Chapter 53 Two Shocking News
"get out!"

Gu Chenfeng waved his hands.

Even though he and Yang Jiao are now traveling together, it is impossible for him not to be angry at all, because he is not a saint after all.

"You..." Yang Jiao wanted to say something angrily, but she thought that Tangtang was injured today because of her, so she suppressed the anger in her heart and said, "I'll come back as soon as I'm done."

After finishing speaking, he picked up his bag, looked at Tangtang, whose face was as pale as paper, on the hospital bed, and said, "Goodbye, Tangtang."

Tangtang slowly raised her eyelids, without saying a word.

Gu Chenfeng chased Yang Jiao away like a fly, saying, "Hurry up!"

The fire in his heart is indescribable, his daughter is hurt like this, yet Yang Jiao is still thinking about going to see the director...

At the same time, Gu Chenfeng was also very thankful, thanks to Tangtang's custody rights, otherwise such a cute child would definitely be ruined in Yang Jiao's hands.

It took her to wear it for less than two hours, and it hurt Tangtang like this. If she was allowed to wear it often, it's not certain what kind of injury Tangtang would be.

Such a woman, I never want to have anything to do with her in the future.

From Gu Chenfeng's appearance to Yang Jiao's departure, Tangtang did not cry. For her, with her father by her side, everything is fine.

Gu Chenfeng lowered his head, and asked with distressed face: "Tangtang, how do you feel now, does your head still hurt badly?"

A strong smile appeared on Tangtang's face, and she said in a weak voice, "It doesn't hurt anymore, Dad, I will be very brave."

Hearing Tangtang's sensible words, Gu Chenfeng's tears flowed uncontrollably.


The results of the CT report came out, everything was normal, and there was no cerebral hemorrhage or brain damage, which made Gu Chenfeng finally relieved of his choice.

Just at the time of Tangtang infusion.

A familiar figure appeared at the door of the emergency room.

White half-sleeved shirt, black tunic dress...

The simple white and black, when worn on Luo Qingcheng's body, has a shocking beauty, which complements her aloof temperament.

Luo Qingcheng looked anxious at the moment, with sweat dripping from her smooth forehead, and she looked left and right after entering the emergency room, looking for something.

When she saw Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang, her steps quickened a lot.

Arriving beside the two, Luo Qingcheng squatted down, holding Tangtang's slightly cold little hand, and said in a soft but anxious voice, "Tangtang, how do you feel?"

"How can you get hurt?"

"Does it still hurt?"

Sensing Luo Qingcheng's concern, Tangtang actually giggled, maybe she pulled the wound a little too happily, and then hurriedly held back.

"Stop laughing, stop laughing!"

"You child, you can still laugh out loud when you're hurt." Luo Qingcheng's expression was filled with distress and complaint.

But Tangtang's smile reassured her a lot, at least from now on, there shouldn't be any serious problems.

"Aunt Luoluo, why are you here!" Tangtang asked with tears in her eyes.

Luo Qingcheng showed a faint smile, and explained: "Aunt Liu sent me a message just now, and I came to see the baby."

"Hey, Auntie Luoluo is so nice!" Tangtang endured the pain in her body, showing a row of white teeth, and said to Gu Chenfeng, "Dad, I want to drink water."

"Okay, okay, I'll fetch water for you right away." Hearing the sound, Gu Chenfeng quickly stood up and walked out.

With Luo Qingcheng here, Gu Chenfeng felt relieved a lot. If he was asked to choose whom to hand Tangtang to, Luo Qingcheng would definitely be the number one.

At least it's a hundred times more reassuring than handing it over to Yang Jiao.

While Gu Chenfeng was fetching water for Tangtang.

Two surprising news broke out on the Internet.

The first one is that the famous director Xu was accidentally injured while he was filming, and he is currently being treated in the city hospital, and according to the description of the reporters, the injury is quite serious.

The second news is that Tangtang, the daughter of Guomin's father-in-law Gu Chenfeng, was injured in an accident and is in the city hospital for emergency treatment. It is suspected that his ex-wife showed up, but she left soon.

For these two pieces of news, the whole network was stunned.

The first is director Xu Zhengda, almost everyone is familiar with it.

Because since he directed and acted in the "囧" series, Xu Zheng has become a big shot in the Chinese film industry.

He has won various awards and is one of the most concerned directors, so when the news of his injury came out, netizens immediately exploded.

As for the second piece of news, it was even more explosive.

Ever since Tangtang and Gu Chenfeng participated in the reality show "Longing for Life", many netizens fell in love with this cute little girl.

Moreover, the movie "Buried Alive" was a huge success, and Gu Chenfeng's reputation skyrocketed. Out of curiosity, netizens also knew about Tangtang's existence.

It is no exaggeration to say that Gu Chenfeng now has more than 500 million fans on Weibo, at least half of them are because he likes Tangtang.

And everyone knows that Tangtang suffered from a rare blood disease before, so the news that she was injured and admitted to the hospital received a lot of attention.

"Damn it, are these two pieces of news true or false? It's not an advertisement for the city hospital!"

"Upstairs, you should be smarter, who the hell would use such a method to advertise?"

"Xu Zheng was actually injured? No way, I'm still waiting for his new movie to come out. The movie he directed and acted in is really good."

"Yeah, the 囧 series is really good-looking. I really hope that Xu Zheng can continue to shoot the 囧 series. The new film must also be in the 囧 series, but why did he get hurt?"

"This news is really scary. Xu Zheng is a big boss. His new movie hasn't started filming for a few days. Is it possible that the new movie will be shelved?"

"What I'm concerned about is how such a cute little girl like Tangtang got hurt, and how did Guomin's father-in-law Gu Chenfeng take care of Tangtang?"

"Didn't any of you pay attention to who Tangtang's mother is?"

"These reporters are too ill-informed. They haven't found Tangtang's mother for so long."

"Gu Chenfeng, how on earth do you take care of Tangtang!"


For a while, these two news aroused heated discussions among countless netizens, and even rushed to the top of the hot search list Qian San.

It can be seen that Gu Chenfeng, or the news that Tangtang was injured and hospitalized, has an influence on netizens.

As for Xu Zheng's influence, let alone.

City Hospital.

In the VIP ward of the Orthopedics Department, Xu Zheng's arm had already been cast in plaster, and he was lying on the bed with a pale face.

He didn't expect that he would be injured during filming, and even broke his arm.

Now he is very depressed, because his new film is a film that he values ​​very much, but now that he is injured, what should he do with the new film?
Wen Mu, another new director of this drama, asked with concern: "Mr. Xu, how do you feel? I really didn't expect such an accident to happen. I'm really sorry."

Xu Zheng comforted: "It's okay, it's not your fault, filming, there will always be some surprises, this can't be blamed on anyone, it's just this scene..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Wen Mu said, "Mr. Xu, you can heal your injuries at ease. I will shoot other people's scenes first in the new movie. As for your scenes, we will shoot after you recover from your injuries."

 I saw that some book friends said that the paragraph about the ex-wife was a little persuasive, and I will end her soon.

  Three shifts today.

(End of this chapter)

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