Chapter 65 Are You Afraid of Top Stars?

So netizens started discussing in the comment section of Xu Zheng's Weibo.

"Oh, Director Xu even came out to confirm that this new drama is actually not the "囧" series."

"And the director is not Xu Zheng, this time he just served as the producer of "I'm Not the God of Medicine"."

"Although it's not an embarrassing series, a film with Xu Zheng's participation will definitely not be bad. What's more, Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are definitely good. I watched the movie "Buried Alive", and Gu Chenfeng's acting skills are definitely online. , looking forward to "I am not the God of Medicine."

"I heard that Guan Gu also participated in this "I'm Not the God of Medicine". It's really wise that he didn't participate in "The Movie of Love Apartment" before. That garbage movie is just a shit movie."

"Yeah, Guan Gu still has a lot of brains. He has always wanted to wash off his label in "Love Apartment". I don't know if he will succeed in his transformation this time."

"I don't know if it will be successful or not, but I'm already looking forward to the early release of "I'm Not the God of Medicine". It's best to be able to suppress the sissy "Xx Agent"."

"That's right, that's right, that's what I thought too. "Xx Agent" starring the bitch was released on May [-]st. It would be interesting if "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was on the same schedule as him."

"Yeah, Gu Chenfeng and Niangpao are competing on the same stage again, I don't know who will have the last laugh this time."

"In "Longing for Life", Kun was instantly turned into a scumbag by Gu Chenfeng. This time, the movie starring them will compete on the same stage again, so who will have the last laugh? We look forward to it."


For a while, after Xu Zheng's Weibo post came out, netizens became excited.

Even people with good deeds began to provoke them on the Internet.

You know, Gu Chenfeng and Kun collided in "Longing for Life", and they were immediately turned into scum.

Now, the films starring each will be released at the same time, so netizens are directly looking forward to the collision of the two in the film.

Dynasty Entertainment Headquarters.

Kun is enjoying the crazy praise of fans, and gradually lost himself in this environment.

But at this moment, he saw the news from Xu Zheng, and then used his trumpet to check Xu Zheng's Weibo.

"I'm Not the God of Medicine", starring Gu Chenfeng?
Gu Chenfeng?
it's him~~
When Kun heard this name, he remembered his unbearable years in the program "Longing for Life".

After that time, when he came back, he has been busy with performances in various places, participated in activities in various places, and made money like crazy. If he didn't see the news today, he would have forgotten about it.

However, "Xx Agent" starring Kun actually ran into "I'm Not the God of Medicine" starring Gu Chenfeng.

Then how could he forget those unbearable memories again?

"Gu Chenfeng, if it wasn't for this time, I would have almost forgotten the humiliation you brought me in "Longing for Life". This time, I must repay you twice."

"The trash movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is destined to be killed by me in seconds, just wait for me to repay you with double the shame."

Kun is full of fighting spirit and self-confidence.

It seems that they have already foreseen the mighty look of their future killing all directions.

So, Kun posted another Weibo, which read: "Oh, Ai Kun, some people want to compare with us, can you accept failure?"

"Can you accept the feeling of being trampled under your feet? I can't accept it. I vow to compete with him. Aikun, now is the time when I need you. Where are you?"

On Kun's Weibo, he also attached nine selfies he took in a row, making a very imposing look, but no matter how you look at it, it looks a bit girly.

However, for those crazy fans, after seeing Kun's selfie, they started to lick the screen frantically.

Feeling the grievance revealed in Kun's words, the fans were also encouraged.

They all frantically stated on the Internet that they would definitely support Kun, and that they would definitely help Kun trample Gu Chenfeng under their feet.

In the eyes of most netizens, Kun's Weibo is a declaration of war on Gu Chenfeng.

In the afternoon, after Gu Chenfeng woke up, he saw this Weibo post by Kun, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Cursed lightly: "Fool!"

Then I didn't bother with it.

In Gu Chenfeng's view, responding to a bitch like Kun is an insult to his IQ.

It's just that when Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing went to the finale banquet of "I'm Not the God of Medicine", they were surrounded by a group of reporters at the hotel entrance.

I don't know where these reporters got the news, they were already waiting at the door early.

When Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing appeared, they flocked to them.

"Gu Chenfeng, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" has finished filming, and you've starred in two movies in a row since your debut. May I ask how you feel now?"

"Gu Chenfeng, I heard that before you signed with Tianmang Entertainment, you worked as a group performer in Hengdian for five years, and you spent three years as a group performer while taking care of children for medical treatment. It's true. ?"

"Gu Chenfeng, top star Kun has declared war on you on Weibo, what do you think?"

"Gu Chenfeng, do you think "I'm Not the God of Medicine" can beat Kun's "Xx Agent" at the box office?"


The reporters came up with questions like bombardment, and it was that kind of continuous bombardment.

However, after Gu Chenfeng angrily scolded reporters at the "Buried Alive" movie press conference, these reporters stopped asking him so sharp questions.

Although there are still some challenges, they have controlled the bottom line.

As soon as Gu Chenfeng was about to speak, Zhang Qingqing stepped in front of him and said to the reporters: "My friends, this is a private time. If you want to interview, you can make an appointment with us. Thank you, please. excuse me."

Zhang Qingqing is an ace agent, her majesty, even these media reporters will give some face.

Therefore, when she said this, the reporters flinched a little.

However, a reporter still asked Gu Chenfeng, "Gu Chenfeng, are you afraid of Kun? Do you think you can't beat top star Kun? You know, he declared war on Weibo, but You didn't respond, I can understand that, are you afraid?"

Zhang Qingqing's face changed slightly when he heard this question.

This question is very acute.

The other journalists and media, at this moment, grabbed the cameras in their hands and shot frantically, all waiting for Gu Chenfeng's response.

If Gu Chenfeng didn't respond, then they would simply think that Gu Chenfeng was afraid of the top star Kun.

I believe many people would like to read this news.

It was even fiercer than Gu Chenfeng's response.

Zhang Qingqing was about to speak, but Gu Chenfeng held her back.

(End of this chapter)

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