Chapter 55
If it is a mortal.
Wu Lang looked at the direction where the battle broke out, feeling a little moved.

After all, when I came here, I didn't know anything, and I didn't have any external information channels. Perhaps this was an opportunity to understand the outside world.

And what did they encounter?
It is also obvious.


This area is the domain of these mountain spirits.

Thinking of this, he packed some bags and took the breath-holding talisman he made out of animal skin. After hesitating for a few seconds, he looked at his demon child figure.

"I'm too small."

Wu Lang is not Liu Ping. He has to burn his lifespan and forcefully grow up to deal with the environment. He can handle it with a child, and he doesn't want to waste his lifespan, even if his lifespan as a monster is extremely long.

"My size is too small, and my appearance is a problem. They will only be afraid when they see me."

He hesitated for a few seconds, then looked at the clay puppet kid next to him, "Fu Jiang, change a bit."

The main body of the magic weapon is Houtu.

Wu Lang didn't bother to come up with a name for this magic weapon clone clay puppet, so he just called it Fu Jiang.

After a while, Wu Lang rode up, and the two became one.


In the woods, there was the sound of weapons clashing.

This appears to be a fleeing team.

The carriage was luxurious, and there were dozens of corpses of courtyard guard warriors on the ground, only a few people were left fighting with the mountain spirits.


However, they have been exhausted all the way here, and they were all wounded, almost all of them suffered heavy casualties, and they were massacred one-sidedly.

Even, some mountain spirits looked at the corpses of those female relatives with lewd eyes.

Wu Lang glanced at the tree.

It seemed a bit late to climb down the mountain by myself.

Almost dead, almost all the men were killed, only a woman with a long knife was left fleeing.

It seems that a martial artist, who can survive to the last one, does have some skills.

He was not in a hurry, and observed carefully for a while before picking up a few stones to save people.

Bang bang bang!
A dozen goblins fell to the ground.

"Which expert is it, thank you for your shot."

The woman put down the long sword in her hand, her abdomen was bleeding, and she couldn't even stand up, but she cupped her fists high and looked around vigilantly.

Wu Lang walked out slowly.

This is a tall and straight young man with a baby face, with a golden proportion body like a sculpture wax figure, a full 1.9 meters high, wearing a fur coat and a hood.

After all, people are allowed to wear muscle clothes, but I am not allowed to wear them?

"Thank you for your help. I'm in Xiaxiaoping Town, Xu Xinying." The woman forcibly endured the bleeding from her stomach, her face was pale, but she still insisted.

Wu Lang nodded, and said simply and bluntly: "You are so injured, is there no medicine in your carriage? If you don't help, you may die."

She nodded, and immediately returned to the carriage, tore off the clothes on her stomach, and bandaged herself, as if she had some rough medical skills.

But the injury was so severe that the bleeding couldn't stop.

Wu Lang was silent for a moment.

He has already seen that this woman is going to die
This amount of bleeding cannot be saved.

He shook his head, and instead of looking at the woman with a strong desire to survive, he turned his head, scanned the battlefield, captured all the dead souls, and sent them to Huangquan Road.

Green Fate: Proficiency in cooking.

Green fate: sharp mind.

Wu Lang started to pick up equipment.

The best one is green fate, which is also normal, the probability of occurrence of a truly powerful destiny is low.

"go with!"

"Dust to dust, dust to dust."

"Yin and Yang are separated, go to the underworld."

As soon as he clapped his hands, he sent them all to Huangquan Road, and he had completed his work of picking up corpses.

When he turned his head again, he found that the woman was dead. He felt a little sympathetic, but after sympathizing, he turned his grief and anger into strength, and started picking up her body directly.

Dominant Fate: Nine Yins (Purple)
Introduction: Born in a cloudy year, a cloudy moon, a cloudy day, and a cloudy day, it is rich in the body of great evil and evil, and it is the favorite material for refining weapons of evil cultivators.

Sub-life: road rage (green)
Introduction: Personality is extremely easy to rage, emotionally overwhelmed, and does not recognize relatives.

Wu Lang was a little surprised.

Artifact physique!

Xixiu's favorite!
This person is not discovered by evil cultivators, it is some kind of luck!
He had already guessed that the one who could last till the end must be the strongest one.

as predicted.

After all, although purple fate is rare, the probability is only about one in a thousand.

But the double purple fate, one thousandth of a thousandth, is really rare. I am such a rare person, although I am just a miscellaneous fish of Shuangzi, neither of which can practice.

Only the purple fate suitable for cultivation, or double purple, is a truly rare genius, such as Xing Hanhan, who is regarded as the generation peak master.

"However, this person is of some use to me. It's rare to meet someone who barely passes the exam. Let's just let it go." Wu Lang laughed, and detained her empty-handed, and did not send her to Huangquan Road.

"You, who are you?"

Xu Xinying's eyes widened, "You, are you a legendary fairy??"

Wu Lang shook his head and didn't answer her, but asked, "It's just a mountain monk, tell me about your origin."

"Ahead, there is a battle between immortals, our city suffered disaster, and we all fled, but..." She introduced the origin, feeling a little scared in her heart.

Wu Lang nodded, the evil disaster was about to affect mortals.

"Would you like to be my registered disciple?" Wu Lang asked simply and straightforwardly, "If you don't want to, I can send you to reincarnation."

Xu Xinying's heart skipped a beat.

Let yourself reincarnate, what kind of character is this?
She often listens to the restaurant's story about this novel, people have afterlife
If this statue exists, it is really an ancient immortal who can control life, aging, sickness and death, isn't it?
and many more.

This person can't be, jealous of my pure yin physique, want to arrest me for refining, right?
She had met Moxiu before.

But luckily, she met a kind-hearted monk who saved her and told her to be careful not to be exposed to those who practiced.

At the same time, that kind-hearted monk also told her: Her physique is not suitable for cultivation, and she has no talent for cultivation.

If you can't practice by yourself, don't you think of me?
She was suddenly terrified, and the way she looked at Wu Lang changed.

Wu Lang saw her thoughts and cast him a glance, "Others say you can't practice, but in my hands, it's not that you can't practice. Don't look at me like an ordinary monk."

"I am willing! I am willing to be a teacher!"

She thought about it, and knew that she couldn't run away, so she simply accepted her fate and said immediately: "You are a god-man who controls life and death, and you won't harm me."

"You've heard of me?" Wu Lang was curious.

"I've heard some legends about death." She replied cautiously.

Wu Lang didn't care.

The Netherworld Sect is different from the general practice sects. It is not high-ranking and has more contact with ordinary people.

After tens of thousands of years, mortals will naturally form various legends and spread them in the world, forming some folk myths.

"You are just a name, and your aptitude is far inferior to my direct disciple." Wu Lang said slowly.

Her fate.
It's really not as good as Liu Ping.

What is Liu Ping?
Rotten peach blossoms, plus bad luck, the two fates are a perfect match, which one is most suitable for practicing the first ancestral scripture.

And what about her?
Wu Lang didn't value her [Nine Yins].

Instead, she valued her green fate [Road Rage], which is a combat method that can cultivate an explosive technique.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was short of manpower and tools, he wouldn't have accepted her.

Wu Lang didn't ask any more questions.

Instead, he arrested all the goblins who were knocked down by himself with stones, tied them up with rattan ropes, led them back to the cave, and hung them on trees.

Those goblins screamed, very terribly.

Catching goblins was also an attempt Wu Lang wanted to make after thinking about it.

"Yin, I need a lot of Yin, to help me navigate this battlefield."

But recruiting is very troublesome!
Moreover, in the face of this kind of battlefield, it is not acceptable for ordinary people to wash the ground.

1. Be particularly inconspicuous.

2. Ubiquitous.

Ever since, Wu Lang thought of the countless goblins who were not there.

"This thing has no brains. It's a beast or a humanoid self-propelled cannon. It's very dissolute. It's said that even animals are not spared."

"I don't have a brain, and I don't know how to ecstasy, but I can give him a ecstasy formation to make him ecstasy." Wu Lang made up his mind.

What is this called?
This is called impossible to guard against!

Who would have thought that a dissolute and low-level low-level goblin, a level-five novice monster, would secretly watch in the dark to pick up the boss's salted fish?

If there is a cloud and mist monster with the kind of fate that I need, if I let these mountain spirits go to pick it up after the battle, it will be a big hit!

In later generations, there are already many ways to steal people, which is hard to guard against.

For example, the "arrangement" seduction method, a huge array covers the life territory of mortals, and the soul seduction is automatic.

There is also the "somersault cloud" express-style ecstasy, with "clouds" floating in the sky, where the dead go.

Wu Lang didn't hesitate after thinking up to this point.

He has always been an actionist, and when he saw that there were ready-made ones, he immediately captured more than a dozen goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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