I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 6 Good disciple, this divine art is unparalleled!

Chapter 6 Good disciple, this divine art is unparalleled!
For the next half a day, Wu Lang found Huang Quanzong's basic method of cultivating immortals, "Jing Ling Fa" on the bookshelf in the room.

This is a basic introduction to immortal cultivation.

It's about how to cultivate your fate. The "fate" in this world is equivalent to your "spiritual root".

And the life of the general strong Lingen.

On the three life stones, most of them show [Water Spiritual Root], [Royal Sword Rushen], and [Fire Spiritual Root], which are helpful for spiritual practice.

And the members of the Netherworld Demon Sect increase their innate aptitude by cutting people's waists and stealing their lives.

For example, the purple fate [fire spirit root] can be upgraded to orange fate [flame spirit root], and the combat power soars.

As for the Netherworld Demon Sect, stealing other people's artificial intelligence and improving their basic aptitude is also the reason why everyone in the outside world calls for beating.

"However, what's the use of the demon cultivators of their Netherworld Sect to improve by eating human life?"

"My purple fate [Ninth Society Animal], even if I continue to cut people's waists, and cultivate into a more advanced orange fate [Baishi Society Animal], what can I do? Continue to work? Stronger ability to work overtime? No combat power at all! "

Wu Lang pondered in his mind.

But this is the practice limitation of this era.

He belongs to a kind of "fate spirit root" that cannot practice immortality, social animal life, and is a useless person in this era of immortal cultivation!mortal!

Fate is destiny!I have already written it in this life, and I am destined to be only a high-level migrant worker in a mortal society, a family with small assets in the mortal world.

This is the iron law of the times!

To know.

"Huangquan Ghost", the second world of human beings, is an extremely hard-core "Sims" open-ended sandbox game.

Whatever fate you roll, you will be reincarnated and act as someone.

For example, if I roll to social animals, I will be a laborer in the mortal world.

When I roll to medical skills, I will be a mortal doctor.

Only a few percent of the players who roll to [Fire Spiritual Root] [Wind Spiritual Root] these cultivation fate qualifications can cultivate immortals, enter the immortal gate, and experience the legendary world of cultivating immortals.

But this Sims, the players are not happy after playing with it!
Why do I want to be various scholars, beggars, and doctors in ancient times?Why can those animals fly above my head, live forever, make fairy girls everywhere, and explore all kinds of secret places?This Sims, this reincarnation is too random, right? ?
Why am I not qualified to practice! !

"Fate is destined by God? Then I have my fate, not God!" The No.1 player who wrote the NPC favorability diary took the lead in making troubles with a group of people, looking for those monks who have the qualifications to practice in the sky, and together they madly studied kung fu. In the end, he came up with this method, no matter what kind of rubbish Mingling root, he can practice it.

Therefore, the game has been greatly updated, and it has entered the version of cultivating immortals for all, and any fate can be cultivated. It can only be said that this game is too free, just like the real world, and the gameplay can be explored by yourself.

"In future generations, I will definitely be able to practice, even if I am a mortal in the lower mortal world. After all, the players teamed up to open up the way. It was a big era event at that time. Unfortunately, now that the game has not been opened, the prehistoric In the old days, mortals could not cultivate." Wu Lang was speechless:
"The only exclusive exercise I have in my hand is the NPC Favorability Diary, which records the exclusive exercise of [Rotten Peach Blossom] fate of the dog licking emperor." Fortunately, I remembered the content of the diary, and I don't know why , the memory of his life after he became a soul became extremely clear.


"The emperor's scripture developed by this boss is not suitable for me to practice. This peerless magic book is most suitable for me." Wu Lang quietly looked at Liu Ping who was crying next to him.

"This little white mouse is an ordinary mortal who can't practice in the world of cultivating immortals. Let him first pass on the exercises of that big diary master, and let him have a try. If he succeeds in cultivating the way, I can also learn from his exercises. , to open up my exclusive numerology skills."

cough cough cough.

"Liu Ping, come here." Wu Lang spoke slowly in the study.

"After entering the mountain gate, you have also read the "Jing Ling Fa" by Huangquan Shengzong now. You should understand that your fate cannot be practiced, but I have a peerless secret exercise for you, which is very suitable for your fate. grid."

Wu Lang's voice was calm, but he was talking about a very important event, "This method allows people who are not suitable for practice to practice, and jumps out of all the paths of life cultivation recorded in the records of the world! It can be described as an unprecedented way to reach the sky! Are you willing to learn it? "

"At that time, the whole world will be surprised and shocked that we, the low-level mortals who can't practice, have set foot on the road of cultivating immortals."

"Ah?" Liu Ping was surprised and asked curiously, "I'm a rotten person in the mortal society. I'm unlucky and have a rotten love affair. I know how to please women all day long. If I don't please, I'm itchy and irritated all over my body. It's like mud. The mud in the ground likes to be trampled on, and it smells so bad, can you practice?"


You are more outrageous than I imagined.

Have you seen the Sansheng Stone, have you seen so thoroughly the life of a mortal at the bottom?

Wu Lang coughed dryly twice, and said in a trembling voice: "Of course it is possible. There are no useless people in the world. I am born to be useful. The same is true for you. Don't be too inferior."

"Master!" Liu Ping had no morals and knelt down on the spot.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not your master, I just remember a name, and I'll give you a chance to inherit from the Great Emperor."

"Since I want to be a teacher, I naturally want to tell you about the life of this pioneer. I do have that dog-licking friend." Wu Lang took a deep breath.

"The origin of this great emperor is a mystery. He claims to be the younger brother of Emperor Ziwei, who descended to earth, the reincarnation of Emperor Tiangou, awakened from the ancient god source, and is destined to suppress for a lifetime and sweep away Tianjiao for a lifetime."

"After he was born, his whereabouts were secretive, and it was not until countless years later that he officially showed his strength."

"It's even more... Entering the Tao by licking, that is, entering the Tao by pleasing."

"Ingratiate yourself with Taoism? What do you mean?" Liu Ping was at a loss.

Wu Lang talked about the method of practicing fate: "A genius of swordsmanship and destiny can continuously improve his swordsmanship and destiny."

"A genius of the formation, only by constantly cultivating the formation can one improve one's aptitude for the formation."

"Have you seen the stone tablet in front of the gate of the Huangquan Sacred Sect? [Know the destiny and cultivate your destiny], this is the first teaching of the Huangquan Sect! What about your rotten fate?"

Liu Ping thought for a while, and answered directly: "Naturally, it's the same. Knowing one's fate and cultivating one's fate is to constantly suffer from rotten peach blossoms, to please, to lick, so as to improve the fate of [Rotten Peach Blossoms]."

"Are you willing to learn?" Wu Lang said.

"I do, I do!"

Liu Ping's eyes were red with excitement.

"Master, please teach me." Liu Ping became excited.

Wu Lang took a step forward, pointed at the sky of Huangquan, and said imposingly: "Then I will teach you, this sand sculpture boss who once conquered the world alone, bah, the unique knowledge developed by the emperor is very suitable for your rotten peach blossom fate. "

"Emperor's law, called "Tiangou Wins the Scripture""

(End of this chapter)

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