I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 52 Troubled Times

Chapter 52 Troubled Times
Torrential rain.

Blue lightning and thunder flashed across the dark sky.

in a cave.

The low-level goblin goblins who lived here had long since died, and instead the entire cave was requisitioned by monsters.

Dark red blood covered the entire cave floor and walls.

Dense flies and mosquitoes are flying everywhere.

The overwhelming corpses of monks were stacked together to form a triangular cone.

At the height of the cave, a tall and cold demon figure with spiral horns and wings on his back said lightly:
"Those human sects are smart. They know how to let their core disciples escape separately as a hope for the future. It's a pity that their core disciples who fled to the southeast are completely dead."

"At the same time, the flesh and blood of these elite disciples of the immortal way can also be used to conceive newborns of our family." He looked down.

Puff gurgling.

It seems that every corpse has weird embryos that are parasitizing and gestating.

This place is like a breeding pool for terrifying creatures.

Soon, the corpses were ripped open one after another, and the bright red strange young devil crawled out, slowly walking out of the cave.

It's frightening, like alien parasitism.

"I belong to the lineage of cloud and mist monsters, and I live in seclusion in the misty one hundred thousand abyss, and I don't interact with their human race."

"Who knew that the Huangquan Demon Sect of the human race did not follow the rules, secretly attacked us, and arrested our patriarch into the eighteenth level of hell, where he was tortured."

"If it weren't for the attack on the Netherworld Sect, all the monsters in the eighteenth floor of the underworld fled, and the cloud and mist demon master returned at this time. We don't know about it yet. This human race is so bold and broke the agreement between our two clans. The demon master said that we should start here Jingzhou is starting to rise, and I want that human race to look good!"


Wu Lang was so frightened that he was in the belly of the corpse and didn't dare to crawl out. He encountered such an explosive thing as soon as he was reincarnated.


"Master Yunqing."

At this time, a voice came from outside the cave, "We have tracked down the horse's feet again, among which several elites from human sects are joining hands and fleeing to the northwest, trying to break out of the encirclement."


The man disappeared in place.

More than ten minutes passed.



Another wet and weird young devil crawled out of the corpse's stomach.

Wu Lang struggled to open his eyes, his whole body was fluffed, and he thought to himself, "Damn it, I thought Liu Ping's birth was bad enough, but I didn't expect that my birth was even worse."

"I just want to be a good person, but in this troubled world, I'm still a half-blood demon." He felt a little bit sad, and he was too miserable.

Sure enough, it is the fate of the supporting role of social animals.

He laughed at himself.

Obviously, they have reached this level, all aspects of preparation are perfect, and they have used [-]% of their efforts to eat soft food, but they still lack [-]% of luck.

It's not that this pair of demons are not physically strong, but they are naturally tyrannical.

It's just that it is difficult to blend into human society, and it is easy to be regarded as a public enemy.

"Oh, I just want to be a good person, I have a headache."

"I tried to transform them at Demon Sect, but it didn't work, and now I transform demons?" He had a toothache, and he was born to be against demons?Every day and their relatives!

It's hard, if I have a choice, I want to be a good person.

"Do you want to commit suicide and rebuild?"

"Die once, the loss is irreparable for others, but for me, I have the diary of a rich woman, and I know the secret realm where some peerless elixir to make up for the true spirit are. It's not impossible to get it."

He hesitated a little, but the price was still too high, so he was still going to take a look.

It turned out to be a monster that escaped from my eighteenth floor of hell.

In the history of the Jingzhou demon disaster, the major sects were caught off guard, but the reason for it to happen now is because I, Huang Quanzong, cut someone's waist?
"However, the fight was even more terrifying than imagined. A small wave that describes the disaster in a few words in the records is also a mountain that can destroy the world in front of the little people of the era."

Wu Lang felt sick looking at those piled up male and female corpses, but he still managed to bear it.

The cloud monster in front of him is obviously a parasitic egg type.

Absorb the nutrients of the dead body to be born.

"I said that among the newly born mothers, there is still a male monk at the golden core stage who can choose?"

"At first, I thought he was some kind of free XP. A boy who engages in some special research on fertility secrets is also the kind who will be arrested and paraded in the street. At that time, I ignored him and didn't want a male mother. It turned out that he was just Parasitized by a demon"

He looked at the corpses.

He also finally knew why so many people gave birth at the same time.
This is a monster alien egg, parasitic!

Come to think of it, no matter which one I choose, there is a high probability that I will be born in this pile of corpses, right?

In this world, monsters are attacking, gods and demons are rampant, and people are dying!
Wu Lang didn't think much about it either.

The fighting of these masters of cultivation is not something that can be changed by me, who has just cultivated in the qi refining period, it is a high-level map.

In a sense, in the [-] hells of Huang Quanzong, meat and vegetables are not taboo, and anyone's waist will be cut off.

Although good people were arrested in the Eighteenth Hell, many bad people were also arrested, but the Eighteenth Hell was shattered and these bad people were released.
"My primary goal is to escape from this high-level monk battlefield."

"According to the tone, these monsters have attacked some sects, but the entire Jingzhou practice world will react sooner or later and launch a counterattack. The human race is not easy to provoke."

They beat them, but he was not interested in joining in the fun, he was going to be cannon fodder.

He observed the outside of some caves, and walked out cautiously. In the middle of the torrential rain, no one stood guard outside. Obviously, the demon clan is also a free-range model.

The cubs of the demon clan are not something that wild beasts in the mountains can bully.

What's more, the demon clan has inherited memories, and the cubs can be raised. They have skills and knowledge in their minds, and they belong to the advanced race.

"But I don't have it. I'm from the house, so I can't go with them. I might reveal my truth. Besides, I don't want to be with them."

As he walked, he saw the corpses of green-skinned goblins all over the place, and some goblins were hiding in the distance. His lair was occupied, and he could only shiver in the rain.

Goblins belong to mountain spirits.

The novice monster in the game.

Can fight with a stick, but pack like wild dogs.

He glanced at it and stopped looking at it. He continued to walk, and began to climb the mountain, to be a brave melon. "Liu Ping, a baby, can survive in the wilderness, but I, a demon cub, can't?"

He read and climbed all the way, and finally came to a stream.

He took a picture.

In the stream, there is a handsome child with bald chicken wings growing on his back, a pair of small threaded horns, without any strangeness or evil spirit, but he still has this desolate and elegant temperament.

"As expected of me, after reincarnation, I am still affected by the 'good person card' fate, and I am astonishingly handsome."

Wu Lang was dumbfounded.

After all, the good person card is the favorability of the opposite sex +200%
This is a world based on faces. The favorability of the opposite sex is added from the face, and the fate effect of the good person card has always been: handsome.

He's so handsome that God is jealous, the kind who hits his face with a manhole cover!

At this time, he was a handsome, elegant and cold demon child, and his appearance was quite good.

It's just that the bald little chicken wings are a bit of an eyesore, after all, the wings haven't grown hair and become bigger.

"Attribute." Wu Lang said.

【Name】: Wu Lang
[Template]: NPC
[Race]: Cloud and Mist Demon (99% Cloud and Mist Demon, 1% of the blood of the ancient Emperor, no demon inheritance, not seen by humans and demons, lonely, tender on the outside and tender on the inside.)
【Sect】: Huangquan
[Fate]: Ninth World Social Animal, Good Man Card
[Cultivation base]: one layer of Qi training

(End of this chapter)

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