I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 47 Wulin Dragon King

Chapter 47 Wulin Dragon King
Obviously, her favor towards him is slowly falling at an extremely uniform and balanced speed.

"What's wrong with her? It's as evil as hitting a ghost."

Wu Lang had a toothache and his mind was muddled.

In fact, I have always deliberately kept a certain distance from her, and at the same time, I have been secretly fond of her, which can be said to be cautious in all aspects.

He couldn't help but think back to when he had just talked to Xing Hanhan.

There was nothing special about it, Li Qingrou stood silently behind her as usual, listening to the conversation between the two of them, and never interrupted.

After all, the two teachers were communicating, and it was a kind of treason for them to interrupt suddenly as disciples.

"There is nothing unusual during the day."

he thought.

Besides, how can ordinary people have such an outrageous way of lowering their favorability?
Ordinary people's falling in favor is the same as Meng Po's falling in favor before.

Because of something, his senses suddenly collapsed, plummeting to a negative number, and he was full of killing intent.

And this one is outrageous.

She is simply inhuman!

She was persistent, persistent, and regular, thinking about herself all the time, and slowly declining.

Wu Lang got goosebumps.

How could there be such a person in this world?
You are a devil!
Wu Lang had a big head, and when he thought about it, he suddenly thought of the reason, "I remember the rumor in the previous life that the leader of Huangquan had a small book in his heart, and he always liked to record things in it. The book of life and death in later generations was promoted and invented by her."

"Now, I won't be crazily memorized by her, will I?"

His mind seemed to open up all of a sudden.

"It's me alone, although I don't know the specifics of this fate, but it must be domineering, strong to the extreme, with a clear mind, pay attention to the distinction between gratitude and hatred, gratitude and hatred must be repaid, and the kindness of dripping water will be repaid by the spring, steal my things and kill your whole family. "

Canthus must be repaid.

In later generations, this is a powerful and powerful monarch who rules the entire magic way.

In the future, one person will lead the Netherworld Sect to overwhelm all sects in the Immortal Realm again, and become the No. 1 Demon Sect in the contemporary era. It is not surprising that he is so powerful and domineering.

So, I stole her chance?

Wu Lang thought about it for a while, and suddenly had an idea: what he did was to ask Xing Hanhan for some fate.

Could it be that bully Xing Hanhan who snatched her green destiny and gave it to me?

"That cheap senior sister can obviously do such a thing." Wu Lang's face darkened.

Li Goudan favorability -1
Wu Lang looked at it and saw that the jar was broken at this time, let's see how far it can be reduced.


I have been like this by accident, and the favorability of Xing Hanhan, who has always been so fond of her, in her heart, I'm afraid she has already filled up the favorability: -100.


She, Li Goudan, is super vengeful!
This is the real big devil!But now that he had figured it out, Wu Lang didn't feel so panicked anymore. All fears came from the unknown.

Anyway, I couldn't fall asleep because of the clanging all the time, so I practiced cross-legged again, although the noise in my ears continued.

However, more than ten hours have passed, and the speed of the obvious decrease is no longer that fast, which makes him feel relieved.

In the next few days, Wu Lang did not look for Fifth Peak either.

After all, it is all lost, and I have no way to get it back. If I am too eager to find an apparently weak apprentice, it may backfire and expose some clues about myself. At that time, it is really a dead end.

It's better to wait for a while, and wait for the senior sister to ask me to send me a fate, and I'll make a side note.

At the same time, Wu Lang found that the degree of favorability had basically stabilized at one level in the past few days.

Favorability: -12
[Warning: Li Goudan has changed from neutrality to hatred. He has a small amount of killing intent towards you, please stay alert. 】

"Taking away a big opportunity, it is very normal for her to drop from an ordinary friend's favorability of more than 20 to a hostile favorability of more than minus 10, but she is not a normal person if she drops this little! There is definitely something wrong with her fate!"

Even, Wu Lang wanted to kill her again. A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, but he feels that he will not be able to beat him in all likelihood, but will be killed secretly instead. If he really wants to plan, it has to be considered in the long run.

"The most important thing is that now, it is still falling at a rate of one point a day."

Wu Lang was a little speechless, and said with a headache: "She still misses me once a day, that's outrageous! If I think about it once a day, I won't get -100, will I?"

Wu Lang was speechless.

"She is [Only Me Sovereign], she is definitely the fate of the devil, or the kind of character that is very paranoid and prone to extremes."

"In general, the more negative and extreme the fate, the more perverted the ability will be. I just don't know the details of her thing."

After going through this wave of incidents, Wu Lang actually got some details about the other party.

And a mere -12 is not unacceptable. Anyway, the days are still long, and I can't do anything to myself. I just need to find a way to get back. If I can't get back, I can only kill her with all my heart.

Besides, no matter what you do, there will be no danger in the short term.

Can she sneak up on me on the mountain?

I went down the mountain, can she find me?

On this day, Wu Lang also took another look at Liu Ping's actions these days.

[Your apprentice Liu Ping has successfully escaped the siege of martial arts masters, the humiliation and terror between life and death, he has been tempered with magic skills, broken and then stood up, and entered the sixth floor of the Qi training period. 】

[Your apprentice Liu Ping was encircled and suppressed again, killing all directions]

【Your apprentice defeated the encirclement and suppression of the Zheng Yunguo Martial Arts Alliance. The major masters of the martial arts, famous people in the world, were completely overwhelmed, fell to their knees, and respected as the Dragon King's mentor. 】

【Your apprentice dropped his identity, rejected the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, and returned to the town where he was born. He was too ashamed to recognize his wife, and turned into an honest man. He started selling pancakes next door, trying to get in touch slowly. 】

Wu Lang looked at these feedback logs and was a little speechless.

His apprentice's personality is already used to him, and he doesn't bother to care about so much. It's his own business to sharpen and practice, as long as he has a plan in his mind.

Remember to ecstasy, just finish your work.

He looked away.

After this period of time, Wu Lang continued his daily life.

Planting flowers, cultivating, watching and licking dogs.

Accumulating strength in such a boring daily life, in order to face his upcoming mission of dispatching Huang Quanzong down the mountain, he also successfully cultivated to the third level of Qi training.

In the blink of an eye, another week passed.

Wu Lang saw that the other party hadn't come to find him yet, so he didn't hesitate any longer. Instead, he came to the foot of the fifth peak and begged to see his senior sister.

But the senior sister was not there, but Li Goudan received him instead.

"Little uncle, are you here to get the fate of the deal?"

Li Qingrou's expression was still the same as usual, very cold, and she took Wu Lang up the mountain, "Master has something to do, and I don't have time to receive you. She is dealing with her real identity. After a while, a trace of true spirit will come back to entertain you. Let me come back first."

Her expression was the same as usual, she pretended to be very similar.

Li Goudan favorability -1
Apparently, the moment she saw Wu Lang, her favorability betrayed her, and she even took a look at herself and started to hold grudges.

"Let me take my little uncle up the mountain for a stroll." She said, "After all, you haven't been here yet. The fate that Master wants to give you is already prepared, and there will be surprises."

"What is it?" Wu Lang was curious.

She took a deep look at Wu Lang, "The leader's green fate is [One-hearted, two-minded], which is very suitable for the little uncle, and it is tailor-made."

(End of this chapter)

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