I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 54 A Salted Fish Demon

Chapter 54 A Salted Fish Demon

Does this work too?
Wu Lang was suddenly a little surprised.

This hybrid, with a scorched outside and tender inside, grandma doesn't love grandpa and doesn't hurt, unexpectedly there is a turning point.

It can be described as life-saving.

Even, Wu Lang was thinking:

"I can eat the main life of cloud and mist monsters, devour their natal supernatural powers, and pretend to be their own."

"Then, maybe I can also eat the main life of the Emperor's family, devour their natal supernatural powers, and pretend to be the Emperor's lineage?"

He ignored Granny Meng's nagging, and secretly glanced at a line in the attribute column:

1% bloodline of the ancient human emperor.

Inherited from his cheap biological mother.

Wu Lang chose this because he originally wanted to be reincarnated as a descendant of the thin blood of the ancient emperor, and become a second-generation immortal, to see if he could return to his ancestors.

After all, this is the emperor!
What would happen if I could get my life as a migrant worker? ?

Working emperor?

I can't do it myself, so I don't have to work for others, and I'm turning my back on customers?

He chose this, more or less because he wanted to "change his fate against the sky", after all, a social animal who doesn't want to be a boss is not a good social animal.

"I don't know if it will work."

Wu Lang pondered in his heart.

"If possible, even if I cut off the green waist of a Human Sovereign's side branch, devouring the fate, maybe I can awaken the thin blood of the Human Sovereign deep in the body, and the demon can transform into a human, and the purest blood of the Human Sovereign's lineage is permeating the body. , it is difficult to have a flaw."

I have the fate of an emperor, and my body is still the blood of the emperor, can you mess with me?

Although my main body looks strange, I still have a demonic aura, and I know a little bit about demonic powers, but I know that I am a kind and upright pure-blooded human race! !

I am human!
I am human, do you understand!
At the moment, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

This must be an advanced mission impossible? ?

Monsters and humans, both of them switch identities, come and go freely, and eat directly from both ends.

Some little thrills.

But when he thought about it again, he didn't feel right.

Although this wave is a big opportunity, isn't it forcing me to make waves?
Wu Lang wanted to complain a little: "I'm afraid I'm not infected by the spirit of Huang Quanzong, why do I want to be a spy?"

I am not like these sluts, stealing people and cutting their waists everywhere.

People will die if they wave!

Xing Hanhan next door is a typical case, and he can't learn from it.

"It's just a possibility, don't think too much about it."

At this moment, Granny Meng interrupted his whimsical thoughts coldly, and said: "You are in Jingzhou, you have to hunt a cloud and mist demon, so that you can win your life, and you can be trapped in the dragon and ascend to the sky, and mix with the demon. But no one can help you to kill it." , you can only kill yourself."

"I'll kill myself?" Wu Lang said in surprise, "This disciple just came down the mountain and just started the Qi refining period. Would it be too difficult?"

Meng Po said in a soft voice:

"Unfortunately, although we captured the King of Cloud and Mist Demons back then, we didn't collect that kind of low-level fate of the same family."

"At the same time, every continent in Kyushu is vast and boundless. You have to go through countless jedi, alien habitats, and alien secrets to travel through a state, and no one else can help you."

"Xing Hanhan, master and apprentice, are in Jizhou."

"Senior brother Chi Huaqing, you must have guessed where he is, right?" Po Meng said calmly, with a gesture of testing.

"Eldest brother, it should be in Liangzhou." Wu Lang said seriously.

At present, the fifth peak and the first peak are sending people off to Huangquan Road. These wandering spirits are all from Jizhou and Liangzhou.

The eldest brother is naturally in Liangzhou.

And his eldest disciple, Liu Ping, was from Liangzhou.

At this time, he was reincarnated back to Liangzhou.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid that Liu Ping at that time was a wandering soul arrested by the first peak's secret agent.

At this time, Liu Ping was practicing under the sphere of influence of his elder brother.

"In this way, Jingzhou is weak, and I am the only one. The rest of the sect cannot help." Wu Lang whispered.

"Yes, only by yourself."

Meng Po sighed, "You go back now! With such a situation, you can only hide your practice secretly. I believe you can do well on your own. If you can kill an opponent by yourself, it will not be in vain. I value you. The so-called In practice, no matter how much other people help you, you still have to rely on yourself in the end.”


Wu Lang clasped his fists and retreated.


In a cave in a deep mountain and old forest.

A young demon boy slowly opened his eyes, and slowly let out a breath of foul air, "Huh! Grandma Meng was so powerful before, but now she suddenly becomes unreliable."

He did the math and got three green fates in his hand.

They are all practicing formations.

"In the same realm, I am a formation master who plays formations. I don't have positive abilities, at least in the short term. Although the real formation master has reached the later stage, he can set up formations to trap and kill the enemy in an instant, but it is not me. This can be done."

"Maybe, I can set up an array to lure them over and ambush them?"

"But the risk is too great, and I'm only in the Qi refining stage, which is even more unrealistic, and I really don't have much combat power in the early stage."


I remember that in this battle, although the evil disaster was huge, it was quickly repelled by the major immortal sects who reacted, and returned to the cloud and mist abyss.

At that time, he would have no chance to kill another person.

Could it be that he went to other people's lair to kill himself?
I just went to deliver food.

"I have to do something about this evil disaster." After taking a deep breath, Wu Lang left the cave and looked at the green water and green mountains outside.

"Forget it, I've just been reincarnated, why do I think so much, it's important to do business, and I'll go back to the third level of Qi training honestly, no matter what, it's always right to develop my strength first."

He intends to develop his seventh peak.

It's a bad move.

Rebuild the Seventh Peak building.

For the next half month, Wu Lang lived very comfortably, hiding deep in a mountain, away from the hustle and bustle outside.

I also encountered a lot of wild animals.

I am a demon cub, who dares to touch me?

It seems that during the Qi training period, in fact, the combat power of this pair of bodies, if it is close to hand to hand, is probably close to that of the foundation building period humans, after all, they are all small crispy skin.

This is the inherently dominant race.

I was practicing during the day, caught some wild animals to barbecue, and found spices, and took some time at night to return to the seventh peak with a ray of true spirit, to raise flowers on the other side, and to do sect construction.

Practicing honestly, he even felt no different from the leisurely retreat life before, as if he had forgotten his goal.

As it turns out, evasion, shameful as it is, is useful.

Even Xing Hanhan, who occasionally came to play, was a little surprised, with eyes full of envy:

"Junior brother, what kind of good family did you reincarnate into, and what kind of good sect did you worship, are you so free? Do you still have time to come back and take a look every day?"

Wu Lang remained silent.

But he didn't talk about his suffering, he just forced a smile on his face.

Another half month passed.

Wu Lang returned to the third level of Qi training.

He found that being single-minded is simply not too refreshing. He practiced the two fields of "array" and "tattoo" at the same time, enjoying the joy of double experience.

However, when he was going to continue fishing, he found that there was someone fighting on a road down the mountain.

He walked out of the cave, looked at the emerald green mountains, and peeped secretly, "Looking at the situation of the battle, it's not a powerful monk, could it be a passing mortal?"

(End of this chapter)

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