Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 88 When it comes to doing things, Mr. Gu is at the top

Chapter 88 On Doing Things, Mr. Gu is on the Top

My backstage is my acting skills.

It is the foundation of my existence.

After hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Gu Chenfeng a big nod.

This is very reasonable and powerful.

She believes that Gu Chenfeng's interview will definitely explode on the Internet, and those netizens will also look at Gu Chenfeng with admiration after seeing this interview.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked by Gu Chenfeng's answer.

These words are too confident, too awesome!
There is an inexplicable feeling that pokes the hearts of netizens.

"Awesome, Mr. Gu's self-confidence is very strong. My strength is my backstage and my backer. This is really awesome."

"I originally thought that Gu Chenfeng would reveal some amazing news? I didn't expect him to say this..., but what he said really made sense. His sky-defying acting skills are indeed his backstage , Without strength, everything is empty talk.”

"I like Teacher Gu more and more. He is very different from other stars."

"Yes, yes, and Teacher Gu's temperament. I really like it. It's completely different from those little fresh meat sissies. He is restrained and talented. I like such a man even if he has a daughter."

"There are very few new actors like my father-in-law, and he deserves more people to like him."

"Although it is impossible for Gu Chenfeng to win the best actor of the Academy Award this year, he is not without gain from being able to participate in the Academy Award. His interview will definitely amaze everyone."

"That's a must, just relying on his sentence: 'My backstage is my own strength!' It's enough to attract a lot of passer-by fans."


In the interview area at this time, before the reporters could react, Gu Chenfeng continued: "I am an actor, please don't compare traffic stars with me, these are two different groups, thank you. "

After speaking, he left with Tangtang in his arms.

The media reporters at the scene were once again shocked by Gu Chenfeng's words.

It turns out that the real big news is here!

I'm an actor, please don't compare me with a traffic star.

These words are too domineering!

However, at this moment, Tangtang, who had been silent all this time, shouted to the media reporters: "My father will definitely get the best actor, my father is the best!"

Her voice was loud and her expression was serious.

It made those media reporters feel dumbfounded.

The father and daughter are here to make big news!
But they were very shocked, why did Gu Chenfeng's daughter say that Gu Chenfeng would definitely win the actor?
After thinking about it carefully, everyone laughed dumbfounded, thinking it was a child's joke and blindly worshiping their father.

But Zhang Qingqing, who just breathed a sigh of relief, was dumbfounded after hearing Gu Chenfeng's last words.

This is to poke a hole in the sky!

Zhang Qingqing can fully predict that Gu Chenfeng's next words will be hyped up by media reporters, not to mention that there is a live broadcast now.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast might not be able to sit still for a long time. When the media reporters fanned the flames a little bit, it would really break the sky.


As soon as Gu Chenfeng's remark came out, netizens became restless.

"It's interesting, it's interesting, Mr. Gu is dissing that Kun crazy, what he said is too domineering."

"Well, I'm an actor, please don't compare me with a traffic star. This is too domineering, Mr. Gu is awesome!"

"Hey, doesn't Mr. Gu know that he offended a lot of traffic stars with one sentence? Hahaha!"

"Teacher Gu is right. There is a difference between a star and an artist. An artist is a person with talent, and a star...haha!"

"Seeing Tangtang's earnest face and yelling, I just wanted to laugh for no reason. She must not know what the Best Actor Award represents!"

"Tangtang became Teacher Gu's fan girl at such a young age, is she going to lead Teacher Gu's fan group when she grows up?"

"It's not just a padded jacket, it's a little padded jacket from the Northeast. For a while, I was inexplicably envious. I wanted a baby girl."

"Did you look in the mirror upstairs, do you have that gene?"

"When the old lady is happy, can you not hurt yourself, believe it or not, I will climb the window of your house at night?"


For a while, the Internet was quite lively, and netizens were shocked by Gu Chenfeng's words.

In terms of ability to do things, Mr. Gu is definitely among the best.

Even, his two answers immediately hit the Weibo trending searches, and they were unmatched.

Many passers-by were also attracted by Gu Chenfeng's answer and became his fans, so the number of Gu Chenfeng's Weibo fans ushered in another surge.

directly reached 900 million.

You must know that before he participated in "I'm Not the God of Medicine", he only had 200 fans, and his number increased by [-] million in just a few months, and it was still without any exposure.

It was six o'clock in the evening.

Most of the people who participated in this Academy Awards ceremony have already arrived at the venue.

Although the awards ceremony has not yet started, the role of this awards ceremony is not only for awarding awards, but also a platform for actors to get to know each other.

If a newcomer accidentally gets acquainted with a great director and is appreciated by the great director, he might soar into the sky.

However, in the corner of the venue, a group of people seemed a little out of place.

Gu Chenfeng and Zhang Qingqing and their party.

They didn't beg for nothing to say hello to others, they sat there and waited for the awards ceremony to start.

Zhang Qingqing looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Chenfeng, are you sure you don't want to meet other big directors or old actors?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said, "Sister Zhang, I'm not good at such occasions, you know that."

"Alright then!" Zhang Qingqing nodded and said, "You guys wait here first, I'll go get together with some old friends."

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and sat there chatting with Tangtang.

It's nice to be away from the crowd.

At this moment, a voice rang in Gu Chenfeng's ear: "Oh, Mr. Gu, I didn't expect you to be here, but it's easy for me to find!"

Gu Chenfeng looked up and saw that the person who came was Reba in a fairy dress, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Gu Chenfeng greeted with a smile, "Reba, you're here too!"

Seeing that Reba was very happy, Tangtang said excitedly, "Sister Reba, I didn't expect you to be here too, ok, ok, we can play with Tangtang again."

The little guy seemed to be acquainted, no matter who had met her a few times, they would become acquainted.

Reba raised his hand to touch Tangtang's little head, and asked with a smile: "Tangtang, I haven't seen you for a while, do you miss my sister?"

"Think about it, think about it, but think about it!" Tangtang nodded vigorously, then suddenly said with a pout, "But Sister Reba hasn't come to play with Tangtang for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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