I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 51 My life is magnificent

Chapter 51 My life is magnificent
After Wu Lang returned to the Seventh Peak, he began to pack his bags and arrange various things.

Granny Meng was clearly prepared.

She deliberately waited for herself to get the green fate before letting herself go down the mountain.


Wu Lang spent most of the day devouring these three green fates, feeling as if his soul was a little swollen, energetic and uncomfortable.

"Is this absorbed to the limit?"

Wu Lang was surprised. For the first time, he felt the power of his cannibalism, which was probably the reason why these green fates were too strong.

But he didn't care about it soon, because he doesn't practice now anyway.

He began to carefully calculate the property and capital in his hands these days, preparing to accept the experience of going down the mountain.

1. The natal magic weapon, Houtu.

2. Three green fates, one Baixiaojing.

It seems that I have made a lot of money these days, but it is actually very simple after careful calculation.

What's more, the natal magic weapon, it seems that the six fates are very powerful and have many functions, but in fact they have no effect. The combination of these six fates can be used as a graphics card and memory to form a computer to help deduce.

"Besides, Empress Houtu, I have no intention of taking me down the mountain, it's a death plan."

Wu Lang whispered.

Not only is it easy to expose, but it is also easy to be coveted.

As an embryo of a small [Six Paths of Reincarnation], this is the treasure of the peak master of Huangquan, can you keep it by yourself?

He breathed a sigh of relief, "It was originally a magic weapon puppet sitting on the Seventh Peak, and I didn't take it down the mountain, so I had already prepared for it."

"That is to say, when I go down the mountain, I will get three green fates and a book of Baixiaojing."

Three fates.

array map.



Then, the practice plan you have to do is very simple.

After going down the mountain, practice the natal exercise "Bai Xiao Jing", with one mind and one mind, at the same time practice the two fields of formation diagram and tattoo.
"Although after practicing, I can protect myself by using the formation, but I still feel unstable." He pondered softly.

He is really a Daoist!
Soon, Wu Lang came to the basement and looked at this tall and charming girl.

"Is your avatar ready?" he asked.

"It's ready, is that enough? I think she's weak." Houtu's voice was cold and cold: "Warning, I'm worried about the safety of the master."

Wu Lang smiled nonchalantly: "That's enough. Don't underestimate yourself. Although it is your clone clay doll, the fighting method of the soul clay doll has always been to use soul clay."

Soul mud is highly poisonous!

Some powerful high-level soul muds can poison even some great powers to death.

The high-grade soul mud I made with krypton gold is a highly poisonous doll, which is enough to protect my own safety to a certain extent.

Even if it's just a magic weapon doll.

"Then, keep busy."

Wu Lang said.

Then, he took the little puppet's hand and walked out.


As soon as Wu Lang stretched out his hand, the whole doll was received by him into the real name token of the real spirit of Huangquan deep in his soul.

The real name token can not only communicate with other errant disciples, but also has a subspace, which can carry things, which is very convenient.

After all, his bad hand is of the highest level.

The token of the peak lord, and the hidden errands everywhere have to kneel down and greet the arrival of the peak lord.

"It's time to go back to Huangquan Road."

He walks down the hill.

Huangquan Road.

Wandering souls are still mighty in line, walked up the Naihe bridge, saw the Sansheng stone, looked back at Wangxiangtai, and were forced to drink Mengpo soup.

However, the number of people always feels a little too much.

I'm afraid it's not the fifth peak's errands, but he started working too?

"Senior Meng Po." Wu Lang stepped forward and clasped his fists.

"It's useless to talk, go ahead." Po Meng waved her hand, pointing to the Six Paths of Reincarnation behind her.

Wu Lang clasped his fists again and jumped into the six realms of reincarnation. The huge tumbling vortex seemed to contain the ultimate mystery of life and death in the world.

The surroundings were pitch black, and then gradually brightened, and the five-color light appeared to flow backwards, as if entering a certain tunnel.

"This is reincarnation."

Wu Lang raised his brows and continued walking, only to find that he had some temporary authority over the six realms of reincarnation, as if he had become the supreme master of the underworld.

A world map seemed to appear in front of him.

Kyushu appeared, Ji, Yan, Qing, Xu, Yang, Jing, Yu, Liang, Yong.

"Xing Hanhan, master and apprentice, are in Jizhou."

Wu Lang pondered, "I'll avoid these two people first. She told me to seek refuge, but I won't really seek refuge. That person is greedy for my body."

After ruling out a wrong option, Wu Lang continued to look at the remaining eight continents.

"Let's choose Jingzhou."

I have already integrated my thoughts, some history, and made my own preparations.

"Jingzhou is the weakest. It is a barbarian land in the west. Its strength is not high, and it is relatively the safest."

"Besides, if the rich woman's diary is not mistaken, the empress in it should have risen in this era, which is known as the weakest barbarian land?"

Wu Lang's goal is very simple. There are many terrifying evildoers in this era, rising one by one like shooting stars, gathering in a prosperous age. The second generation of Huangquan leader who rises at this time is the No.1 of the Demon Sect.

Although there are few women among the countless monsters, this empress is one of them.

Or is he one of the people who are close to the leader of Huangquan in later generations, the leader of the righteous way, who is against the leader of Huangquan. Since we are all in this era, can't the favorability be swiped?

After Wu Lang made his choice, a book appeared in front of him again, as if it was a register of life and death. It contained information one after another, all of whom were pregnant and waiting to give birth, and the information was neat and orderly.

[Yun Qingqing]: The young suzerain of the Yunjin Sect built three layers of foundations, containing a trace of the descendants of the ancient Izumo Emperor.
[Jing Yin Yu]: The No.17 princess of Jingqiu Kingdom, with nine layers of golden core, contains a trace of the ancient emperor's thin blood.
[Ji Qian]: The only daughter of the Jinqun Kingdom's General's Mansion, with a first-level golden core and a sharp sword body, she is called the new sword master of the Jinqun Kingdom.
[Zhang Zhanxing]: The young patriarch of the Wuqiang Sect, the fourth-level Jindan, a genius in physical training, born with martial arts, a young hero who is known as the number one in physical training, with fierce fists.

Flip through the pages.

Information rushed in one by one.

Wu Lang was dazzled by seeing it. As expected of the number one demon sect, this method is too amazing and unpredictable. Is this the horror of the Six Paths of Reincarnation?

However, he soon fell into doubts.

Although the smallest of every continent in Kyushu is much larger than the earth and vast, but the number of monks who are of the right age to give birth is too much.

Generally, the strong, especially the Tianjiao, are not obsessed with the love of their children, and they are basically in the foundation building period, the golden core period. It is the period of rapid improvement in cultivation, how can it be?
The world of cultivating immortals also advocates multiple births?

Wu Lang was a little confused, he always felt a little evil and uneasy.

But in this ancient era, he didn't know what happened in this period.

"However, speaking of Jingzhou, the biggest impression seems to be that at a certain period of time, an unprecedented evil disaster broke out. All major sects and dynasties were attacked one after another, and the lives were devastated."

Although I don't remember the time, it shouldn't be possible now.

Because Wu Lang is not stupid, if war really broke out, how could he have time to have children?This will enter a period of weakness that is not short, which is a big taboo.

"That's all." Wu Lang was too lazy to think.

He was soon surrounded by troubles of happiness. He thought about being the child of the handsome female sword master, or the child of the gentle princess, or the child of the female suzerain
They are all beautiful.

"Unfortunately, there is no big brother above Nascent Soul who is in labor." Wu Lang thought about it carefully, and finally chose the one with the most potential, [Jing Yin Yu], the thin blood of the ancient emperor.

After he selected.

Wu Lang felt himself being sucked in by the six realms of reincarnation. Before losing consciousness, he said softly, "My life, a magnificent life, just started like this."

[Searching for the corresponding area, the biological mother, the princess Jing Yinyu, is being born——]

[Location: Goblin Cave]

(End of this chapter)

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