Chapter 517 Dog Blood's Divorce Story

Seeing the scene where the two chatted, Schwarzenegger gave Lin Qingxia a look of asking for help.

The corners of Lin Qingxia's mouth raised slightly, she changed the topic, looked at Louis and said, "Violet, I really envy you, having a daughter as beautiful as Louis, her image and temperament are definitely outstanding among her peers."

Louis smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment."

When Violet heard Lin Qingxia's praise of her daughter, she must be very happy as a mother, and said: "Louis is already a well-known fairy tale writer in the Lighthouse country, and now he has begun to write the story of life. The third book of fairy tales."

Hearing this, Lin Qingxia raised her eyebrows, looked at Louis with surprise and admiration, and said, "Fairy tale writer, no wonder when I met just now, I felt that Louis, gentle and elegant, really deserves to have inherited your gentleness." And Mr. Schwarzenegger's genes."

"She can be so good at such a young age."

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng and others next to her secretly admired her. She really deserves to be Sister Lin. She has a lot of experience and knowledge, and when she chats, it permeates like spring wind and rain.

When Schwarzenegger asked Lin Qingxia for help with his eyes just now, other people also saw it, and Lin Qingxia obviously felt it too, but she didn't immediately talk about Schwarzenegger, but chose to start with Louis, the daughter.

After all, which child is not the darling of their parents?

For Violet, praising Louis is more enjoyable than others praising herself. If Lin Qingxia started talking about Schwarzenegger, then this topic would have been out of the question.

But now Violet is in the right mood, so Lin Qingxia brought up the stockings character in a tentative way.

Violet glanced at the character of the stockings, and snorted coldly: "He's excellent? Hmph, he's clumsy, he can't even peel an egg."

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng and others all looked at Schwarzenegger, and saw that the frame next to him was full of egg shells.

Take a closer look.

Good guy, the peeling of these eggs is really horrible!

The peeled eggshells, almost every eggshell still has a thick egg white inside, and some are even directly connected to the eggshell, egg white, and egg yolk, crushed whole, and then thrown into the box.

This is really difficult for this burly Terminator.

After all, peeling an egg seems simple, but his hands are too big, and peeling an egg is simply a delicate job for these rough guys.

I have peeled dozens of eggs, but I haven't peeled a whole egg.

Facing Violet's contemptuous gaze, Schwarzenegger wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

who is he?

The Terminator in the minds of countless people is now the governor of the lighthouse country. How many movie fans support him and how many stars worship him?

Such an awesome person actually peeled eggs in a restaurant. First of all, he felt a little uncomfortable psychologically. In addition, he had never peeled eggs at all.

He wouldn't have come to peel the eggs if he didn't want to grasp all the possibilities of reconciling with Violet.

Lin Qingxia was also very speechless, you peeled a few good ones so that I could praise you, but you didn't even have a whole egg, even if I wanted to, I couldn't find a reason to praise you.

But the topic has already been discussed here, so I can only bite the bullet and continue: "There is an old saying in our country, that is, there are specialties in the art industry. Everyone has things they are good at and things they are not good at."

"A person can only become a talent if he is in the right position. If he is in the wrong position, he is a mediocre person. Just like this boiled egg, it is food, which can be processed into countless delicacies. However, if you have to use it to wash clothes, then It’s not as good as a drop of laundry detergent.”

"The same is true of Mr. Schwarzenegger. He is a tough guy. Asking him to peel eggs is not something he is good at. He must not be good at it. But, when you are in danger and need help , he will definitely stand in front of you and protect you without hesitation."

Lin Qingxia spoke emotionally and rationally, making Violet a little silent.

Brigitte Lin cast a glance at Louis, and motioned for her to help too. Can't she be the only outsider to persuade him?
Louis understood, and then said seriously: "Yes, Mom, in fact, father has a lot, but it's just that the two of you have lived together for a long time, and you only noticed his shortcomings."

The stockings character also wants to speak up to defend himself.

Swish swish!
Gu Chenfeng, Chenlong, Louis, Downey Jr., Widow Sister and others all cast sharp gazes, as if saying: Schwarzenegger, shut up.

Except for the stockings character, everyone else has already seen it. Now Brigitte Lin and Louise are trying to persuade Violet, and judging by her expression, she should have been persuaded a little.

If Schwarzenegger speaks at this time, it will definitely backfire.

Moreover, Lin Qingxia and Louis' previous efforts were in vain.

Today, and for a long time to come, don't even think about finding such a good opportunity.

Sometimes, people who have conflicts or divorced people just need an opportunity to remarry and reconcile as before.

Only when this opportunity arises can the two be reunited.

If this opportunity has never appeared, the two may never be able to reconcile.

Although I don't want to admit that this Chinese restaurant has magical powers and that peeling eggs brings good luck, what I have to admit now is that now there is an opportunity for Schwarzenegger and Violet to reconcile.

Whether they can reconcile now is all in Violet's thoughts.

To give her a suitable step, let her nod. At the same time, Schwarzenegger, the person Violet hates the most, must absolutely shut up the whole time.

So after facing everyone else's eyes, Schwarzenegger shut his mouth obediently, and then sat there like a child who made a mistake.

With his burly figure, the stool under his buttocks became small and exquisite. Fortunately, the quality passed the test, otherwise they would all be collapsed.

After stopping Schwarzenegger from speaking with his eyes, Louis looked at Lin Qingxia with pleading eyes, begging her to continue to persuade.

Brigitte Lin nodded slightly and said with a smile: "There is an old saying in our Hua country, which is to hold the hand and grow old together. In this world, is there anything better than two people living together and spending a lifetime together?"

"When two people live together, there will inevitably be bumps and bumps. Even if the quarrel is over, there is really no need to go to the extreme of divorce."

"In my opinion, the reason why your marriage has come to this point must be because someone made a mistake."

After saying this, Lin Qingxia changed the subject, and her voice became a little high-pitched and sharp: "I see Violet, you are such a gentle and elegant woman, you must not be the one who made the mistake, then the one who made the mistake must be Siva. Singer."

Hearing this, Schwarzenegger was about to defend himself when he was warned by the eyes of the people around him.

Although he was very wronged in his heart, he still kept his mouth shut obediently.

After the others stopped Schwarzenegger from speaking out, they were very surprised. Downey Jr. approached Chenlong quietly: "Ms. Lin Qingxia is a master negotiator! What you just said is such a turnaround! "

Chen Long also nodded, and said: "Maybe it has something to do with her years of experience. Judging by Violet's expression, there is a way to do this!"

Lin Qingxia is also very clear that the key to remarriage lies in Violet, as long as she doesn't nod her head, remarriage is impossible.

She is a slightly strong woman herself, and it is very rare for her to admit her mistakes. If both of them are at fault, it probably won't have any effect, so Lin Qingxia directly chose to side with Violet, and blamed Si Wassinger.

Sure enough, her method of fighting against the enemy immediately won Violet's favor, making her feel that Lin Qingxia and herself were on the same line.

Those who persuaded her before, including her own daughter, each hit a stick. Everyone was at fault, and each took a step back. Only Lin Qingxia was on her side.

Violet nodded vigorously, and said: "Ms. Lin, you are very right. How could my wife, who is so knowledgeable and reasonable, make trouble unreasonably and make mistakes?"

"The one who is wrong is Schwarzenegger!"

Hearing this, Schwarzenegger wanted to defend himself again, but after seeing the gazes of Chen Long and others, he closed his mouth consciously and continued to listen.

Lin Qingxia looked at Schwarzenegger with righteous indignation and said, "Do you know that you are wrong?"

The sudden culture made Schwarzenegger a little confused.

"I~~ I don't know, where did I go wrong."

Louis said quickly: "Father, you must be at fault, otherwise mother wouldn't be so angry. Think about it again, what is your mistake?"

Schwarzenegger was a little embarrassed: "To be honest, since the divorce, I have been thinking day and night every day, what did I do wrong, but I still have no clue."

Hearing this, Violet said angrily: "Look, Ms. Lin, he doesn't understand at all. Why don't I divorce him for a person like him?"

Looking at Schwarzenegger's bewildered face, it is estimated that he really doesn't know where he is wrong.

With the mentality of helping others to the end, Brigitte Lin snorted coldly with Violet: "It's too much to actually not even know what's wrong with me, Violet, tell him what's wrong, Let him reflect on it."


Hearing these words, Chen Long and the others could not wait to applaud Lin Qingxia. These words seemed to be speaking for Violet, but they were actually helping the character of Silk Stockings.

Violet clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and adjusted her emotions. It seemed that even thinking about this incident made her very angry.

"Swarzenegger, he actually forgot my birthday."

Hearing this, Chen Long and Xiao Lizi looked at each other with disbelief on their faces.

Then they all accused: "Swarzenegger, you are too much."

"Yeah, how can you forget this kind of thing?"

Several other artists also instantly stood on the moral high ground and began to criticize.

"Forgetting my wife's birthday is unforgivable."

"How can you forget such an important day?"

"Brother Schwarzenegger, you have to reflect on yourself!"

In an instant, Schwarzenegger became the target of public criticism. Gu Chenfeng and others did not join in. Others and friends can blame each other. They are outsiders, so they can clearly recognize their position.

Of course, Chenlong and the others' accusations were also for the good character of the stockings. Now that the symptom has been found, it is easy to solve it.

Schwarzenegger hesitated and said: "Who said I forgot Violet's birthday, I obviously celebrated her birthday!"

Violet snorted coldly, and retorted, "Really?"

"That's right!" Silk Socks nodded and said, "This year's May No. 20, Louis was also present at that time!"

Louis nodded, and said, "Mother, Father did bring you a birthday this year. Mother, you won't forget it, right?"

Gu Chenfeng and the others were a little dazed. They originally thought that the fault was on Schwarzenegger's side, but now it sounds like it was Violet's fault.

Violet looked at Schwarzenegger and asked scoldingly, "So this May, NO.20, how old is my birthday?"

This time it was Schwarzenegger's turn to be confused. Old couples like them may not forget each other's birthday, but they may forget their age.

"It's more than 60 years old!"


Schwarzenegger felt a little unsure. At this time, Louis quietly pointed out a finger. After seeing it, he immediately replied: "61."

Finally got it right.

However, Violet asked again: "Then how many candles did you put on the birthday cake for me?"

This problem again gave Schwarzenegger to the male protagonist. Usually, for birthdays, an electronic candle is directly inserted, or a birthday party is held.

This year, Schwarzenegger plans to be more retro, and put in a few candles when his birthday is, but he is not sure how old Violet is, and he is too embarrassed to ask, so he just relies on his feeling to plug in.

How many candles were plugged in, who would remember such a thing!
Not to mention asking now, even if he asked at that time, how many candles were on the cake, he would not be able to answer.

Looking at Schwarzenegger with a blank face, Violet roared angrily: "64, 64, my 61st birthday, you actually inserted three more candles, why, do you think I'm not old enough?" ?”

"If you want me to die of old age quickly, why don't you go to the old cow to eat young grass? In that case, I will fulfill you and give you freedom."

Hearing these words, the audience was dumbfounded.

Gu Chenfeng couldn't help but touch his forehead, what the hell, I thought it was an exaggeration and an unforgivable reason for your divorce?
In the end, it took a long time because there were three extra candles on the birthday cake?

By the way, how idle is this Violet, to count how many candles there are.

Gu Chenfeng suddenly understood why there are so many weird reasons for breaking up on the Internet.

What, you actually went in with your left foot, break up!
You won't give way to me in the glory of the king, let's break up!

Raise your hand Your family is infertile?separate!
I am also a member anyway, you are nothing, break up.

Now it seems that these weird reasons are really possible.

If you take the third point as the reason for breaking up, you may be easily beaten!
The reaction of Chen Long and others was similar. Everyone worked hard to persuade you to get back together, so you traveled all the way to a Chinese restaurant to peel eggs. You guys divorced for such a simple reason?

Lin Qingxia was also obviously taken aback, what's the matter?

In order to persuade the two of you, I used all kinds of military tactics such as Lian He Zong Lian Heng, etc., and said so much earnestly, but you told me that the reason for your divorce is because you put three extra candles on the birthday cake?

At this moment, Lin Qingxia wanted to throw her hands away.

Louis also helped his forehead helplessly. This reason is really weird, but she still asked Lin Qingxia, a good person to do it to the end, and push again.

Lin Qingxia could only sigh helplessly, then squeezed out a smile, and continued to say: "It's too much, how can you insert the wrong number of candles? It's too careless."

Violet said angrily: "More than that, he hasn't given me a gift yet."

Hearing this, Chen Long and the others jumped out to accuse again: "Swarzenegger, you are really going too far."

"Even if you remember your birthday, not giving a gift is the same as not remembering it."

"Yes, don't you think that sending a cake can be regarded as a birthday present?"

"I'm not talking about you. I've already remembered about buying cakes. Can I get tired of buying a gift?"


While speaking, everyone couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, no matter how old a woman is, even if she is 60 years old, she still cares about things like birthday presents.

Like a prisoner, a few people criticized the character of silk stockings, and they never had the opportunity to boss around the character of silk stockings like this.

After all, he is the big brother among European and American stars, and now he is the governor. He finally got the chance, and he had to enjoy it.

Schwarzenegger defended again: "Birthday present, did I give it?"


When Chen Long and the others heard this, they were extremely embarrassed.

What is the situation now, I have not forgotten my birthday, and I have given gifts, why did I still get divorced in the end?
Is it really because there are three extra candles on the birthday cake?

Violet sneered and said, "What gift did you send?"

Schwarzenegger thought about it, and said: "It's a dove egg diamond necklace, a pendant cut from ten-carat top diamonds, with a purple gold necklace, because this year is the [-]th anniversary of our golden wedding, so I thought I want to give you this present on your birthday."

Louis also nodded, and said, "Mother, I do remember that my father gave this gift. I remember you were still wearing it at the time."

Hearing what Louis said, Gu Chenfeng and others gasped. A ten-carat pigeon egg diamond, such a big diamond, is rare.

This is not the point, the point is that Louis has proved that Schwarzenegger really gave a gift, and it is a very expensive gift.

Then why is Violet angry?
While everyone was waiting for her explanation, Violet sneered and said, "Yo, you still remember that it's our [-]th wedding anniversary, so did you give me the gift that you once defeated me?"

"What gift did you promise?" Schwarzenegger was confused.

Violet shrugged, and said: "It seems that you have really forgotten, so let me help you recall. Five years ago, when we went to Luozhou, Florida, we passed by a window with crystal shoes inside. It's beautiful, and I've stayed there for a long time."

"At that time, I praised the pair of crystal shoes, which were as beautiful as those worn by the princess in the call story, and then I asked you, would you give me a pair when we celebrate our [-]th wedding anniversary?"

"You said yes, but after a few years, it's finally the [-]th anniversary. I was looking forward to waiting for the princess glass slipper, but what I was waiting for was a broken necklace."

"Thirtieth anniversary, you can't even keep a promise, how can I not be sad, how can I not be angry?"

The more Violet spoke, the angrier she became, wishing she could grab the egg in front of her and throw it at Schwarzenegger.

However, when other people heard her words, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Let's not talk about why you didn't send it to the Journalist Association. You are already 61 years old. Are you afraid of wearing crystal shoes?

It seems that some girls, no matter what their age, have a dream of a prince and princess.

The most surprising thing was that the ten-carat diamond necklace turned into a broken necklace in Violet's mouth.

You know, this broken necklace can at least buy a carload of glass shoes. It seems that what Violet values ​​is not the price of the gift, but Schwarzenegger's heart.

At this moment, everyone present understood this.

However, Violet has already made it so clear, but Schwarzenegger still looks blank, as if caught in ancient memories: "Five years ago? Huh? So long?"

"I promised then?"

Louis encouraged in a low voice: "Think about it, you must have said something. My mother remembers the relationship between the two of you very clearly. I still remember that when I went to persuade my mother to get back together with you, she said that before So I divorced you because of the [-]th anniversary gift you promised."

"My mother hinted at it several times, but you didn't notice it, so my mother thinks you don't love her anymore."

"I finally chose to divorce you."

Chen Long also cared: "Yes, think about it carefully, you must have missed something."

Schwarzenegger closed his eyes and tried to recall what happened five years ago. While recalling, he was stroking his thoughts: "Five years ago, wasn't it not long after I became governor?"

"Luo Dalu Florida... Wait, I remember I have been here once, glass windows, cabinets, crystal shoes, [-]th anniversary gift?"


Schwarzenegger thought of something, and said excitedly: "I remembered, when you asked me, I did hum, but I didn't tell you that."

"Then who did you tell?" Violet asked angrily.

Schwarzenegger danced and said: "I was on the phone at the time, and I was talking to the governor of Florida, Luo mainland. I say."

"I said this to him. At that time, both of you were talking, and I was a little distracted, so there was a deviation in my memory. After I hung up the phone, I vaguely remembered that you said that you would close on the thirtieth birthday. to a crystal gift."

"The crystal gift, I thought it was a diamond gift, so I prepared this diamond necklace. Oh, I didn't expect it to be like this."

After listening to his explanation, the whole Chinese restaurant fell into a mysterious silence.

The corner of Gu Chenfeng's mouth twitched.

No way, the root cause of the divorce was because I heard the wrong words?
This is too bloody!

But sometimes, the situation in real life is often so bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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