Chapter 89 Yang Mi Befriends Fa Ge Appreciation

Reba said apologetically after hearing the words: "I'm sorry, Tangtang, sister Reba has been filming recently, and she has been staying in the crew all the time. She really doesn't have time. When my sister finishes filming, I will go and play with you, okay?" ?”

"That's good, that's good, then Tangtang is waiting for Sister Reba to come and play with me." Tangtang replied with a smile.

Just as Tangtang and Reba were chatting happily, another woman in bright clothes walked towards her.

Gu Chenfeng raised his eyes, his pupils dilated.

The person who came was Reba's sister and boss, Yang Mi.

Gu Chenfeng is no stranger to this one.

No matter on the earth or in this world, Yang Mi is a well-known existence.

Yang Mi walked up to Gu Chenfeng, stretched out her hand, and said hello with a smile: "Mr. Gu, I'm Yang Mi, and I'm Reba's older sister."

Gu Chenfeng stood up and stretched out his hand, shook hands with Yang Mi in a gentlemanly manner, and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Yang, nice to meet you."

Yang Mi smiled and said: "The performance of "Buried Alive" is very good, I think you have a good chance to win the best actor of the Academy Awards tonight."

"Oh, Mr. Yang, don't blame me." Gu Chenfeng waved his hands modestly.

"I'm serious!" Yang Mi said with a smile, "You have a great chance, your acting skills are really great and very creative, if "Buried Alive" was played by someone else, it would definitely not be so successful .”

Her words undoubtedly greatly improved Gu Chenfeng's figure.

Gu Chenfeng naturally heard this, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, I really don't know how to answer your words. I wrote the book of "Buried Alive", so I understand it a little deeper than others. , I admit it.”

Yang Mi smiled and said: "Well, if there is a chance in the future, I hope Teacher Gu can cooperate with me."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Definitely, definitely."

Yang Mi left abruptly.

Gu Chenfeng looked at the back of her leaving, and touched his chin.

This woman is really attractive enough.

Sophisticated, sensual and flavorful.

At this time the entrance of the venue.

A group of people walked in, and the others immediately started discussing in low voices when they saw this.

It was the well-known actor Fa Ge who came. There is no doubt about his acting skills, and he has played many classic roles.

So Brother Fa had appeared, and immediately a group of people crowded up to greet him, wishing to leave marks on Brother Fa.

Of course, Fa Ge in this world is the same as on Earth, very approachable, smiling and greeting everyone without putting on airs.

After greeting everyone, he glanced around the venue, and then walked towards Gu Chenfeng.

Seeing this, the others were a little stunned.

Brother Fa, who are you looking for?

When he walked towards Gu Chenfeng, Gu Chenfeng had already stood up.

For Brother Fa, he is definitely a respectable senior, so he took the initiative to say hello: "Brother Fa, hello."

Brother Fa patted Gu Chenfeng on the shoulder like an old acquaintance, and said in a very approachable manner: "Chenfeng, I watched your performance of "Buried Alive". With such acting skills, your future achievements are absolutely limitless."

Gu Chenfeng hurriedly said modestly: "Brother Fa, you are joking. Compared with you, I am still far behind."

Brother Fa smiled and said: "Young people, don't belittle yourself. You are really great. Among so many young people in Huaguo's entertainment circle, I like you the most. Work hard and stay true to your original intention."

After finishing speaking, he handed a card to Gu Chenfeng, and continued: "This is my personal contact information, come and play with me when you have time, I hope we will have the opportunity to work together in the future, if we can play with you, It must be exciting to think about.”

As we all know, Fa Ge has no children, but he likes children very much, so after he saw Tang Tang, his face was full of love.

Tangtang sweetly shouted: "Uncle, you are so handsome, I have seen you on TV, hehe."

Brother Fa raised his hand to touch Tangtang's little head, and said, "Tangtang, you are really good at talking, come to uncle's house with your father when you have time to play."

"Okay, okay!" Tangtang nodded.

Fa Ge talked to Gu Chenfeng again and left.

However, this move of his shocked the entire audience.

Fa Ge's status in the entertainment industry is at the level of a top boss, but such a top boss actually took the initiative to chat with a newcomer like Gu Chenfeng, and even offered him a card.

It's also incredible.

But more people's eyes are full of envy.

Judging from Brother Fa's actions just now, it is obvious that Gu Chenfeng has won his appreciation, and he will have a bright future in the future.

And Reba on the side also looked envious at this time, just now when Brother Fa came over, she was so nervous that she didn't dare to say hello to Brother Fa, and then Brother Fa didn't even look at her.

Instead, he praised Gu Chenfeng and gave him his personal contact information.

This made Reba extremely envious.

Manager Zhang Qingqing also came back quickly because she saw Brother Fa coming to look for Gu Chenfeng, walked up to Gu Chenfeng, and asked, "Chenfeng, what did Brother Fa come over and say just now?"

Because Reba had gone to Tangtang several times before, so he had met Zhang Qingqing a few times, and he was considered an acquaintance, so he opened his mouth and said for Gu Chenfeng: "Sister Zhang, Brother Fa is very optimistic about Teacher Gu."

"And he also said that among the younger generation in Huaguo's entertainment industry, he is the most optimistic about Teacher Gu, and even said that he is looking forward to working with Teacher Gu."

"Sister Zhang, Teacher Gu is valued by Brother Fa!"

After Zhang Qingqing listened, a happy smile appeared on his face.

If this is the case, it will definitely be a very good opportunity for Gu Chenfeng to enter the Hong Kong Island film and television industry.

At this moment, Gu Chenfeng took out the card that Brother Fa handed him and said: "Sister Zhang, this is the card that Brother Fa gave to me. It said it was his personal phone number. Please help me keep it."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingqing quickly took the card and held it in her palm like a treasure.

This is Brother Fa's personal contact information. How many people in the world can have it?


Maybe it was because Brother Fa came to look for Gu Chenfeng, people came to say hello to Gu Chenfeng one after another.

Of course, part of it is because of Gu Chenfeng's strength. After all, the first movie he starred in was nominated for Best Actor, which shows his development potential.

Being able to get acquainted with a potential stock like Gu Chenfeng, maybe you can get a role in the future.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast was opened again.

This time the live broadcast was in the awards ceremony venue, and all the star actors who were invited to participate were in place.

This is the scene of the annual Academy Awards ceremony, which can be described as a star-studded and famous gathering.

Gu Chenfeng, Zhuo Le and other crew members of "Buried Alive" sat in the back seats. There was no way, they were all newcomers.

For large-scale events like this, the seating arrangements are very strict.

In terms of coffee position, before and after, the bigger the coffee position, the more forward, and the lower the coffee position, the more backward.

(End of this chapter)

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