I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 488 Who to Trust?

Chapter 488 Who to Trust?


The Emperor of the Underworld, Li Qingrou, is simply the ultimate king of destruction. He was trampled and collapsed with a single leap to the mainland, and the space was torn apart with a slight wave of space.

The entire Kyushu has completely collapsed.

Endless floods are sweeping across the entire land, and all land has already been submerged.

The ground had already been completely sunk following the battle between her and the Emperor of Heaven, and even the sea water was evaporating in large quantities at this time, turning into countless mist and filling the entire space of the human world.


Li Qingrou in this time and space doesn't speak harshly, so she waved her hand.

She is pure strength and speed, called a powerful brick fly, while the opponent is pure skill.

The strength and skill seem to reproduce the war between King Pan and Daozu back then.

Following the Heavenly Emperor's message, Li Qingrou jumped into a void ahead of time, and punched the void.

The entire fist collapsed the space and landed in the empty space.

"Why are you throwing your fist at the open space?" The Cultivator Emperor held a red gold Dao scroll in his hand, looked down, and stood there without moving his head.

Li Qingrou remained silent.

She jumped and flickered again and again, and continued to punch the blank space.

Huge meteor showers usually burst around the Great Cultivator, but they seemed to bypass the main body that was attacking him, and hit other places.

"Standing where you are, you can't even hit this one?" The Great Emperor Xiuzhen looked up.

"Emperor of Heaven!!" Li Qingrou turned her head and snorted coldly, "Didn't you tell me where he will appear in the next second?"

She attacked ahead of time, expecting that the other party's flash would appear at the same time as her own attack, and she received her own punch hard!
The opponent's body looks very weak, he belongs to the god of skill, and he is not good at brute force, as long as he gets this punch, he will basically be cold.

You know, Emperor Lian Tian didn't dare to take a punch from himself.

The Emperor of Heaven must have been punched by himself in a certain time and space, and he must have almost died at that time, if he could not go back to the past.
"I was counting his future, he was counting and I counted him, so my prediction failed."

The Emperor of Heaven was also silent for a few seconds and sighed.

"You have fought him hundreds of millions of times, do you know what his background is? Besides deducing the past and the future?" Li Qingrou turned her head and asked.

The Heavenly Emperor hesitated: "I don't know."

How about hundreds of millions of times?

At that time, there were four of them, and Daoist Cultivator stood in the middle, and the other party didn't reveal any tricks, so he was besieged and killed by Empress Houtu and the twin gods.


Li Qingrou shook her head, her complexion suddenly serious.

It turns out that you have done so many times, and you don't even know the other party's background.

Obviously, the opponent is much more terrifying than he imagined, and he can hide it better. Maybe he can really fight the three supreme emperors alone.

Three thousand side doors are against the three rules.

It is not impossible, because the times are constantly changing, and the later existence must be stronger.

"Are you still talking? I can wait."

Wu Lang didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it. He knew that it would be useless. He could restart it, so he just had to watch it.

But he was not in a hurry, but the other party was in a hurry.

Heavenly Emperor's magic power is limited.

Waiting for the Emperor of Heaven to hollow out his old base, unable to travel through, is waiting for death.

"Heavenly Emperor, you brought this monster into this era." Li Qingrou's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly said strangely, "I want to surrender."

"Is he really my husband?" Granny Meng also turned into a young girl, "The old woman is actually quite beautiful, and I have a second spring in the future? The protagonist of the era has taken a fancy to me? Are you married?"

[Li Qingrou's memory is subtly transferred, favorability +5]

[Meng Po's memory is subtly transferred, favorability +5]

"Don't look at him! He's already attacking you!"

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven suddenly traveled back again, "Quickly concentrate and calm down! He practiced all kinds of ways, the way of charm, the way of favorability, the way of contract, the way of love... All these are integrated together, and you in the future will be trapped by his demon methods. , that future was completely broken by him, and you were killed by him!"

Li Qingrou's heart skipped a beat.

She was attacking, and the other party had not moved, and had actually counterattacked?

But seeing this great cultivator, still holding a scroll in his hand, reading a book quietly, like a gentle and elegant scholar, the whole war has nothing to do with him, "Stop talking nonsense, I won, I only know family law Waiter, how could you kill your own Taoist companion?"

"So frivolous, who is your Taoist companion??" Li Qingrou cursed at this moment, her brain buzzed, and a memory flashed again, and she quickly cleared the invisible interference in her brain.

She suddenly thought of all kinds of strange magic cultivation methods developed by the foreigner's disciple, such as painted skin, weaving girl, rich river, confusion, sky hook, green tea technique, what will happen when all these spells are gathered on this person?
She felt fear.

This person, as long as he gets close to him, the opposite sex will be passively influenced by his various ways and fall in love with him.

"God, don't waste time restarting."

At this time, Li Qingrou gave Wu Lang a vicious look, and said sternly: "If you continue to waste mana like this, the situation will only get worse and worse. You and I will show our real strength."

"What are you going to do?" the Heavenly Emperor said suddenly.

"The next thing she wants to say is the integration of the three rules."

Wu Lang said: "Only by combining the three rules of yours can you defeat me, can't you?"

"She is very smart and knows the possibility of advancing in the next era. In this era, she was the one who killed your Heavenly Emperor and seized your Dao in history. She is the integration of the three major rules. Time, life, space, and her It is the ultimate life form."

"And to overthrow the Trinity's ultimate immortal cultivation era ruled by her, the protagonist's combat power in the next cultivation era must be at least similar to hers."

"And the next generation is me, so you know what that means?"

"My Three Thousand Ways is at the same level as the three supreme rules. If you don't integrate the three rules, you can't beat me." His voice was flat, "Come on, I'll wait for you to conform to history and watch you merge the three rules silently." .”

Li Qingrou's face showed a bit of fear.

The other party said that his combat power was just the tip of the iceberg. It seemed that he was deliberately exaggerating to trick her into awe, but it was more likely to be true.

This is true according to the reasoning of the development of the times.

Indeed, only by defeating the Emperor of Heaven and becoming the true protagonist of the Trinity in this era, can it be possible to establish the existence of the next era.

"I know a hundred things, why do I need to say more?"

Wu Lang took out a cheat book and threw it to them "Pan Wang Kai Tian Jing", "Take it for reference, the three major rules will be merged, and the real ancestor god of creation will be born, and I may not necessarily be your opponent."

"You took the initiative to let us fuse?" Li Qingrou opened her eyes, but she didn't know what to think.

"Who told you to be my Taoist couple." Wu Lang showed a helpless smile, "Even in this world, you don't remember."

Li Qingrou was silent again.

I always feel that this person is lying to him.

In fact, the Emperor of Heaven's style of work is very strange, even giving away people, serving as enemies, and posting the Three Thousand Ways of Empress Dowager Empress.
And Wu Lang's own style is also very weird, and he is also giving money to the enemy.

Wu Lang said with a smile: "When you merge into one, you are the ultimate space-time life, immortal and immortal. You live in every time and space, on the endless timeline, and every second is independent. Ultra life forms can never be killed."

"So, it is impossible for your era to be overthrown. You and I are Taoist couples, the two supreme gods."

Li Qingrou was surprised and took out the cheat book to observe.

No flaws were found.

Can this cheat really temporarily integrate their three supreme fates, and have a chance to defeat the future protagonist?

"Can't practice, that's his trap!"

The next moment, the Emperor of Heaven came back from the future, and said with a pale face: "After we practice this technique, after we fit together, there will be a secret door, and we will definitely die!"

"How could there be a secret door?"

The voice of the Cultivation Emperor remained flat:

"Emperor, you have seen the future, right? After you merge, you become a real life in time and space. The three supreme rules are one. When Li Qingrou integrates all the time and space, you will think of another future world, the true self fusion and awakening. I understand that she is really my Taoist companion, and I treat her sincerely, you are my enemy."

"At that time, Li Qingrou will kill the Emperor of Heaven and return to the present world with me completely. Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven is afraid of this and dare not let you go to the ultimate of the Trinity."

The Emperor of Heaven shook his head: "Stop talking nonsense! He is lying to you."

Wu Lang shook his head: "He is lying to you."

Li Qingrou frowned, this battle became more and more outrageous.

The Emperor of Heaven wanted to kill his childhood, but he couldn't do it, so he went to the future and brought in the protagonist of the next era.

According to the Emperor of Heaven, this protagonist is the one who killed himself.

But this person claimed that he was his husband?

Even her cold mind is a little numb and confused, the huge turbulence of time confuses the truth, both of them can predict the past and the future, only they stand in the "present world" without information, they each tell the truth about the future, No one can believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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