he would never disclose any information to the outside world before the birthday party started.

This can be regarded as satisfying the appetite of those people. When all the reporters wanted to interview Zhang Han, Zhang Han's unified reply was: no comment, just wait a moment.

It doesn't matter if you don't get an answer, the reporter and the anchor all stared at their cameras and began to introduce other things endlessly.

In short, let's not be cold, what they said is actually something that can be found on the Internet, what is going on with this Chinese restaurant, and who have been here since it opened?

How miraculous Gu Chenfeng is as a chef, those people are all his apprentices.

These journalists, anchors and other media personnel are from all over the world, with different skin colors and different languages ​​spoken, but the content is basically the same.

There is a feeling of commentators from all over the world explaining the World Cup.

The reason why so many people gathered around so early is because no one knows when this fairy-like birthday will start.

Other stores will have a schedule, what time the stars will start to enter, and what time the banquet will officially start, but this Louis' birthday party has nothing.

After all, this birthday party is, to some extent, someone else's private party, so no one knows the exact time.

In order not to miss important content, they started recording at dawn.

At the same time, the companies behind these journalists and media are also trying to find ways to divert traffic to their live broadcast rooms. As a result, not only the number of people in the live broadcast room of "Chinese Restaurant" has surged, but the number of online users in other live broadcast rooms has also increased crazily .

As for this birthday party, the Chinese restaurant and others, one of the focuses of attention, have just woken up from their sleep.

Slowly eating breakfast, it seems that the next thing is the Chinese restaurant's normal business day.

After breakfast, Gu Chenfeng began to make up for Luo Qingcheng and the others. For this reason, he specially exchanged for S-level makeup skills in the system. Now he can exchange any skills without lack of reputation points.
After playing the redemption game, when applying makeup, you can dress up as you want.

When you came to Elephant Island, Luo Qingcheng didn't bring a gift in his suitcase, so yesterday Gu Chenfeng sent someone to give it to you from Mangu. As for the others, there will be a dress in their suitcase.

This is the basic quality of an actress, because you don't know where you are going or what you will encounter. If you happen to meet a high-end banquet, you can't ask your agent to borrow clothes and high heels everywhere, right?
Of course, Luo Qingcheng is not an actress, so she didn't bring these, but her husband is rich, so he can have someone bring them to her at any time.

After Gu Chenfeng put on makeup for them, he matched them with dresses. He had to admit that these beauties such as Wang Yao have really good backgrounds. With a little makeup, the whole person's aura will come out.

As for Luo Qingcheng, let alone, her appearance itself is not inferior to any female star, with a little makeup, her aura is definitely leveraged.

Zhao Wei looked at himself in the mirror and was shocked.

This makeup technique is much better than my own. I have mastered the shadows and highlights very well. I couldn't help but praised: "Mr. Gu, you can even do makeup, not only canola flowers, but also so many abilities."

"It seems that Miss Luo has really good eyesight!"

Hearing this, Luo Qingcheng said: "He just likes to show off in front of people. I've never seen him put on makeup before."

"Hahaha, I was low-key, besides, what kind of makeup do I need to wear at home!" Gu Chenfeng smiled and said in time.

Gu Chenfeng was in charge of putting on makeup for these beauties, while Huang Xiaoming was being put on by a make-up artist from the program group. On formal occasions like this, men usually wear suits and ties, and rely on their own aura to suppress them.

Among the seven people in the Chinese restaurant, only Gu Chenfeng took care of himself, because he is today's chef, so he can't wear a suit to cook.

After everything was ready, Gu Chenfeng took the lead to set off in A Zhuo's pickup truck.

Luo Qingcheng and the others will leave in half an hour.

Director Mangu’s force, last night, dispatched more than 20 commercial vehicles of uniform specifications, seven of which were parked downstairs in the hotel, three of which were parked downstairs where Zhang Manyu, Lin Qingxia, Wang Zuxian and others came to him, and the rest were parked downstairs. Give Chenlong command.

A birthday party has become a grand celebration that attracts the attention of the whole network, which is probably no one else.

The pickup truck crossed the cordon and stopped at the entrance of the Chinese restaurant. Gu Chenfeng got out of the car.

The people waiting at the door immediately became excited, one by one trying to rush into the cordon to interview Gu Chenfeng, but this time, the two hundred well-trained reporters in charge of security far surpassed the average bodyguard.

Under their protection, it is basically impossible for people around to rush through the cordon.

Looking at the excited crowd, Gu Chenfeng stopped, and when he stopped, the crowd became a little quieter.

Gu Chenfeng said loudly: "Everyone in the audience, media friends, and those friends in the live broadcast room, I know why everyone gathered here today, and I also understand what you want to know."

"However, today is Miss Louis's birthday party after all. It is a private banquet. It just happened to be chosen by us. And I am just a chef today. Miss Louis doesn't say anything, and I don't have much to tell everyone here. revealed."

"So everyone, wait patiently for a while!"

What Gu Chenfeng said just whetted the appetite of these people.

After finishing speaking, Gu Chenfeng went to the kitchen.

The help chef transferred from the five-star hotel is already waiting in the kitchen, and all kinds of ingredients have been prepared.

Gu Chenfeng didn't talk nonsense, and started to prepare directly.

About an hour later, all the ingredients had been made into semi-finished products. At this time, Gu Chenfeng's cell phone rang.

It was Chenlong who called: "Mr. Gu, how are your preparations going?"

"It's ready, just waiting for you to come." Gu Chenfeng replied.

"Okay, Schwarzenegger and others on my side have also arrived, and they are about to go to your side, and they will arrive in about 10 minutes." Chen Long said.

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, leave the birthday party to me!"

After hanging up the phone, I heard a noise coming from outside, and looked outside through the kitchen window.

I saw a row of business convoys coming outside.


Gu Chenfeng took off his cooking clothes, put on a more decent suit, and walked out quickly.

A red carpet was laid outside the restaurant, the business car was right, and the first car stopped for the red carpet shot.

The red carpet extends all the way to the door of the Chinese restaurant.

Gu Chenfeng stood on the other side, and then took the microphone prepared by the program group.

Many fans haven't seen Gu Chenfeng wearing a suit collar for a long time. Those foreigners who have been paying attention to this fire magician are seeing him in a suit for the first time.

Needless to say, Gu Chenfeng's good looks, and his figure is very good, this suit is simply so handsome and cool.

The barrage in the live broadcast room became crazy and irritable.

Seeing a commercial vehicle approaching, the surrounding crowd all pointed their cameras at it.

The car door opened, and Lin Qingxia came out of the car. At this time, she was wearing a wine-red dress, with a great demeanor, and vaguely still had the undefeated style of the East. Many people knew that this birthday party was attended by not only European and American stars, as well as Chinese stars.

And Lin Qingxia has a high reputation both at home and abroad.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng made a guest appearance as the host for a while.

This time he wants to let foreigners have a better understanding of the stars in Huaguo.

When Lin Qingxia walked the red carpet, Gu Chenfeng had already started to introduce her life history. Of course, these lines were all written by the Orange TV copywriting department overnight.

The introductions of all the guests present have been in the hands of Gu Chenfeng.

Since today is the pill, let's have fun.

There were also many fans from Huaguo, and there were also many Asian fans.

Along with Gu Chenfeng's introduction, they kept chanting Lin Qingxia's name, and some called her the leader.

Lin Qingxia walked to the camera on the red carpet, stood in the Chinese restaurant to take a photo, hugged Gu Chenfeng lightly, and then simply waved hello to the people present.

Behind her is Wang Zuxian, or Wang Jushi, who is wearing plain clothes and has a hairpin on her head. The sea breeze blows through her hair, just like the reappearance of Nie Xiaoqian back then.

Wang Zuxian has been away from the entertainment circle for a long time. If it was not a coincidence, she would not have appeared in the event if she had encountered such a situation that required her help, and three old friends Chen Long, Lin Qingxia, and Zhang Manyu had lobbied from it. In front of the camera.

Moreover, after this time, unless there is a special need, she will not appear in the crowd watching again.

It is precisely because of these that the current scene has caused many people to cry.

This is emotion!
Next came Zhang Manyu, followed by Luo Qingcheng, Zhao Wei, Huang Xiaoming, Wang Yao, Zhou Tongyu, and Jin Mengjia.

The reason why Luo Qingcheng was allowed to walk ahead of Zhao Wei and the others was their own request. There was no other way. Although Luo Qingcheng was not a celebrity, she was a proprietress, and her influence in the entertainment circle was much greater than theirs.

Of course, these things were also communicated between Gu Chenfeng and Chenlong yesterday afternoon.

I hope that Louis' birthday party will not be turned into a pure banquet and let Gu Chenfeng and others serve Schwarzenegger and the others. If this is the case, then Gu Chenfeng will definitely not receive it.

But Chenlong also knew what he was thinking, so he agreed.

This is the current order of appearance.

This is a very good opportunity to enhance the international status of Huaguo Star, so I naturally want to seize it.

The thoughts of Gu Chenfeng and Chenlong can be said to coincide with each other, and then the two began to discuss what to do, which is why these things happened now.

Many foreigners are seeing Huaguo stars for the first time, and they are amazed by the oriental beauty on their faces.

Standing together with Luo Qingcheng and the others, the aura was really astonishing, earning a wave of attention.

All Huaguo stars, including Gu Chenfeng, took a group photo at the entrance of the Chinese restaurant.

Gu Chenfeng and Chenlong cooperated very well. As soon as this was over, a commercial vehicle drove up from afar.

The first car stopped at the end of the red carpet, and the first one to get off was Chenlong.

He looked at the red carpet on the ground, as well as Gu Chenfeng and others in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction. They discussed this matter yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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