Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 57 Audition, "I'm Not the God of Medicine"

Chapter 57 Audition, "I'm Not the God of Medicine"
Gu Chenfeng and others looked at each other and smiled when they heard this.

Children's curiosity is really strong.

Only the smile on Wu Xiaoxiao's face froze for a moment, and then she muttered in a low voice, "Because your father is going to meet the great director soon, and he is the best actor who has won the Golden Horse Award, Golden Statue Award, and Golden Rooster Award."

"Tell me, isn't your dad nervous, and this time he will be auditioning in front of him, oops, I feel nervous just thinking about it."

Tangtang retorted, "That's because you're not my father. My father's acting skills are very good, so naturally he doesn't need to be nervous."

Gu Chenfeng couldn't help laughing, looked at Wu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, according to your opinion, it's normal for me to be nervous, right?"

Wu Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously.

Gu Chenfeng joked: "Oh, if you put it that way, Xiaoxiao and I are not the same kind of people, because I'm not nervous at all now, hahaha."

Wu Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded after hearing this.

What does this mean?
Aren't we all human?How could it be different?

Zhang Qingqing who was next to her shook her head helplessly, she was too lazy to make a sound, and just hugged Tangtang from Wu Xiaoxiao's hand.

Mainly because of fear of infection.

Even thinking about taking care of Tangtang himself in the future, Xiaoxiao's IQ is really worrying.

At this time, Wu Xiaoxiao still didn't understand why, and asked again: "Mr. Gu, are you really not nervous at all?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head solemnly and said, "No, I'm getting nervous now."

Wu Xiaoxiao said: "Let me just say, how can you not be nervous when you see the actor of Sanliao!"

However, Gu Chenfeng explained: "In order to become the same kind as Xiaoxiao, why do I have to start learning? Mr. Ou is nervous, Xiaoxiao, you wait for me, I believe that with my talent, I will learn it soon."

Wu Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded again.


Zhang Qingqing couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Xiaoxiao, you, didn't you realize that Chenfeng was teasing you?"

"Ah~~" Wu Xiaoxiao exclaimed, lowered her head and stopped talking.

Soon, a group of people came to Xu Zheng's VIP ward.

After everyone introduced each other, Xu Zheng looked at Tangtang Zhang Qingqing was holding, and asked, "Little Tangtang, is your injury better?"

"Much better, thank you Uncle Xu for your concern." Tangtang replied obediently.

That refreshing child's voice made Xu Zheng smile brightly on his face, and said, "Baby is so good."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Chenfeng, I watched your "Buried Alive". This is a rare literary film, and your performance in it is very experienced. Not to your level."

As soon as he said these words, everyone present was startled, only Tangtang showed a proud smile on his face.

The others were obviously shocked by Xu Zheng's words.

Although they knew that Xu Zheng was very optimistic about Gu Chenfeng, they didn't expect Xu Zheng to give Gu Chenfeng such a high evaluation.

If people from the outside world find out, it will definitely be on Weibo's hot searches, causing netizens to erupt.

When Gu Chenfeng heard Xu Zheng's words, he was a little surprised, and hurriedly said modestly: "Director Xu, don't let me go."

Xu Zheng smiled and said: "Chenfeng, if I were the director, you would not need to audition, but because of the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine", I'm not the director, the director is Director Wen, so I will treat you Do a quick audition and you'll be fine."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "No problem."

Xu Zheng nodded, and gave the assistant a look. The assistant recalled, and immediately took out a document and handed it to Gu Chenfeng.

Xu Zheng said again: "This is a simple shot, take a look and give you 5 minutes to prepare."

Gu Chenfeng looked at the contents of the document, and it was actually the scene at the beginning of the movie.

Let Xiaoxiao carry Tangtang to wait outside, then she grinned and said, "Director Xu, Director Wen, there is no need to prepare, you can start directly now."

"Oh?" Hearing that Gu Chenfeng was so confident, Xu Zheng also became interested and asked, "Have you memorized all the lines?"

Although this scene is not long, it also has lines.

Gu Chenfeng seems to be able to memorize the lines with just a glance?
"Well, remember." Gu Chenfeng had a confident smile on his face.

Xu Zheng glanced at Wen Mu and said, "Old Wen, since that's the case, let's start."

Wen Mu nodded and said, "Okay, let's start now."

Xu Zheng said to Gu Chenfeng: "Chenfeng, I will act as the owner of a small hotel against you in a while."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "No problem."

After speaking, he walked directly to a seat and sat down.

Seeing this, Wen Mu said, "Action!"

As soon as his words fell, Gu Chenfeng's expression and the temperament of his whole body changed immediately.

He became a little decadent, a little sloppy, and even messed up his hair specially, and there was a hint of complaint about life in his expression.

Into the play in a second.

Both Xu Zheng and Wen Mu's eyes widened when they saw this, and they looked very shocked.

For Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, Xu Zheng was clear and believed, but even so, he was shocked.

Of course, it is also possible that Xu Zheng's understanding of Gu Chenfeng's acting skills is still in "Buried Alive". You must know that Gu Chenfeng's acting skills have been upgraded to SS level now, and it was only A level back then.

As for Wen Mu, he wasn't very familiar with Gu Chenfeng, so after he saw Gu Chenfeng enter the scene in a second, he felt a storm in his heart.

He secretly said in his heart: "Sure enough, the person who is favored by Director Xu is definitely not mediocre!"

At this time, Xu Zheng seemed to be a different person. He opened the door without a physical object, and shouted into the inside: "Old Cheng, the landlord's call is coming to me again."

Gu Chenfeng glanced at Xu Zheng, and that glance surprised everyone.

Xu Zheng continued: "But I told the landlord that you didn't open the door."

Gu Chenfeng still didn't speak, and made a gesture of clasping his hands to Xu Zheng to express his gratitude, and then said: "Thank you."

A simple sentence may seem ordinary, but both Xu Zheng and Wen Mu can feel that Gu Chenfeng's "thank you" expresses the vicissitudes of life and the helplessness of life.


It's really amazing.

Wen Mu was so excited that he almost yelled.

Xu Zheng looked at Gu Chenfeng, frowned and said, "Pay the rent quickly."

Gu Chenfeng narrowed his eyes and said helplessly: "I can't pay it, I have no money, and the things don't sell well."

Xu Zheng shook his head, then turned around and was about to leave. At this time, Gu Chenfeng suddenly pointed at him and asked, "Did you put the batch of oil I gave you last time?"

Xu Zheng stopped, turned around and looked at Gu Chenfeng, a little contemptuous and helpless, said: "It's done, no one uses it, now everyone uses Wei Ge, no one uses this thing."

Gu Chenfeng frowned slightly, as if he was a little dissatisfied with the answer.

If no one buys it, there is no money to be made.

At this time, Xu Zheng continued: "I have used that thing before, but I don't need it."

After speaking, he opened the door again without any object, and then left.

Gu Chenfeng shook his head slightly, and then made a very natural and skillful smoking action, as if he was smoking while talking to himself: "I don't want to use it? You can't do it yourself!"

His tone was calm, but with a hint of sarcasm.

After finishing speaking, Gu Chenfeng continued to pretend to be playing games on the computer.

(End of this chapter)

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