I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 7 The ancient boss, the peerless magic art!

Chapter 7 The ancient boss, the peerless magic art!
"Good name! Such a powerful peerless divine technique!"

Liu Ping gave a thumbs up and applauded immediately.

"What's so good about it?" Wu Lang asked speechlessly.

Although it is outrageous to say, a person's aptitude does affect his skills in this area.

After all, if you have any fate, you can practice whatever fate you have, and inherit the unique knowledge of swordsmanship. Naturally, you must test your disciple's understanding of swords.

The test of "Tiangou Wins the Bible" is naturally to test his licking
"Cough, cough, cough!"

Although I stole the foundation of life that other people have worked so hard to study, I used this to start a sect and take the opportunity to recruit disciples.

However, there is still a process of evaluating the performance of apprentices.


This is also impossible.

In order to survive in this dangerous world where demons are rampant, I have to turn the knowledge in my hand into strength first, and bring the "my fate is up to me" skill of sand sculpture players to this world, so that mortals in this world can also Practice.

Besides, no matter how I think about it, am I the one who is embarrassed to practice this skill of licking the dog's fate? ?

It's an apprentice!
Oh, then it has nothing to do with being a teacher.

At this time, Liu Ping was still very uneasy at the bottom, and began to think about the test given to him by his master, and what is so good about the name of this exercise.

"The sky hook wins the scriptures, wins the sky!"

"What arrogance!"

In order to cultivate, Liu Ping's thoughts changed sharply, and it seemed that he had spent his whole life on this.

"Even if it is the bottom of the bottom, bullied by the mother-in-law, and has a low life, you have to let out your own roar and rise in your own way."

"Change your fate against the sky, play chess against the world, fight against your fate, and win against the heavenly son!"

Liu Ping racked his brains to think of all kinds of high-level vocabulary. Fortunately, he often listened to the storytellers in the tea booths, and he still knew a few sentences.


Wu Lang nodded, he has won the profound meaning of hard licking, "The fate of medicine, the cultivation of medical skills, the fate of great Confucianism, the fate of rotten peach blossoms in poetry and books, and the rotten peach blossoms of nature."

At this moment, Wu Lang said sternly: "The "Tiangou Yingtianjing" is extensive and profound. Under the development of that person, it is already a very mature system of life cultivation. For rotten peach blossoms like you, it is divided into several parts. This kind of fate is refined, and there are several branches of licking dogs in the numerology system, milk dog, vicious dog, wolf dog, and silly dog."

Liu Ping hurriedly said: "Dare to ask that senior, what system does he cultivate?"

"He has studied them all, but he majored in milk dogs."

"Then I want to cultivate." Liu Ping firmly believed that he had already set this senior as an example in his heart, followed him on the road of cultivation, and worked hard all the way to the peak.

"You? You, no."

Seeing his short, thin, black and ugly appearance, Wu Lang shook his head and said seriously:
"The qualification requirements for milk dogs are the most astonishing, and they must be salty or sweet. It is difficult for ordinary people. It is easy to draw a tiger but not a bad dog. With your qualifications, you can be a stupid dog at most."

If it is an ordinary person, you must suspect that this is scolding him.

But Liu Ping is different from ordinary people.

He was overjoyed immediately, and excitedly said, "Master, how do you know this? It's the master who knows things like a god! My parents gave me the baby name Ergou, but everyone in the village thinks that I am honest and happy, and even the village head The kids call me a silly dog."

Wu Lang was speechless.

He understood Liu Ping's character. He was submissive, honest, diligent and hardworking, but he was bullied and humiliated all his life. He was a real hard-working person.

"It's been like this all my life, I've suffered for you."

Wu Lang's voice was cold and cold. Although it was the first time, he still had the majesty of being a teacher. After all, reprimanding the company's employees was a common occurrence. Naturally, he gained prestige over time, even though Liu Ping was older than himself.

"But after following me, after you practice this technique, your fate will naturally turn around, and it will no longer be so rough. If you pass on the scriptures of Godlessness, you can be considered to have escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and embarked on the road to control your own destiny."

Out of the sea of ​​suffering!
Take control of your own destiny!

These words fell into Liu Ping's heart word by word.

He actually let himself, a rotten person who has no cultivation qualifications at all, but knows how to please women, and a great master of power, I am afraid that he really has unpredictable abilities!
The gratitude and excitement in his heart cannot be expressed, knowing that after his death, he will meet this master in front of him on the road to Huangquan, and he is afraid that he will exchange all the previous hardships for this time's unfathomable luck.

At this time, Wu Lang was very patient, and taught him the immortal cultivation technique developed by the sand sculpture player:

"The silly dog's branch system is cultivated to be passive. If you are stupid in the future, you will drink medicine if you are given it."

"Don't worry too, milk dogs are respected, vicious dogs are evil, wolf dogs attack by force, and silly dogs are partial."

"Silly dog, this route is very suitable for you. Cultivate the matching [Thousand Suffering Body], use your [Rotten Peach Blossom] to attract butterflies and bees, use those vicious women to practice this magic skill, and absorb women's contempt and evil thoughts towards you. Hammer and forge the golden body, and finally absorb their prodigal fate, train it into the soul body, and after refining, you can form an extremely powerful defensive body that is invulnerable to all poisons."

"At that time, even if you drink medicine again, you can drink hundreds of cups."

"You can also bow your knees, pretend to be stupid in silence, and let them slander you, bully you, insult you, laugh at you, belittle you, hate you, and deceive you. Growth. In a few more years, just watch her."

This is the cuckold magic skill of enduring self-torture and testing one's character.

This [Rotten Peach Blossom] exclusive fate magic art sucks the disgust, abuse, and hatred of others, hammers and forges the magic body, and licks into the Tao. The practice process is not complicated.

Even a very simple face-slapping plot of a son-in-law novel:

【The mother-in-law bullied, the wife wore a cuckold, mopped the floor and cleaned the windows to curry favor, endured the humiliation for ten years, and waited for the magic skills to be completed, and when the Dragon King returned, the corner of his mouth twisted, and they all died. 】

(End of this chapter)

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