I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 48 One Face Innocent

Chapter 48

fifth peak.

The buildings on both sides are very simple and simple, and it is obvious at a glance that they are newly built buildings.

It seems that after recruiting new errant disciples, the fifth peak has indeed ushered in a big spring, and various buildings are being rebuilt and flourishing.


Two people walked along the stone road.

"Senior nephew Qingrou, I'm very curious about [One-hearted, two-minded] what kind of fate this is." Wu Lang followed her as they walked and communicated, as if nothing had happened.

He thought, what kind of chance is it that he lost more than 30 favorability points, from ordinary friends to enmity.

"This is a very powerful fate."

Li Qingrou smiled, her posture was calm, as if she had nothing to do with herself:

"This fate can divide people's minds. It can do different things at the same time. It is very subtle. It can even practice two different spells at the same time. Even in battle, it can control two supernatural powers to fight at the same time."

"It can be called one of the strongest non-combat fates, and it is rare in the world."

"If it weren't for the master's small life wheel, which has already been built, and it would take a huge price to disassemble and replace it with a new one, she would choose to inhale this fate wheel, and would not keep it until now, and cherish it."

Wu Lang was startled.

It turned out to be the fate of splitting gods!
Similar to Zhou Botong's hands-to-hand combat technique, this is much rarer than the "calculation type", and it can even be called a treasure.

This is equivalent to double the training speed and double the combat ability. Although the actual use is not really doubled, there will be some damage.
But it was already against the sky.

"And this green fate, if it can be promoted, it can be promoted to the purple fate [one body, two minds], from which one mind can be used for two purposes, and an additional incarnation outside the body can be forged."

Wu Lang instantly heard her hidden meaning.

If this fate is given to oneself, it will always be one of the 100 green fates. The potential is imprisoned and cannot be turned into a purple fate. It is a waste!

I can't play the best effect for myself, I can only use it as a green fate, but I give it to myself as a little uncle. It's no wonder that I will complain even more about this sideways behavior.

This is a waste of money!

She looked calm, and continued to say calmly: "This fate is also very suitable for use in battle. In battle, you can easily control two supernatural powers, and your mind is divided. However, although the little uncle can't fight, it is also very suitable for the little uncle. .”

"Little uncle wants to practice those hundred kinds of fields, and he can practice two fields at the same time, saving double the time, which is also extremely suitable."

Wu Lang understood her potential meaning again.

The biggest benefit of this fate is obviously suitable for fighting, and it can only be used to improve the function of half of the cultivation for oneself.

Just speed up your training
It just became tasteless.

Wu Lang completely understood what she meant.

This loss is half.

This is also half the loss.

Such a heaven-defying green fate can only exert 25% of the disability power in his hands, but he forced it to himself.

No wonder.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the worse she became!

If it were me, I would be so angry that I would explode in an instant!

But at this time, her words were obviously introducing the unnatural aspects of this fate, but in fact, she might not have hinted at her own meaning:
Let yourself give up this fate.

Because I took it too badly and wasted my potential, I should return it to her quickly.

"Little uncle, take a look at the scenery here, and I'll take you here for a walk." She took Wu Lang for sightseeing.

"Nephew, the scenery here is really nice." At this time, Wu Lang walked with her, and fell into thinking while chatting.

It is clear.

I have two options.

1. Give her back her fate and increase her favorability.

In this way, her favorability may not only reply, but may also soar from more than 20 to more than 30 because of her kindness at this time.

After getting a gentle evaluation from "Asath", the favorability level skyrocketed.

2. Pretending not to know her potential meaning, forcibly robbing her of the opportunity.

In this way, it is certain to have a bad relationship with her. After she stands up, there is a high possibility that she will directly twist her mouth and kill herself.

Wu Lang's heart was extremely hesitant and struggling, struggling between two choices.

call! !

He took a deep breath, pondered for a while, and then began to organize his thoughts.

All the way to practice is to fight and snatch, to be obedient, to give up a big opportunity because you are afraid of offending others, what is this?
He is really not hypocritical, he is too weak at the moment, and the death rate in the Demon Sect is high. When he survives this difficult initial stage with this fate, he will find a way to find a similar fate for her. It's okay for Ge to go back.

This thing in my hands, perhaps, can only play a quarter of its function.

But it's also against the sky for myself at this stage.

After all, my "Baixiao Divine Art" had too long a period of weakness in the early stage. This thing can allow me to practice two fields at the same time, speeding up the transition of the period of weakness.

After thinking so much, constantly citing classics and making in-depth rational analysis, in short, he now has one sentence:

this fate is very good
I went whoring first.

I feel ashamed in my heart, and I will just find a way to make up for it in the future, so far.

Wu Lang followed her while looking at the scenery, pretending not to know: "So that's how it is. Through your introduction, this fate is really suitable for me. Senior sister actually prepared such a strong fate for me. Thank you for me." Sister."


Li Qingrou gritted her teeth angrily.

I have introduced so many functions of this fate, did this little uncle understand what I said?

This does work for you though!
But this thing will not play its full role for you, and it will waste everything for you!
But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem too surprising that you don't understand the meaning.

After all, her words were a bit too cryptic.

To be honest, if Wu Lang hadn't guessed from her favorability feedback before, it would be normal for those words just now to not be able to hear the hidden meaning.

Even the detailed and powerful content of her introduction of fate may make this little uncle have a very guilty mentality of "it was a waste for me, but it was given to me. The senior sister is so kind to me".

That is
I hinted that this fate is strong and not suitable for him, but instead helped my cheap master to gain favor?
"It really pissed me off!"

She looked at the little uncle in front of her with a moved face.

She really became more and more angry, but she couldn't find a better way. Apart from hinting, it was impossible for her to directly explain the truth of the whole incident.

But that was mine!

I broke into a secret realm by myself, fought with other monks, plotted against a holy son who had not yet grown up from the big faction, and worked so hard to get it.

It's just stored in Master's place, let her help build and prepare
"Master, you took away another treasure from me." Her heart was full of killing intent. Hatred had long been the driving force for her to become stronger. After being wiped out, her heart was completely cold. She had only practiced for more than ten years at this time. Just because they have reached an extremely high level of cultivation, even those geniuses who have practiced for hundreds of years are terrifying.

Li Goudan favorability -1
Li Goudan favorability -1
Are you jotting down your notebook again?

Wu Lang suddenly reached out to touch her hair, rubbed her head, and instantly interrupted her continuous casting of Ding Ding Ding.

"Ah! Uncle?"

She was stunned all of a sudden, because she didn't expect this kind of thing to happen suddenly. Feeling that her head was being rubbed by a big hand, she immediately dodged instinctively, and her cold pretty face was a little broken, and she said angrily: "Uncle, don't you!" Nao, girls' heads are not allowed to be fumbled."

Wu Lang smiled gently with the attitude of an elder: "Why, you suddenly look stiff, do you envy senior sister for treating me well?"

Li Qingrou was even more furious!


He couldn't understand the hidden meaning of what he said, but instead let the master get a good impression of him.

Li Goudan favorability -1
"It doesn't matter if you're envious."

Wu Lang said softly again: "We are all from the same sect. Senior sister is my elder. She treats me well and gives me a meeting gift. I am your elder, so I will treat you well, and I will also give you a meeting gift in the future. Since you are so envious, my little uncle will also find a good fate for you in the future."

"Really?" Her anger suddenly burned out, as if she had seized a turning point, and she felt pleasantly surprised that another village would be brightened.

"I won't lie to you." Wu Lang said.

This was indeed Wu Lang's idea.

Even if you have the opportunity, you can't keep her favorability down, you have to find a way to remedy it.
When you grow up, find someone else with an equivalent life to pay her back. You can have a clear conscience if you borrow and pay back.

Anyway, I'm going to be a whore for nothing.

No one can stop him.

She remained calm and carefully tested, "Is that too embarrassing? You won't get paid for nothing."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Wu Lang replied, "Senior sister helps me as my elder, and I, as your elder, will also help you. Reciprocity is the only way for our two peaks to maintain friendship."

Li Qingrou's thoughts changed slightly.

If this is true, he can recover the loss.

My cheap master is still unsteady now, so I can't help her. The loss at this time is likely to be eaten!

But fortunately, this little uncle is indeed upright and kind.

Although I have snatched my chance, if I return it to myself in return
"After listening to your words before, I found that your master is too kind to me, and even gave me this kind of fate, which makes me feel very guilty."

Wu Lang nodded and said with a smile: "As an uncle, it is natural to give gifts to juniors. Since you are so envious, I will find a way to get you a better one in the future."

"That can't be too long, I will be old by then." She pretended to joke.

Wu Lang glanced at her, she was obviously afraid of empty money, "Of course it won't be too long, how can you give the junior a gift so late, within ten years, my uncle will get you a better one, if it can't be realized , I will help you to ask Senior Po Meng, after all Senior Po Meng is so kind and gentle, she will definitely not refuse."

Mother Meng?



She was speechless.

Are you afraid you saw a fake Meng Po?
Those who talk to Granny Meng like this, even ask her for something, are already dead!

But if this little uncle went to ask Granny Meng, given how much she valued him, it would be possible to get a stronger one, at least it would not be a loss.

Li Goudan favorability +3
This guy is really hard to brush.

Finally a little reply.

"Don't worry, Uncle Master won't lie to you." Wu Lang stretched out his hand and rubbed her head again, taking advantage of the opportunity, he smiled and touched the girl Li Goudan's dog's head.

(End of this chapter)

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