I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 492 The Era of Comprehension

Chapter 492 The Era of Comprehension
"everything is over."

Wu Lang glanced at this time and space, and the God of Creation Pangu collapsed, "Compared to this cold Li Qingrou, Li Qingrou from my time and space is more human, at least her power is limited."

With a wave of his hand, he returned to the present world.

Huangquan Difu.

For this time and space, the final decisive battle of returning to the past is only a second.

Empress Houtu, the twin gods, and Po Meng are still waiting in place.


Wu Lang stepped out and returned to the underworld.

"How? Did you win?" Houtu couldn't help asking.

"We won, the Emperor of Heaven has been defeated." Wu Lang thought of the most difficult hero in history, and he was also emotional.

In the future, we should never see each other again.

The other party gave up everything he had.

Insidiously using the Trinity form, he took the opportunity to steal the new system of the secular universe, and ran to the vast galaxy universe of the secular world to open up the wasteland continent. How can he catch the other party?

The rules are different.

Wu Lang knew about it when he went there before.

I passed by as a golden fairy, and my strength was suppressed by most of it!

Moreover, without the mana supply, the rules cannot be penetrated, and naturally all knowledge is invalid. This time it is his turn to hide, and he cannot find his real body.

"It's all over."

"The old corruption has been overthrown, and the new cultivation world has completely kicked off at this time."

Wu Lang smiled, looked at the few people present, and said seriously.

He recalled all the things that happened after he traveled through time. He was besieged and killed again and again, and the major forces targeted him.

He opened his hand again.

Half a space rule, a whole time rule, has entered the hand.

"Hou Tu holds life." Wu Lang looked at the other two people, "One of you controls time, and the other controls space. You happen to be the twin gods of time and space."

"You are so kind." Li Hairou immediately hugged Wu Lang's arm tightly.

Sure enough, what did you fight?

You can become the emperor of heaven by hugging your thighs.

"Which one do you want to choose?" Wu Lang asked suddenly.

"Of course I want time, she is space."

Li Hairou said directly, "The two of us are like this, so we can be regarded as inheriting my cheap father's seat of Emperor of Heaven."

"I have no objection." Li Qingrou nodded.

Wu Lang immediately felt very satisfied with the distribution.

Life - Houtu Niangniang

Time and space - twin gods.

And after mastering time and space, these two people are too strong to hold on to themselves, and it is estimated that they can run back to the past and the future, but they are not afraid of joining forces.

The two of them are naturally hostile to each other, and they can just check and balance.

After splitting up the power of the Trinity and giving it to the three women respectively to rule the Three Realms, Wu Lang was completely at ease.

After all, he is a realistic person, and if there is really someone as strong as him shoulder to shoulder, that is the biggest factor of instability.

The ultimate body should no longer appear casually.

Even when the "Creator God" is needed, the Lord of the Three Realms will merge and appear in an instant, and there will be no problem.

After roughly settling down, they began to reorganize this world.

Not only the three major rules were split, Wu Lang also split himself, and three thousand goddesses wandered in the world.

wow la la la~
The mortal land was rebuilt, and all kinds of flowers, plants, trees, mountains and rivers were rebuilt by a god of heaven and earth who was in charge of this aspect.

The underworld also turned rapidly.

All the common people who died because of this great war were actually hooked back to the underworld long ago and re-arranged for reincarnation.

Huangquan Road is full of wandering spirits, and the mighty queue can't see the end.

The heavens were also rebuilt.

It's just that the heavens are no longer in the form of 33 heavens, but in the form of the heavens and myriad worlds.

I really want to make an analogy, before it was a 33-weight hamburger, but now it is countless discarded Go pieces, all over the sky in the human world, forming stars.

The human world, the underworld, and the heavenly world.

The Three Realms are rapidly reshaping and recovering, establishing the orthodoxy of the era of cultivation.

The overlords are all in charge of the rules and the rules of the sky, gestating all things, and a brand new era of prosperity broke out in the world.

Cultivators appeared, exploded, and wrote their hymns and prosperity of the new era.

And the players are also shaking.

Because the unprecedented new expansion pack announcement of "Huang Quan Gui Escort" was released.

Dear players:

[33 Heavenly Immortals] The plot is over, our game has launched a new update package [Stars], and a new map will be opened soon.

This map is in the extraterritorial chaos of the Kyushu Great World.

It is a map of the stars, and the rules of the real earth are perfectly restored 1:1. The first planet is open in front of you. Please go there and open up the wasteland.

Finally, I wish you all a happy game.

A message came.

Obviously someone behind the scenes is doing something.

He has even reached out to the real universe, looking for a planet, and began to try space colonization there, to develop the power that truly belongs to him.

After all, there are gods and saints in Kyushu, how can there be his place?

But the reality is different!
The rules of the real world are different, and they can't reach out, so they just cultivate a group of confidantes, become the overlord of the galaxy, and research technology.

"Brothers, go! A new map is open!"

"Fuck, this game is so fun, it deserves to be the second world of human beings."

"The real map can be opened? Isn't it possible to build a nuclear bomb? I'll go! We can finally bring nuclear peace to the world, which was impossible in Kyushu before!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that it was all foreplay before, and the real boss is in front of me? I want to build a mecha!"

The whole network is boiling.

Wu Lang closed the online forum, and was a little speechless in the cave.

But don't bother to pay attention to him.

Do whatever you like, it has nothing to do with you.

"Finally, I won." He stretched, and it was rare for him to relax for a while.

The fairy world, the underworld, the human world, countless gods, empresses, and goddesses are all his own people, and this era is destined to be ruled by him.

"I'm pregnant too." At this time, Yu Yuer brought good news that she was also pregnant.

Double happiness.

Wu Lang was overjoyed and started working overtime again.

Study your own list of gods, although the era you ruled is destined to be very, very long, more than tens of billions of years.

But still have to plan ahead.

He writes and draws on the desk.

Until this day, there was a festive sound of crackling outside.

The heavenly emperor, the Buddhist lord, the underworld, and the three thousand gods in the human world all announced their own orthodox lineages and the opening of a new era.

Wu Lang didn't go to the enthronement ceremony.

But the ascension of the whole world, the gods ascending to the top, how gorgeous and resplendent, the singing and dancing are peaceful, the picture can be imagined.

It lasted for three full years.

The new Dynasty of the Three Realms has been completely opened.

But after it was over, people came around, countless gods of heaven and earth, even Xu Xinying, Yun Rong, and Xing Hanhan, surrounded them.

"Senior brother."

Xing Hanhan leaned over, "We have also completed our great work now, can we unseal the sealed feelings, I want to see what love feels like."

Wu Lang turned his head.

But when they saw Xu Xinying and Yun Rong, they were also eager to try.

He suddenly became dumbfounded, and although the surrounding disciples and gods did not speak, their eyes brightened, and they circled around his desk, chattering.

These people actually want to affect my overtime work again.

--season finale.




This is where the book ends.

Thank you for your support. This book was in a bad state in the early stage, and I felt my brain was muddled. Looking back, it was completely messed up, and it slowly recovered after writing. I am really sorry.

The new book is estimated to be quite fast. The outline has been prepared for a long time. A story, the creation of the world, is estimated to rest for about half a month.

(End of this chapter)

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