Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 71 Tangtang's idea, the mother of the child jumped off the building

Chapter 71 Tangtang's idea, the mother of the child jumped off the building (seeking a recommendation ticket for further reading)

Hearing Tangtang's words, Gu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to understand something, stared at Tangtang for a long time before asking: "Tangtang, did you mean to eat dumplings suddenly today? ?”

Tangtang evaded her eyes and argued, "No...no, I just want to eat dumplings."

After finishing speaking, he added in a low voice: "Anyway, we bought so many ingredients, we can't finish them both, why don't you bring some for Aunt Luo Luo?"

Gu Chenfeng frowned and said: "This is not very good, it will be misunderstood by giving people dumplings for no reason."

How could he not know Tangtang's little thoughts?

"What is the misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Dad, you are just too stupid. Auntie Luoluo took good care of me when I was sick. We didn't have the ability to repay her before. Now you can make money. Shouldn't you repay Auntie Luoluo? Is it?"

Tangtang said like a little adult.

In her opinion, Aunt Luo Luo and her father are definitely a good match!
Gu Chenfeng didn't answer Tangtang's words, and prepared to make dumplings on his own.

Seeing this, Tangtang continued to say: "Dad, in the cartoons it is said that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. Auntie Luoluo saved your daughter's life. Such a big kindness, can it be that a piece of stuffed beef with celery Are you reluctant to part with the dumplings?"

"Uh..." Gu Chenfeng was speechless.

What made him even more speechless was that for the next 15 minutes, Tangtang kept saying that when he asked Gu Chenfeng to get the medicine, he would bring Luo Qingcheng a dumpling.

In the end, there was no other way, Gu Chenfeng could only agree.

While Gu Chenfeng was making dumplings at home with Tangtang, He Xiujuan was finishing shopping in the supermarket and putting things into her car.

Among them was a bundle of celery and a piece of beef tendon meat. This was Luo Qingcheng's favorite meat dumpling. She was going to make some dumplings at night and send them to the hospital for Luo Qingcheng at noon tomorrow.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Gu Chenfeng got up and delivered Tangtang to school, then came back to cook dumplings.

Moreover, he also prepared seventy or eighty wrapped dumplings and put them in ice packs. If Luo Qingcheng wanted to eat them at that time, he could cook them directly, which was very convenient.

After packing up, he drove to the city hospital by himself.

What he didn't know was that when he was going to the hospital, a black Porsche Cayenne slowly drove out of the gate in Zifeng Manor Villa, and then sped towards the city.

It was Luo Qingcheng's mother, He Xiujuan, who was driving the car. She woke up early in the morning to make dumplings stuffed with celery and beef, and now she is delivering them to Luo Qingcheng.

Half an hour later, Gu Chenfeng parked the car in the underground parking lot of the hospital, holding an insulated lunch box and a chilled bag in his hand, which contained wrapped but uncooked dumplings.

Taking the elevator to the eighth floor, Gu Chenfeng saw a familiar nurse running towards this side with a somewhat anxious expression.

Gu Chenfeng stopped her and asked, "Lili, what's the matter?"

Seeing Gu Chenfeng, the current big star, the nurse who should have been very excited, was not in the mood at the moment, and said anxiously: "Mr. Gu, the mother of the child in bed 809 is going to jump off the building on the roof."

"You are here to see Dr. Luo, she is also on the rooftop now."

After finishing speaking, the nurse rushed towards the rooftop.

809 beds?Gu Chenfeng thought about it. He had an impression of this family. The child was one year younger than Tangtang, and it was also a rare form of thrombocytopenia.

I have lived here for more than a year, and I have always been accompanied by the child's mother, and rarely see other family members.

Before Tangtang was discharged from the hospital, Gu Chenfeng had communicated with the child's mother twice about the child's condition and medication.

Gu Chenfeng remembered that the mother seemed to be a teacher, but just like himself, in order to treat the child, the family was already heavily in debt.

It's just that Gu Chenfeng didn't expect that she would jump off the building?
Although Gu Chenfeng is considered a star actor now, he is also a flesh-and-blood actor star. Hearing this news, he felt a little empathy, and he especially understood the despair of not seeing hope.

However, he does not think this is the reason for the patient's mother to jump off the building.

As a mother, if you jump off the building, you are relieved, but what should the remaining children do?
Thinking of this, Gu Chenfeng ran towards the rooftop with his things in his hands.

At this time, on the rooftop, stood a young woman in a blue T-shirt. Behind her was already crowded with medical staff and hospital leaders who rushed over, and some even held up their mobile phones to take pictures.

At this time, many people gathered downstairs in the hospital.

The woman standing on the edge of the roof was expressionless, and turned a deaf ear to the persuasion of the hospital leaders and medical staff.

"Ms. Liu, you must calm down, your daughter's illness is not without a chance of healing, let's work together..."

While persuading Luo Qingcheng, she tentatively approached the woman.

"Stop, don't come over!"

"If you come over again, I'll jump off."

Obviously, this move of Luo Qingcheng has already stimulated the woman surnamed Liu who was about to jump off the building.

At this time, she seemed to have completely lost her mind, and shouted hysterically at Luo Qingcheng: "Why...why..."

And her body also began to shake, and that desperate look, coupled with her precarious body, immediately caused a burst of exclamation.

Luo Qingcheng was afraid that Ms. Liu would really jump, so she quickly stopped and comforted her: "Okay, okay, I won't go, I won't go, Ms. Liu, you must calm down and think about your child."

As for the other medical staff and hospital leaders, seeing such a situation, they didn't know how to deal with it for a while. Obviously, Ms. Liu's emotions are out of time and space, and accidents may happen at any time.

The most important thing is that the police haven't arrived yet...

"Mr. Liu, I support you to dance." Just when everyone didn't know how to persuade, a voice suddenly came from the entrance of the rooftop.

Everyone heard the sound and looked back.

Seeing that it was Gu Chenfeng passing by, everyone's heart skipped a beat, especially Luo Qingcheng, who hurried up to meet her and complained in a low voice: "Gu Chenfeng, what are you doing, you must not provoke her now. .”

Gu Chenfeng ignored Luo Qingcheng, walked towards Ms. Liu slowly under everyone's puzzled eyes, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Liu, I really understand how you feel now, and I support you jumping off the building with both hands. "

Teacher Liu, who was about to jump off the building, was taken aback by Gu Chenfeng's remark, and stood on the wall looking at Gu Chenfeng with doubts on his face.

She naturally knew Gu Chenfeng, he was also a family member of a blood disease patient before he became famous, but she didn't understand, why did Gu Chenfeng speak out in support of her jumping off the building?
Normally speaking, shouldn't you persuade yourself not to jump off the building? Why are you still encouraged?
At this time, when Gu Chenfeng had reached a distance of two meters from Ms. Liu, he stopped and continued:
"Mr. Liu, you will be relieved after jumping down. Once everything is over, you don't have to suffer every day, and you don't have to worry about tomorrow's medical expenses."

"Let's not worry about the child's illness anymore."

"It's easy to jump off."


"Your behavior was selfish and irresponsible."

"You are relieved by jumping down, but lying on the hospital bed, what should you do if you still believe that mother will save her child?"

"She didn't give up at such a young age. Punctures, injections, and chemotherapy... don't these suffer more than you?"

Speaking of this, Gu Chenfeng's voice suddenly increased: "But even so, she has been living strong."


(End of this chapter)

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