Chapter 487

Amidst the blank stares of countless people, a tall and handsome young man in white clothes walked out, with a scholarly air all over him, as if he knew everything.


[Your Taoist companion Meng Po, because of time disturbance, her favorability has decreased: 0. 】

[Your Taoist companion Li Qingrou, because of the time disturbance, her favorability has dropped: -20. 】

Both information suddenly appeared.

Meng Po and Li Qingrou looked at themselves vigilantly, as if they were strangers.

"It's a little troublesome." Wu Lang's expression was slightly complicated, he didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven would be in such a desperate situation that he would die if he flipped his hand.

At this moment, unknown chaos has appeared in time, and two "present worlds" have split, Y-shaped splits, and the two present worlds contradict each other.

These two time-spaces are temporary, because the Emperor of Heaven returned to the past, crazily and drastically reversed the disturbance of cause and effect, resulting in terrifying turbulence, and the emergence of the [grandfather paradox].

Sooner or later, they will devour each other again, repair themselves, and reintegrate into a long river of time.

If you lose, this place will become the real "real world"!
For people in this world, they are just the Emperor of Heaven who used time to travel to the future and summoned himself, the enemy, here.

I am a fictitious and distant future, a fictitious enemy born by the Emperor of Heaven with the magic of time!

If he wins, his cultivation era will become the "present world". For the people of his era, this time and space is just a messy past, a distant "history", not the present world.

Who wins.

Just take that space-time as the "present world" coordinates, and the other space-time is the past history.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Wu Lang stretched out his hand slightly.


Li Qingrou was suddenly attacked.

[Your Taoist partner Li Qingrou is suffering from your attack across time and space, and is temporarily forcing her to prove omniscience and omnipotence, and defend herself. 】

【Your Taoist companion, Meng Po, is being attacked by you across time and space, and the Empress Dowager, the master of Meng Po, is descending across the world. 】

Daoguo is a permanent certificate.

Wu Lang also planned to use the method of the Emperor of Heaven to attack them in the past and awaken their power.

As for whether it can be successful?
Gotta give it a try.

"Don't even think about it!" Immortal Emperor's expression changed immediately, and he directly tried to interfere with the long river of time with his strength to prevent the coming.

But at this time, Li Qingrou and Meng Po's brains trembled slightly, and an endless torrent of consciousness was pouring here.

They in two time and space seem to be gradually merging into one person.

[Your Taoist Companion Meng Po accepts the memory of the future, and receives the contract of the Taoist Companion from the future, and establishes a connection in the dark, and the favorability is rising. 】

[Your Taoist companion Li Qingrou accepts the memory of the future, and receives the contract of the Taoist companion from the future, establishes a secret connection, and the favorability is rising. 】

Huge memories are returning through time and space.

The two selves are vying for dominance.

[Your Taoist companions Li Qingrou and Meng Po have overcome the memory of the future and are dominated by themselves. 】

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, Li Qingrou, Emperor of the Underworld, trembled coldly, his flesh and blood wriggled, "The enemy from the future, what did you instill in my memory?"

"You..." Granny Meng was also surprised.

"You are my Taoist companions." Wu Lang said softly.

But seeing these words, both Li Qingrou and Meng Po were stunned.

Even Emperor Tiangou and others were dumbfounded, wondering what happened in the future era?
Could it be that the general trend in the future will overthrow the rotten Li Qingrou, push and push, and push her onto the bed?
Conquered decay with special means? ?

Li Qingrou's brain was buzzing, the transmitted memory and the Taoist contract on her body could not be faked, could it be possible.
She looked cold.

But, will I really like other people?
Forget about yourself, what does it mean to have a Meng Po?This person is really the protagonist in the future, even Po Meng?
"Don't listen to his lies."

At this time, the Immortal Emperor opened his mouth slowly, and looked at the Cultivation Emperor in front of him:
"Emperor Huangquan, fellow Taoist Meng Po, he cultivates the three thousand ways of cultivation. He is omnipotent except for space, life, and time. He can modify memory, usurp consciousness, and create a Taoist partner contract out of nothing. These are all his despicable methods. That's all!"

"You know, he is in charge of the Three Thousand Ways, the way of the oath of heaven and earth, and he is also in charge, and he can change it as he wants."

As soon as the Immortal Emperor's words fell, Po Meng and Li Qingrou suddenly became vigilant again.

At their level, no one can believe that it really seems like some kind of weird method is forcibly deceiving.

This person is the next main character after him, so in order to overthrow him, what means do he have? ?

"You are very calculating."

Wu Lang sighed.

In his "mortal world", the Heavenly Emperor has divorced countless times, but with the blessing of favorability, Hou Tu, Meng Po, Li Qingrou, and Li Hairou absolutely trust her.

It's useless for him to alienate, but as soon as he uses his words to alienate, there is nothing he can do.

This is what God wants.

The Heavenly Emperor in this world wants to turn it around and join forces with Li Qingrou and Meng Po to surround and kill him.

"Three supreme rules, think they are rotten, and besiege and kill me, the fourth cultivator from the future?" Wu Lang looked at the three people calmly without fear.

"So what?" said the Heavenly Emperor.

"Very powerful." Wu Lang thought for a few seconds, "You actually lifted my wings and forced the real me to take action."

"It seems that according to what you said, I have also reached a desperate situation."

"When a person can't use wisdom to calculate, he can kill others by sitting in the temple, and he can only kill others with brute force, then he has no other means."

"Aren't you afraid?" The Heavenly Emperor was surprised.

Wu Lang shook his head.

As one of the supreme rules, which one is not hard to kill?

How could I be afraid.

It's just that Wu Lang didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven jumped out of his own dead end, escaped the tentacles of Houtu and the Twin Gods, and forced out his own combat power, which was indeed terrifyingly powerful.

"Shoot." The Heavenly Emperor took the lead in attacking.

Li Qingrou hesitated for a moment, and then began to try to follow suit, no matter what, not only to guard against the Emperor of Heaven, but also to get a feel for this unknown enemy.


Time, space, life, although the two are enemies, they have a tacit understanding and attack together.

In an instant, Wu Lang felt a stalwart life in time and space, attacking and killing him with perfect and invincible combat power.

"Three Great Ways, are you besieging the Three Thousand Great Ways? One against one thousand." Wu Lang said with a smile: "Perhaps this is the general trend of the torrent of history? The three thousand ministers who bowed their heads and professed their ministers faced the three great masters sitting on the throne. Supreme God, launch a counterattack to seize power."

"I don't know if it's the general trend." Li Qingrou, the icy goddess, stepped out and said coldly, "So what if you think so much? You'll know after you fight."

Wu Lang only found it interesting.

The leader of Huangquan in history is indeed aloof.

On this timeline without her own warmth, she was covered by hatred and killing the whole time, killing and reaching the top step by step, with a bloody abyss of winter aura all over her body.

"God, you are too disobedient. When this matter is over, I will teach you a lesson." Wu Lang suddenly laughed.


"The tongue is so fast, you mess with my heart, you like to use words to confuse the enemy just like the emperor of heaven." Li Qingrou stepped forward.

As the emperor of life with invincible combat power, his brute force is enough to open up the world, and he is invincible in this world. The emperor of heaven was blown away by the opponent. No matter how many times he has crossed, he has smashed hundreds of skills with one punch!
Even Wu Lang didn't dare to fight head-on, so he could only complain secretly.

It turns out that the Empress Houtu of my family seems gentle, and now I feel how painful it was for the previous Emperor of Heaven to face her.


Li Qingrou is much stronger than Empress Houtu.

It is more than 100 times stronger.

Empress Houtu has a single life rule, no matter how strong her brute force is, no matter how immortal she is, she is still a lump of iron, but Li Qingrou in front of her has half a space fate.

He is too fast.

Space is the fastest speed.

The fastest speed, the strongest strength, immortality, like an invincible god of war with no shortcomings.

"Hiding? You have no space, and it is impossible to keep up with my speed."

Li Qingrou traveled through the space, and instantly slapped it, "You, like the Emperor of Heaven, have the power of time and can predict the future?"

Even the Emperor of Heaven could only rely on the prediction of time and use the other half of the power of space to move ahead of time, so as to avoid his own punches and kicks.


A mere Heavenly Emperor, if he hit him head-on, most of them would die.

In the distance, the Emperor of Heaven spoke: "He is not time, but a similar ability. He knows everything, and divination evolves the past and the future."

Wu Lang kept dodging as gently and gracefully as catkins. His Taoism was the pinnacle of his skills, and he was speechless in his heart.

And Li Qingrou also frowned slightly, constantly weighing in her heart, becoming more and more vigilant.

To know.

With the passage of time, one by one, the pure frontal combat power is getting stronger and stronger.

The first time is the weakest, the second space is stronger, the third life is the most invincible, and the frontal combat power of the fourth road should be stronger than the rules of life.

She doesn't think that the integration of the three thousand ways of others can't compare with the rules of her own life. Even if they belong to the highest rules, the number of people has changed qualitatively.

"do not worry."

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven, who is a wise general, spoke directly and commanded from a high place: "I can predict his next move, and I will punch him directly. The three rules work together, and he will definitely die."

(End of this chapter)

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