I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 5 Inheriting the Great Emperor's Secret Skills

Chapter 5 Inheriting the Great Emperor's Secret Skills
Soon, the two walked around Huangquan Road, entered the Huangquan Sect behind them, followed the small fork next to it, and headed for a hazy mountain peak.

The surrounding environment of the sect is a dilapidated scene with ruins.

"The ruins really have traveled to a very early age in this world! The era when the Netherworld Sect had just collapsed."

Wu Lang was thinking in his heart, feeling quite bad.

I came early, which means that many of the favorability information in the dog licking diary are useless.

After all, some people haven't even been born yet, or have just been born not long ago. Could it be possible to please a little baby girl, or a little baby boy?
This is pretty bad news!
It seems that only the information about some old rich women and rich old men who have lived for thousands of years is still useful now, such as Meng Po.

At the same time, this dog-licking diary of the rise of the future emperor also has some information about exploring the secret realm, various ancient anecdotes, and looking for opportunities.

But that's all for later.

"Brother is amazing, thank you for saving me."

Liu Ping, who followed beside him, spoke.

"It's okay, I'm just missing someone." Wu Lang waved his hand.
"After all, you have also seen that I have already taken charge of a mountain peak of the Holy Cult, becoming the acting peak master, and there is a shortage of people under my command."

But Liu Ping couldn't think of this. He was honest and honest, and said excitedly: "You saved me and didn't let me drink medicine. From now on, my life will be yours, and you will be my master!"

"Now, do you understand that we are not the same kind of people?" Wu Lang glanced at him lightly, and said softly, "Bowling and flattering people, is that what a real man would do?"

Wu Lang chatted while walking:

"A Unrivaled God of War once said that if a man lives in the world, how can he live in depression for a long time!"

"If you have the strength of character of this overlord, and the loyalty of the sky, your wife won't look down on you!"

Liu Ping was taught.

Master Wu Lang was probably a scholar in his lifetime, he spoke in a polite manner, and he also had sages and idols that he admired.

[Grandma Meng's favorability +3]

Well, you Meng Po, sure enough, you are feeding the soup while peeking.

Sure enough, his attribute panel can still get some bugs, and he can indirectly feel that the big guy is watching him.

Maybe, I have a third hidden fate: NPC fate.

You can use the data panel in the game.This terrifying talent with its own fate, must it be an orange fate, or a golden fate?
This may be the great destiny that he depends on for survival.

"Master is so upright, neither humble nor overbearing, you must have won the true biography of this senior master of the God of War." Liu Ping is worthy of a dog-licking background, and his attainments are not bad.

"I understand a little bit." Wu Lang casually agreed.

After all, a qualified modern social animal, who is not a domestic slave with three surnames?If you don't change jobs or get poached, you don't dare to say that you are an outstanding worker in modern society. Three times is still a small number.

Soon, they chatted and came to the mountain.

After stepping over a layer of corrugated shield, stepping on the broken gray stone road steps, he walked into the seventh peak.

"Don't worry, senior Po Meng here, there is no way to observe us secretly." Wu Lang laughed.

"Did you just look at us?" Liu Ping was surprised.

"I don't know, this senior shouldn't be that boring." Wu Lang pretended not to know.

Po Meng is just a sect spirit who guards the mountain gate and is in charge of extradition. Although she is in charge of the rules of the entire sect, she does not have the right to peek into the interior of the main peaks of the main halls.

She can't see here.

Of course, Wu Lang didn't intend to say anything bad behind his back, after all, he had to rely on others in the Demon Sect.

Soon, Wu Lang found a dilapidated and empty courtyard of inner disciples on the mountainside, and lived there directly. He placed Liu Ping as an attendant in the other courtyard next to him, and then began to tidy up and tidy up the rooms and the courtyard.

Then I searched all the way, and came to a flower garden, and saw a small piece of flowers.


Bright blood-red petals, slowly and automatically without wind.

Swaying branches, very coquettish and moving.

"The other shore flower."

Wu Lang took a look.

Po Meng tested herself to see if she had inherited the inheritance, and if she would grow Bana flowers.

After all, the rapid reduction of Bianhua is very difficult for the reconstruction of Huangquan Sect.

"I know how to grow flowers on the other side. In theory, I can get away with it. After all, in the mature period after players come in, novice players are all raising flowers and moving bricks. It's not like this era, which belongs to the closed inheritance." Wu Lang thought.

But the tricky thing is that the current version of this flower is very primitive and backward.

The self-raised version is a group of biology players who have been farming to build a laboratory, and cross-breed more than a dozen generations of Bana, which is very advanced and breeds ghost animals.

The secret recipe for advanced cultivation, at that time, everyone had one, and it was rotten.

After all, the first task of newcomers is to grow flowers and move bricks.

"I haven't learned the low-level ones. I've cultivated the advanced version of the ghost animal Bianhua, and Po Meng will definitely feel something is wrong." Wu Lang felt a headache, which was a big deal.

Is it possible that you say you are talented?
A big step forward?

As for the ghostly heavy metal rock music Bianhua, how to explain it?

In the next few hours, Wu Lang studied the Bianhua flowers, took care of them around the flower garden, loosened the soil, and dug some ditches for later use, and became a flower farmer honestly.

Ignore the entire huge Seventh Peak for now, this yard and flower garden will be my home from now on.

In any case, first of all, there is a base, so that you can think about how you can survive in this extremely dangerous world of demons.

(End of this chapter)

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