I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 491 The Future of the Era

Chapter 491 The Future of the Era

Time suddenly stood still.

The moment Pangu fell, the Heavenly Emperor once again used the standpoint of time to stagnate everything.

Wu Lang sat and drank with the Emperor of Heaven.

"Zhen, did you do a good job?" The Emperor of Heaven sat cross-legged, and even if he split again, he also completed all his time travel times, recovering a full more than 900 million time travel times.

His face was full of red, and he returned to his heyday.

"Congratulations, you have traveled through countless billions of times, and finally found the possibility of surviving." At this moment, Wu Lang remained expressionless, like a scholar in white.

"As long as it is not zero, I can live." The Emperor of Heaven smiled and said: "We have a tacit understanding, and we have achieved a win-win situation without any communication."

"The 0.00001% probability you saw, I can also see it."

Wu Lang's eyes were deep, as if they contained the wisdom of the whole world, "So, no matter how you escape, if you see the possibility of success, theoretically, the probability of you surviving is still 0, because you have always seen your strategy."

"Hey! God wants to kill me! This is a dead end! This is a dead end!" The Emperor of Heaven had a complex expression, and suddenly drank a glass of wine, "You can also see all the future I see, how can I win?? Encirclement, there is not even a way out, so it is a dead end in the dark."

"But you found it anyway."


The Emperor of Heaven suddenly smiled and said: "Zhen, I found it because the only possibility of survival is to join hands with you."

Wu Lang couldn't deny it, and his heart became more and more fearful and lamented that the Emperor of Heaven was terrible. He didn't even need to look at him to strike a good pose.

I know all kinds of things, imitate the character of the Emperor of Heaven, and think that I know the mentality of the Emperor of Heaven very well.

However, the Heavenly Emperor has gone through countless billions of time travels, and he also knows his own character and mentality, and can even simulate his own actions.

This tacit understanding is extremely terrifying.

And the enemy who was supposed to overthrow, how could it be possible to join forces secretly without saying a word?

The old enemy should be a genius who doesn't get along with each other.

However, in front of a bigger enemy, Wu Lang still chose to join forces.

It's like, the previous Emperor of Heaven called on Li Qingrou to join forces to fight against the stronger Wu Lang.

In this triangular enemy relationship, who is Mission: Impossible, who is the ally, and who can tell?

Poor Li Qingrou.

She didn't know that those two enemies who were talking about their future and their old enemies who wanted to win her over had actually already formed an alliance tacitly, and it was her who joined forces to deceive her.

The Emperor of Heaven is the inner ghost.

The Emperor of Heaven smiled gently, "Your two ultimate beings are equal, the two great primordial ancestors, but with her dominance, she will definitely monopolize you, and you don't want to lose the future world, the timeline of Yuer, Liang Yunmeng, Po Meng, Xing Hanhan, Xu Xinying, Liu Ping, Li Hairou, Yun Rong... these people, right?"

Wu Lang was silent.

That's why I teamed up with the Heavenly Emperor tacitly.

It's not a playboy, let's not talk about feelings
This is a battle between the two protagonists, so I naturally have to find a way to dominate and defeat him.

"Your choice is to crack this power and turn it into the previous three equal parts, and continue to prevent them from merging." The Emperor of Heaven raised a deep smile, "So, your goal and I have reached an agreement."

"And I can only join hands with you."

The Emperor of Heaven continued: "Because she will definitely eradicate me after the incident. It's okay for her to say it alone, but she has your help, so... I will join hands with you."

This day, the Emperor of Heaven is in a strange mood.

He said that he was like a scumbag who teamed up with other people and secretly cheated on his girlfriend.

No matter what, the pattern in front of him has been completely separated.

"Li Qingrou wants to touch my daughter, so of course she is not allowed to do so." The Heavenly Emperor chuckled, "Son-in-law, treat her well, my daughter is also equal to Li Qingrou, and if the two twin gods continue to fight, Li Qingrou won't be able to win."

"What do you plan to do next?" Wu Lang said: "Replenish the time travel energy, so many billion times, and go back to the side like before, all kinds of time travel, and continue to try to win?"

Wu Lang failed to kill him.

Because he was too insidious a fish, he took the opportunity to join forces with Wu Lang, and he also successfully replenished the almost exhausted time energy, and was able to swim again.

It can only be said that every time he was in a desperate situation, he created a miracle.

"I won't come, I will still lose if I come a few more times."

The Heavenly Emperor sighed, "When the two of you were fighting, I secretly mobilized all the power of time and used that great ultimate existence to find a new life for myself."

This is God's plan.

Fit together, then paddle, use stronger strength to find vitality.

"Oh?" Wu Lang said with a smile: "What kind of life did you find? You have to be clear, as long as you still have the seat of Emperor of Heaven, you will always be hunted down and killed by me."

"Not to be said."

The Emperor of Heaven smiled gently, "Come, drink."

He didn't say anything, but Wu Lang knew exactly what he was going to do.

With a sigh in my heart, he finally found a way out.

If the operation can be called amazing and perfect, if the various times hadn't targeted him, it would have been impossible for him to get to this point.

It is indeed the most powerful and amazing hero in the history of the human race.

"I'm leaving."

Soon, after drinking, the Emperor of Heaven left directly, "There will be no future."


Completely disappeared in front of my eyes.

Wu Lang stretched out his hand to deduce his position, but he felt that he traveled through countless nodes in time and space, jumping back and forth as a server.

He hides.

It's like a hacker who hides his real coordinates with fake ids. Even if he knows everything, it will take a while to find his heel.

And Wu Lang didn't calculate him either.

Because he knew that with the meticulousness of the Emperor of Heaven, the possibility of catching him would not be left behind. When he succeeded in his calculation, he had successfully left the world of Kyushu.

He already had the chance to win, and he couldn't catch up with him.

In the secular world, in the distant universe.

A mechanical spaceship is flying in the void.

"Hahahahaha! Where are we going?"

On the deck, a heavenly god general laughed and said, "Your Majesty, we don't have Dao fruit now, and we are all golden immortals who are consummated. The rules of heaven and earth in this world are not right. They are completely different from us, and we have no aura. Our realm is in the Fall! It is estimated that it will be a mortal soon!"

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the mighty endless sea of ​​stars, with a trace of calm and indifference in his eyes, "Abandoning the throne, he can't find me, because the rules here are different, he can't follow me, when he leaves I also did a lot of jumping and hiding before I started to evacuate with you."

At this time, a gentle female voice next to him laughed and said, "Your Majesty, our Heavenly Court has finally lost. You have calculated so much and still failed. Our daughter, will she be happy?"

"This is the best result."

"That ultimate world has already begun to ascend the dimension, opened up the world, and I can no longer see through its future."

The Emperor of Heaven hugged his lover gently, and said: "Our original system is completely abolished, and we practice a new system. We are the new protagonists of this universe and open up a new system."

"New system?"

"Mechanics, technology."

"Your Majesty, where did you come from?"

"From the earth of that mundane world, that person's daughter will be the protagonist of this world, bearing the destiny of the next era."

"So?" the Empress said.

"So, when I was the ultimate emperor of the Trinity, I took advantage of Li Qingrou's fight, and secretly used the more terrifying power of time to spy on the past and the present, and continued to walk into the distant future."

"The next protagonist is his daughter."

Ah? ?

The empress looked inexplicable, and found the next one? ?
The empress couldn't help but said: "So that's the case, that Taoist ancestor is worthy of being a powerful figure, isn't he the same as His Majesty? Before he wins, he is already planning the future, and the protagonist becomes his daughter?"


The Emperor of Heaven smiled gently: "I want to fight against corruption and break down the hereditary system of theocracy!"

"At present, I can only steal the achievements of his daughter's distant future. There is already the ancestral scripture of this universe, and this world can start to practice. The four basic forces, the emperor of heaven, the mechanical ascension!"

The Emperor of Heaven talked eloquently, "At the same time, his daughter, how can Heaven tolerate him? In the future, Heaven will also overthrow his corruption. In all likelihood, there will be various changes. He will fight with his daughter, just like me. It is estimated that there will be a man who will bully his daughter!"

The Emperor of Heaven cast a terrible curse.

Boom! !

The mighty sea of ​​stars enveloped the entire mechanical spaceship, flying with a special power different from that of Kyushu.

The Emperor of Heaven sits on the seat of God, with the stars shining down, as if he is a scientist who knows all the truths in this universe, embraces his lover, and looks at the endless sea of ​​stars:

"When I jumped out of fate and left that world, I defeated fate."

(End of this chapter)

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