Chapter 58 Win the role, netizens guess (seek to follow and collect)
"Mr. Gu, it's alright."

Seeing this, Xu Zheng hurriedly shouted.

Hearing his words, Gu Chenfeng glanced at Wen Mu very naturally, but his decadent demeanor did not change.

At this time, director Wen Mu also said: "Mr. Gu, it's alright."

Hearing his words, the decadence in Gu Chenfeng's body disappeared immediately.

One second into the play, one second out of the play.

Gu Chenfeng once again amazed everyone present.

Gu Chenfeng explained to Xu Zheng: "Director Xu is sorry, because in the scene just now, Director Wen was the director, so..."

However, before he finished speaking, everyone already understood what he meant.

Xu Zheng said with a face full of surprise: "Mr. Gu, you have conquered me again. It has been a long time since I have seen a young actor with such good acting skills. You impress me."

Xu Zheng, who is the actor of the Three Materials, would not be angry with Gu Chenfeng because of such a trivial matter, on the contrary, he was full of affection for him.

In today's entertainment industry, there are really too few such actors, especially Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, which are absolutely against the sky.

Maybe when he will become the Best Actor of the Academy Awards.

Although Gu Chenfeng didn't seem to have many scenes just now, but his demeanor, movements and even his eyes are well performed, which can be called a classic.

Xu Zheng even felt that Gu Chenfeng's interpretation just now was far better than the shots he had taken before, more natural and smoother.

Especially the decadence shown by Gu Chenfeng makes people feel very real.

This guy's acting skills really exploded.

Director Wen Mu walked up to Gu Chenfeng, stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Gu, the crew of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" sincerely invites you to join."

Gu Chenfeng also extended his hand, shook Wen Mu's hand, and said, "Thank you, I hope I won't let everyone down."

Manager Zhang Qingqing didn't say a word, just stood not far away watching Gu Chenfeng's audition.

Although she didn't speak, her heart was far from being so peaceful on the surface.

Although she affirmed Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, when Gu Chenfeng played with a three-material actor like Xu Zheng so naturally, not only did she not have Luoxiafeng, but she even faintly suppressed Xu Zheng.

This shocked Zhang Qingqing.

At this moment, she knew that Gu Chenfeng's acting skills were already so powerful that it was terrifying.

As for the others, they were more or less impressed by Gu Chenfeng's acting skills.

Even Xu Zheng and Wen Mu called Gu Chenfeng 'Teacher Gu', which is enough to prove their respect and importance to Gu Chenfeng.

When Gu Chenfeng auditioned, the news that they appeared in the hospital was also spread on the Internet.

Not only photos, but also videos.

Netizens were shocked when they saw these photos and videos.

At first, I thought it was Gu Chenfeng who took Tangtang for the infusion, but he didn't expect to go directly to the ward where Xu Zheng was.

The purpose of this is self-evident.

"Damn it! Is Gu Chenfeng going to visit Director Xu Zheng?"

"I'm guessing that Gu Chenfeng probably went for an audition. After all, his daughter and Xu are in the same hospital. Now that he shows up and goes to Xu Zheng's ward, the only explanation is to go for an audition."

"It's crazy. I originally thought that the netizens' guesses were false, but now it seems that 80.00% of them are true. Gu Chenfeng actually went to audition for Xu Zheng's new play and replaced Xu Zheng in the role."

"Is it just Gu Chenfeng who went there alone? Are there any other big names who appeared in the hospital, such as Baoqiang, Guo Tao, etc. They have a deep friendship with Xu Zheng and have cooperated many times, and their acting skills are not to be underestimated." watch for."

"I haven't found it for the time being, but it just broke out that Gu Chenfeng and his manager Zhang Qingqing appeared in the hospital together. After the infusion of Tangtang, they went to the ward where Xu Zheng is. It is absolutely certain that Gu Chenfeng and the others are looking for Xu Zheng. Exactly. I just don’t know whether to visit or audition.”

"Nonsense, needless to say, it must be an audition, Gu Chenfeng and Xu Zheng don't know each other at all, even if they are only related to each other on Weibo, it is impossible to rush to visit."

"Could it be that Gu Chenfeng's new play is coming again? If so, then I'm looking forward to it!"

"I absolutely believe in Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, and I will definitely support his new play."

"Oh, my father-in-law, why don't you audition my Tangtang?"

"That's right, that's right, father-in-law should take good care of my Tangtang, but are you really going to take over the new drama of Xu Zheng, the best actor of the three materials? This starting point is a little bit high!"

"Gu Chenfeng's starting point is already very high, okay, the first movie was starring, and it was a script written by himself, and now the second movie is starring, and it's such a big production, it seems that Gu Chenfeng is going to rise It's gone!"

"Who is this Gu Chenfeng? How did he have such great talent and resources? What did he do before?"

"According to the information collected by netizens, Gu Chenfeng used to be a group performer, and he took Tangtang to heal his illnesses while honing his acting skills. He has no other identity."

"Damn it, that would be against the sky. I just want to know which stupid woman would give up such a cute daughter and such a talented husband with outstanding acting skills."


It has to be said that after netizens broke the news that Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing went to Xu Zheng's ward, netizens couldn't sit still.

Gu Chenfeng once again became the focus of everyone's heated discussion, and many people wanted to know what Gu Chenfeng was doing before.

Many people also wondered what kind of stupid woman she was to divorce Gu Chenfeng.

As for the news about Gu Chenfeng's ex-wife, netizens still don't know anything about it.

But for his past, netizens still found some.

Before joining Tianmang Entertainment, Gu Chenfeng was a group performer in Hengdian, and he had no other background at all.

In other words, Gu Chenfeng is completely a grassroots rise.

Netizens were shocked by the news.

Gu Chenfeng, who has such acting skills, actually worked as a group performer in Hengdian for five years?
This unexpected discovery made everyone more curious about Gu Chenfeng, and at the same time attracted more and more attention.

Careful netizens suddenly discovered a problem.

Gu Chenfeng's rise is very similar to that of Baoqiang.

Baoqiang used to be a group performer in Hengdian, and then he was spotted by a big director, and finally became a blockbuster to where he is today.

The current Gu Chenfeng is exactly the same as him.

Even divorced treasure boys.

After some analysis and heated discussions, everyone felt that Gu Chenfeng's second film was likely to replace Sanliao Best Actor as the leading actor.

After Gu Chenfeng and others finished the audition, they went back to the company directly.

At night, Gu Chenfeng held Tangtang in his arms and said to her: "Tangtang, Dad is going to film again in two days, maybe he won't be able to stay with you for a long time in the future, will you be angry? "

When Tangtang heard Gu Chenfeng's words, she felt a little unhappy, but she still said sensiblely: "Father, you can go, Tangtang will be sensible. With Sister Xiaoxiao accompanying me, I'm fine."

Seeing his daughter's aggrieved appearance, Gu Chenfeng felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

But there is no way, although he really wants to be by Tangtang's side every day, but is he qualified now?
(End of this chapter)

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