Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 54 Xu Zheng's New Drama Changes Leading Role, Recommend Gu Chenfeng

Chapter 54 Xu Zheng's New Drama Changes Leading Role, Recommend Gu Chenfeng (Please recommend tickets for further reading)
Xu Zheng shook his head and said, "As the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to hurt your muscles and bones, but you can't afford to wait a hundred days for this movie."

This is what he said in his heart. Once the production team started filming, it would burn money every day. How could Xu Zheng have the heart to let everyone in the production team wait for him?
Wen Mu heard the words, but said with firm eyes: "Mr. Xu, I firmly disagree with you filming with injuries."

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Who said I'm going to film with injuries?"

"Then what do you mean?" Wen Mu asked with a puzzled face.

Xu Zhengdao: "Let's change the leading role. Although I can't act anymore, when I recover from my injury, it's not a problem for me to be the producer of the crew."

As soon as these words came out, several people present were stunned.

You know, if this drama didn't have Xu Zheng in charge, they couldn't even imagine what would happen in the end.

Moreover, the investment in this movie is huge, and it would be too risky to temporarily change the protagonist.

Xu Zheng's manager asked: "Mr. Xu, what you said is true? Don't you value this drama very much?"

Wen Mu also said: "Yes, Mr. Xu, don't be impulsive, it doesn't matter if we can't catch up with the Spring Festival, at most it will be released in the next year."

"If the show hits the street due to a temporary change of the lead actor, it will definitely be a huge loss for us!"

Xu Zheng stopped other people who wanted to speak, and said, "I have thought about this matter carefully, and there will be absolutely no problem in inviting him to play the leading role. His acting skills are the most powerful and most powerful I have ever seen. creative."

"Who?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

They never expected that Xu Zheng had already thought of a candidate, and from his words, it could be heard that he was very optimistic about this person.

So, who is this person?

Feeling everyone's eyes, Xu Zheng said slowly, "Gu Chenfeng."

After eating, Zhang Qingqing came across the news that Tangtang was injured and hospitalized while playing on her mobile phone, and was about to call Gu Chenfeng to ask about it.

I just found Gu Chenfeng's number, and before I remember to dial it, a call came in.

Glancing at the number, Zhang Qingqing looked a little surprised, but she still connected to the arc first.


"Hello, you are Gu Chenfeng's manager, Miss Zhang!"

"Yes, it's me!"

"You've heard about Director Xu's injury. Now Teacher Xu wants Gu Chenfeng to audition for a new play. Please ask Sister Zhang to help inform me."

"Okay, I will notify Gu Chenfeng immediately."

Zhang Qingqing had mixed feelings in her heart.

She also saw that Xu Zheng was hospitalized because of a filming injury just now, but she didn't expect Xu Zheng's manager to call and ask Gu Chenfeng to audition for a new play that Xu Zheng originally planned to star in.

But, now that Tangtang is injured and hospitalized, according to the character of taking care of Chenfeng...
After Zhang Qingqing thought for a while, she called Gu Chenfeng.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng, who was accompanying Tangtang infusion, heard the phone ringing, and glanced at Tangtang and Luo Qingcheng.

Before she had time to speak, Tangtang said in a very sensible way: "Father, go and answer the phone, Auntie Luoluo is here with me."

Luo Qingcheng also spoke at this time, and said, "Go out and pick it up!"

"Okay, I'm at the door." Gu Chenfeng walked to the door with his mobile phone.

After all, this is a hospital ward, and other patients cannot be disturbed.

At the door, Gu Chenfeng connected the phone and said, "Hey, Miss Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Qingqing who answered the phone first asked, "Chenfeng, how is Tangtang?"

"It's okay, the doctor has checked it." Gu Chenfeng replied.

"That's good." Zhang Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "By the way, the news that Tangtang was injured and hospitalized was exposed on the Internet, your ex..."

"Don't worry, she will pick this kind of thing very clean." Before Zhang Qingqing could finish her sentence, Gu Chenfeng interrupted her.

He really didn't want to mention Yang Jiao again.

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing was taken aback for a moment, but didn't ask any further questions, and then said, "Chenfeng, I just received good news. Director Xu Zhengda invited you to audition."

"This role was originally starred by Xu Zheng himself, but he got injured because of an accident while filming, so he had to change the role, and he took a fancy to you."

Gu Chenfeng said in a deep voice: "Thank you Director Xu for your interest, but I have to take care of my daughter now."

What he said, Zhang Qingqing was not surprised. In Gu Chenfeng's heart, his daughter is bigger than the sky.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Qingqing said: "The name of their script is "I'm Not the God of Medicine". Although I haven't seen the script yet, any script that Xu Zheng can take a fancy to is not too bad."

"Originally, I wanted to agree directly for you, but I thought Tangtang was still in the hospital, so I called you first to ask what you mean, after all, this role..."

Before Zhang Qingqing finished speaking, Gu Chenfeng interrupted her again, saying: "Sister Zhang, I really want to take this drama, no matter how much the salary is, I want to take it, but I can't watch my daughter lying in the hospital No one is taking care of it, it would be the best if the audition time can be adjusted a little bit."

Listening to Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing didn't know what to say.

But she was very surprised that Gu Chenfeng didn't even read the script, but directly said that he wanted to accept it, and he still wanted to accept it regardless of the salary.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Qingqing asked suspiciously, and then added: "As for the audition time, I think there is still a chance to communicate with Director Xu Zheng."

"If the audition time can be adjusted, I'm sure I'd like to take it." Gu Chenfeng said with a firm tone, "The role that Xu Zheng, the film king, wants to star in, definitely won't be too bad."

Of course, Gu Chenfeng also has a measure in his heart.

This is "I'm Not the God of Medicine"!

When it was on Earth, this movie broke many records, and it can be said to be very popular.

Gu Chenfeng never thought that he would be lucky enough to encounter this script in this world.

He was very excited, but when he saw Tangtang lying on the hospital bed and still receiving fluids, Gu Chenfeng suppressed his excitement again.

If you miss the script, you can find it again. If you miss something, it will be a lifetime of regret.

Zhang Qingqing on the other end of the phone said again: "Alright then, take good care of Tangtang first, and I'll go and communicate with Director Xu Zheng."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, Sister Zhang." Gu Chenfeng thanked him, hung up the phone and returned to the ward.

After entering the ward, seeing Luo Qingcheng holding Tangtang's test report, he asked, "How is it?"

Luo Qingcheng looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Chenfeng, from the inspection report, there is nothing wrong with Tangtang."

"But to be cautious, you must pay attention to Tangtang's condition in the past two days, such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, etc."

"If there is, it must be sent to the hospital immediately, and it must not be careless."

Seeing what Luo Qingcheng said so seriously, Gu Chenfeng became nervous again, and said, "Doctor Luo, what are the symptoms you mentioned? Isn't it all right in the CT report taken by Tangtang?"

(End of this chapter)

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