Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 82 The first time, the little guy's surprise

Chapter 82 For the first time, the little guy's surprise (please follow up and ask for a recommendation ticket)

No matter what Zhao Xiaolan's mother said in the group, Grandma Zhu Ruixuan didn't say a word.

This made Qin Qing, the homeroom teacher who was sitting at the dining table and preparing to eat, murmur bitterly, "It's what you deserve."

Then put away the phone and start eating.

At the same time, Gu Chenfeng and others who had played outside also returned home.

Originally, he was going to invite Luo Qingcheng and Wang Yao to go out for dinner, but Wang Yao had something to do on the way, so he left first, while Tangtang insisted on asking Luo Qingcheng to go home to eat the meals made by his father .

He couldn't resist the little girl, so Gu Chenfeng drove Luo Qingcheng and Tangtang back to the dormitory of Tianmang Entertainment Company.

Although it is called a dormitory here, each artist has an independent set of rooms, two bedrooms and two living rooms, which feels like home.

On the way, Gu Chenfeng bought a lot of vegetables in the supermarket and was going home to cook for the little princess.

About going to Gu Chenfeng's house, Luo Qingcheng was a little embarrassed at first, but Tangtang's soft and hard foam, and after Luo Qingcheng saw Zhang Qingqing with outstanding temperament in the morning, she mustered up her courage and came to Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang's place. home.

After returning home, Gu Chenfeng began to prepare meals.

And Tangtang took Luo Qingcheng to visit at home.

"Auntie Luoluo, let me show you around my father's and my home." Tangtang put her arms around Luo Qingcheng's neck, feeling so happy in her heart!

"Okay!" Luo Qingcheng hugged Tangtang, and pressed her forehead against Tangtang's forehead, a blush quietly rose on her face.

Tangtang's room is based on pink, filled with all kinds of dolls. The black and white giant panda that Wang Yao got with a gun shot today is very conspicuous in the room.

Apart from toys, the most in the room are drawing books, these things are Tangtang's favorite.

Luo Qingcheng was shocked while following Tangtang and listening to her introduction.

A big man can actually clean up his daughter's room so clean.

As a doctor, they are more or less clean freaks. If a man is not very hygienic in his life, they will be very disgusted.

On the contrary, they will be more tempted.

Moreover, she came back with Gu Chenfeng, which proved that Gu Chenfeng didn't have time to clean the room in advance, which made Luo Qingcheng feel even more favorable.


Delicious cold potato shreds, cold cucumber, beef sauce, stir-fried broccoli, sour plum soup, corn cheese...

There are three cold dishes, four hot dishes, one drink, and one crucian carp tofu soup, and they are ready to serve.

The three of them sat at the dining table and began to eat.

"Wow, this sauced beef is delicious."

"Although it's the same sauced beef that I ate in the morning, it tastes different."

"It's really delicious."

Luo Qingcheng, who only ate a piece of sauced beef, was the first to praise it.

Hearing Luo Qingcheng's praise, Tangtang laughed and said, "Yes, yes, isn't the food my dad cooks amazing?"

While talking, she picked up the broccoli in her small bowl with children's chopsticks and wanted to sneak it back on the plate.

"Eat it!"

However, Luo Qingcheng and Gu Chenfeng spoke in unison, and the little guy quickly retracted his chopsticks in fright.

"Father, Auntie Luoluo!" Tangtang blinked her strange eyes, glanced back and forth between Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng, and said, "You two can say a word at the same time, is this called tacit understanding?"

Knowing that this little guy wanted to make trouble again, Luo Qingcheng glared at her directly, and Tangtang was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak anymore.

However, Gu Chenfeng was surprised and said: "Wow, Tangtang, you can do it, you even know the word tacit understanding!"

Tangtang curled her lips and said, "Father, I can read and write!"

"Uh~~~" Gu Chenfeng choked instantly.

During the next meal, the three of them were very harmonious.

After dinner, Gu Chenfeng was going to wash the dishes, but Luo Qingcheng took the lead, and Gu Chenfeng felt very helpless about it.

That's great, but the timing is wrong!
Gu Chenfeng could only sigh in his heart.

When Luo Qingcheng finished washing the dishes and was about to say goodbye, Tangtang acted cute and acted like a baby, and left Luo Qingcheng behind for a while.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng just received a call from his agent Zhang Qingqing, saying that Minister Liu Kuang asked him to come over.

Just when he was about to speak, Luo Qingcheng took the lead and said: "If you have something to do, go and do it, I will take care of Tangtang."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Gu Chenfeng nodded, thanked him and left.

If Luo Qingcheng took care of Tangtang, would Gu Chenfeng feel at ease?

Of course, he is more at ease than handing Tangtang over to anyone.

Looking at the back of his father leaving, Tangtang dragged his hands down, looked at Luo Qingcheng who was wearing an apron and just came out of the dishes and asked: "Aunt Luo Luo, don't the meals my father cook are particularly delicious? "

"Yeah!" Luo Qingcheng nodded heavily at the shop, and said, "It's really delicious. Auntie is so envious of you. From now on, I can eat such delicious food every day. I just eat it every day. .”

"Auntie Luoluo!" Tangtang suddenly put down her hands, stood up and blinked at Luo Qingcheng, and said, "I have a way to make you eat until my father cooks."

"Oh?" Luo Qingcheng smiled and asked, "What is the solution?"

Tangtang said with a serious face: "You marry my father and become my mother, so that whatever you want to eat in the future, as long as my father is not filming, I can cook for you."

"Little thing, what are you thinking?" Luo Qingcheng's face, which was as beautiful as a fairy, was hot for a while, she knocked Tangtang's head with her hand, and turned her head to look in the direction of the gate.

Gu Chenfeng's sunny and handsome figure appeared in his mind, and he asked with a flowery smile, "Tangtang, tell auntie the truth, do you have any requirements for finding a mother?"

After thinking for a while with his head tilted, Tangtang said seriously, "Actually, there are no conditions, as long as you don't poison me to death."

Luo Qingcheng: "~~~"

Seeing her expression, Tangtang giggled, and quickly hugged Luo Qingcheng, saying: "Auntie Luoluo, I am just teasing you."

"Although my father is now a star, the women around him are also very beautiful, whether it's Aunt Qingqing, Aunt Xiaoxiao, or Aunt Reba, they are all very nice and beautiful."

"But I just want Auntie Luoluo to be my mother, okay?"

At the end, Tangtang began to act like a baby.

"I... Even if I agree, your father doesn't know what it means?" After Luo Qingcheng said this, his face felt hot.

Yes, she took another brave step forward.

Tangtang cheered with surprise, and said, "Wow, Auntie Lolo, do you agree to be my mother?"

"Don't worry, I'm my dad's baby girl, and he will definitely agree, definitely agree."

"I'll let him agree when he comes back."

(End of this chapter)

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