Chapter 87 Walking on the red carpet is like rushing for exams, interviews with reporters (please recommend tickets for further reading)
The netizens who watched the live broadcast were talking to themselves while watching the live broadcast.

Which beauty is beautiful, which handsome guy is handsome, anyway, I am very excited to entertain myself.

Time flies, half an hour later.

Netizens watching the live broadcast saw a familiar voice on the red carpet. It was the new director of "Buried Alive", Zhuo Le, who appeared with a group of people unfamiliar to netizens.

Probably all from the crew of "Buried Alive"!

However, the focus of netizens is obviously not on this, but looking forward to the appearance of Gu Chenfeng.

After all, even the crew of "Buried Alive" showed up, so Gu Chenfeng, the lead actor, must be about to show up too.

"Oh, the director has come out, the lead actor must also be on the stage, hehe, I can't wait to see Teacher Gu."

"My father-in-law, will you bring Tangtang's little daughter-in-law to the red carpet? Really looking forward to it!"

"I haven't seen Tangtang for a while, and I still miss her."

"I don't know if Tangtang has grown more beautiful during this period of time. I can't wait to see her."


Just when netizens were expecting the appearance of Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang, in the live broadcast, Zhuo Le had already walked the red carpet with the crew of "Buried Alive".

All eyes immediately turned to the other side of the red carpet.

They all began to look forward to it.

Will Gu Chenfeng be the next to walk the red carpet?


Wearing a white suit, a handsome uncle with a perfect figure came out, and he was holding a little princess-like little girl in his arms.

This is Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang.

At this moment, Tangtang had a bright smile on his face, obviously very happy.

In Gu Chenfeng's arms, he kept waving to the reporters and media who couldn't wait, without any nervousness.

Gu Chenfeng was a little bit emotional, this little girl's courage is really extraordinary!

Even if it was him, although he wouldn't be nervous on such an occasion, he still couldn't be as free and easy as Tangtang.

At this moment, Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang became the focus of everyone's attention.

But what happened next left everyone dumbfounded.

Because Gu Chenfeng walked too fast, he walked the 100-meter red carpet in less than 30 seconds, as if someone was chasing after him.

This made netizens regretful and puzzled at the same time.

When others walked the red carpet, they tried to find ways to stay on the red carpet for a while, but Gu Chenfeng was lucky, as if there was a scourge chasing him, he passed quickly.

Even more speechless are those media reporters.

This is the youngest Best Actor nomination for the Academy Awards this year. They haven't taken a good photo yet, and they just finished walking the red carpet.

Gu Chenfeng is very topical now, so he is naturally unwilling to give up so easily.

So a reporter yelled at Gu Chenfeng: "Teacher Gu, stop for a while, let's take some photos, thank you."

The reporter's yelling was also transmitted to the live broadcast room by the camera.

Those netizens who watched the live broadcast were stunned for a moment, and then became happy.

"Oh my stomach, is Mr. Gu going to rush for the exam?"

"Holy shit, shit, Teacher Gu is definitely walking the red carpet, not running a race?"

"What a strange person. Others are trying their best to stay on the red carpet for a while, but he is lucky. The distance of 100 meters was completed in less than 30 seconds. If the reporter didn't call him Go directly to the 'examination room'."

"Teacher Gu is really special, hahaha, I'm afraid I'll be No.1 on the red carpet like this."

"Oh, Tangtang is really beautiful, so cute, my little daughter-in-law has become beautiful again, father-in-law, you have to work hard and earn money for milk powder!"

"Teacher Gu is indeed a clear stream in the entertainment industry. I bet that if Kun went to walk the red carpet, he would have to dawdle for at least seven or eight minutes. But Teacher Gu is unwilling to stay for more than a minute. This is the gap!"

"Teacher Gu is not famous for these things, he is only famous for his works, so I like Teacher Gu very much."

"Support Teacher Gu!"

"That's our national father-in-law, we must support it."


When netizens were discussing hotly, Gu Chenfeng, who was stopped by reporters, cooperated with reporters and media to take some photos.

It took about ten to 15 seconds.

Then he waved goodbye to the media reporters and quickly left the red carpet.

As for the part of walking the red carpet, if Zhang Qingqing hadn't asked him to go up there, Gu Chenfeng really didn't want to go.

This feels a bit like selling...

After walking the red carpet, it was time for reporters to ask questions. When Gu Chenfeng and Tangtang came to the place where reporters asked questions, the reporters who had already been waiting here began to raise their microphones.

"Gu Chenfeng, do you have anything to say about your nomination for Best Actor in the Academy Awards?"

"Gu Chenfeng, as a rookie actor, your first work will be nominated for Best Actor in the Academy Award. How do you feel now?"

"Gu Chenfeng, do you have the confidence to win the Best Actor trophy at the Academy Awards?"

"Gu Chenfeng, you can get such an honor as a rookie, do you have any background?"

"Gu Chenfeng, is this your daughter? Are you married? I didn't expect you to be married at such a young age and have such a big daughter."

"Gu Chenfeng, I heard that you have conflicts with the top traffic star Kun, is this true?"


All the media reporters scrambled to ask their own questions. Some of these questions were tricky and obviously intentional.

To this, Gu Chenfeng just replied: "Friends from the press, I am naturally very happy to be nominated for the Best Actor in the Academy Awards."

"However, you also know that the other four are real movie stars. To be nominated at the same time as these four movie stars is already a great honor for me. At the same time, it is also a spur to me."

"As for the background you mentioned, I naturally have a background."

As soon as he said this, the media reporters immediately got excited.

Does Gu Chenfeng have a backstage?

Does he really have a backstage?

Is this going to be announced?
If it is announced, this will definitely be a super big news!
The netizens in the live broadcast room also widened their eyes and pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Gu Chenfeng would say next.

Manager Zhang Qingqing, who was waiting in the background, changed slightly after hearing Gu Chenfeng's words.

She was very worried that Gu Chenfeng would say something wrong at this time, if so, then Gu Chenfeng's future would be...

At this time, Gu Chenfeng smiled slightly at the reporters, and said as if bathing in the spring breeze: "My backstage is my own acting skills, and I will continue to work hard to grow my backstage, because this is my basis for survival."

His backstage is his own acting skills?

What kind of answer is this?
When the reporters and media at the scene heard Gu Chenfeng's answer, their brains were buzzing.

(End of this chapter)

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