Chapter 83 Dad, You Are So Stupid (Please recommend for further reading)
Luo Qingcheng hugged Tangtang on her lap, gently hung Tangtang's delicate nose, and said softly: "Tangtang, don't get involved in the affairs between adults, let auntie and daddy handle it okay?"

"But..." Tangtang pouted and said, "You don't want to solve it, how long has it been, I can't wait."

"Daddy is busy filming every day to make money, and only sister Xiaoxiao is with me at home. Although she is very kind to me, I still like Auntie Luoluo."

Luo Qingcheng was inexplicably happy when he heard the words, and said calmly: "It will be resolved, soon, give us some time, okay?"

Tangtang raised her head, looked at Luo Qingcheng, and asked, "Really?"

Luo Qingcheng nodded heavily, and said, "Well, Auntie promises!"

These words seemed to be speaking to Tangtang, but they were more to cheer herself up.

"Then..." Tangtang blinked her big eyes nimbly, and asked Luo Qingcheng, "Can I call you mom?"

Luo Qingcheng: "..."

How can I answer this kind of thing?

"Mom!" Tangtang didn't care about Luo Qingcheng's expression, if she didn't refuse, she agreed.

Her voice was very sweet, and there was admiration in her immature voice.

Luo Qingcheng's heart trembled, and she responded timidly: "Hey!"



"Mom!" Tangtang hugged Luo Qingcheng's neck tightly with a bright smile, her small body curled up in her arms, and said, "I like you so much!"

"Did you know? Mom!" Before Luo Qingcheng could speak, Tangtang continued to murmur: "When I was in the hospital, I dreamed that you became my mother several times. No promise."

Hearing this, Luo Qingcheng's heart was inexplicably poked, and the eye sockets involuntarily became rosy.

After a while, he took a deep breath, with a smile on his face, and changed the subject: "Tangtang, are you happy in the kindergarten?"

"Yeah, I'm so happy!" Tangtang immediately became excited when she heard about the kindergarten, and she talked endlessly: "Ms. Qin, Ms. Tingting, and Ms. Jingjing are all very kind to me."

"And those children are also very friendly. I can play with them every day. Tangtang is very happy."

Having said that, Tangtang suddenly raised her head, looked at Luo Qingcheng eagerly, and asked, "By the way, Mom, Dad will be busy again in a while, can you pick me up from school?"

"Of course it can, but it can only be when auntie is resting, because auntie also has to go to work to make money, is that okay?" Luo Qingcheng had a motherly smile on her face.

Tangtang was very happy when she heard that, and said: "Well, as long as my mother can pick me up from school, I will be the happiest. Mom, do the children in our class envy me for having such a good mother?"

"You're the only one with a sweet mouth!" Luo Qingcheng couldn't hear the praise in Tangtang's words, so he pampered Tangtang's delicate little face and said, "But we have to make an agreement."

"You can't call me mom in front of your dad, can you do that?"

"Of course I can, I know my mother will be shy, right, hehe..." Tangtang laughed with an expression I understood.

Luo Qingcheng said angrily: "You little scoundrel, how do you know so much?"

While speaking, he even scratched Tangtang's itchy flesh with his hands.

"Hehehehe~~~" Tangtang's happy laughter suddenly resounded in the room.

When Gu Chenfeng came back, Luo Qingcheng had already fed Tangtang and taken her medicine, and helped her pack up the quilt and clothes she needed to go to kindergarten tomorrow. Seeing that it was past eight o'clock, she was reluctant to part Say goodbye to Tangtang.

"Doctor Luo, here are buns and sauced beef. You can heat them in the microwave tomorrow morning and eat them." Gu Chenfeng, who had just arrived home, saw that Luo Qingcheng was leaving, so he hurried to the kitchen to pack the buns and sauce. Pass the beef to Luo Qingcheng.

Luo Qingcheng hesitated a little, reached out to take it, and said with a smile, "Thank you!"

"I should thank you. You have helped us a lot all along." Gu Chenfeng said.

"Oh, I said you adults are too troublesome, why are you so polite." Tangtang stood at the door in her pajamas, and complained to Gu Chenfeng: "Dad, you are so serious, why can't you deliver breakfast to Auntie Luoluo?" What? It's not like you don't have time now."

Gu Chenfeng: "I..."

My own daughter seems a bit too...

Luo Qingcheng quickly waved his hands and said: "No need, Tangtang, your father's new play will be released soon, he should be very busy, not to mention you also know that there is breakfast in the aunt's hospital, and auntie can eat there. Right!"

"But!" Tangtang frowned, and said, "The breakfast in the hospital is so bad, it's not as good as my father's."

Luo Qingcheng shook the bag in his hand with a smile, and said: "So, Dad has already prepared breakfast for Auntie, and Auntie can eat it after going back home, heating it up, it's very convenient."

"Okay, it's getting late, Tangtang, you need to go to bed early, you know, you have to get up early to go to school tomorrow!"

"Okay! Aunt Luoluo, let me kiss again, so I can have a good dream." Tangtang tiptoed and said.

Naturally, Luo Qingcheng would not refuse such a small request, walked up to Tangtang, knelt down and said, "Okay!"


Tangtang kissed Luo Qingcheng heavily on the face.

Then he turned around and came in front of Gu Chenfeng, and said, "Dad, squat down, I want to kiss you on the cheek too, so that you too can have a good dream."

this little thing...
Luo Qingcheng blushed slightly, and said, "Tangtang go to bed early, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, Luo Qingcheng whispered to Gu Chenfeng again: "Let's go."

"Okay, be careful on the road, and send a message when you get home."


"Goodbye, Aunt Luo Luo, have a good dream."

"Okay, Tangtang is the same, bye."

After watching Luo Qingcheng leave, under Tangtang's strong request, Gu Chenfeng hugged her and stood by the bed while staring at Luo Qingcheng's car as it drove out of the company gate.

Looking at the disappearing taillight, Tangtang said softly, "Father, you are so stupid."

Gu Chenfeng was confused, and asked back: "Why am I so stupid?"

Tangtang tilted her head and asked, "Can't you see that Auntie Luoluo likes you?"

"Ah? Yes... is there?" Tangtang's clear and pure eyes stared intently, Gu Chenfeng felt a little guilty.

How could Gu Chenfeng not understand Luo Qingcheng's attitude towards himself and Tangtang?
It's just that his mind is really not on this right now, not that he is a saint, but that he feels that this will wrong Luo Qingcheng.

Ever since the divorce, Gu Chenfeng has been somewhat repulsed by all relationships, and just wants to raise Tangtang well.

I don't know why...

(End of this chapter)

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