Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 70 My Daughter Wants to Eat Dumplings, She Must Arrange

Chapter 70 My Daughter Wants to Eat Dumplings, She Must Arrange
Halfway through speaking, Tangtang closed her mouth again.

Because she knew that even if Luo Qingcheng was here, it would be impossible for her to eat these things.

Seeing Tangtang's aggrieved look, Gu Chenfeng said in a firm voice, "It doesn't matter who comes, we must control sweets in the future."

Tangtang curled her mouth, and said pitifully, "Then when will I be able to enjoy it!"

Before Gu Chenfeng could answer, Tangtang waved her hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, I'll ask you, you don't know, I'd better ask Auntie Luoluo!"

"You..." Gu Chenfeng was so angry that he lost his temper.

Seeing him like this, Tangtang shrank his neck, stuck out his tongue at Gu Chenfeng, and giggled.

The food ordered by the two came out quickly, the father and daughter bickered while eating, Tangtang's arrogance and cuteness fascinated all the diners around.

"Wow, what a cute little girl!"

"That's probably what angels look like!"

"I want a daughter like this too."

"Wake up, look at his father, although he wears sunglasses, but his facial features definitely count. If you want to give birth to such a lovely daughter, you must first find such a handsome husband. Look in the mirror, do you think it is possible?" ?”

"I'm so stupid, sister, what you said is a bit heartbreaking."


Just when the diners were discussing, Tangtang suddenly put a piece of chicken wing on the plate, and muttered a little: "It's not delicious, it's not as good as Dad's cooking!"

Hearing this, the corner of Gu Chenfeng's mouth curled up, and he was quite proud, at least his daughter recognized his cooking skills, so he asked with a smile: "Then what Tangtang wants to eat, dad will make it for you when he gets home! "

Now that I have time to spend with my children, I can also improve my cooking skills.

After all, now that his popularity is getting higher and higher, and the reputation of the system is also increasing, Gu Chenfeng has no plans to exchange scripts or songs for the time being.

It just happens to be exchanged for some life skills.

Tangtang tilted her head, thought about it seriously, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said to Gu Chenfeng with a smile: "Dad, I want to eat dumplings, stuffed with celery and beef."

She clearly remembered that when she was in the hospital, she often went to Auntie Luoluo's place to grab a meal, and Auntie Luoluo liked dumplings stuffed with celery and beef the most.

Now that Dad is no longer filming, it's time to tell him about the major events in his life.

Alas, when will my father's elm head be reassuring?

If Gu Chenfeng knew what Tangtang was thinking at the moment, he would definitely fall down in shock.

But of course he didn't know Tangtang had this plan in mind, so he agreed wholeheartedly: "No problem, we'll go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables in a while, and then go home and make dumplings for you."

"Okay, okay!" Tangtang clapped her hands excitedly, and then said, "Dad, let's go, I'm full."

Gu Chenfeng glanced at the pair of chicken wings and a few chicken nuggets left on the table, which he quickly ate.

After eating, I took Tangtang and went straight to the nearby farmers market.

While on the road, Gu Chenfeng also specifically checked his reputation in the system, which has reached more than 400 million.

So he exchanged 100 million prestige points for S-level cooking skills.

This thing is not an entertainment skill, so the price is different from the script.

Soon, Gu Chenfeng brought Tangtang to the farmer's market.

Tangtang is here for the first time.

The farmer's market is a large shed with an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters, where all kinds of meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits and seasonings are available.

It was the first time for the little guy to come to this kind of place, his eyes were not enough, he took Gu Chenfeng's big hand to look around.

"Dad, that watermelon is so big!"

"Wow, Dad, look, that's a big cock, oh oh~~"

"Dad, what kind of fish is this? Why is it so ugly?"

"Dad, can you give me a flower, I like it very much."

When the father and daughter came to a flower shop, Tangtang pointed to a sunflower, looked at Gu Chenfeng expectantly and asked.

"Of course!" Gu Chenfeng agreed to Tangtang without hesitation, and then asked the proprietress: "Madam proprietress, how much does it cost?"

The proprietress is a middle-aged woman in her 40s. Seeing Tangtang's cute and cute appearance, she fell in love with her very much.

He exclaimed, "Wow, this kid looks just right, so cute."

"How much does a flower cost? Auntie will give you one, come and take it."

As he spoke, he handed Tangtang a sunflower.

But Tangtang didn't reach out to pick it up, but turned to look at Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng refused and said: "No, no, you are also in business, and the flowers also cost money. I will give you the money..."

"Big Brother!" The proprietress hugged Gu Chenfeng and said, "How much does a single flower cost? If the child likes it, let her hold it. When you use flowers in the future, just come to Big Sister to support her."

After speaking, he handed a sunflower to Tangtang and said, "Come on, baby, take it!"

Hearing what the proprietress said, Gu Chenfeng had no choice but to give up and said, "Tangtang take it, thank you, auntie."

Tangtang immediately stretched out her hands, took the flowers, and sweetly thanked the proprietress, "Thank you, auntie."

Listening to Tangtang's words, Boss Nian's heart almost melted, and he said with a smile on his face: "Oh baby, you don't have to thank me, this baby is so rare, why is it so beautiful."

After thanking the boss, when Gu Chenfeng took Tangtang's little hand and turned to leave, he looked up at the name of the flower shop and silently wrote it down in his heart.

Although I may not need to buy flowers very often, when will I need them if they are not in order?

Next, Gu Chenfeng took Tangtang to buy flour, beef, some vegetables and seasonings at the farmer's market, and left with the little guy.

When the father and daughter returned home, Gu Chenfeng began to prepare dumpling wrappers and dumpling fillings.

Because he has no job recently, Wu Xiaoxiao naturally doesn't take care of Tangtang at home, so there are only father and daughter at home.

While Gu Chenfeng was rolling out the dumpling wrappers, the phone rang suddenly.

Picking it up, it was Tangtang's attending doctor, Luo Qingcheng calling.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Luo Qingcheng say: "Hey, Chenfeng, it's time to get Tangtang's medicine tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow."

"Okay, I will prescribe the medicine first, and then you can come and take it directly."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Luo."



After hanging up the phone, Tangtang ran over with her drawing book, tilted her head and asked, "Dad, are you going to the hospital to get medicine tomorrow?"

"En!" Gu Chenfeng nodded.

Although Tangtang's illness has been cured, but because of this illness, her physical fitness has become very poor, so she has been taking medicine all the time.

Wu Xiaoxiao went to help get it before, but now that she came back, of course she went to get it by herself.

At this time, Tangtang had a smile on his face, and seemed to be talking to himself: "Aunt Luoluo also likes to eat dumplings. I used to go to her place to eat dumplings. I miss it when I think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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