Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 516 It's not far away, but you actually came here to peel eggs?

Chapter 516 It's not far away, but you actually came here to peel eggs?

Chenlong walked towards Gu Chenfeng along the red carpet, and saw Gu Chenfeng holding a microphone and began to introduce.

Why is Chenlong's name so well-known at home and abroad? Whether it is the scene or the live broadcast room, almost everyone is shouting Chenlong's name.

Then get off:

The little plum who played Jack in "Titanic".

Uncle Wolf in "X-Men".

Downey Jr. from Iron Man.

Mother Dragon in Game of Thrones!

The widow in "The Avengers"!

Big cousin in "The Hunger Games"!
It can be said that the stars are shining brightly, and each individual pull out is a very important star, but when facing Gu Chenfeng and others, the aura can't be displayed much.

Whether it is comparing temperament or aura, Gu Chenfeng, Luo Qingcheng, Lin Qingxia and others are not ordinary people.

This scene immediately aroused the amazement of many netizens at home and abroad.

This is the first time to see so many celebrities from home and abroad standing together, which is rare.

On the red carpet, there were only two cars left. After the door of the penultimate car opened, a tough uncle appeared. After seeing this person, the crowd became excited.

Here comes Schwarzenegger.

However, the Terminator made a beeline for the car behind and opened the door himself.

The protagonist of this birthday party, Louis, appeared this time, followed by a middle-aged woman.

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and this should be Louis' mother, Schwarzenegger's divorced wife.

The appearance of the Schwarzenegger family of three made the scene completely boiled up!
Ka Ka Ka!
All kinds of flashing lights kept blinking.

After Gu Chenfeng introduced the bowl, he greeted him with Chen Long and others.

This scene was shot from a high altitude with a drone, and it has a particularly graphic sense. I saw twelve Chinese stars represented by Gu Chenfeng, plus ten European and American stars.

A group of 22 people walked towards Schwarzenegger's plane of three in a mighty way. At first glance, it seemed that they were going to siege the character of stockings.

Walking up to them, Chen Long acted as a middleman, introducing them to each other.

This is the introduction of more than [-] people, just talking is a big project.

After the introduction, Chen Long took a deep breath.

Oh my god, I never said so many words while filming and reciting lines.

Louis' mother Ellit looked at Gu Chenfeng and greeted him enthusiastically, "You are the fire magician, right? On the way here, Louis showed me a lot of videos about you."

"What a wonderful young man."

Gu Chenfeng bowed slightly and said, "Thank you Madam for your compliment."

Schwarzenegger smiled and said, "You are the fire magician. I've heard Louis say it too. So you're going to be in charge of cooking for today's birthday party?"

"Louis commented that your cooking skills are a kind of food that will make people curse."


Hearing this, the corners of Gu Chenfeng's mouth couldn't help twitching, how should he answer this kind of thing?
Quickly changed the topic, and said: "It is true that I will be in charge of the birthday party, but it is so delicious that people want to curse, it is all caused by rumors, no matter what, I hope you can have a good day at the Chinese restaurant today .”

Louis took his mother's hand and said happily, "Do you know what one must do when you come to this Chinese restaurant?"

Seeing her daughter so happy, Violet asked with a smile, "I don't know, what is it?"

Louis said mysteriously, "Of course it's peeling eggs."

As soon as these words came out, Schwarzenegger, Iron Man, Widow Sister, and Long Ma were all petrified.

What the hell?

Peel eggs?
If this word is spoken at a family dinner, no one will find it strange, but in such an occasion where [-] or [-] stars gather, it is always a bit awkward to say such a down-to-earth dead fish.

Gu Chenfeng also had a headache. He didn't prepare anything about Roujiamo today. Didn't Louis plan to bring the Terminator here to peel the eggs?
as predicted.

I saw Louis said happily: "The eggs here are very miraculous, like transfer eggs, wish eggs, and now there are such words on the Internet."

"A rich man who hasn't come to a Chinese restaurant to peel an egg, don't say how rich you are; a ZY who hasn't come to a Chinese restaurant to peel an egg, don't say how powerful you are."

"The eggs here can not only bring people fortune, official luck, but also happiness. My biggest wish today is to peel eggs with the two of you in the Chinese restaurant."


Hearing her words, Gu Chenfeng wanted to rush over and gag Louis' mouth.

Where is this going? What I said today is even more outrageous than what I said yesterday.

The eggs in our Chinese restaurant are ordinary eggs, and they are all bought directly from the supermarket.

Iron Man Tang, you looked at Gu Chenfeng in surprise: "Mr. Gu, is it really that magical? Peeling eggs here will bring good luck?"

As celebrities in Hollywood, they naturally know Gu Chenfeng. After all, Gu Chenfeng not only has his own theater chain in Hollywood, he is also a famous international actor and director himself.

Scarlett Johansson, the widow in "The Avengers", thought very seriously: "It must be possible, Mr. Gu is called a fire magician, I believe he must have some kind of magical power strength."

Gu Chenfeng forced a smile and said, "Everyone, do you really believe in such things? I..."

Before he finished speaking, Schwarzenegger interrupted: "Mr. Gu, whether it's true or not, since Louis wishes to peel eggs with the two of us, I hope you can grant this wish."

Naturally, he didn't believe in such things. It was the first time he had heard of fortune stones, fortune beads, and fortune eggs.

Believe it or not, but the purpose of his trip, besides celebrating Louis' birthday, is another important reason, that is, he hopes to have a chance to sit down and have a good chat with his divorced wife.

It's a good idea to sit down and peel the eggs together.

Special things may produce special miracles.

When Schwarzenegger said this, Xiao Lizi and others also understood that the main reason they came here to attend Louis' birthday party was to help Schwarzenegger, the big brother, and his family. The wife is back together.

They are all over 60, and they are still getting divorced. I really can't believe it when I say it.

Isn't it just peeling eggs?

Such a fun thing, of course, to participate.

"Since Schwarzenegger agrees, let me peel the eggs too."

"Hahaha, other people's birthday parties eat cakes, but Louis' birthday party is actually peeling eggs."

"Interesting, interesting, count me in."

"Mr. Gu, since we have agreed, please help prepare the eggs!"


Listening to them talking to each other, and then agreeing to peel the eggs on their own, Gu Chenfeng was speechless in his heart.

You are all big stars, why did you come all the way to my Chinese restaurant to peel eggs?
"But I didn't prepare eggs today!"

Since we plan to have a birthday party today, the Chinese restaurant has rejected all the reservations for Roujiamo today. No one has made reservations. Naturally, there is no need for ingredients such as pork belly and boiled eggs.

Who knew that such a sudden incident happened to Louis, it was simply out of the ordinary way.

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Louis said with some disappointment: "So, there is no way to peel eggs today!"

Why this expression, how obsessed this girl is with peeling eggs!

Seeing his daughter's disappointment, Schwarzenegger thought again that he needed this opportunity to have a long talk with his wife, so he looked at Gu Chenfeng sincerely and said, "Mr. Gu, can I ask you to think of a way, Let us be able to peel eggs?"

Chenlong also understood his intentions, looked at Gu Chenfeng and persuaded him: "Chenfeng, why don't you start cooking eggs now, just as a favor."

Gu Chenfeng was a little speechless, since Brother Chenlong said so, and Gu Chenfeng also saw Schwarzenegger's intentions, and the drunkard's intention was not to drink, so he nodded and said: "Then I will Just give the supermarket a count, and the eggs can be delivered within 10 minutes at most."

"Well, how much do you want to peel?"

Upon hearing this, Louis said happily, "I want to peel a hundred."

Chenlong looked at the number of people at the scene, and said, "Let the supermarket send over [-] eggs."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Okay, wait a minute, I'll make a call now."

After finishing speaking, Gu Chenfeng went to the side to make a phone call.

After calling the supermarket, as soon as they heard that the princess's teacher wanted it, they said that it would be delivered immediately, and the Chinese restaurant could be reached within 10 minutes at most.

Then Gu Chenfeng called the island chief. In fact, the island chief is near the Chinese restaurant. How could he not come over for such a big event?
It's just that his name is not on the invitation list, so it must be a bit bad to come uninvited.

So in the car next to the Chinese restaurant, holding a tablet computer, watching the live broadcast.

Li Liang had already confessed that all the demands of Gu Chenfeng today would be met by him, the island leader. If the island leader couldn't solve it, he would leave it to Li Liang to solve it.

In fact, Gu Chenfeng's request is also very simple, that is, to ask the island chief to find the three largest pots immediately. Up to boil a thousand eggs.

So now I need three large ones, the kind that can cook more than a thousand at a time, it is best to find another fifty egg boxes.

Regarding this request, the island chief naturally did not have any objections, saying that he would arrange it immediately and ensure that the bucket pot and the frame would arrive before the eggs arrived.

After hanging up the phone, the island leader asked the assistant to find the phone number that sells barrels and pots recently, and then started to contact them.

After Gu Chenfeng explained everything, he returned to Chenlong and the others.

"I've already settled the matter. The egg will arrive in a while. Don't stand outside, let's go inside and talk!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a commercial vehicle approaching in the distance.

Oh, almost forgot about this guy.

The car door opened, and Princess Dewdrop stepped out of the car.

Around the Chinese restaurant, there were many local residents who came to see the excitement. They were very excited to see so many celebrities, and they were very happy to call out their names. However, after seeing Princess Luzhu, everyone became quiet.


All the locals present, including local media reporters, anchors, etc., even the island chief got out of the car and knelt down.

"See Princess, Chitose Chitose, Chitose Chitose."

The local princess system is still practiced, so when they see Princess Luzhu, they need to kneel and worship.

Seeing so many people kneeling down suddenly, Schwarzenegger and others were all caught off guard.

Only a few people in the Chinese restaurant know that the dew drop will come, even Chen Long, Zhang Manyu and others don't know.

They were all very surprised. They didn't expect that even members of the local royal family came. Although they didn't have the etiquette of kneeling, they still bowed slightly and performed a gentleman's salute.

The dew in front of her is very different from the previous time. When she was in the Chinese restaurant, she was just an extra girl. However, the dew in front of her is full of demeanor and has an aristocratic temperament that is difficult to imitate.

Whether it's the delicate makeup on her face or the Ramada costumes on her body, it shows her uniqueness as a royal princess.

Luzhu Tingting walked to Gu Chenfeng's side gracefully, bowed slightly and said, "Meet the teacher."

If she is not a princess now, or if there are not so many cameras around, then she said that there is no need to greet her so formally.

Now she said that the representatives of the royal family set an example for the people, and basic etiquette cannot be missed.

Gu Chenfeng quickly helped her up, and said, "Don't be too polite, it's like going home when you come to the Chinese restaurant."

Luzhu nodded and straightened up.

Master Tiandijun, after greeting his teacher, Luzhu can talk to Schwarzenegger and others.

She first raised her hand to get the kneeling locals around to stand up, and then she started talking to the others.

Seeing this scene, whether it was the crowd watching or the people in the webcast room, they frantically brushed the barrage.

"When those people knelt down just now, I seemed to have seen the scene in the TV series."

"Heaven, earth, ruler, relatives and teachers, Taiguo is also impressed by Confucianism."

"Teacher Gu is amazing. He accepted the princess as his apprentice."

"Yes, Mr. Gu is so awesome no matter what he does."!

The reactions of the overseas viewers in the live broadcast room were similar, some still didn't understand why the local princess saluted Gu Chenfeng, and then there were kind people to help spread the knowledge.

At the scene, Luzhu looked at Gu Chenfeng with a smile, and said: "When I came, I watched it through the live broadcast room. I will be peeling eggs later, right? I really miss the time when I worked in a Chinese restaurant!"

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "You are the returned princess now, can't you do this?"

Luzhu shook her head, folded her hands together, and said with a smile, "Since the eggs in the Chinese restaurant can be blessed, I'll peel some for the people!"

After finishing speaking, he even winked at Gu Chenfeng.

Got it!
This girl hasn't changed much!
Gu Chenfeng smiled and shook his head.

Let me just say, how long has it been since you left, how can your personality change so much?

Luzhu actually has two personalities. In front of acquaintances, she can be lively like a little swallow, and in front of unfamiliar people, she can switch to a gentle and graceful image.

It's not known which is her true character, or if it's both.

Gu Chenfeng invited everyone into the restaurant.

After they entered the restaurant, the reporters outside were in a hurry.

Originally, when Gu Chenfeng, Schwarzenegger and others were outside, many of these reporters and the anchors of the live broadcast room came in, and they all said that they came here because of their reputation.

Gu Chenfeng and these [-] or [-] celebrities from home and abroad, their traffic attraction is not just for nothing.

From Lin Qingxia, who was the first to walk the red carpet, to the last dewdrop, everyone's live broadcast room flooded with huge traffic.

Not to mention the official live broadcast rooms of entertainment media, even the live data of those Internet celebrity anchors has been greatly improved, and the worst one has exceeded one million online users.

Now that Gu Chenfeng took Schwarzenegger and the others into the Chinese restaurant, it was difficult to capture the shots of these reporters and anchors.

Even if the focal length is zoomed in, the picture will become very blurred, and the picture inside cannot be recorded.

Ruo Xin ran over to record, but there was a cordon outside the restaurant, guarded by two hundred powerful bodyguards, it was completely impossible to get close to the Chinese restaurant under such circumstances.

Moreover, this was just Louis's personal birthday party, and everyone present was uninvited, so they couldn't find a reason to go.

At the same time, in the live broadcast room of reporters and anchors, viewers from all over the world are very curious about what will happen in the Chinese restaurant, so these viewers all entered the live broadcast room of "Chinese Restaurant".

At this moment, the live broadcast room of "Chinese Restaurant" is like a vortex, attracting all the traffic from other live broadcast rooms.

Soon, the number of online users in the Chinese restaurant's live broadcast room exceeded the 3 million mark, and it took only half a day to increase the number by 5000 million.

In the restaurant, Gu Chenfeng chatted with Schwarzenegger and others. His English is fluent, and he has no problem communicating with anyone. He treats people very well.

Coupled with his own identity, Schwarzenegger and the others soon doubled their favor for him.

Eggs, buckets, bamboo baskets, these things were delivered quickly, after Gu Chenfeng took care of them.

After waiting for ten minutes, the hard-boiled eggs came out of the pan.

The five help chefs from five-star hotels all have a task, which is to count eggs.

There are a total of 28 people who need to peel the eggs. Gu Chenfeng asked the chefs to divide the eggs into 22 parts, each with [-] eggs.

At the same time, each person was assigned an empty frame to hold the peeled eggs.

Then, a very exaggerated, very funny picture appeared.

I saw Gu Chenfeng, Chen Long, Schwarzenegger, and more than 20 important figures in the entertainment industry, as well as Schwarzenegger's wife and the local princess.

These 28 powerful people actually formed a circle in the living room of the Chinese restaurant and began to peel eggs.

If you didn't see this picture with your own eyes, you would definitely think that this video is a post-production special effect or AI face change.

Both Chinese netizens and foreign netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked.

"I've only seen it in my life!"

"If I hadn't come to the live broadcast room of "Chinese Restaurant", I'm afraid I would never have seen such a scene in my life!"

"When I watch "Terminator" in the future, the scene of the character in stockings peeling eggs will appear in my mind."

"Don't talk about the Terminator, Iron Man, isn't Wolverine peeling eggs with great interest?"

"In that case, I want to watch Thanos peel the eggs now."

"The smiles on their faces, is it really a happy thing to peel eggs in this Chinese restaurant?"

"It must be like this, otherwise why is Schwarzenegger's daughter so persistent?"


The audience in the live broadcast room believed more and more in the saying that peeling eggs in a Chinese restaurant is a status symbol and can bring good luck.

Iron Man Downey Jr., and Titanic's little Lizi, the reason why they laughed and peeled the eggs was because they thought this matter was too funny.

Originally, these few are superstars who are popular all over the world, and they came here all the way because of the emotional affairs of the big brother Schwarzenegger.

They have known for a long time that the birthday party will be at a Chinese restaurant, and they also know that the reason why they decided to stay here is because of the drift bottle, and they all got to know this Chinese restaurant briefly when they came.

The word-of-mouth explosion of the part-time job, the evaluation of this place on the Internet is almost all positive, especially Gu Chenfeng, the world-renowned film king and director, has become a fire magician, and he is even praised as a mother-in-law Same as alive.

So these few of them came here full of expectations, hoping to have a sumptuous meal. However, they hadn't eaten the meal yet, but peeled the eggs instead.

Until now, Downey Jr. and Lizi still think this matter is too dreamy.

Then, several people turned their attention to the three members of the Schwarzenegger family. Today they are the protagonists.

If they can tell Schwarzenegger what's on his mind, then they are willing to each peel another hundred eggs.

However, the current situation still seems to be not good.

Gu Chenfeng has been observing since Schwarzenegger and others walked the red carpet. He found that Schwarzenegger's wife has been deliberately avoiding him, and the two of them have not said a word until now. Not even an eye contact.

This is difficult!
We are "Chinese Restaurant" here, not "Battle of Love"!

Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng glanced at each other, then shrugged, there was nothing he could do about this kind of thing, he was not a relationship expert, and this was not a relationship column.

What's more, he is not very familiar with the Schwarzenegger family. As the saying goes, it is difficult for an upright official to decide on family affairs, so it is difficult for him, an outsider, to say anything.

At this time, Lin Qingxia spoke, she is a legendary actress, and now she still maintains the temperament of the past, she is generous, her gestures are graceful, and she is full of elegance.

While peeling the eggs, she looked at Louis' mother and said with a smile, "Miss Violet, you are so beautiful, and your skin is so good, you usually take care of it!"

Violet was very happy when she heard this, and said: "Thank you for your compliment, you have taken care of yourself very well, I have seen your movie before, you are so heroic, I like it very much."

Sure enough, maintenance and beauty are always topics among women.

In addition, Lin Qingxia and Violet were about the same age, so they got along very well.

Schwarzenegger cast a grateful look at Lin Qingxia. Since the divorce, Violet left Louis, and has never opened a conversation with others.

This opening, chatting with each other is also very happy.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chenfeng also laughed. It seems that letting Lin Qingxia and the others stay this time was a very correct decision.

Among the 28 people present, except for Lin Qingxia, it is estimated that no one can remove Violet's psychological defense line, even Zhang Manyu and Wang Zuxian can't do it, because their personalities do not match.

Zhang Manyu was a bit aggressive, Wang Zuxian became more indifferent after converting to Buddhism, and Lin Qingxia and Violet belonged to the kind of more caring and gentle type.

As the saying goes, a thousand cups of wine is less than a bosom friend, but half a sentence is too much if you don't speculate.

The two chatted more and more speculatively, Iron Man and others who had been in the middle consciously withdrew.

Finally, Lin Qingxia and Violet chatted side by side.

 The recent closing stage is over, the plot of the Chinese restaurant is over, and the whole book is over.

  Thank you for your abuse all the time. Without your abuse, I might not be able to write so many words.

(End of this chapter)

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