Chapter 64 Fate is a wonderful thing
After returning to the company, Gu Chenfeng went directly to his residence and slumped on the sofa.

I was so tired during this time that I fell asleep directly on the sofa.

Manager Zhang Qingqing came to Gu Chenfeng's residence after reporting to Minister Liu Kuang. When she opened the door and came in, she was stunned when she saw Gu Chenfeng sleeping on the sofa.

She knew that Gu Chenfeng was really tired these two months.

Not only does it require high-intensity filming, but it also requires rushing back as soon as possible after work is over, hoping to have a chat with Tangtang and spend more time with Tangtang.

If ordinary people simply cannot bear such high-intensity work.

But Gu Chenfeng not only endured it, but also did a good job in both aspects.

In the crew, Gu Chenfeng is always the most amazing one, and he is modest and unpretentious, works hard and does not put on airs, such a character is really rare.

At home, even if he was exhausted outside every day, when he came home and saw Tangtang, his face was still full of smiles, and he patiently told Tangtang stories.

Looking at Gu Chenfeng who was sleeping soundly, Zhang Qingqing couldn't help but look a little crazy.

The delicate facial features, healthy and energetic skin, and strong arms are as if carved out by magic.
Looking at it, Zhang Qingqing was fascinated.

Just like that, Zhang Qingqing sat on the chair opposite, without disturbing Gu Chenfeng, just looked at him quietly.

at the same time.

A very interesting hot search appeared on the Internet.

A drama called "Xtreme Agent" by Dynasty Entertainment has also just wrapped up.

And this movie is starring Kun, the top traffic star of Dynasty Entertainment.

When the news of the finale came out, netizens immediately became overwhelmed.

Especially those of his fans, who frantically swiped the screen tirelessly every day, wishing to see this movie right away.

Of course, more netizens expressed that they are not very optimistic about this movie.

Let Kun play an agent?

Are you sure it's not a joke?

At this moment, Kun updated another Weibo.

"Dear Aikuns, I have good news for you. The release date of "Xxx" starring me has been confirmed, and it will be released during the May Day holiday."

"In order to shoot this movie, I was injured many times, just to let everyone see the most MAN of me, I love you."

Kun's Weibo post immediately caused a group of fans to scream.

"Ah, ah, it's great that our Kun's new movie will be released during the May Day holiday."

"This is definitely the happiest thing for me today. I will soon see a movie starring Kun. I feel excited just thinking about it."

"Kun, we, Aikun, will definitely support it. We will book the show and absolutely support your movie with all our strength."

"Kun, you will always be the most manly and handsome boy in our eyes."

"I heard that Kundu was injured. I feel so sorry for him. He was injured many times for the filming of "Xx Agent". It really hurts me so much. I don't know if there are any scars left."

"Our kun's movie will definitely dominate the [-]st file, and absolutely no one is our kun's opponent."

Kun's Weibo aroused the screams and cheers of his fans, but also aroused the disgust of many people.

"Fuck, this bitch has the nerve to use the word man to describe herself? This is simply tarnishing the word!"

"Injured many times? Accidentally scratching a little skin is considered an injury? You call it a sunburn after being in the sun? This kind of garbage, I really don't know why he has so many fans."

"To be honest, after seeing this sissy, I didn't have any intention of watching it. It's a pity that Liu Qiang, a tough guy from a generation, actually partnered with a sissy."

"Yeah, Liu Qiang is famous for being a tough guy, but now he actually went to shoot "Xx Agent" with a sissy. It's a pity."


Although many people are not optimistic about Kun's movie, the popularity of this movie at this time is absolutely unprecedented.

There are countless fans who are crazy about it, and there are also many rational netizens who ridicule.

Dynasty Entertainment didn't care about this, because they made this movie to make money from these crazy fans. As for the others, they didn't think about it at all.

The reason why they are called traffic stars is that they have traffic and can earn money from fans of these traffic.

Besides them, who would pay for these traffic stars?

Therefore, Dynasty Entertainment's goal is very clear, to earn money from fans.

Just when everyone was discussing, some netizens broke the news on Weibo.

"I just got the exact news that the movie starring Gu Chenfeng, supervised by Xu Zheng, and directed by Wen Mu has finished. Xu Zheng said before that this new movie will be released as scheduled. It is worth looking forward to."

When the news came out, netizens became excited again.

Especially Gu Chenfeng's fans were even more excited.

It's done.

Finally finished.

"Is this true? If it is true, it is definitely good news."

"Has Gu Chenfeng's new movie finally finished? I'm really looking forward to it. If there are no problems in the later stage, it should be released on May [-]st."

"The original lead actor in this movie was Xu Zheng, but he was accidentally injured, and Gu Chenfeng was replaced temporarily. I don't know if Gu Chenfeng will mess up the movie."

"As a rookie, Gu Chenfeng, can he really take on such a big responsibility? Director Xu and the others are too impulsive, after all, Gu Chenfeng has only acted in one movie, a brand new rookie!"

"Hehe, those of you who don't know my father-in-law Mrs. Gu, go watch the movie "Buried Alive" first and then comment on my father-in-law's acting skills. You will definitely be amazed."

"A person who can be praised as a teacher by Xu Zhengdu, do you think his acting skills will be bad? What you can think of, Xu Zheng has been in the entertainment industry for so long, can he not think of it?"

"That's right, you guys, you talk sourly all day long."

"Does anyone know the name of this movie? Until now, they only know that it's Xu Zheng's new movie. They don't even know what it's called. Is it the 囧 series?"

"No news has been announced, where are we going to guess?"


This news made many netizens a little dubious. After all, it was only revealed by netizens and has not been officially certified.

However, Xu Zheng soon posted a Weibo, confirming the matter.

"Thank you all for your attention. Our new play has been completed this morning. After careful consideration by the crew, we finally decided to temporarily name this new play "I'm Not the God of Medicine". Please look forward to it."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Netizens were still questioning the authenticity of the Weibo above, so Xu Zheng came out to confirm it.

Xu Zheng's new drama has really finished, and Xu Zheng also revealed the name of the new drama "I'm Not the God of Medicine" on Weibo.

In this regard, netizens were extremely surprised, and at the same time were shocked by the title, it was not the "囧" series.

(End of this chapter)

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