Chapter 52 Tangtang fell down, the angry Gu Chenfeng
After walking outside the western restaurant, Yang Jiao took a deep breath, looked at Tangtang, and said angrily, "Okay, it's not too late for western food, what do you want to eat?"

"I just want to eat the food made by my father." Facing Yang Jiao's atmosphere, Tangtang was not afraid at all, and she replied with tears on her petite and lovely face.

"You..." Seeing Tangtang repeatedly challenging her patience, Yang Jiao raised her hand angrily, and Tangtang backed away in fright.

Since there was a curb behind her, Tangtang accidentally stepped on the ground when she was backing away, and fell backwards with her head up.


Tangtang's entire petite body fell on the hard road.


The pain made Tangtang burst into tears.

"Tangtang!" Yang Jiao turned pale with fright, walked towards Tangtang who fell to the ground, and hugged her up.

"Tangtang, how are you doing?"

"Is there anything wrong?"


Yang Jiao suddenly found that the hand holding Tangtang's head was stained with blood...
His mind went blank for a moment, and the passers-by also stopped.

An old man riding a tricycle saw Yang Jiao still in a daze, looking at a loss, and shouted anxiously, "Send it to the hospital quickly, the child is injured, why are you still standing there?"

Others also followed suit: "Yes, hurry to the hospital and call 120, why is this adult so careless!"

"Yes, yes, 120, the child's head was broken."

"The parents don't take good care of such a good-looking child. What are you doing?"

"Needless to say, he must be playing with his mobile phone."

After hearing the discussion from the surrounding people, Yang Jiao finally woke up from the panic, hugged Tangtang tightly, and cried, "Tangtang, how are you, don't scare mom!!"

However, Tangtang, who was held in his arms, was still crying heartbreakingly, struggling with all his hands and feet.

At this moment, Gu Chenfeng was reading a book at home, when he suddenly heard the phone ringing, he took it out and saw that it was Yang Jiao calling.

Didn't Tangtang take it away?

They should be eating at this time, why call me?
Could it be that something happened to Tangtang?
Gu Chenfeng's heart tightened, and he quickly connected the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Yang Jiao's cry came from the opposite side: "Gu Chenfeng, Tangtang is injured, we are rushing to the hospital, come here quickly..."

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng only felt his head buzzing, his body trembled violently, and even his voice trembled a little, he said, "Yang Jiao, tell me clearly, what happened to Tangtang, is the injury serious? ?”

"I fell on the road and my head was bleeding. I'm heading to the hospital, the first hospital in the city."

"Yang Jiao, I'll be right there!" Now is not the time to get angry, Gu Chenfeng hung up the phone, picked up a bunch of car keys, and rushed out the door.

Originally, this car belonged to Wu Xiaoxiao, and Gu Chenfeng, who was already in a blank state, didn't bother to talk to Wu Xiaoxiao, so he went downstairs and drove.

"Squeak~~~" With the sound of sudden braking, the driver on the road cursed: "Can you drive, don't you have eyes?"

Gu Chenfeng didn't pay attention, he just wanted to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

All the way to the direction of the hospital.

It took Gu Chenfeng 10 minutes to arrive at the originally 10-minute journey.

When Gu Chenfeng rushed into the emergency department of the hospital, Yang Jiao was standing there helpless, her face was pale, and her hands and body were covered with blood.

This is sugar blood.

Seeing Gu Chenfeng, Yang Jiao rushed up to meet him, saying, "Chenfeng, you're here!"

At this time, Yang Jiao no longer had the usual domineering and flustered look on her face.

Gu Chenfeng looked at the blood on Yang Jiao's body, his eyes turned red, he looked left and right, but he didn't see Tangtang's figure, so he asked, "Yang Jiao, where is Tangtang, how is Tangtang?"

"I was pushed to do CT."

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng's heart tightened, and he asked, "Is the injury serious?"

"I broke my head, I didn't mean it, it was because she accidentally didn't stand up..."

"Yang Jiao..." Seeing that Yang Jiao was still shirking responsibility at this time, Gu Chenfeng roared: "What time is it, you are still shirking responsibility here, you wait for me."

"If something happens to Tangtang, I can't spare you."

After finishing speaking, Gu Chenfeng ran straight to the CT room. Tangtang has been treated here for more than two years, so he is very familiar with every place in this hospital.

Since it was an emergency department, Tangtang did not queue up. Gu Chenfeng had just walked to the door of the CT room when Tangtang was pushed out.

Gu Chenfeng hurriedly squeezed over, came to the push bed and asked, "Tangtang, how are you doing, Tangtang?"

"Don't be afraid, Dad is here."

Seeing the bloody bandage on Tangtang's head, Gu Chenfeng's heart felt as if it was cut into pieces.

At this time, Tangtang heard Gu Chenfeng's figure, raised her eyelids heavily, and cried out in a very weak voice, "Dad~"

Hearing Tangtang's cry, Gu Chenfeng's hanging heart finally let go, and he turned to look at the medical staff pushing the cart beside him and asked, "Doctor, how is my child, is it serious?"

The doctor's attitude was very good, and he replied: "The child fell and hit the back of his head. It seems that the problem is not serious now, but all the results will not be known until the CT report comes out."

"Parents, please let me go first. Let's go back to the department and talk about the child's infusion."

Gu Chenfeng stepped aside hastily and said, "Okay, okay!"

"Gu Chenfeng?" Gu Chenfeng had just backed away from the cart when he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him.

Hearing someone calling his name, Gu Chenfeng turned around instinctively, and saw a female doctor in a white coat standing not far from him.

"Doctor Liu, why are you here?" Gu Chenfeng asked.

The female doctor's name is Liu Qian, and she is the attending physician of the Department of Hematology.

"I'm here to get an MRI report of my pregnancy!" Liu Qian had just finished answering, when she saw Tangtang on the cart, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Ah, what's wrong with Tangtang?"

During Tangtang's two years of treatment, almost none of the medical staff in the Department of Hematology disliked Tangtang, and many of Tangtang's puppet toys were bought for her by Liu Qian.

Gu Chenfeng said with a sad face, "I accidentally fell to the ground and hit my head."

Liu Qian walked up quickly, and said with a distressed face: "Oh my baby, no one will give in to Tangtang, it will be fine soon, you are very brave, you are the best."

After saying goodbye to Liu Qian, Gu Chenfeng followed Tangtang's cart back to the emergency department.

On the way, Gu Chenfeng kept praying to the heavens, don't let anything happen to Tangtang!

After coming to the infusion hall of the emergency department, Tangtang started the infusion.

Just started to get the infusion up, before the infusion started, Yang Jiao's phone rang, and she went out to answer the phone.

Soon, she came back again, and said to Gu Chenfeng who was sitting next to Tangtang's bed in a bit of a dilemma: "Well, Gu Chenfeng, my agent just called me, a director came for an interview today, and he just got off the plane , he is a major domestic director. This movie is very important to me, so I..."

(End of this chapter)

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